Zhu Youjian finally spoke.

"There are too many doubts about this matter, and I also want to clarify it thoroughly. Tang Aiqing ordered Dali Temple to escort the criminal to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Sun Aiqing, Wang Gonggong, you interrogate, I want to see for myself."

The prisoner was quickly brought here, his face was full of red, he probably didn't expect to enter the palace, and he was a little dazed when he saw the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Although there was a certain distance, Zhu Youjian could smell the smell of alcohol. not bad.

Tang Shiji stood on the side with his hands down, without the slightest expression on his face. He had nothing to worry about. After a few days of interrogation, the prisoner had already understood what to say and what not to say.

Zhu Youjian looked at Sun Chengzong and Wang Chengen. [

Wang Chengen looked at the prisoner and at Sun Chengzong, and spoke slowly.

"You are the head of the Houjin Household Department, what do you do on weekdays?"

"I pretend to be the head of the household department, but I'm actually in charge of contacting Master Su Tiancheng, the governor of the Ming Dynasty Ji Liao."

"Oh, you said that Ning Yuan was closely monitored and could not deliver letters. They all came directly to the capital and contacted Mr. Su's mansion, is that true?"

"Yes, Ningyuan City is heavily guarded. I have no chance, so I have to come to the capital."

"How many times have you been to the capital?"

"A total of four times."

"Who do you always see from the Su residence?"

"The one I saw was Mr. Su's housekeeper. It is said that it is Su Pingyang. I am not very familiar with it, and I don't know if it is called Su Pingyang."

"Have you seen it every time?"

"Joke, if I don't see Su Pingyang, my information can't be passed on, it must be impossible."

"Then describe what Su Pingyang looks like."

The prisoner lowered his head, not knowing what to say. The previous words had already been said, and it would be inappropriate to say that he could not describe them.But if you want to describe it, you really can't say it.

"I can't describe it, but if I see myself, I'll definitely recognize it."

Wang Chengen whispered a few words to Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian nodded, and soon, a little eunuch came in.After Wang Chengen ordered in a low voice, the little eunuch nodded and went out.

In just a few minutes, more than ten people came in.

"Su Pingyang is among these people, can you point it out?"

The inmate panicked a little, looked at the dozen or so people in front of him, and searched from memory.Point to one of the people in a slightly older grade.

"It looks somewhat similar to this person, and I can't remember the specific appearance." [

Zhu Youjian's complexion changed. These ten or so people are Jinyiwei, and their looks are not comparable to Su Pingyang. Su Pingyang is over 50 years old because of too much work.The beard and hair are all white, and Zhu Youjian has seen it before. It should be said that his appearance is easy to remember.

Shame and anger flooded Zhu Youjian's heart.

To his shame, he came up with a lot of strange thoughts, doubting Su Tiancheng, the lesson of the master of the earthquake, he remembered very clearly that such a thing happened.There are so many fears in my heart that I can't even overcome them, so that I am thinking wildly. What is angry is that anyone sent by Huang Taiji can fool himself and make the monarch and his ministers at odds.There was almost a disturbance. If such a thing expands its influence, I don't know what the outcome will be.Today this incident got out, and I still don't know what that Huang Taiji of Hou Jin looks like smiling.

Zhu Youjian, who was extremely angry, spoke.

"I see that you are arrogant and don't understand any rules. Do you think that all the civil and military officials of my Ming Dynasty are made of wood, and you are the one to tease me? Come, take this person under arrest and execute him in a hurry."

What Zhu Youjian said was the imperial decree, and of course it must be carried out. The prisoner knew what it was like to be executed by Ling Chi. At this time, the prisoner suddenly said a word.

"It's Master Tang who taught me to say that."

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, it was instantly quiet.

Zhu Youjian's face turned pale, and the feeling of being fooled stimulated his heart.

Tang Shiji's body also began to tremble, pointing at the prisoner kneeling on the ground, he was even speechless, this is in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, in front of the emperor, the prisoner said that, he didn't even have a chance to argue, it's ridiculous Well, Sun Chengzong had mentioned this possibility before, if a post-gold tartar continues to come out and falsely accuse him of Sun Chengzong, wouldn't he also be connected to foreign countries?

This was tantamount to a loud slap in the face of Tang Shiji.

However, at this time, Sun Chengzong was still very calm, watching the criminal speak.

"Just say it, what else do you want to say, even if you fabricate it, does this official have any connection with you? How much benefit has Huang Taiji given you? I'm afraid the money is enough to support your family. Don't worry, I am a Ming Dynasty official." Why don't you investigate clearly, you think that if you work hard for Huang Taiji, your family will be able to live a good life, you must know that I, Master Su, the governor of Ji and Liao in the Ming Dynasty, is brave, and if the emperor makes an imperial decree, do you think your family will still be able to survive? , do you know what it means to be executed by Ling Chi, that is the crime of exterminating the nine clans."

After Sun Chengzong said these words, the prisoner's body began to tremble, and a terrified expression appeared on his face. He would not be afraid of these high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty, but Su Tiancheng who was stationed in Liaodong was really afraid. Yes, such a thing, Su Tiancheng will definitely be able to do it. When I came to Daming's capital this time, I didn't think about being able to survive. The silver taels given by Mr. Fan Wencheng are enough to support his family, and he is not an official of the court. , pure Lai.

Seeing that everyone's body began to tremble, Sun Chengzong continued to speak.

"If you tell the truth, the emperor thinks that you tell the truth, and maybe your family will not be held accountable. Otherwise, no matter where your family is, next year will be their memorial day."

The prisoner finally couldn't stand it any longer, and spoke tremblingly.

"I, I don't know anything. I'm just a street hustler. I don't know anything. Master Fan asked me to do this. These things have nothing to do with my family..."

The Hall of Mental Cultivation fell silent.

Both Sun Chengzong and Tang Shiji left, and Wang Chengen was still standing behind Zhu Youjian.

The scene that happened just now gave Zhu Youjian a lot of stimulation. What he thought of was not just the calculations of Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng, but why they would do this. The simplest and funny trick made him believe it, I'm afraid Neither Huang Taiji nor Fan Wencheng expected it to be effective. They just mobilized a Lai to send him to death, which is equivalent to buying this Lai's life with money. The ridiculous thing is that I really believed it a little bit.

"Eunuch Wang, isn't my performance today very bad?" [

"Your Majesty, my slaves don't see it that way. It's normal for the Emperor to be worried. Mr. Su guards the border and holds great power. If there is any change, it will have a huge impact on my Ming Dynasty. When encountering such a thing, it is good to find out."

"You are pioneering for me. Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng used such clumsy methods. I almost believed it. Su Aiqing captured Montenegro but did not attack. I also felt puzzled, so I believed these tricks. I thought, Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng probably didn't have any hope, and I feel ashamed."

Wang Chengen couldn't stand anymore, he plopped, and knelt down behind Zhu Youjian.

"The emperor works hard every day, and the slaves look distressed. There are so many things that the court needs to deal with. The emperor must ensure the dragon's body."

While saying these words, Wang Chengen shed tears.

Zhu Youjian turned around and helped Wang Chengen up, heaved a long sigh and did not speak.

After resting and taking a bath, Sun Chengzong, who returned to the mansion, was about to rest when the butler suddenly came to report that Mr. Tang Shiji had come to visit, and Sun Chengzong hurried to the reception room.

Seeing Sun Chengzong coming in, Tang Shiji quickly bowed his head and saluted.

"Your official was abrupt today. I was deceived by a stingy villain. I feel ashamed. If my lord hadn't woken up, I would have made a big mistake. I didn't expect Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng to be so treacherous. My lord has a broad mind, I have to learn a lot, I am ashamed of my lord's instruction."

"Lord Tang, you don't have to do this. You did it out of your heart, and you are dedicated to the court. Since Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng did this, it means that they are indeed afraid of Lord Su. This is my great fortune."

Tang Shiji shook his head slightly.

"It's not easy for me to face Mr. Su. Mr. Su is guarding Liaodong. It's so hard, but I'm suspicious. I can't forgive myself. I'll ask you to say a few words for me next time. The official personally pleaded guilty to Master Su."

"Master Tang, today's matter is actually a good thing. The emperor has also seen it clearly. From now on, no matter what method Huang Taiji thinks of, it will be difficult to separate the relationship between the monarch and his ministers. Master Su is the pillar of my Ming Dynasty. How can he suffer unhappiness easily? Bai Zhiyuan, as long as the emperor can trust Lord Su, Lord Su and Liaodong will be able to defend against the enemy with peace of mind."

Tang Shiji also didn't understand something.

"My lord, there is one thing that I don't understand. Since Mr. Su captured Montenegro, why can't he be stationed there? Wouldn't it be a pity to lose such a good opportunity?"

"This matter has been carefully considered by the officer. Come and see."

On the wall of the living room, there is a map.

"Black Mountain is more than a hundred miles away from Dalinghe City, and more than three hundred miles away from Shenyang. From Heishan to Shenyang, there are almost no dangerous places to rely on. If Master Su occupies Heishan, how will Huang Taiji respond? Is Master Su occupying Montenegro? I’m afraid it’s impossible. According to my official opinion, Huang Taiji will retake Montenegro regardless of everything. In this way, we, Ming Dynasty, and Hou Jin will inevitably launch a large-scale decisive battle. This is an inevitable situation. Master Su must have thought of these aspects , Now is not the time for a decisive battle."

Tang Shiji nodded repeatedly.

Sun Chengzong continued to speak.

"Master Su's real purpose of attacking Heishan is to relieve the danger of Dengzhou and Laizhou. This is the most direct way, not to attack Shenyang. If Dorgon continues to plunder Dengzhou and Laizhou, and even threaten me, Ming The capital, Lord Su will definitely use all his strength to attack Shenyang, Huang Taiji understands this truth, so he withdrew his troops, this is the tacit understanding between Master Su and Huang Taiji, both of them are heroes." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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