Ming politicians

Chapter 690 Far From Ending


There was not much expression on Huang Taiji's face, while Jierhalang, Haoge, Azige and others showed aggrieved expressions on their faces. Fan Wencheng lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

The debate has been going on for a while. Huang Taiji has such a habit of doing things. If you have any opinions and opinions, you don’t need to hold them in your heart. Huang Taiji was listening to everyone's opinions. To be precise, he was listening to everyone losing their temper.

He has decreed to order Dorgon and Daishan to return to Shenyang, which means that the attack of the Qing Dynasty is completely over. Although Dorgon has won major victories in Dengzhou and Laizhou, he can just withdraw Come on, it's still uncomfortable, Dorgon can enter Beizhili, or even the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and plunder more wealth, and what everyone can't understand is why they don't stick to Montenegro, so that the Ming army can easily Just broke through Montenegro, which is unbearable. When did the warriors of the late Jin Dynasty show weakness in front of the Ming army.

Huang Taiji was well-prepared, and when the audience complained, there was a smile on his face, and he seemed to have a plan in mind. [

An hour passed, and everyone finally finished speaking and made suggestions. However, these suggestions were nothing more than complaints. The emperor's imperial decree has been passed, and Daishan and Dorgon are also going to withdraw their troops. On the Montenegro side, the Eight Banners Army did not do anything to resist, that is, in terms of personnel, there was not much loss. The key point is that there was news from Dorgon's side that the looted silver amounted to more than 300 million taels, and the grain exceeded 30 shi , This is a huge gain, so much so that Jierharang felt a little jealous.

In any case, the Qing Dynasty achieved great success by sending troops to Dengzhou and Laizhou this time. At least it taught Ming a lesson and looted grain and silver.With such achievements, what else can everyone say, so that at the end of the debate, some people admit that this operation has achieved great success, and it is okay to withdraw troops.

Huang Taiji has been silent all this time, which is actually an attitude.This kind of attitude is very oppressive. Thinking about it, not long ago, Huang Taiji just said it, asking some people to be worried and not to talk nonsense outside, so the big guys are also a little scared.Even though your status is unusual, if you offend the emperor, life will definitely be difficult.

The greatest advantage of the Qing Dynasty is that if there are any different opinions, or if there are some different opinions, they can be raised in the hall and put forward their opinions.It can even be argued that these emperors are allowed, and sometimes even encouraged to do so, which is an important step in making correct decisions.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Huang Taiji finally spoke.

"I know your opinions, and I know what you are thinking. What you think of is the face of my Qing Dynasty, and what you want is that my Qing Dynasty must be invincible. Although it is bloody, it is still not good Those of you who are able to retreat and surrender, you have such thoughts, I don’t blame you, but I still want to remind you. I don’t care what kind of abacus you have in your heart, but always put our Qing Dynasty first, Pi It’s such a simple truth. You must understand that whether it’s the father or the emperor, every conquest and fight is for the future of my Qing Dynasty. The situation in Liaodong, I I don't want to say more, you all know what needs to be done under such circumstances, you must have considered it occasionally, this time, I have already made a decision, the second brother and the fourteenth brother must withdraw to Shenyang immediately , This is unquestionable and does not need to be discussed. As for what to do next, you can put forward your own opinions."

After the dynasty dispersed, Fan Wencheng stayed.

Huang Taiji was very satisfied with Fan Wencheng's idea this time, and during the debate at the court, many people admitted that this battle was indeed a great success, and the warships of the Qing Dynasty began to play a role. He got the first training, looted a large amount of food and money, and basically destroyed Dengzhou and Laizhou. It was a tactical arrangement, not out of fear of the Ming army. Everyone gradually understood that the purpose of fighting was to obtain substantial benefits, and it was not wise to fight for the sake of face.

Fan Wencheng has always insisted on this kind of concept. Every time he talks about conquest, he must consider the ultimate goal and will not blindly propose the goal of the battle. It is also under the support of this concept that the Qing Dynasty The next conquest basically benefited. Huang Taiji was actually thinking about the failure in the first year of Chongde. At that time, the Qing Dynasty had just been established. Stones on their own feet.

"Wen Cheng, I've been thinking about it for the past two days, and I think your suggestion is feasible. You should put forward more opinions and suggestions in this regard in the future."

"Your Majesty, this servant must do his best, and never dare to hide his personal interests."

"By the way, you didn't finish talking last time. It seems that there are some follow-up actions. I want to hear about it."

"The servant was thinking of reporting to the emperor. The servant thought that this game of chess has not yet been completed, and there is still the most critical move. If it can be played, it will be the blessing of the emperor and the blessing of the Qing Dynasty."

A smile appeared on Huang Taiji's face. He knew that Fan Wencheng was thoughtful, so he must have a very good idea. Step by step is what Fan Wencheng is good at.

"Your Majesty, it is impossible to hide Su Tiancheng's attack on Montenegro. Now that Su Tiancheng has captured the city easily, he will be very embarrassed in his next actions. If he continues to attack, it is not his original intention. The Prince and Prince Li retreated respectively, and Su Tiancheng had no reason to continue attacking. To occupy Montenegro, the Ming army did not have the ability to do so, and it was impossible for them to do so, but they needed a reason to withdraw like this. It was obviously a good situation, why? That’s why they left.”

Huang Taiji nodded frequently, and also thought of something.

"If the Ming court knew about such a thing, it must have urged Su Tiancheng to continue attacking. It would be best to attack Shenyang. Unfortunately, Su Tiancheng would not do such a thing. The slaves have already analyzed it. Su Tiancheng's attack on Montenegro is indeed a Very wisely, he sent a signal to the emperor, that is, if Prince Rui continues to attack, the Ming army will spare no effort to attack Montenegro, and then attack Shenyang, and the two sides will be defeated."

"However, Su Tiancheng's thoughts cannot be disclosed. They are not discussed with everyone. The officials and servants in the Ming court know about it. They are all scholars, and they only think about integrity. They are not familiar with the border. I don’t know the difficulty of the conquest, but I commented on it in a clear and logical way. It seems that if I lead the army to fight, I will definitely win. Others are idiots and idiots. It is precisely because of these people that I have the opportunity of the Qing Dynasty. "

"In the court of the Ming Dynasty, there must be many people who envy and envy Su Tiancheng, but after Su Tiancheng took down the Black Mountain city, he did not launch an attack. This will inevitably arouse the doubts of those ministers, and even say that Su Tiancheng harbors dissatisfaction. , Under such circumstances, the emperor might as well light a fire and write a special letter to let the Ming court find out on purpose.” [

"The content of the letter is also very simple. Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the peace negotiation with Su Tiancheng. As long as this letter reaches the Ming court, it will definitely cause an uproar. Su Tiancheng has a hard time to say, and it is difficult to explain it at all. Yes, as long as there are many opponents in the Ming court, the Emperor Chongzhen may not be able to protect Su Tiancheng."

After hearing Fan Wencheng's strategy, Huang Taiji raised his head and laughed.

"Okay, this plan is good, but it's a pity that the Ming court has raised a lot of useless people, who know how to envy the virtuous and capable, and always think of their own interests. I think Su Tiancheng is so young, he must have encountered suspicion from everyone. Regardless of whether this strategy is successful or not, I will give you credit for it."

"Your majesty, I dare not, I am still a little worried."

"If you have any worries, just say it."

"Your servant is bold. I estimate that after Prince Li and Prince Rui came back, they must be dissatisfied. Prince Li led the army and went deep into Mongolia, but he did nothing. Prince Rui's momentum in Dengzhou and Laizhou is still strong To be able to achieve more victories, but at this time, the emperor decreed..."

"I know what you think. Prince Zheng doesn't know about discussing the battle of the army, but you know it well. After the second brother and the fourteenth brother come back, I'm afraid Prince Zheng will complain. These things are nothing. I'll make the decision for you, hum, don't think that the second brother went to Mongolia, and he won't be able to fight, so there will be some unhappiness. The wealth he gained in Mongolia may not be inferior to that of the fourteenth brother. I know, after they come back, I will talk to them specifically."

After a pause, Huang Taiji spoke again.

"In the recent period, I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty have rarely fought each other. You have to focus on how to get the Han talents from the Qing Dynasty to work for the Qing Dynasty. If it is possible, you can absorb the talents from the Ming Dynasty. It's also good, the next contest will be on the comparison of strength, although the Ming Dynasty has a vast land and rich resources, Chongzhen needs to consider more things, at least there are so many people to support."

"I have thought about it. If necessary, continue to conduct the imperial examination and recruit talents. This is the most critical task in the future. If there are more talents like Wen Cheng by my side, our Qing Dynasty will be stronger." ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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