Su Tiancheng also received information that Hauge led the Eight Banners Army to reinforce Heishan, which showed that Huang Taiji had also noticed Heishan, and it further explained that the Jiangning Battalion and the frontier army would pay heavy casualties if they attacked Heishan, but the arrow had to be launched. All the arrangements and deployments have been completed. The Houjin Sergeant guarding Montenegro has reached 5000, and 5 people attacked Montenegro without taking any advantage.

What kind of effect will such a battle have? Su Tiancheng is not sure. The battle to attack Dalinghe City cannot be replicated. One can't be repeated. Even if the artillery battalion can blow up the city wall, they are still stationed in Montenegro. The post-golden soldiers are not so easy to deal with. It is still unknown what will happen in the fight between the two sides.

The army has already set out, and everything cannot be stopped.

Su Tiancheng felt useless. This was not a battle with perfect deployment, but even a hasty fight. This kind of battle indicated that the Jiangning Battalion and the frontier army would have to pay a heavy sacrifice. Even if they took Montenegro, the Ming army would not It is impossible to garrison, but must be evacuated. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties but were unable to occupy the land. The grief and indignation in their hearts can be imagined. Su Tiancheng admired Huang Taiji even more, and everything was calculated so accurately.

There is also a place of comfort, that is the imperial decree in Su Tiancheng's arms. This time, the emperor gave him the power to act arbitrarily, without too much interference, so that he can give full play to it. It is conceivable that the debate in the court is very intense , Such an important matter, I am afraid that some ministers are already in a panic. [

Zhu Youjian's decree has another meaning, that is, to hand over all the responsibilities for preventing Houjin's attack to himself. Just imagine, Houjin owns a warship, starting from Lushun, many places All can be attacked, future defense missions.It will be even more burdensome, and the court may not be able to bear it, and I don't have that much energy.

It seems that after the attack on Montenegro, it is necessary to think of a way to stabilize temporarily. It is necessary to maintain stability for a relatively period of time. Under the premise of this stability, the Jiangning camp and the frontier army will be well established.Always in an offensive situation, many things are impossible to do, and besides, the consumption of silver is also very large.

Su Tiancheng thought of a lot.Under the current circumstances, the best way is to make peace with Hou Jin's Huang Taiji. The two sides will calm down and not interfere with each other. They can even carry out mutual markets and trade.But such a point of view, under the current form, is impossible to put forward. If it is really raised, I am afraid that it will encounter opposition from the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, including Sun Chengzong, who cannot bear such a concept.

Can't wait to start a war with Hou Jin, and even launch a strategic decisive battle.This is an unwise choice. Su Tiancheng feels that Huang Taiji is not willing to make such a choice. This is a choice that is not good for both parties. He is familiar with history and knows that the world will not be peaceful after Jin. Huang Taiji relies on his personal prestige .Hou Jin was stabilized, but behind Huang Taiji, Hou Jin was also facing the danger of splitting, but at that time.Dorgon's power is very huge, and he fought for the throne in good faith, coupled with Hauge's recklessness, barely stabilized Houjin.

Such a time is Su Tiancheng's best opportunity. Since he wants to wipe out the Houjin regime, he must make all preparations, wait for the best opportunity, and win it all at once without too many twists and turns.

It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to expose these understandings, and it is impossible to say them out. Even behind the scenes, there are many difficulties. After all, the scholars of the Ming Dynasty were very stubborn in their thinking. In a dynasty that did not cede land or pay tribute, even Zhu Youjian was unwilling to make any surrender. According to previous historical development, Zhu Youjian actually had many opportunities for relaxation, such as negotiating peace with Hou Jin, such as Li Zicheng After conquering Taiyuan, Shanxi, did you ever ask to be crowned king and recognize Zhu Youjian as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty? Zhu Youjian refused all these, so that he finally went to Meishan and hanged himself alone.

When dealing with rogues, Su Tiancheng has a lot more room for action. He can appease or mercilessly exterminate them, because rogues are the people of Ming Dynasty after all, and how to deal with them is an internal matter. The civil and military ministers in the court are at most quarrelsome After yelling for a while, I couldn't say any principled words, but the treatment of Houjin was different. The scholars of Ming Dynasty regarded Houjin as a foreign race. As a sign of the country's subjugation, such a high-voltage line, even Zhu Youjian, dare not touch it at will.

July 26, at noon.

Su Tiancheng entered Dalinghe City.

Daling River City is under high alert, the army to attack Heishan has already moved out, and there are not many soldiers left in Daling River City. Su Tiancheng has already decided that he must participate in this battle. In a dangerous battle, the more he needs to be among the soldiers, this can boost morale. Now that he is ready and thinking of making a huge sacrifice, he is ready to bear everything that is coming.

All the combat deployments have been clarified, and there are not many confidential matters. Dalinghe City is only a hundred miles away from Montenegro. I am afraid that at this time, the post-gold soldiers stationed in Montenegro are already ready for battle. This is a battle A brutal fight, a fight that had to be carried out.

When he was in Ningyuan, Su Tiancheng didn't rest for a long time, he couldn't sleep, the main reason was that he was thinking too much, and he couldn't communicate with anyone. For so many years, this was the most embarrassing battle, without the slightest assurance , but had to fight a battle.

It is impossible for everything to go well. It is already very good to be able to do this. Zhu Youjian gave himself the power to act arbitrarily, which is a huge improvement. He did not have the achievements of exterminating the bandits before, and he did not win the victory of Dalinghe City. , It is impossible for him to enjoy such treatment.

In Shenyang, Huang Taiji is facing a decision. The opinions of Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng represent two directions. Jierhalang believes that don't be afraid of the Ming army's attack, even if the Ming army takes Montenegro, The Eight Banners Army can also organize a counterattack. Since Su Tiancheng led the army to attack Heishan, Dalinghe City, Jinzhou and other places behind him can also become the targets of the Eight Banners Army. Ask Daishan and Dorgon to launch an attack, Daishan restrains the frontier troops in Datong and Ningxia, and Dorgon directly threatens the Ming capital.

Fan Wencheng's opinion was the opposite. He believed that the Eight Banners Army's attack on Dengzhou and Laizhou had achieved results and gained many benefits. He also warned Su Tiancheng that under such circumstances, he should accept it as soon as it was good. At present, Prince Li and Prince Rui They are all fighting outside, and the defensive strength in the direction of Shenyang is still a bit weak. They do not have the conditions for a decisive battle with the Ming army. If Su Tiancheng mobilizes the Ming army at the border to really start a decisive battle with the Qing Dynasty, it may cause many problems. Fan Wencheng It is clearly pointed out that under the current conditions, the Ming Dynasty has a vast land and resources, and even if it suffers some temporary losses, it can be made up for in a short time. The Qing Dynasty is not good enough, and it is difficult to recover from losses in a short period of time. What's more, even if Prince Rui launched an attack on the capital of the Ming Dynasty, with [-] soldiers, it is impossible to succeed. If the guards of the Ming Dynasty really sent troops to reinforce it, Prince Rui would be in great danger. ,

Fan Wencheng's opinion was that Prince Rui withdrew his troops from Dengzhou and Laizhou and returned to Lushun. Under such circumstances, all problems would be resolved. In fact, Su Tiancheng did not want to attack Montenegro, let alone reinforce Dengzhou and Laizhou.

Fan Wencheng even suggested that the sergeants stationed in Montenegro temporarily avoid the Ming army, do not clash with the Ming army, and preserve their strength. If Su Tiancheng occupies Montenegro and wants to set up camp in Montenegro, it will not be too late to do so at that time. The time in Liaodong is not long, and the foundation is not stable. It is unlikely that the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army can persist in Montenegro.

Huang Taiji actually agreed with Fan Wencheng's proposal, but he couldn't ignore Jierhalang's opinion. In fact, there was a layer of people behind Jierhalang. These people were mainly Manchu dignitaries. I didn't think so far, what I thought was to attack, to gain benefits, to wipe out the Ming army, and to be able to enter the Central Plains as soon as possible. These people have followed him in battle, paid a huge price, and made contributions. There must be some qualified to speak.

It is very difficult for Huang Taiji to choose between being correct and being radical. [

He is very clear about the actual situation of the Qing Dynasty. Every class has its own interests. These interests are the basis for the continuous prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. It is impossible without the drive of interests. Opinions are often those of the grassroots Han people, and the interests of this class are the easiest and most neglected.

If the decisive battle with the Ming army is reckless, it will also be detrimental to the Qing Dynasty. The failure of the first year of Chongde and the failure of Dalinghe City hurt the vitality of the Qing Dynasty, especially the failure of the battle of Dalinghe City. A large amount of food and grass is unbearable for the small and barren Qing Dynasty. In fact, Dorgon attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou, the most important thing is to plunder money and food.

Huang Taiji has already regarded Su Tiancheng as his biggest opponent, thinking that in the duel with Su Tiancheng, it is very unlikely to rely on accidental factors to win. The Ming Dynasty's frontier army has as many as 60 people, which is a huge Numbers, the Qing Dynasty has no certainty of victory. Under such circumstances, the national strength of the Qing Dynasty will be overwhelmed, and it may eventually slide into the abyss.

After more than an hour, Huang Taiji finally made up his mind. He is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Most of the time, everything he does is for the sake of the Qing Dynasty. Even if he suffers some grievances, it is the so-called. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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