Ming politicians

Chapter 695 Too Many Questions

Su Tiancheng's first stop was Changyi in Laizhou Prefecture.

Changyi was originally under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou Prefecture, and later it was placed under the jurisdiction of Laizhou Prefecture. This was the last place to be plundered by the Houjin Tartars. At that time, most of the people living in Changyi fled. The damage suffered was not great, but there were no houses or food. Later Jin Tartars burned houses and took food, and some ordinary people who had not had time to evacuate, or were unable to evacuate, were killed.

Standing outside Changyi County, Su Tiancheng's face was expressionless.

This can no longer be regarded as a city. What you see is a black mass. There is no blue color on the city wall, no common yellow, just black, and all the crenels on the city wall are gone. ruined.

The scenes he saw along the way made it hard for him to be angry. Walking from the official road, he couldn't see any good houses, all of which were broken bricks and broken tiles, and some burned black wood, telling the story of the post-Gold Tartars. Due to the cruelty, the people who returned home had to build temporary shacks, and some people simply slept in the destroyed houses. [

On the official road, there are beggars along the way. This is a group of common people. They have no houses and no food. They don't know how to survive. The Golden Tatars left for more than a month, but their condition is getting worse and worse.

The magistrate of Changyi County brought all the officials to welcome Su Tiancheng and his party outside the city gate.

Seeing the magistrate with a fat head and big ears, Su Tiancheng lost all thoughts of speaking. After seeing the situation in Changyi County, he looked at the magistrate, including the many officials behind him. Yes, it can be seen that their lives are worrying, but the worrying of their lives also shows it.I am afraid that the lives of ordinary people will not be settled.

At such a time, if someone stood up to rebel, I am afraid that the county magistrate would become the first target.

Su Tiancheng did not enter the county seat, nor did he go to the county government office. Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan, Wang Dazhi and others who followed him had already arranged tents.Meals are also made by myself.

The magistrate was trembling, seeing Su Tiancheng ignoring him, he didn't know what was wrong.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to pay attention to the county magistrate. According to intelligence, when the Houjin Tatars were still in Laizhou, the county magistrate took the lead in evacuating the county seat.He hid in Jinan. According to the regulations of the imperial court, it is necessary to question the crime. If it is not done well, his life will not be saved. For some reason, the county magistrate can still rest easy.

In Su Tiancheng's heart, this magistrate is no longer a magistrate.He didn't need to spend energy talking about relief with an ordinary person.

After resting overnight, Su Tiancheng and his party rushed to Laizhou Fucheng.

What he saw in Laizhou Fucheng stunned Su Tiancheng, a transmigrator who had experienced many fights.

The city of Laizhou almost ceased to exist, the city walls were destroyed, there was not a single intact house in the huge city, and the government office was razed to the ground.The half of the wall exposed on the ground seemed to be mocking him and the people around him.

The magistrate of Laizhou was killed in battle. Except for a small number of officials below the prefect who escaped, the rest were all beheaded. The entire city of Laizhou was lifeless.It's like a ghost town.

When the imperial court appointed the prefects of Dengzhou and Laizhou, they encountered difficulties, and no officials were willing to come to these two places.

Su Tiancheng has already received the letter from Sun Chengzong, the meaning of the emperor.It was he who came to mention the magistrates of Dengzhou and Laizhou. It can be seen that the imperial court probably knew the situation of Dengzhou and Laizhou.

This can also explain why the magistrate of Changyi County fled the battle, but was able to continue to serve as the magistrate. To put it bluntly, Dengzhou and Laizhou are already in the state of the government, and there are no officials such as magistrates, Tongzhi, and Tongju. To manage affairs, not to mention what will happen to the common people.

Su Tiancheng specially ordered Sun Chuanting and others to set up the tent next to the flattened government office.

As night fell, Su Tiancheng, accompanied by Sun Chuanting and others, wandered around the Fucheng. There were low-pitched weeping everywhere, and no lights were visible.

This is a completely destroyed prefectural city. I am afraid that the situation in Dengzhou prefecture is even more miserable than here.

After daybreak, Zhou Tianhao walked out of the tent. He was surprised to find that there were quite a few ordinary people around the tent. These ordinary people looked numb, most of them were old and weak women and children, and almost no young people could be seen. [

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a gentry stepped out of the crowd. He saw Su Tiancheng. Although he didn't know him, based on his years of experience, he knew that Su Tiancheng must be the leader of the crowd.

"Your Majesty has the guts to ask if your lord is sent by the imperial court."

Su Tiancheng nodded, without denying it, he felt that this person must be a scholar with a reputation.

Sure enough, the man started introducing himself.

"I am Liu Chongsan, who was promoted in the 11th year of Chongzhen, and my father Liu Erzhi, I dare to ask you how to call him."

Su Tiancheng looked at Liu Chongsan and was very shocked. Liu Erzhi was considered a relatively famous minister in the imperial court. His handwriting was superb. He was once praised by the emperor as a magic pen. He served as the right servant of the household department. At that time, Liu Erzhi invited himself to Laizhou to supervise the battle, insisting on the importance of Laizhou, and asked the court not to abandon Laizhou, but his suggestion was not adopted by the court, and finally died of depression.

It seems that this Liu Chongsan has a good background.

"My official, Su Tiancheng."

With a few simple words, Su Tiancheng answered. He didn't want to show off his identity. In this devastated city of Laizhou, showing off his identity seemed ridiculous.

Who knows, after Liu Chongsan heard these words, his face turned pale and his body trembled.

"My lord is Su Tiancheng, the governor of Jiliao."

Su Tiancheng nodded and stopped talking.

Liu Chongsan made a move that was beyond Su Tiancheng's expectation. He plopped and knelt down in front of Su Tiancheng, and the common people around him also knelt down.

Liu Chongsan choked with sobs and opened his mouth.

"Your Excellency, save Laizhou. The later Jin Tartars plundered Laizhou in Dengzhou. Laizhou suffered heavy losses. Nine out of ten soldiers and civilians were killed or injured. When Kong Youde rebelled in the fifth year of Chongzhen, it was not in such a miserable situation. I led the villagers and buried them all. The corpses that have been buried for a month, the people of Laizhou have no way to survive, I implore the adults to observe, save Laizhou, save the common people."

Liu Chongsan finally couldn't help crying out loud, and the surrounding people were mobilized, crying loudly for a while.

Su Tiancheng frowned. The tragedy in Laizhou is not too much to describe in any words, but the time has already happened. Even if you want to cry, one month is enough time. Now is not the time to cry, but to think about the future If everyone knelt here and cried and could solve the problem, then Su Tiancheng would cry with them.

"What's the use of crying."

Su Tiancheng threw out these words heavily, and Liu Chongsan, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and looked at Su Tiancheng with a serious face.

"Liu Chongsan, you are a scholar, a juren of the court, a master of heaven and earth, and a teacher, kneeling in front of this official and crying, thinking that this official has broken the rules of the court, why don't you stand up quickly."

Su Tiancheng's words reminded Liu Chongsan, and Liu Chongsan hurriedly stood up.

The common people were still kneeling, and no one got up, but the crying was much quieter. [

"Fellow folks, the emperor and the court are aware of the pain you have suffered. I was appointed by the emperor to come to understand the situation and find a solution to the predicament. More than a month has passed. You have lost your relatives, your house, and your family. Once you have acquired your property, you almost have everything. When encountering such a thing, hard-bodied men can't bear it, but even if you want to cry, you have already shed your tears. In the current situation, what can you do if you cry bitterly? The question is, can the deceased relatives be brought back, and can the looted property be brought back? I came all the way from Jinan, and what I saw along the way was indeed heartbreaking. I also know that Dengzhou Fucheng and Laizhou Fucheng are The ones who suffered the most losses, the prefects of Dengzhou and Laizhou, both died for their country, but we have encountered such a thing, and we can only hold back our grief and stand up tenaciously."

After being depressed for several days, Su Tiancheng thought about it, and wanted to say a few more words, but seeing that almost all the people kneeling on the ground were old and weak, women and children, he couldn't continue. These people lack the ability to survive. It is obviously not possible to rely on them to build Dengzhou and Laizhou, and we still have to find another way.

"Liu Chongsan, tell the folks to get up and stop crowding around here. Since I have arrived in Laizhou, I won't just sit idly by. I will definitely think of a way to solve the problem. Let the folks go back first, and the court will definitely think of a way. "

Liu Chongsan hesitated for a moment, but still called everyone to get up. He walked up to several elders, whispered a few words, and the crowd quickly dispersed.

Liu Chongsan did not leave, but still stood not far away.

Seeing Liu Chongsan, Su Tiancheng suddenly had another idea, but he still needs to test Liu Chongsan's ability, if he is a pedantic scholar, then forget it, so as not to spoil the big event of relief.

Su Tiancheng had an idea in his heart. He wanted to play a big game of chess. This game of chess was related to Dengzhou and Laizhou, and even related to the safety of Daming's coastline. Difficulties play a pivotal role.

As for the difficulties that exist in this, we have to find a solution step by step and always solve it slowly.

"Liu Chongsan, I'm going to visit Dengzhou and Penglai. If you have time, how about going with me?"

"I obey."

"I have requirements. I am not very familiar with the situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou. Along the way, you need to introduce the situation here, including the extent of damage in Laizhou, what needs to be done now, and what is the most important thing. The key, wait, you understand."

"I understand, I will try my best." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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