Ming politicians

Chapter 698 The Great Migration

Since we want to build Dengzhou and Laizhou into real bases, we need to make detailed arrangements. Before Su Tiancheng was in Jiangning County, Henan Prefecture, and Shaanxi, there were some specific problems. For example, Jiangning County, It is a relatively wealthy area under the direct jurisdiction of Yingtian Prefecture, and it is also a place that the imperial court pays more attention to. As for Henan Prefecture and Shaanxi Province, they were both very poor areas at that time, and there were often bandits.

The situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou is relatively mature. It has a very good location advantage. It used to be a place that the imperial court paid special attention to. The city of Dengzhou used to be an artillery training base. The transportation by land and sea is very developed. Chongzhen Five years later, Kong Youde rebelled, and the entire Dengzhou and Laizhou fell into a huge panic. That rebellion hit Dengzhou and Laizhou relatively hard. After the war, the focus of the Houjin invasion began to shift to Datong, In the area of ​​Ningxia, it was gradually abandoned by the imperial court, and it has not been able to recover for many years. The common people are struggling on the verge of death, but the private salt here is rampant, and many salt lords have made money here, which can maintain the basic development here.

Dorgon led the Houjin soldiers. This massacre was a devastating blow to Dengzhou and Laizhou. Whether it was the officials, the guard army, the salt lords, or the bandits who occupied the land as kings, they were all ruthlessly attacked by the Houjin soldiers. They were wiped out, but not many escaped. Dorgon invaded Dengzhou and Laizhou with the idea of ​​completely destroying them. This was beyond the expectations of those salt lords and bandits.

When Su Tiancheng came here, he was painting on a piece of white paper soaked in blood.

The basic conditions of Dengzhou and Laizhou still exist. In any case, the transportation advantage cannot be erased. After Dorgon's devastating destruction, this place was completely abandoned by the court.It can be seen from the imperial court's suggestion that Su Tiancheng recommend the magistrate, so it is possible to develop here and completely cultivate one's own power.

Although it is said that the Jiangning battalion soldiers have been stationed in Dengzhou and Laizhou, even though it is said that the officials in Shandong know all this.But still, no one would take the initiative to go to Dengzhou and Laizhou, and no one cared about the situation here. To be an official in a place with nothing, it is clear that you have to suffer, let alone fishing for oil, as long as you don’t lose the oil on your body. It's not bad.

Su Tiancheng took a fancy to this point, so he decided to take care of Dengzhou and Laizhou carefully, make them rich quickly, and let his confidantes station here.

Deng Hui and Lan Qiao are coming here to serve as prefects.It was also Su Tiancheng who had carefully considered Deng Hui's loyalty. Needless to say, Lan Qiaozheng used to be an official of the Palace Chief History Department. When people go to Dengzhou and Laizhou, they will not cause too many discussions in the court.After all, they are not Su Tiancheng's family members, so they won't encounter so much suspicion.

And such an arrangement.Zhu Shenxuan was also brought in.

Therefore, while waiting for the imperial decree, Su Tiancheng had already issued an order that the families of Jiangning camp soldiers in Henan Province should be relocated to Dengzhou and Laizhou on a large scale.

The families of these soldiers have a good life at home.In today's Ming Dynasty, they can be regarded as wealthy and big families, and each family has a certain amount of silver and grain. When they come to Dengzhou and Laizhou, they can reduce the relief from the government.And this time, when they came to Dengzhou and Laizhou, they could obtain a large amount of land, which was assigned to their own names, which played a decisive role in further gathering the loyalty of the soldiers of the Jiangning camp.

In the first ten days of September, a large number of family members of Jiangning battalion soldiers began to enter Dengzhou and Laizhou one after another.

All the families of soldiers who came to Dengzhou and Laizhou were re-registered, and the land was divided according to the size of the family. At the same time, Sun Chuanting, Luo Chang, Liu Tiehan, Ma Huabiao and others were responsible for personally receiving the families of these soldiers, straightforward According to the relevant requirements put forward, the land will be divided according to the scale of the area.

The work of land measurement had been completed long ago. After Luo Chang and Ma Huabiao led [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers to arrive, they joined in the work of measuring cultivated land. The progress of the work was obviously accelerated and it was completed in a short time.

During this process, Su Tianhao, Xu Jili, Gu Xingsong and others, as well as some thousands of households selected from the Jiangning camp, successively came to Dengzhou and Laizhou to serve as magistrates and prefects. Among them, Su Tianhao served as magistrate of Pingdu Prefecture, and Xu Jili He served as the magistrate of Jiaozhou County, and Gu Xingsong served as the magistrate of Wendeng County.These three places are very important. Jiaozhou and Wendeng respectively control two port places. Wendeng Prefecture's geographical location in Laizhou is very important, and it is also a relatively famous place in Shandong.

This time, nearly 10 family members of Jiangning battalion soldiers moved to Dengzhou and Laizhou. The resettlement of these people is not that simple.

As these people came to Dengzhou and Laizhou, some of Guan Ningjin's military households also came to Dengzhou and Laizhou.

In fact, some military households came to Dengzhou and Laizhou before. The main task of these military households was to build cities. The 200 million taels of silver allocated by the imperial court were mainly used to build Dengzhou Prefecture and Laizhou Prefecture. According to Su Tiancheng According to the requirements, the scale of the two rebuilt cities is more than double that of the previous ones. The city does not pay attention to the construction of the city walls.

In this way, a lot of silver was saved, and the military households who had just relocated also got the silver and the land, so they could settle down here. Their identities also changed quietly, and they came to Dengzhou and Laizhou, all re-registered, the previous victory and defeat of the military households were silently canceled. As for the cancellation of the Ministry of War, Su Tiancheng had already considered it, and asked Yang Sichang for help, and Yang Sichang absolutely agreed.

There is also a special group of those who migrated to Dengzhou and Laizhou, that is, the Han people who defected to Daming.

After Su Tiancheng captured Montenegro, the number of Han people who defected to them increased even more. At one time, there were more than 20 people. The range of [-] miles from Daling River to Shanhaiguan has a limited capacity. The key is that the land in that area is somewhat barren. In addition, the weather was not very good, and it was difficult to accommodate so many Han people for a while. Therefore, after careful screening, [-] Han people were relocated to Dengzhou and Laizhou.

Nearly 30 people migrated to Dengzhou and Laizhou, plus the original population. In less than two months, the situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou has undergone great changes.

The increase in population, especially the relocation of the families of Jiangning soldiers to Dengzhou and Laizhou, has attracted the attention of merchants from Jiangning County, Henan Prefecture, and Shaanxi Province. These merchants will give me the opportunity to see so many people migrate to Dengzhou. And Laizhou, sensitively noticed the business opportunities, so from late September, some merchants began to go to Dengzhou and Laizhou, planning to rent shops here, or simply buy land and build shops by themselves.

The speed of development of the situation exceeded Su Tiancheng's expectation.

It turned out that she planned to return to Ningyuan in a month, but he was pleasantly surprised by the speed of development of Dengzhou and Laizhou. A plan emerged, and he finally proposed to build the Governor's Mansion in Dengzhou.

This is prescient. Su Tiancheng's decision to build the Governor's Mansion here is not only considering the issue of Houjin. His eyes turned to the sea. There is a vast land on the other side of the sea, waiting for complete stability. Then Ming went to conquer.

The task of building the Governor's Mansion was directly handed over to Luo Chang.

Luo Chang, who was in charge of the overall defense of Dengzhou and Laizhou, did not waste time at all, and immediately organized the former military settlements. He summoned 3000 people at one time, and demanded that the governor's mansion be built within two months.

A series of actions in Dengzhou and Laizhou first attracted the attention of the governor of Shandong. Of course, he could not interfere, and he did not dare to interfere, but he could report these situations to the imperial court.

In late September, Yang Sichang, a cabinet scholar and Minister of the Ministry of War, came to Dengzhou.

The news that Yang Sichang was appointed as the first assistant of the cabinet was known to a few people. For example, Tang Shiji, the second assistant of the cabinet, and Su Tiancheng also knew about it, so he received Yang Sichang very warmly.

Yang Sichang's attitude towards Su Tiancheng was also very good. He knew very well that he was able to serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet, which was due to Su Tiancheng's credit. Under such circumstances, he still had to reciprocate.

After Yang Sichang came to Dengzhou, Su Tiancheng introduced the difficulties in Dengzhou and Laizhou in detail.

Along the way, Yang Sichang also saw that there was devastation everywhere. The destruction of Dengzhou and Laizhou was indeed devastating. Although Su Tiancheng moved a large number of people here, he wanted to improve Dengzhou and Laizhou. I'm afraid it won't happen in a short while. When he arrived in Dengzhou, he saw the Dengzhou capital city under restoration. Yang Sichang was very moved. He kept saying that the imperial court still needs to give strong support. It is not easy for Mr. Su to do this step. .

Su Tiancheng needs to leave such an impression on Yang Sichang. He learned from Sun Chengzong's letter that after the beginning of the new year, Yang Sichang will be the chief assistant of the cabinet. Now Yang Sichang has entered the cabinet and is in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War. Sun Chengzong is slowly fading out The emperor trusted Yang Sichang very much, and was very satisfied with Yang Sichang's performance.

Yang Sichang inspected Dengzhou and Laizhou for four days, and Su Tiancheng accompanied him from the beginning to the end.

Yang Sichang was also concerned about the situation in Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan. Several months passed, and the border was very peaceful, nothing happened. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion and the frontier troops in Linghe City also strictly followed the requirements and inspected the land boundary about ten miles away from Dalinghe City, and did not exceed this limit.

The emperor used to be surprised, but later he finally understood that Hou Jin's Huang Taiji was really afraid of Daming's Jiangning camp and frontier troops, and did not dare to launch an attack at will. It must be known that Dalinghe City is only four hundred miles away from Shenyang. The Golden Tatars are dispatched on a large scale, what will happen to Shenyang? (To be continued..)

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