Ming politicians

Chapter 694 Encountering Difficulties

Sun Chengzong stayed in Dalinghe City for two full days, and visited every corner of the city.

As the founder of Daling River City and the creator of the Guanning Jin Line of Defense, Sun Chengzong received an unparalleled welcome. When he came to Daling River City, all the soldiers stationed in the city lined up to wait for Sun Chengzong's review. Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui , Zu Dale, Zu Dabi and other frontier generals accompanied him from beginning to end, including Wu Xiang, who was at home unemployed, participated in the entire reception.

Sun Chengzong regained his arrogance back then, and after witnessing the changes in Liaodong, he was finally relieved. In the past, he mainly considered military defense, but now Su Tiancheng considered comprehensive defense in terms of military and people's livelihood. It cannot be said to be defensive anymore, every action performed here indicates the ultimate goal of completely annihilating Hou Jin.

After walking all over the Guanning Jin defense line, Sun Chengzong's spirit is very good, and he also understands more clearly that the imperial court must ensure the stability of this place, trust Su Tiancheng at all costs and conditions, and let Su Tiancheng defeat the Houjin Tatars son.

After Sun Chengzong left Liaodong, Su Tiancheng was also preparing to leave. He wanted to visit Dengzhou and Laizhou. [

Sun Chengzong said that what happened in the court did not cause Su Tiancheng too much worry. Zhu Youjian is already very good. He has a heavy army in his hand and has such great power. Zhu Youjian cannot be completely at ease. In the middle, Zhu Youjian was able to make such a gesture, which is already very good.

Sun Chengzong no longer serves as the chief assistant of the cabinet. For the Ming Dynasty, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, Su Tiancheng does not dare to make an assertion, but the replacement of the old and the new is normal. Although Sun Chengzong is said to be old, he always stays at the top of the cabinet. The position of assistant is also hated by everyone. As for the situation in Liaodong, how will it develop.That is what Su Tiancheng needs to focus on. In a short period of time, both sides will die down, and there will be no large-scale actions. Since there are not many battles, the rest is to sort out internal affairs.

Su Tiancheng has heard a little about the situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou.It is almost populated by thousands of miles. Dorgon implemented a three-pass policy in Dengzhou and Laizhou, burning, killing, and looting. Such a policy has almost caused a devastating blow to Dengzhou and Laizhou.Su Tiancheng was also mentally prepared. What he saw must be an unusual tragic scene.

He also had to go to Dengzhou and Laizhou. The imperial decree of the emperor made it very clear that all matters involving the border would be handled by him.The situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou has changed. Before and after Jin did not have warships, but now Houjin has also begun to strengthen the construction of naval forces. As the governor of Jiliao, he must have a countermeasure.

It took Su Tiancheng ten days to travel from Ningyuan to Dengzhou, more than two thousand miles away.Only then entered the boundary of Laizhou.

Entering Leling County in Jinan Prefecture, Su Tiancheng felt a different atmosphere. Judging from the imperial palace report and the information sent by the secret line, Dorgon was active in Dengzhou and Laizhou, and the soldiers did not enter As far as Qingzhou and Jinan, but the whole of Shandong has been implicated in the looting of the Houjin Tartars this time.

The magistrate of Leling County.After seeing Su Tiancheng, he couldn't speak, as if he had a lot of resentment.

This made Su Tiancheng a little alert, and he stayed in Leling County for a day.After talking for several hours, the county magistrate finally told the truth. It turned out that Su Tiancheng had given an order to the governor of Shandong, requiring the troops of the Shandong Guards to resist the Houjin Tartars with all their strength and not allow the Houjin Tartars to plunder. This order , in the process of conveying, the taste was changed, and the premise was added, which meant that the imperial court did not care about Shandong, and the people in Shandong were allowed to suffer.

The actual situation is also like this. When Dorgon was still plundering Dengzhou and Laizhou, the people in Qingzhou and Jinan started to flee, and even the people in Dagon and Dongchang also started to flee, fleeing to North Zhili and South Zhili have increased the burden on these two places, and this terrifying atmosphere has also entered North Zhili and South Zhili, making the local government all overwhelmed, fearing that these fleeing crowds will , mixed with post-gold Tartars.

This incident had a great impact. The common people in Shandong suffered a lot of humiliation during their escape, and were even blackmailed by some soldiers of the guards along the way. Beautiful women and girls were insulted.

The people in Shandong, who had suffered huge losses, were very angry at the decision of the court, but the people had no right to speak out, and if they suffered a loss, they would bear it by themselves. As a result, the simple folk customs here suffered a great impact.

After learning about these situations, Su Tiancheng was speechless.

On the surface, the occurrence of such a thing is due to the plunder of the Empress Jin Tartars, but the deep-seated reason lies in the imperial court, the government at all levels, and the combat effectiveness of the guard army. , and even the many guard troops in the Ming Dynasty were no longer able to protect the common people. When encountering foreign invasion, the sergeants ran faster than the common people. Isn't this a big joke, what does the imperial court want these troops for?

The bigger problem with the guard army is that they have a very good ability to exploit the common people. The killing of good people is no longer a big thing. Yes, it is ordinary people who suffer.

Under the current system, the combat effectiveness of the guard army can't be improved at all. Su Tiancheng is already very clear about the actual situation. The guard army is divided into three levels. The first level is the personal soldiers of the commander. For some sergeants, their treatment can be guaranteed, but their nature has changed, and they have become the personal bodyguards of the commander. Everything is done according to the requirements of the commander. Function, the sergeants in the second part are the real sergeants of the guards. There are very few people in this part, and their military salary can barely be guaranteed. , The military salary can basically be guaranteed. If there are no sergeants in the guard, it must be unreasonable, but the combat effectiveness of this part of the sergeant is not flattering. The third part is the military households. Most of these people cannot be regarded as sergeants, they are purely farmers. They may have never touched a knife or gun, and they do not know how to fight. Their task is to farm, and most of their income from farming land comes from They are so poor that they can’t even feed their families. Their treatment can’t be compared with that of peasant households. They have fallen to the bottom of society.

What caused Su Tiancheng to be vigilant was that the common people had resentment and held it in their hearts. It would always explode. This is like a powder keg, as long as there is a spark, it will explode soon and cause casualties.

The rebellion of the rebel army in Shaanxi also had such an environment. The common people felt resentment in their hearts and could not survive. Some people raised their arms and shouted. The situation changed quickly. Well, the national power of the Ming Dynasty suffered huge losses, and the bandits were completely wiped out last year. Could it be that this situation will happen again in Shandong?

So, after entering Shandong, what he saw made Su Tiancheng extremely worried.

The imperial court will not know about these situations. As long as the Jin soldiers evacuate Dengzhou and Laizhou, the imperial court will seldom care about the rest, and local officials will not bother. This is a disaster caused by the battle, and it can only be done by the people themselves bear. [

But Su Tiancheng couldn't ignore it.

But this problem is not easy to manage, it involves too many aspects, and I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

Up and down the Ming Dynasty should be a game of chess, and the actions should be unified, but now, it is basically impossible to achieve this step. Some major hidden dangers, or problems, still exist. For example, the scholars in the south, control In addition to the government affairs, the southern gentry and wealthy households can get much less benefits. Even if the north encounters a disaster, the southern gentry and wealthy households will not pay a tael of silver. If the imperial court wants to use the southern grain and silver to solve the problem Regarding the problems in the north, some officials will jump out immediately, saying that this is increasing the burden on the people, that the court is competing for profits with the people, etc. The final solution discussed is still to exempt from taxes, but they don’t know that people are about to starve to death. You're exempt from taxes for a fart.

When Su Tiancheng was in Jiangning County, he founded the Zhongxing Academy. In fact, he wanted to suppress the privileges of the wealthy gentry, and first solve the problem of exhaustion of imperial taxes. This problem gradually began to be solved. The imperial court began to pay attention to commercial taxes. Wealthy households also have to pay taxes according to actual requirements. There is indeed more silver in the treasury, but this is just the beginning. The current court has achieved this step. As for the problem of combining government and business, it still exists.

Zhu Shen, the governor of Shaanxi, has also written to Su Tiancheng many times, talking about many policy issues. The pace of recovery in Shaanxi is very fast. Thanks to the promotion of the mutual market, the lives of ordinary people are much better. He said that those rebellious ideas in the past basically disappeared in Shaanxi, and there was no soil for them to exist, but Zhu Shen also encountered specific problems, including how to deal with merchants, how to coordinate the interests of gentry and wealthy households, etc. These are issues that cannot be underestimated.

When things have developed to this point, there will always be bottlenecks. Su Tiancheng has reached this point. His advanced ideas are still legal in today's dynasty. As for the practices of the people's communes, don't think about bringing them up. Bringing it up is courting your own death, shaking the basic interests of the gentry and wealthy households, including the royal family, and they will definitely seek you desperately. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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