Ming politicians

Chapter 693 Su Tiancheng's Attitude

When Sun Chengzong rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian's face was a little pale.

"Sun Aiqing, I feel a little guilty about what happened yesterday. I can't hide this matter from Su Aiqing. I think I should let Su Aiqing know."

"Your Majesty, I also thought about it for a long time yesterday. I think it is not surprising that the Emperor has this worry. Since the Emperor took the throne, he has been working hard all the time, and now he has wiped out the bandits. The people everywhere can live and work in peace. This is the Emperor's credit. Lord Su is guarding the border, holding a heavy army, every word and deed is related to the prosperity of my Ming Dynasty, it is right to suffer more censure and suspicion, I think Master Su can understand."

"Aiqing said so, and I feel even more guilty. Since I became the throne, I have experienced many things. If Su Aiqing hadn't turned the tide and wiped out the bandits, I would have been more than a headache. The current situation is finally better, but many Suspicion makes me a little bit at a loss."

Sun Chengzong lowered his head and did not speak. Such suspicion involves the stability of the imperial power. No one would speak easily. As a courtier, if he cannot understand such a matter, it is a joke. [

"Sun Aiqing, you once wanted to visit Daling River City, and I really wanted to visit it too. Unfortunately, I can't leave the capital easily. This time, I want you to represent me and visit Daling River City. Look, at the same time, tell Su Aiqing what happened in the capital, you have to tell Su Aiqing, I believe him."

"The minister obeys the order."

"It's a long way to go to Dalinghe City, Sun Aiqing take care of yourself."

When Zhu Youjian said this, he paused for a while.

Sun Chengzong felt that the opportunity was coming. He was already 77 years old, and his energy was really low. The matter of the chief minister of the cabinet must be considered. He had talked to the emperor several times, but the emperor did not let go.Here is an opportunity.

"I thank the emperor for his pity. I am getting older. Over the years, I feel more and more powerless. There are many things in the court. As the head of the cabinet, I am afraid that the government will be delayed. It is contrary to the emperor's trust. I want to resign. The position of chief assistant of the cabinet, I earnestly ask the emperor for permission."

Zhu Youjian was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"Sun Aiqing is getting old, and I can't bear it. Sun Aiqing should have taken care of her. After years of hard work, I feel that Sun Aiqing is getting older. This time, I am not going to force Sun Aiqing anymore, Sun Aiqing Such hard work reminds me of Xu Aiqing."

Zhu Youjian was talking about Xu Guangqi, and Xu Guangqi was also old.In the end, he died of illness and served as a cabinet minister. At that time, it was the most difficult time for the court.

Sun Chengzong did not speak. In fact, he is now older than Xu Guangqi. Xu Guangqi died of illness at the age of 72, and he was 77 years old.

"Sun Aiqing has such an idea, and I can't force it. I also hope that Sun Aiqing will be my candidate for the cabinet chief."

Zhu Youjian's former favorite cabinet minister was Tang Shiji, but this time, he changed his decision. The court needs balance, but if this balance affects the government.It would not be a good thing if Daming's interests were harmed. Tang Shiji's heart changed a lot and he became the chief assistant of the cabinet.There must be conflicts with Su Tiancheng, internal and external discord within the court, and conflicts between the chief assistant of the cabinet and the governor of Ji Liao. This is a very fatal thing. If the conflict between the two intensifies, it may shake the foundation of Ming Dynasty. cannot appear.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian thought that Sun Chengzong could choose someone. Of course, there was someone in his heart.

"Your Majesty, I am bold. Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, will be appointed as the chief assistant of the cabinet."

There was a smile on Zhu Youjian's face. This was a sincere smile. It seems that Sun Chengzong really started from the perspective of the stability of the Ming court. If Sun Chengzong proposed that Liu Zongzhou be the chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhu Youjian would be very uncomfortable. sad.

"Why did Aiqing choose Yang Sichang?"

"Your Majesty, I originally wanted to promote Mr. Tang, but the matter of Hou Jin's spies made me feel that Mr. Tang should at least stand in the middle and look at these issues from a neutral standpoint. Righteous way, preconceived ideas will definitely be lost, if the emperor hadn't made a decisive decision, this matter would definitely affect the stability of my Ming Dynasty."

"I think that Mr. Liu Zongzhou is a great Confucian in the area. Needless to say, learning, but there is still a difference between learning and reality. Mr. Liu used to indulge in learning, and he was not smooth in handling things. This is a taboo for presiding over the government."

"Among the cabinet ministers, I don't need to mention the rest, either because they are old or physically weak." [

"The reason why I recommend Mr. Yang is because Mr. Yang has good abilities and is familiar with the government, so he can assist the emperor very well. Moreover, Mr. Yang is familiar with military affairs and civil affairs, and can grasp the situation in Liaodong."

Zhu Youjian nodded frequently.

"What Aiqing said is true, this time I went to Dalinghe City, and after returning to the capital, I agreed with Aiqing to become an official."

After ten days of running around, Sun Chengzong finally came to Ningyuan.

Along the way, Sun Chengzong had too many emotions. When he set foot on this familiar land, he had a very different mood. He thought that when he was in charge of Liaodong, the fight with Hou Jin was small-scale, with several incidents. It was all because the battle in Liaodong, especially the battle of Dalinghe, was the main reason why he finally returned home.

Sun Chengzong was still familiar with the situation in Liaodong, but this time, after entering Shanhaiguan, he was surprised to find that Liaodong had indeed changed, a change he had never felt before.

Since the reign of Tianqi, due to the frequent wars in Liaodong, there are almost no people here, that is, inside the city, there is some anger. Fleeing to the pass, even the sergeants stationed in cities, strongholds and fortresses rarely come out. The [-]-mile Guanningjin line of defense looks very desolate.

But the current situation has undergone a huge change. From Shanhaiguan to Ningyuan, it is a [-]-mile journey. Along the way, I saw countless shacks. There are still many people working in the fields, some are clearing the cultivated land, and some are reclaiming the cultivated land. The shack must be the place where the common people live.

Su Tiancheng once went to the court and talked about the resettlement of more than 10,000 Han people, including 20+ military households specializing in farming. Sun Chengzong couldn't believe it. Where are more than [-] people resettled? Beware of the harassment of Houjin Tartars, even though Dalinghe City has been recaptured, Houjin can still dispatch the Eight Banners Army.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, this time, Sun Chengzong completely believed it.

When there were still more than ten miles away from Ningyuan City, Sun Chengzong saw Su Tiancheng.

Due to physical reasons, it is impossible for Sun Chengzong to walk very fast. He basically stops and starts, and it takes ten days to walk a thousand miles. He is indeed old.

Sun Chengzong and Su Tiancheng directly entered the Governor's Mansion.

Sun Chengzong was straight to the point, what should be said must be said, and it is useless to conceal it. He has the responsibility and obligation to tell Su Tiancheng about what happened in the capital, and he needs Su Tiancheng to understand this matter.This is the great trust of the emperor, and it is also related to the stability of the Ming Dynasty. Such a big matter will eventually be revealed.

After Sun Chengzong finished speaking, he felt nervous for the first time. Anyway, Su Tiancheng is young after all, and young people are always angry. They fight outside, bleed and sweat, but they still suffer from jealousy. It is impossible to feel good inside. Yes, but in his opinion, Su Tiancheng is not an ordinary young man.

Su Tiancheng spoke quickly.

"The younger generation understands what the lord means. Don't worry, the younger generation won't take it to heart. This time, Huang Taiji suddenly attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou. The younger generation also felt it. Huang Taiji is definitely not an ordinary person. He has a thousand cranes in his chest. In the future, there will be big things happening, the contest between the junior and Huang Taiji will not stop, whether it is openly or secretly, it will be carried out all the time."

Sun Chengzong finally felt relieved, he knew that Su Tiancheng was very cautious when speaking.

"Kun Yuan, the old man has already proposed to the emperor to resign from the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet. The old man is too old to do what he wants. Over the years, the old man has not done much. I am deeply ashamed. I want to let the virtuous, to be honest. , the old man was thinking of promoting you as the chief assistant of the cabinet, but the timing is not good."

"The younger generation also thinks that my lord should rest. My lord has done too many things in the past few years as the chief assistant of the cabinet. I wiped out the bandits and pacified the northern provinces. The emperor must know the credit of my lord."

"Needless to say, the old man has retired. The only thing I am worried about is Liaodong. The situation in Liaodong is complicated. If Kun Yuan does not get the full support of the cabinet, it will be difficult to make a difference. As long as someone questions it, impeachment will be done." Uninterrupted, under such circumstances, how can we stick to Liaodong and wipe out Houjin? The candidate for the first assistant of the cabinet is Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War. Fortunately, Master Yang knows the situation in Liaodong and knows how to manage Liaodong's affairs."

Su Tiancheng sighed softly. This day will come sooner or later. Sun Chengzong's age is indeed not suitable for continuing to serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet. , Yang Sichang in history also had a taste of great success, and also a taste of repelling dissidents. Of course, his own situation is different. Even if Yang Sichang became the chief assistant of the cabinet, he did not dare to move a finger easily. [

"Kun Yuan, the old man knows what you think, but this day will come sooner or later, the old man still thinks that in his lifetime, he can see you destroy the Empress Golden Tartars."

"My lord, the younger generation will definitely work hard. My lord is in good health, and I will definitely see this scene." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly ticket, your support is my greatest Motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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