Ming politicians

Chapter 701: Huang Taiji's Strategy

Huang Taiji saw the development of Liaodong and was anxious about it.

After Daishan and Dorgon returned to Shenyang, Huang Taiji held a banquet and warmly entertained them. Looting tens of thousands of young men from Ming Dynasty and causing a devastating blow to Dengzhou and Laizhou, this is something worth celebrating. Dengzhou and Laizhou won complete victories, and another point is very important, that is, the warships of the Qing Dynasty have been tempered in the middle of actual combat, and the rest is to train the sailors. There is nothing worth keeping secret. The warships of the Qing Dynasty appeared, and the Ming Dynasty faced greater pressure.

Huang Taiji had a long talk with Daishan and Dorgon separately, the purpose was to stabilize the two, so that neither of them could have any resentment. Daishan led more than 2 people to go deep into Mongolia, but he didn't do anything. It must be uncomfortable. Dorgon was in full swing in Dengzhou and Laizhou. Seeing that he could attack Qingzhou and even threaten the capital of Ming Dynasty, he was forced to return to Lushun and ended the fighting and looting prematurely. He also had resentment. Tai Chi had to explain and tell the two that this was a decision that had to be made for the overall interests of the Qing Dynasty.

Daishan and Dorgon were shocked when they learned that Su Tiancheng led an army of [-] to take down the city of Heishan. They knew very well that apart from Heishan, they could launch a defense. Now, at this time, they finally understood that this was an exchange.If they continue to attack, the capital of the Qing Dynasty.I am afraid that he will also receive a fatal blow.

The two finally understood Huang Taiji's approach, but they also thought more about gathering their strength properly and launching a decisive battle with Su Tiancheng's Jiangning Camp at the right time. [

The interior of the Qing Dynasty has finally stabilized. It is not very difficult for Huang Taiji to do these things well.However, the development of Liaodong made Huang Taiji feel restless, and he could do anything.

Su Tiancheng is too powerful, what he thinks of is not conquest, but the development of Liaodong, which is the deadliest thing.You know, if Liaodong develops.It will be more stable, forming an obstacle that the Qing Dynasty can overcome, detouring Mongolia, and relying on naval attacks are not the best way to conquer the Ming Dynasty.In the end, we still need to rely on the Eight Banners Army.

The elite troops of the Ming Dynasty were stationed in Liaodong, and the Eight Banners Army of the Ming Dynasty must have been terrified when they penetrated into the Ming Dynasty. They were afraid that their retreat would be cut off, and they were afraid of being ambushed.Fear of total annihilation, you know.Jiangning camp is waiting all the time.

The more this is the case, the more Huang Taiji thinks about dealing with Su Tiancheng. It seems that the mission of conquering the Ming Dynasty has been implemented as a battle to frame Su Tiancheng and make Su Tiancheng lose power. Unfortunately, in such a battle, Huang Taiji did not get any benefits, without even hope of success.

Su Tiancheng is too young, and there is still too much time, the Qing Dynasty cannot wait for such a long time, and, with the development of Liaodong, with the strength of the Jiangning Camp and the frontier army, how will things develop in the future? Huang Taiji method prediction.

To discuss such matters, Huang Taiji could only find Fan Wencheng.

In fact, Fan Wencheng's main point is also to consider this matter. The people sent to the capital last time did not have any feedback, and Su Tiancheng did not have anything. The court beheaded.

Fan Wencheng racked his brains. From his point of view, these schemes of his are definitely not a problem. Fan Wencheng is confident that he has mastered the situation of the Ming Dynasty, including the situation of the Han people. With such great power, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty could not be so at ease, and those ministers of the Ming Dynasty were very jealous, especially those who gave Shizhong and Yushi, little things, were all If you want to make a big fuss, would they not attack a minister like Su Tiancheng? This is impossible. The more powerful a minister is, the easier it is to be impeached.

In dealing with Su Tiancheng, Huang Taiji invested a lot of gold and silver, but was unable to attack Su Tiancheng, but he established a complete intelligence network, which can be regarded as a huge gain. A lot of intelligence from the Ming Dynasty, through This information network has been continuously sent to Huang Taiji's hands. This is something Fan Wencheng is gratified about, but he always has a knot in his heart, that is, how to deal with Su Tiancheng, he must constantly think of a way .

This matter can only be planned and implemented by Fan Wencheng. If this matter cannot be successful, or if it cannot be effective, he will never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

When Huang Taiji came to the mansion, Fan Wencheng was still in the study.

Knowing that the emperor was coming, Fan Wencheng hurried to the gate of the mansion and knelt down to welcome the emperor.

Huang Taiji helped Fan Wencheng up, and the two came to the study together.

In the study room, there are quite a few maps hanging on them. Many marks are densely marked on them. If you look carefully, most of them are from Liaodong. Between Dalinghe City and Montenegro, there are many marks. up.

After reading it for a while, Huang Taiji understood that all the marks were related to Su Tiancheng.

On another map, the capital of the Ming Dynasty and Liaodong were highlighted, and the names of Zhu Youjian and Su Tiancheng were written on it.

After looking at these maps, Huang Taiji was very moved.

"Wen Cheng, I didn't expect that you pay attention to Su Tiancheng's affairs all the time, and pay attention to the situation in Liaodong. If all the ministers in the court are like you, I will feel at ease."

"Your Majesty, this is the duty of the slave. The slave has never been able to find a way to deal with Su Tiancheng. He has failed the trust of the emperor. This slave is ashamed of the emperor." [

"Don't say that. I know that the Manchus in the Qing Dynasty are still very powerful. I am afraid that Wen Cheng has suffered some unfair treatment. I feel very uncomfortable. Those Manchu nobles always think that I am Those who want to do things for them want to protect their interests, but they have forgotten where this kind of wealth and power come from, forgetting this fundamental, and blindly playing with authority will ruin great things."

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that the Manchus are brave and good at fighting, and have made a lot of contributions to the world. Enjoying the glory and wealth is something that should be done. The Emperor doesn't have to worry about it."

"Wen Cheng, don't speak for them. If this situation continues, what will happen after two generations? What if there is no fighting and killing? Don't you just know how to enjoy yourself and become a bunch of waste? These things, You must think about it. There are many lessons in history. Before the father raised his troops, the army of the Ming Dynasty was so powerful. After only a few years, it became depraved. Apart from the frontier army, it was still able to fight. , What kind of army is the army of the inland guard, I don’t know how to describe the guard army that I met in the pass.”

"The emperor is far-sighted, and the slaves admire him."

Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng and spoke.

"Wen Cheng, I regard you as a humerus, and I don't like to hear you say these words. I think the Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty probably liked to hear these words. I don't like to hear them. In front of me, you can say whatever you want. What, don't worry too much. Dorgon, Azig and others are short-sighted and cannot tolerate Han people. "

Fan Wencheng's eye circles were a little red, he was choked up and couldn't speak, Huang Taiji said such words, it can be seen that his heart is in his heart.

"Wen Cheng, I have also thought about how to deal with that Su Tiancheng. This guy has become a serious problem in my confidant. If we don't get rid of it, our Qing Dynasty will have no peace. But a few years have passed. I can't think of a good way, as a last resort, I see if I should send someone to assassinate him."

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that this method may not work. Su Tiancheng is the governor of Ji Liao, and the security must be extremely strict. It is difficult to have an effective assassination. If this is done, I am afraid that Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty will have more trust and trust." Relying on Su Tiancheng may have the opposite effect."

"I tried everything, but it didn't work. I'm really worried."

"Your Majesty, I think it's better to take your time and don't worry. The slaves concluded that the Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty didn't have such a broad mind. Su Tiancheng held a lot of power and could even threaten the imperial power. Could Emperor Chongzhen really be able to?" Turn a blind eye, the servant feels that thinking of a way from this aspect must be effective."

"What Wen Cheng said is reasonable, but I feel that Su Tiancheng is not an ordinary person who can think of ways to avoid these situations from happening, so it's not okay to wait for such situations to happen."

"Your Majesty, the meaning of the slave is not to wait. The slave suggested that we should use the previous method. Didn't Su Tiancheng write to the emperor? The emperor continued to write to Su Tiancheng, focusing on the peace talks between the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. After a period of time, write a letter, so accumulated, Chongzhen must be suspicious, and the servant firmly believes that the effect will appear."

"Well, this is the way. I will write a letter and send it over. There is no disadvantage. Even if Chongzhen doesn't believe it, it's not a big deal. You can think of other ways."

"Your Majesty, this servant still wants to suggest that the Qing Dynasty should train sailors. This poses a greater threat to the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty has a long coastline. If the Qing Dynasty develops a powerful navy, it will definitely make Chongzhen feel uneasy Thinking about developing the navy, the Ming Dynasty's development of the navy is different from my Qing Dynasty, they will consume more, and the officers of the Ming Dynasty are used to being greedy, so this can also consume a lot of money from the Ming Dynasty."

"That's good, that's good, Wen Cheng has a look, who will be sent to train the sailors."

Fan Wencheng was silent for a while.

"The slave thinks that Prince Su is the most suitable."

Huang Taiji nodded, and a smile appeared on his face again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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