Ming politicians

Chapter 700 Reminder

At the end of October, Su Tiancheng returned to Ningyuan.

The border has always been very peaceful, nothing happened, Houjin was completely quiet, and did not make any offensive moves. The Jiangning Battalion and the border army also strictly followed Su Tiancheng's requirements and did not launch an offensive. Over time, the situation from Dalinghe City to Shanhaiguan has gradually changed. A lot of land has been reclaimed. The Han people and military households farming here have gradually gotten used to it. Their lives are still poor. , however, their future is full of hope.

The situation in the grassland has also stabilized for the time being, but changes are happening quietly. More Mongolian tribes are showing favor to the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe. The interests of some tribes are closely related to the interests of the two tribes. Well, the dominance of Houjin in the Mongolian tribes is slowly being weakened. The degree of this weakening will not be reflected for a while, but it will be reflected soon after a large-scale war really breaks out.

Daishan went to Mongolia and did not do anything good. Daishan loves money. After arriving in Mongolia, he received a lot of property. Even Huang Taiji knew about it. He thought Daishan went to Mongolia to collect money. But such a thing, Huang Taiji It won't be seen in the eyes, as long as Daishan has no dissent, everything is easy to talk about.

Little do they know that Daishan’s behavior has had a very bad influence in Mongolia. Some die-hard supporters of the post-golden dynasty can’t justify themselves. Look at the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe. They have been dealing with Ming Dynasty for many years, and there has never been Jiang Ning The extortion by the soldiers of the battalion is also protected when trading in the mutual market. There are profiteers in Ming Dynasty who are severely punished like Jiang Ningying, and they never protect their weaknesses. This is an aboveboard approach.Because of Daishan's behavior, Su Tiancheng became more and more famous in Mongolia. Many tribal leaders knew that Su Tiancheng was the soul of the Jiangning camp and had strict requirements on the soldiers.The Jiangning camp has strict discipline and is a division of benevolence and righteousness. After Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning camp and defeated the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe, they did not kill or plunder. Instead, they started trading with the two tribes. [

The rapid rise of the Xibe and Dauric tribes.It was the result of Su Tiancheng's support.

During this process, because of their own strength, the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe wanted to expand their territories and conquer the grassland tribes. This request was mercilessly denied by Su Tiancheng.The other tribes in the prairie knew that if Su Tiancheng agreed, there would be bloody storms in the prairie, and the two powerful tribes would definitely conquer as many tribes in the prairie.

All of these are in Su Tiancheng's plan.

"My lord has been in Dengzhou and Laizhou for so long, I really miss you."

"Old Qu, why do you feel like a little girl? By the way, has there been any change at the border recently?"

"There is no special action, but some generals in the frontier army seem unconvinced and always complain behind their backs. Probably because the frontier army has been cut too much, and there are not many sergeants left. The interests of these officers have been affected."

"Oh, then tell me what's going on with Wu Sangui, and what to say."

Qu Qingze was a little surprised. Looking at Su Tiancheng, it was hard to imagine that the problem he had detected actually happened to Wu Sangui.The place with the most resentment is Shanhaiguan. In comparison, Zu Dashou, Zu Dale, Zu Dabi and others.It’s much better, and I accept it calmly, especially Zu Dale, who has a straight temper and gets along well with He Renlong. He has already revealed his thoughts, thinking that he can enter the Jiangning camp, even if he is a hundred or a thousand households, it is good .

"My lord, please pay attention. General Wu really has some resentment. It may be that his own interests have been affected. The resentment shown by Shanhaiguan is the biggest. I often hear private discussions, but these discussions are all in the Within the scope of control, there will be no problems."

"Do you really see it this way? Thousands of miles of dikes were destroyed by ant nests. If something goes wrong, we always have to find a way to solve it. Let the frontier soldiers in Shanhaiguan complain. After a long time, too much resentment has accumulated. , is about to explode."

"My lord, I don't think it will happen for the time being. Although there are many complaints, all these complaints come from the officers. The sergeant has no opinion. Therefore, the lower official believes that the general situation is stable and nothing will happen. .”

"Then tell me, how should we deal with such a situation? You can't just watch it spread. Zu Dashou and others are currently emotionally stable, but you have to be clear about the relationship between Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui. Normally, if a conflict breaks out, the border will be in danger."

"This, my lord, I really haven't thought about it."

"Then think about it now and see what method can solve the problem."

Qu Qingze lowered his head and thought for a few minutes.

"My lord, I believe that the best way is to disperse the garrison at Shanhaiguan. The frontier troops stationed at Shanhaiguan are all under the command of General Wu. The soldiers stationed in Ningyuan, Jinzhou and Dalinghe City have all changed. , or the adjustment of the defense, or the adjustment of the officers, so the mood is stable, and the frontier troops in Shanhaiguan have not adjusted, and they gather together for a long time, which is prone to problems."

"That's a good idea, then tell me how to adjust it."

"The lower officials think that by dispatching some soldiers from Shanhaiguan to Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, and Ningyuan, and dispatching some soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion to Shanhaiguan, these grievances can be slowly resolved."

"What do you think should be done with regard to those recalcitrant officers?" [

"If it doesn't work, then kill some of them to make an example to others. The officials believe that they will see the situation clearly."

"Hehe, that's right. You should be clear about the principle of capturing the thief first and capturing the king. Since Wu Sangui is the target, you should find Wu Sangui first. I will handle this matter. You should inform Wu Sangui and go to the Governor's Mansion immediately. Come."

Maybe it was too tired, or too worried, Su Tiancheng lost a lot of weight, seeing Su Tiancheng's appearance, Chunping shed tears in distress, Su Ming hadn't seen his father for a long time, after seeing Su Tiancheng, It was also crying loudly. After coming to Ningyuan, Su Ming was still very happy because he was always by Su Tiancheng's side. Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng had been away for such a long time. The child could not see his father. In addition to Ningyuan's conditions, it was impossible. Compared with the capital city, I must feel uncomfortable.

Su Tiancheng hugged Su Ming, leaning against Chunping, both of them were crying, Su Tiancheng had no choice but to comfort him, Su Ming was a child, his father hugged him, and soon became happy, but Chunping was different, I was sad, although I didn't cry anymore, but the tears kept falling.

Seeing this scene, Su Tiancheng became more confident. He must become stronger. He is no longer alone. There are too many people around him, and these people need his protection.

A day later, Wu Sangui came to Ningyuan.

In the wing room of the Governor's Mansion, Su Tiancheng and Wu Sangui had a crucial conversation. Su Tiancheng was very straightforward, he knew Wu Sangui's character and temper, and you shouldn't be polite when facing such a person.

"General Wu, what's the situation in Shanhaiguan recently?"

"My lord, all is well, the sergeant is very stable."

"Oh, what is the situation of the officer, how are you feeling? I have abolished a large number of frontier troops and the situation of the guards, you and I are clear. Most of these military households are the source of the officer's income. The official cut off the money of these officers, are they so calm?"

Wu Sangui's body trembled, and he stood up quickly. He knew Su Tiancheng's ability well. Forcing Huang Taiji to retreat, Liaodong, which had always been desolate, soon began to regain its vitality, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Wu Sangui knelt on one knee.

"My lord, you deserve to die. There are indeed some people in the general who are talking about it. All of this is the fault of the general. The general will definitely correct it and prevent these words from appearing again."

"General Wu, get up, the relationship between you and me is different, and I said it very directly, no matter who it is, as long as it involves the peace of the border, I will not show mercy, and I will punish you in the eyes, stationed The frontier army in Shanhaiguan is generally good, but individual officers are really outrageous. This kind of atmosphere must not spread. I have a list of five people here. How do you deal with these five people? "

Sweat dripped from Wu Sangui's forehead. After taking the list, he only glanced at it, and knew that Su Tiancheng had grasped all the information. These people were the ones who jumped the highest, and they were also his confidantes.

"My lord, the last general thinks that these people should be beheaded, which affects the stability of the frontier army."

"Very well, then follow what you said. In addition, the frontier troops stationed at Shanhaiguan also need to be adjusted. You can come to Ningyuan. Zu Dashou will go to Shanhaiguan. The sergeants will also make appropriate adjustments. They are always stationed at The sergeant is also tired of being in one place, and needs a change of environment."

Seeing Wu Sangui's face getting paler, Su Tiancheng changed his tone.

"Brother Wu, you have made a lot of contributions by stationing at the border for a long time. I still want to submit it to the imperial court. The papers have been drawn up. You can also serve as the imperial envoy of Zuoqin of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded." , don’t you think so?”

Wu Sangui was a little dizzy. He was born in a military family, and he never thought that it would be a great thing to be able to serve as a civil servant. It is a great thing to be able to honor his ancestors, but his army has been transferred to defense in this way, and he has to leave Shanhaiguan. , This is somewhat unacceptable, but Su Tiancheng has already said it out, and it is impossible for him to object. If Su Tiancheng is really annoyed, he will be in big trouble if he moves his fingers. Under such circumstances, he should be obedient.

At this time, Wu Sangui became more cautious. It seemed that Su Tiancheng was in complete control of the situation in Shanhaiguan, and he had to pay more attention when he arrived in Ningyuan in the future. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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