Ming politicians

Chapter 699 Identifying Goals

(Thanks to xiaoyuanmcu and Aoshi Shura for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to yebaoyin for their evaluation votes, thank you.)

Chongzhen traveled through three years, and now it is Chongzhen's 12th year. In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. Su Tiancheng has experienced too many things. Su Tiancheng's thoughts are slowly changing. Because he is familiar with history and many things, he knows what to do. It must be difficult, but some things are very likely to happen, and I have to be prepared.

Since ancient times, the emperor's mentality has been to warn the emperor not to allow the ministers to have too much power. Once the imperial power is threatened, they must be killed mercilessly without the slightest hesitation. Every emperor has accepted it since childhood. Education is the idea of ​​family, country and world. To put it bluntly, the world belongs to the emperor himself, and the rest of the people serve the royal family to help consolidate power and make the emperor's world stronger. The matter of crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, in the eyes of the royal family, It is not a matter at all, it is a very normal situation, the power of the minister is too great, something will definitely happen.

The warlord separatism in the late Tang Dynasty is the best illustration. The imperial power declined and it was impossible to rule the world. The Tang Dynasty was also in such an atmosphere and eventually perished. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, wanted to kill heroes. The prince Zhu Biao saw I couldn't go on anymore, and put forward an opinion. Zhu Yuanzhang picked up a wooden stick full of thorns and asked the prince to pick it up. The stick became smooth in an instant, and Zhu Yuanzhang told the prince that he did this for the sake of the Zhu family and for the prince to succeed to the throne smoothly, otherwise those ministers who had made great achievements might rebel.Those ministers are like thorns on a wooden stick, which must be removed.

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty had always had such thoughts. Sometimes, they even persecuted meritorious ministers.All this is to maintain the rule of the imperial power.

Su Tiancheng knew these truths. When he traveled through time, he never thought of becoming an emperor, let alone overthrowing the Ming Dynasty. What he thought of was to do things down-to-earth, so that the Ming Dynasty could stand in the world, and even rule the world. .What he thought of was to use his own efforts to change history so that China could avoid that humiliating history.

This request, or wish, is nothing less than grandiose. Perhaps Su Tiancheng will need to spend his entire life to see if he can achieve this goal. Suppressing the bandits is the first step.The next step is to wipe out the Houjin regime, and then it will start to expand outward.It is impossible not to expand. When you become rich, rich, and capable, you must conquer foreign races. This kind of conquest.Not only the conquest by force, but the most important thing is the invasion of culture. It is a stupid idea and an impossible goal to destroy a nation.But using culture to change a nation, allowing Confucianism to take over the world, this goal can be realized slowly, and by that time, it will not be something that some people can change casually.

To reach this destination, too much effort is required, and it is even more necessary to have a strong reliance.

However, the situation in the imperial court cannot make Su Tiancheng feel at ease. The last time Sun Chengzong mentioned the instigation of Houjin spies has already made Su Tiancheng feel the danger. This kind of stupid trick actually made Zhu Youjian believe it. It's not a joke, it shows that Zhu Youjian has doubts and even murderous intentions in his heart.

Once Sun Chengzong no longer serves as the chief assistant of the cabinet, the situation in the court will definitely change slowly. The reforms he will undertake in the future will cause huge fluctuations and limit the interests of the powerful. It is not as simple as what he said. Sometimes force is needed. If the court is unstable, and people continue to impeach him, and whoever speaks strangely in front of Zhu Youjian, the situation will definitely change. It is impossible to think of arresting himself without a fight. I am not like that The pedantry of the people must be resisted. In this way, it will trigger a civil war in Da Ming, the biggest civil war, which will hurt Da Ming's vitality.

But such a thing, I can't stop it, if that day comes, I also need to deal with it.

To plan ahead, Su Tiancheng must think about such a possibility. Of course, he is unwilling to do so. If Zhu Youjian is generous enough, or if the prince Zhu Cihong is a real talent, a rare emperor in a century, then he is still honest. To do things with one heart and one mind for the development of Daming.

Therefore, during the construction of Dengzhou and Laizhou, Su Tiancheng began to plan. Except for the magistrates of Dengzhou and Laizhou, who needed to reassure the court, the rest of the magistrates and other officials were all drawn from the Jiangning camp. He is absolutely loyal to him, Su Tiancheng. As for the Jiangning battalion soldiers stationed in Dengzhou and Laizhou, they are also the soldiers that Su Tiancheng is most assured of. This part of the soldiers and the Jiangning battalion soldiers in Anning and Jingbian are absolutely controlled by Su Tiancheng. .

Su Tiancheng also began to notice the white-armed soldiers. These soldiers are all ethnic minorities, including the Tujia and Miao. These people are pure-minded. After entering the Jiangning Camp, they will be absolutely loyal. However, the object of their allegiance is temporarily It's Su Tiancheng, the emperor is a little far away from them, to really make good use of these white soldiers, we have to wait until after Qin Liangyu's death, because Qin Liangyu is absolutely loyal to the emperor, as for Ma Xianglin, that's not necessarily the case.

The Jiangning Battalion is close to [-] soldiers. These people, Su Tiancheng is confident that he can completely control them. If there is really internal strife, these people must be loyal to him, Su Tiancheng. The reason is very simple, the military salary of the soldiers, including the treatment that their families can enjoy , it was all obtained through his hard work, Su Tiancheng, and the imperial court did not pay any silver taels at all.

The arrangement this time has laid a good foundation. All the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp were moved to Dengzhou and Laizhou, and the land was distributed. This is equivalent to giving the soldiers the greatest protection. The origin of the sergeant is basically from a farming family and knows the preciousness of the land.

I believe that in a few years time, the minds of the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp will completely change. In their eyes, they will not see the emperor, but Su Tiancheng.

Hong Chengchou, the commander of the Jiangning battalion, is also Su Tiancheng's assured candidate. Hong Chengchou is a fierce general, capable of writing and martial arts, and has a weakness in his character. In history, he can take refuge in Houjin, let alone morality. Hong Chengchou is by his side, and when the time comes, he must know how to choose.

The only thing that aroused Su Tiancheng's vigilance was Qin Sande, the supervisor of the army, but Qin Sande was basically isolated in the Jiangning camp. This kind of isolation was not the kind of isolation that most people imagined. Qin Sande had a very high salary. , but did not manage specific matters, especially military deployment matters, did not ask at all, and did not understand these matters. Good words, and Su Tiancheng paid great attention to handling the relationship with Qin Sande, the two of them have known each other for so long, and they basically never blush.

It should be said that Su Tiancheng has a strong military capital, and what he needs now is territory.

In Shaanxi, Su Tiancheng will not give up. Zhu Shenxuan must serve as the governor of Shaanxi for a long time to control Shaanxi. The wealth of Shaanxi has rapidly begun to improve the conditions in Shaanxi. Officials at all levels in Shaanxi also know that their good life has benefited from Su Tiancheng. If it were not for Su Tiancheng's high status and being able to gain a foothold in the court, their benefits , is also unavoidable.

As for the merchants, it goes without saying that Song Sijun has recruited a large number of merchants. Merchants value their interests and their own status. In Shaanxi, Henan, and Jiangning counties, their status is very good. How is this status? Because of this, they knew very well that without Su Tiancheng's support, they should not think about having such a status.

As for the scholars, Su Tiancheng is also trying to find a way to recruit them. The Zhongxing Academy has played a huge role. Now Liu Yunqing is mainly responsible for the affairs of the Zhongxing Academy. The development of the Zhongxing Academy has gradually shifted from an open form to a half-hidden one. It is not good to be too famous. Su Tiancheng often reminds Liu Yunqing that the requirements of the Zhongxing Academy must be raised, and real talents must be recruited. These people are not necessarily talents who have passed the imperial examination. Afterwards, the Zhongxing Institute will be responsible for part of their living expenses and win over their hearts. Su Tiancheng will decide how to develop in the future according to the situation.

It can be said that everything is ready and only owes the east wind.

At this time, the key role of Dengzhou and Laizhou is needless to say.

Su Tiancheng started to do it early. He asked Song Sijun to encourage merchants to go to Dengzhou and Laizhou. The conditions here are very good and the policies are also favorable.

The silver taels stored by Song Sijun are beginning to be transported to Dengzhou. The storage place is of course the Governor's Mansion under construction. This will become Su Tiancheng's headquarters. In a short time, he will not enter the court, not Go back to the capital.

Today's general atmosphere is very good. Dengzhou and Laizhou have suffered too many killings, which is terrible. Yang Sichang has seen such a situation. Yang Sichang even proposed to put Qingzhou Prefecture under Su Tiancheng's jurisdiction, because Qingzhou The coastline of the mansion is also very long, Su Tiancheng of course agrees, but this still needs the emperor's imperial decree.

The kingdom in Su Tiancheng's heart, or the territory, must be different. There is no guard army here, no distinction between military households and civilian households, and even no distinction between scholars, farmers, businessmen, and everyone. It is impossible for everyone to be equal. This concept does not exist, but try to be fair and just. The imperial court exempted Dengzhou and Laizhou from taxes for five years. This is a very favorable condition. Su Tiancheng will truly implement the preferential policies, focusing on business transactions and maritime trade to maintain expenses and reduce the burden on the people as much as possible.

A shining avenue slowly began to take shape, and no one knew how history would develop in the future. (To be continued..)

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