Ming politicians

Chapter 696 Official Problem

Liu Chongsan was indeed familiar with the situation in Laizhou, and he was no stranger to the situation in Dengzhou. Two days later, when Su Tiancheng and his party arrived in Dengzhou, they were basically familiar with the situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou.

The situation in Dengzhou is even more tragic.

Dorgon used to garrison troops in Dengzhou and Penglai, and these two places became his base camps. When he plundered Dengzhou and Laizhou, the warships even brought the plundered food, gold and silver treasures back to the city. After arriving in Lushun, they rushed to Penglai and picked up many Eight Banners troops.

To be precise, Penglai City and Dengzhou Prefecture City almost no longer exist, and construction needs to be restarted.

The situation in Dengzhou made Su Tiancheng even more worried. More than a month had passed. I don't know if it was because the government was not able to play a role, or because there were not enough manpower. On the way, we could still see rotting corpses and emit a stench. It is eye-catching, there are few people walking on the official road, and there are not many people in the huge Dengzhou Prefecture. [

The corpses must be buried deep, otherwise the plague will follow. Therefore, the sergeant who followed Su Tiancheng took the initiative to undertake this task and buried all the exposed corpses.

Su Tiancheng's inner thinking gradually became clear. He needed to test Liu Chongsan to see Liu Chongsan's real ability. This time the test was mainly to see what Liu Chongsan could do.

After dinner, Su Tiancheng took a slow walk in Dengzhou City, with Liu Chongsan by his side.

"Liu Chongsan, you are familiar with the situation in Laizhou, and you have seen the situation in Dengzhou along the way. According to your opinion, if the imperial court launches relief, what is the most important issue at present?"

Liu Chongsan thought for a while, and then answered.

"My lord, I believe that the most important thing is the issue of food. The post-Gold Tartars plundered Dengzhou and Laizhou, robbed all the food, burned all the houses, and destroyed the city. The surviving people have no food. I can't survive."

Liu Chongsan's answer.It's not bad, but Su Tiancheng is not very satisfied. The current food problem is of course very important. The common people are struggling to die. If the relief cannot be carried out in time.It is not yet known how many people will starve to death.

"Well, besides the food problem, are there other problems?"

"The rest of the problems, I think, can be postponed for the time being. The main thing is to let the common people have food and not starve to death."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"Liu Chongsan. You have never been in a government office, so it's pretty good to be able to answer to this level."

Liu Chongsan looked at Su Tiancheng and lowered his head.

"I know you are dissatisfied, and I think my answer is good. The first thing is the food issue, but I want to ask you two questions. First, if the imperial court adjusts the food, how will the common people get the food? Do they rush forward?" Do you want to grab food? The second question is, you know the look in the eyes of the people we met along the way. You also know what the people think in their hearts. Under such circumstances, it is only to solve the food problem .Will it have the best effect? ​​As for the problems of life in the future, the problem of cotton clothes for the winter, etc., come one after another, do these problems need to be solved one by one, do you think of it when you can’t wait to think about it.”

After all, Liu Chongsan was a scholar, so he understood right away, and blushed, he spoke.

"I'm ashamed. I've learned how to read these years. I didn't expect such a simple question. Almost all the officials in the Dengzhou government and Laizhou government were martyred. The most important problem now is the appointment of officials by the imperial court. Everything, Only someone will handle it, as long as the government truly considers the survival of the people, I believe that all problems can be solved slowly."

Su Tiancheng nodded in satisfaction. This is the key. In the words of hundreds of years later, the common people must have a backbone and an organization. With the government, if there is any problem, the common people can directly find the government. The government can come up with specific solutions to the problem, including resuming production, etc. As long as the government truly considers the people and calms the resentment of the people, many conflicts can be easily resolved.

But the problem still exists. Dengzhou and Laizhou have almost suffered a devastating blow. According to the normal procedures, it will take at least ten years to see if it can be restored. In the fifth year of Chongzhen, Kong Youde rebelled, and here suffered After being hit, he never fully recovered, and this time his vitality was destroyed even more.

Therefore, if you want to restore the vitality of Dengzhou and Laizhou, you must adopt a two-step approach. The first is that the imperial court allocates silver and food to relieve the people here, and the second is to relocate the population. It can really restore the prosperity of Dengzhou and Laizhou in the past.

What's more, Dengzhou and Laizhou have become frontiers that must be paid attention to. Not only do they need strict defense, but also rebuild the Ming Dynasty's navy. [

But the current problem is that no one will take the initiative to come here. The fame of Dengzhou and Laizhou has gone out. Everyone thinks this is the most dangerous place. If you come here, your life is not guaranteed. Who would want to come here? , the court face officials can not be sent out, let alone the migration of ordinary people.

The status of Dengzhou and Laizhou is also very special, it belongs to the place of dual management. Su Tiancheng, the governor of Jiliao, already has a lot of power, and is responsible for the military and civil affairs of Liaodong, Datong, Ningxia, Tianjin, Dengzhou and Laizhou. , the commanders-in-chief and governors of these places belong to Su Tiancheng's control, including the officials of these places, Su Tiancheng can also manage them, but Su Tiancheng does not have the power to manage the entire Shandong territory, for example, Jinan Prefecture, does not belong to Su Tiancheng's direct jurisdiction is mainly under the jurisdiction of the governor of Shandong. In name, the governor of Shandong also has jurisdiction over the civil affairs of Dengzhou and Laizhou.

In such a situation before, the two sides often shirked their responsibilities to each other, which eventually led to losses at the local level. Good things were all thought of governing, and bad things were all thought of getting rid of. However, after Su Tiancheng took office, because of the trust of the emperor and the cabinet, this kind of The situation did not exist anymore, and the governor of Shandong dared not say that he would not follow Su Tiancheng's request.

But Su Tiancheng himself still needs to pay attention. There has been a lot of noise in the imperial court. The possibility of relocating ordinary people in Shandong is very small. This move will inevitably cause a great uproar. The imperial officials and officials in the imperial court will definitely stand up and impeach Su Tiancheng for crossing the border. Under such circumstances, the emperor just wants to protect his shortcomings. Probably not.

This is a practical issue, and Su Tiancheng has nothing to do for the time being, unless he is a cabinet scholar.

Su Tiancheng thought about it for two days, and finally came up with the memorial.

Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan, Wang Dazhi and others are not very familiar with local affairs. Sun Chuanting is stronger, but these years they have mainly considered the affairs of the Jiangning camp, and have hardly intervened in local affairs. Su Tiancheng basically has no one It can be discussed, and he can only come up with his own ideas.

At the end of August, the first batch of grain arrived in Dengzhou and Laizhou.

Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan, Wang Dazhi, and others, together with the assistance of Liu Chongsan, came to temporarily manage the affairs of Dengzhou and Laizhou, and distributed the grain. At this time, the imperial court's decree had not yet come down, and the grain was transported from far away in Shaanxi Yes, Song Sijun spent a lot of energy, and Zhu Shen also extended a helping hand.

At the beginning of September, the emperor's imperial decree finally came down.

Deng Hui served as the prefect of Dengzhou, Lan Qiaozheng served as the prefect of Laizhou, Liu Chongsan served as the prefect of Dengzhou, and Liu Jingting served as the prefect of Laizhou.

This decree is not simple, not to mention Deng Hui and Lan Qiaozheng, but Liu Chongsan and Liu Jingting, Liu Chongsan is a juren, he has not yet passed the Jinshi examination, and at most he will be the county magistrate, which is very good, but now he is born out of nowhere , served as the Tongzhi of Dengzhou, which is an exceptional promotion, and Liu Chongsan is from Laizhou. According to the court's recusal system, he cannot be an official in Shandong. As for Liu Jingting, let alone Liu Jingting, the identity of a scholar No, there is no qualification to be an official at all.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng is not an ordinary person. He started from the actual situation of Dengzhou and Laizhou. If he wants to build Dengzhou and Laizhou well, he must take extraordinary measures, otherwise there is nothing to say. If he follows the rules of the court, It is estimated that the common people in Dengzhou and Laizhou, including those in Shandong, have begun to rebel.

Needless to say, Deng Hui and Kan Lanqiaozheng's ability, Deng Hui used to be the prefect of Lintao Prefecture, this time, as the imperial envoy of Qindu, he also served as the prefect of Dengzhou. Zhu Shen has been in charge for many years, and he also knows how to handle government affairs well. The most important thing is Liu Chongsan and Liu Jingting. Liu Chongsan is a local, and he knows what to do. The suffering of the common people, assisting Lan Qiaozheng, can properly handle many conflicts.

There is also what Su Tiancheng is relieved of, that is, this time the Dengzhou government office and Laizhou government office can fully carry out the construction according to their own intentions, restore the prosperity here at the fastest speed, and make this place a strong place in the Ming Dynasty. coastal defense line.

In the next step, Su Tiancheng is going to start a large-scale construction of the Ming Dynasty's navy. The Zheng's navy in the south seems to be self-reliant as a king. The court seems to be unable to adjust. Great, but some things are not as good as the history books say. For example, Zheng Zhilong is as rich as a country, controls maritime trade, and his annual income is almost the same as that of the Ming court. It doesn't matter at all.

Of course, Su Tiancheng would not allow such a situation to exist for a long time, but he was still too far away, so he could only take it step by step. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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