Ming politicians

Chapter 689 Don't Be Too Pessimistic

On July 27th, Mao time.

The attack started, and the artillery was still firing. The huge sound of the guns made people's heart beat faster. The city of Heishan was not big. The post-Golden soldiers mainly began to rely on the mountain behind the city to deploy. The city of Heishan was built on the mountain, which is typical A place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Su Tiancheng stared at the sand table in a daze for a long time. The rumble of cannons outside had no effect on him. Taking down the city of Heishan was only the first step. Later, the Jin soldiers could retreat to Heishan and continue their defense. At that time, the attack will be even more tragic.In fact, before the attack, he had already thought that if the commanders stationed in Heishan were excellent, they would voluntarily abandon the city of Heishan if they were unable to resist, let the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army occupy the city, and then deploy defenses on the mountain. best choice.

Half an hour later, the artillery fire slowly stopped, and there was a loud shout of killing. Su Tiancheng knew that the frontier army had begun to attack.

He did not leave the tent of the central army. When the frontier army enters the city, they will definitely encounter a brutal fight. This is unavoidable, and the frontier army must persist for half an hour. .

After a while, Hong Chengchou entered the tent of the Chinese army with a strange look on his face.

"My lord, the frontier army has occupied the city of Heishan. The strange thing is that there are only a small number of post-gold Tartars inside."

"What did you say."

Su Tiancheng stood up suddenly, and his body shook for a while. The possibility he had been vaguely thinking about had really appeared. If this was Huang Taiji's arrangement, then this opponent was too terrifying.

"My lord, Zu Dashou reports that the frontier army has completely occupied the city."

There was no hesitation or overthinking.Su Tiancheng gave the order.

"Order Zu Dashou to stay in Heishan City. Don't make any other moves. Be on guard at any time. Order Sun Chuanting to lead the soldiers of the Jiangning camp. Stay outside the city and don't enter the city for the time being."

Hong Chengchou didn't speak, and turned his head to announce the order. This battle was originally commanded by him directly. He didn't have the slightest dislike for Su Tiancheng to issue such an order. Every time at a critical moment, Su Tiancheng almost directly raised the order. Come up with a decisive opinion.Facts show that these opinions are absolutely correct.

Qu Qingze entered the camp of the Chinese army.

"My lord, I don't understand. Huang Taiji sent [-] Eight Banners to reinforce Heishan. Why is there no post-gold Tartar in the city of Heishan?"

"Old Qu, if my judgment is correct. This is what Huang Taiji meant."

Su Tiancheng didn't continue to talk, in his heart.He was clear that Huang Taiji must have guessed his purpose and was unwilling to make unnecessary sacrifices. As the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he was able to withstand the pressure and make such a decision.It is indeed not easy. If you order all the soldiers to continue to attack Montenegro, after taking Montenegro, prepare to cross the Liaohe River.The pressure that Huang Taiji endured was extraordinary.

It's a pity that I won't make such a decision. I can't put these [-] soldiers in a dangerous situation, or even annihilated the whole army. After all the preparations, he waited for himself to attack.

Su Tiancheng would not provoke a full-scale battle, nor did he have such great confidence.

From another level, Huang Taiji will also make other concessions, such as ordering Dorgon to withdraw his troops from Dengzhou and Laizhou and return to Lushun.

Thinking of this, Su Tiancheng sighed secretly. He felt that it was not easy. It would be impossible for him to completely defeat Houjin in a short time. If the development of history was still in line with the track, Huang Taiji would not have much to lose. After two years, he will die of illness. At that time, I am afraid it will be the best time to wipe out the Houjin regime.

"My lord, does it mean that Huang Taiji knows all our arrangements?"

"He doesn't know, but he can guess. This is where Huang Taiji is not easy. We are facing an unusual opponent. Lao Qu, what do you think we should do next?"

Qu Qingze frowned, he really hadn't considered this question.

"Don't think about it, just tell your first impression."

"If you want to talk about the feeling of being an official, it is that the Houjin Tatars are afraid and have withdrawn from Montenegro. Of course, they want to take advantage of the situation and attack. After spending so much energy, they must show the embarrassment of the Houjin Tartars."

Su Tiancheng nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Just do as you say."

"My lord, it can't be done. This is what the officials said casually. If the Hou Jin Tartars voluntarily evacuated the city, they would definitely set up an ambush. If the army was caught in an ambush, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Hehe, how can I not know this, but after the golden tartars voluntarily withdrew from the city, we have to make some gestures."

Qu Qingze didn't understand. Looking at Su Tiancheng, he didn't know what Su Tiancheng meant.

Su Tiancheng sighed again, and spoke slowly.

"Old Qu, I'm afraid this is Huang Taiji's arrangement. You are clear about the purpose of our attack on Montenegro. It is to relieve the dangers facing Dengzhou and Laizhou. Although we will make great sacrifices, as long as we can solve Dengzhou The problem with Laizhou is worth it, we have no intention of attacking Shenyang, and we are not able to do so at the moment, what we get now is an empty city, what does all this mean?"

Qu Qingze patted his forehead.

"My lord, Huang Taiji knows that we will not attack Shenyang, so he is unwilling to fight with our army, and voluntarily gave up the city. Doesn't this mean that Dengzhou and Laizhou will have nothing to do?"

"It should be like this. Huang Taiji has taken a lot of advantage. Dengzhou and Laizhou must have become ruins. This time, Huang Taiji has won a complete victory."

Qu Qingze didn't see it that way. In his opinion, as long as Dorgon was able to evacuate Dengzhou and Laizhou, victory would be achieved, and neither the Jiangning battalion nor the frontier army caused any substantial losses. It worked out.

"My lord, I think this attack is still a victory. At least Dorgon evacuated Dengzhou and Laizhou. My lord attacked Heishan, which made Huang Taiji feel scared."

"Old Qu, when we wrote the memorial to the emperor, we can say this, but we have to be clear and understand. This time, Huang Taiji has the upper hand. We won Dalinghe City, and Huang Taiji attacked Shandong. Dengzhou and Laizhou, we are equal, and we will have more troubles in the future. Houjin owns warships. What is the concept? Dagukou is more than three hundred miles away from the capital. If Houjin owns What will happen if the warship lands at Dagukou?"

"My lord, even though Houjin has a warship, the officials think that they don't have a decent navy yet, so it's not very possible to attack Dagukou casually. Besides, their warships have already been exposed. "

"There is no navy now, but it doesn't mean there will be none in the future. If we stick to Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan, Shanhaiguan, Datong and Ningxia, wouldn't we have given all the sea routes to Houjin? Next, we have to Considering the problem of the navy, the consumption here is probably a bottomless pit."

Seeing that what Su Tiancheng said was not good for him, Qu Qingze also lost his temper.

"Your Excellency, you can't look at it this way. Taking down Dalinghe City has already formed a fatal threat to Houjin. Dalinghe City is only four hundred miles away from Shenyang. If Houjin launches an attack by sea, we can start from Daling Hecheng launched a large-scale attack, went straight to Huanglong, and attacked Shenyang. The officials didn't believe it. Huang Taiji would abandon Shenyang. Besides, Houjin wanted to train the navy, and it also needed to consume money. As long as we stick to it At the border, if the Golden Tatars are trapped, they don’t even think about having so much silver and food to maintain them.”

When Qu Qingze said that, Su Tiancheng was a little dazed. He looked at Qu Qingze and smiled.

"Old Qu, thank you for saying that. When I look at things, I always think about the worst. This attack on Montenegro was a last resort, so there are some problems in understanding. What you said is very serious. That’s right, I always think about the difficulties and problems we face, in fact, Hou Jin also has difficulties, and Huang Taiji also has difficulties, we will see who can seize the opportunity.”

At the second quarter of the hour, the city of Heishan once again became an empty city.

Zu Dashou led the frontier army, and all of them withdrew. There were hardly any post-gold Tartars in the city. When the army entered the city, they did not encounter any resistance. Moreover, there was no food, grass or military equipment left in the city. It was obviously a deliberate evacuation.

The artillery has been pushed to the front, and the dark muzzle is aimed at the city.

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, and Hong Chengchou raised the red flag.

The artillery began to roar, this time in full bloom, with the purpose of completely destroying the city.

Seeing the continuous collapse of the city wall, the artillery shells falling into the city pool, and large clouds of dust being raised, Su Tiancheng smiled on his face. He believed in his own judgment. A lot of money and food were consumed, but this also deterred Houjin and Huang Taiji, and made Huang Taiji understand that he was not so easy to deal with.

What Qu Qingze said is right, considering his own difficulties and at the same time taking a look at the troubles of his opponents, he should not underestimate himself or his opponents too high. It didn't take about 30 years for the country to start developing. The foundation is not very solid. If you really want to become stronger, it will take time. As long as you follow the established guidelines, you will not have much difficulty and you will be able to achieve your goals. of. (to be continued..)

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