(Thanks to Quaguashu for casting a valuable evaluation vote, thank you.)

On July 25, at Xu time, Su Tiancheng rushed to Jinzhou City.

One day, two hundred miles, should be the limit for Su Tiancheng who has not slept all night. However, after receiving the emperor's imperial decree, Su Tiancheng couldn't sit still. He knew very well that Dengzhou and Laizhou were already in a mess. , the common people there are still being ravaged by the post-Gold Tartars. Dorgon is a rare hero, and he can be regarded as a military strategist in this era. He will definitely seize all available opportunities to obtain the greatest benefits, and even Those who took the opportunity to intimidate the capital, if the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army can't take down Montenegro and threaten Shenyang, it's unknown what the disaster will turn out to be.

After entering the General Military Mansion, Zu Dashou, Sun Chuanting and others had been waiting for a long time. The [-] troops were distributed in Jinzhou and Dalinghe City, waiting for the order to attack.

Seeing Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and others coming in, everyone in the room quickly stood up. [

Su Tiancheng saw Ma Xianglin, and Ma Xianglin's features were very prominent, mainly because he had lost one eye. Using today's words to describe it, he was a one-eyed dragon. After joining the Jiangning Camp, Ma Xianglin resolutely dispersed more than 1 white-armed soldiers I was confused and incorporated into the Jiangning Battalion, expressing my determination to be a member of the Jiangning Battalion. These white soldiers, after entering the Jiangning Battalion, trained very hard, and gradually got used to the way of fighting in large corps. During the battle, they showed good qualities. These white-armed soldiers are basically a minority, and their cultural level is generally not very high, but their understanding is very high, and they have been appreciated by many Jiangning battalion soldiers.

Ma Xianglin was stationed in Ningyuan, that is to say, Ma Xianglin also traveled more than two hundred miles with the army to Ningyuan, but he seemed to be in good spirits and did not show any signs of fatigue.

Sun Chuanting's side.It was Qin Rui, commander of the artillery battalion and guards.

"Qin Rui, is the artillery battalion ready?"

"My lord, everything is ready for the artillery battalion, waiting for your lord's order."

"Very good, what should I do? I won't say much. The last time I attacked Dalinghe City, the artillery battalion played a decisive role. This time when I attacked Montenegro, the artillery battalion also played an important role. The terrain of Montenegro, It is more special than Dalinghe City, but it is also more conducive to the use of artillery. Your task is still to blast a passage so that all the soldiers can enter the Black Mountain City and start fighting with the Tartars."

Everyone didn't speak. After the last battle in Dalinghe City, everyone knew the decisive role of artillery, but the consumption of artillery was too high.Unbearable, without enough money, don't even think about being able to maintain the artillery battalion.

Su Tiancheng then looked at Zu Dashou.

The attack on Montenegro this time was definitely not as smooth as the attack on Dalinghe City. Not to mention that the Houjin soldiers in Montenegro were on high alert all the time. A lot of effort.Moreover, there are quite a few Eight Banners troops stationed in the city. They will always pay attention to the movements of the Jiangning camp and the frontier army. It is impossible to keep secrets when attacking Montenegro.

"Zu Dashou."

"The end is here."

"To attack Montenegro, you lead the [-] frontier troops, as the vanguard, to launch the attack first. You must remember that no matter how much sacrifice you make, you must turn back and not retreat. The post-gold Tartars stationed in Montenegro must definitely They will fight back crazily.”

Speaking of this, Su Tiancheng looked at Zu Dashou.

"If you find it unbearable, you can bring it up now."

Zu Dashou's face turned red all of a sudden.

"My lord, the last general will never back down. Even if the battle ends in one soldier, the last general must persevere to the end."

"Very well, I remember what you said. The offensive deployment this time is different from the last time. I want to make it clear that the combat effectiveness of the frontier army cannot be compared with the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion for the time being. This is the reality. Situation, so, when you lead [-] frontier troops into Heishan City, you will face the crazy counterattack of the Houjin Tartars. A deadly blow from the Tartars."

"The reason for this arrangement is that we don't know exactly how Huang Taiji deployed his defenses, and whether Montenegro has reinforcements from the Houjin Tartars. If there were reinforcements, when the first batch of soldiers rushed into the city, they would all be there. We have reinforcements, what we need is to take down Montenegro in one go and directly threaten Shenyang, this battle cannot form a tug-of-war situation, if such a situation occurs, it means that we have failed."

When Su Tiancheng said these words, the room fell silent. Everyone knew that this battle would be very cruel. After all, there were 5000 Houjin Tatars stationed in Montenegro. If there were reinforcements The troops, the more aggressive Jiangning Battalion and the Frontier Army, were not much smaller. [

"Sun Chuanting, you led [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers to launch an attack half an hour after the frontier army entered the city. You must deal a devastating blow to the Jin Tartars in the city. This time we took Montenegro, regardless of the cost, no matter what No matter how much sacrifice we have made, we have captured Montenegro, the people of Dengzhou and Laizhou will be able to find peace, and the northern Zhili and the capital will be safe.”

"The time for the attack is set at Mao hour on the 27th. Before Hai hour, I will enter Montenegro."

After the deployment was completed, Su Tiancheng felt that he couldn't stand it anymore. After all, he hadn't slept all night. He didn't need to worry about the specific matters. Naturally, someone would make the arrangements. From Jinzhou to Heishan, there were more than 140 miles. There is no big problem, but the artillery battalion and infantry are not so simple, especially the artillery battalion. Fortunately, through the exchange market these years, the Jiangning battalion has obtained a large number of war horses, and there are already enough horses for the transportation of artillery.

When Su Tiancheng was resting, Hong Chengchou was still unable to sleep. He was the commander-in-chief of the attack on Montenegro. Because the attack on Montenegro was of great significance, Su Tiancheng personally issued the order, but the specific deployment needed to be arranged by him. Su Tiancheng went After the break, he summoned many officers, including Zu Dashou, Zu Dale, Zu Dabi and others, and made detailed arrangements.

Early morning of the 26th.

In Shenyang, Huang Taiji, who just got up, looked at a piece of information with a livid face.

The Ming army stationed at the Guanning Jin defense line concentrated towards Jinzhou on a large scale, and Su Tiancheng personally rushed to Jinzhou. He knew very well what all this meant. He was really afraid of what would come. Su Tiancheng was really planning to attack Montenegro up.

Montenegro is an important barrier for Shenyang. If the Ming army takes Montenegro, it will directly threaten Shenyang, and the intelligence shows that the number of Ming troops assembled this time has reached 10.

Speaking of the entire Liaodong, although it is in a state of high tension all the time, there are still merchants here who want money and life. Most of the military officers can basically come and go freely, and a lot of information is also passed on through these merchants.

Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others rushed to the main hall.

Before everyone knelt down to worship, Huang Taiji spoke directly.

"The Ming army is preparing to attack Montenegro. This time Su Tiancheng mobilized one hundred thousand troops. I really never thought that Su Tiancheng would not rescue Dengzhou and Laizhou."

The faces of Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others changed. They knew what it meant to attack Montenegro with an army of [-]. In theory, Montenegro could not be defended no matter what. If Su Tiancheng took it After leaving Montenegro and leading the army to continue the attack, that is to face Shenyang directly. It is impossible for the troops stationed along the way to stop it. Could it be that Su Tiancheng is preparing to start a decisive battle with the Qing Dynasty? This is unlikely.

Seeing the faces of Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others, Huang Taiji spoke again.

"I still underestimated this Su Tiancheng. It must be unusual for a person in his 20s to become the governor of Ji Liao. It seems that the court of the Ming Dynasty could not restrict this Su Tiancheng. I never thought that he would be ambitious. The sparse Chongzhen actually trusts Su Tiancheng so much, it seems that Su Tiancheng is really difficult to deal with, tell me how we should deal with the Ming army attacking Montenegro."

Both Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng didn't speak for the time being. Both of them are mature and prudent people, and they won't say irresponsible words.

In fact, Huang Taiji knew in his heart that Su Tiancheng attacked Heishan because Dorgon attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou. Ten thousand soldiers went to Montenegro. It should be said that the strength of Shenyang is obviously a little empty. It is not a wise move to mobilize troops stationed in various places to go to Shenyang. Such a move by Su Tiancheng has made the whole Qing Dynasty nervous, and it is also unnecessary.

Huang Taiji believed that Su Tiancheng did not want to take the initiative to attack Shenyang, or even Montenegro, and this time he might be forced by himself. If he could withdraw Dorgon and Daishan, the problem would definitely be solved.

But Huang Taiji didn't want to easily withdraw Dorgon and Daishan.

"Your Majesty, I think that Su Tiancheng's [-] Ming troops attacking Heishan still needs attention. Heishan is the barrier of Shenyang, and there is no room for loss. If Su Tiancheng takes Heishan, he can go straight to Shenyang. If it cannot appear, I am willing to lead the soldiers of Xianglan Banner to help Montenegro, and will definitely stop the Ming army in Montenegro."

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that Su Tiancheng's attack on Montenegro is to solve the problems in Dengzhou and Laizhou."

After Fan Wencheng said this, Huang Taiji nodded in satisfaction. [

Encouraged, Fan Wencheng gritted his teeth and said the following words.

"The servant thought that Prince Rui had already achieved success in Dengzhou and Laizhou, and the emperor ordered him to retreat. The battle of Montenegro could not be avoided, but the servant was daring. Su Tiancheng didn't think about attacking Shenyang, even if he won After arriving in Montenegro and hearing the news of Prince Rui's withdrawal, I'm afraid they will also withdraw their troops. The current plan is to avoid head-to-head confrontation with the Ming army, and don't start a fight in Montenegro for the time being. This time, the emperor's foresight has already defeated Su Tiancheng." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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