Ming politicians

Chapter 803 The Cabinet Argument

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The strategic deployment and tactical deployment are not just talking casually. They involve the lives of many soldiers, whether the battle will be able to win the final victory, and the future of the Ming Dynasty. However, Tang Shiji's opinions seem a little too confident. The emperor clearly said that it will take time to prepare for the capture of Heishan, Yizhou and Guangning this year. As for when to launch a general attack on Houjin, it still needs detailed deployment, but what Tang Shiji meant was to ask Chen Xinjia to take advantage of the victory The difference between chasing, and even winning the final victory after exterminating the Golden Tartars is huge.

This is a matter of power. One is to clarify Chen Xinjia's command of this battle, and the other is what kind of deployment Chen Xinjia can make, whether it is a tentative attack or a general attack.

Of course, things are not as simple as they say. Tang Shiji has always had some opinions on Su Tiancheng. Maybe Tang Shiji supported Su Tiancheng when he was in Nanzhili before. Things have changed, and Tang Shiji has changed his opinion, and the change is very thorough. In the imperial court, most of the officials who impeached Su Tiancheng had suffered, but Tang Shiji had nothing to do. Perhaps out of some anger, Tang Shiji and Su Tiancheng became clear enemies.

Giving Chen Xinjia the heavy responsibility of attacking the Houjin Tartars was obviously ostracizing Su Tiancheng.

After Tang Shiji finished speaking, there was a temporary silence in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Yang Sichang and Tang Shiji had different opinions, which everyone could understand. Their next speeches depended on who they supported.Yang Sichang is the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Tang Shiji is the second assistant of the cabinet, but Tang Shiji's qualifications are older and he has the support of the emperor.

Zhu Youjian didn't speak either, and looked at the rest of the cabinet scholars.

Finally, Liu Zongzhou spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think it is indeed feasible to attack the Golden Tartars. The matters that need to be determined today, that is, how to attack and who will be the commander in chief. I believe that this attack needs to be determined by the generals in front. If The situation is good. You can take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. If the situation is not good, you can stick to the spot. As for the generals who lead the army, I recommend Su Tiancheng, the governor of Jiliao."

Not only Zhu Youjian, but even Yang Sichang frowned.

This Liu Zongzhou is really a pedantic teacher, he doesn't understand what the emperor means at all.How could it be possible for Su Tiancheng to return to Liaodong at such a moment.Commanding the battle against the Houjin Tartars, Su Tiancheng always disapproved of the attack on Houjin, thinking that the time was not ripe yet, besides, the emperor's idea, as a cabinet minister.It should be clear that all the credit has been taken away by Su Tiancheng, what should the emperor do with him, and how should he reward Su Tiancheng.

After Liu Zongzhou finished speaking.Fu Guan spoke.

The relationship between Fu Guan and Liu Zongzhou is mediocre, even bad. The two have completely different personalities. Fu Guan can be said to be concentrating on political affairs, and has no interest in academic matters. When doing things, he mostly considers the actual situation , not to care about those so-called dogmas, which is very good, but because of the limitations of knowledge, sometimes the decisions made may not be completely accurate, but compared with Liu Zongzhou, it is still stronger.

"Your Majesty, I think it is feasible for the Golden Tatars to attack, but I think Chen Xinjia is suitable for the commander-in-chief. Chen Xinjia has been in Liaodong for nearly a year, and he is familiar with the situation in Liaodong. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles." , This is Chen Xinjia's advantage, Mr. Su has been in Dengzhou for nearly a year, and he basically didn't care about the affairs of Liaodong, so he suddenly took command of the battle, it will inevitably take time to adapt, so I recommend Chen Xinjia as the commander in chief."

Fu Guan is very smart and knows the emperor's mind. As for the deployment of the battle, Yang Sichang and Tang Shiji have not yet agreed on the views, so don't express any opinions on this aspect. Liu Zongzhou is really pedantic, what he said , Offended Yang Sichang, and also offended Tang Shiji, and the emperor didn't like to hear it. I really don't know how a person like Liu Zongzhou can enter the cabinet. Isn't this a bad thing?

The atmosphere in the Hall of Mental Cultivation changed subtly. No one looked at Liu Zongzhou. Both Yang Sichang and Tang Shiji paid attention to Fu Guan. They also felt that what Fu Guan said was very reasonable, and Liu Zongzhou couldn't speak at all. .

Next, Liu Yuliang and Xue Guoguang both spoke, which was similar to what Fu Guan said. They also agreed that Chen Xinjia should become the coach. As for the deployment of the campaign, they did not express their views.

At this time, Liu Zongzhou also understood somewhat, but unfortunately the words have already been spoken, and it is impossible to take them back.

Liu Zongzhou thought that Su Tiancheng's command of this battle cannot be said to be wrong. He thought that Su Tiancheng's ability was far stronger than Chen Xinjia's. It's a sad thing, but to be honest, you need to take a lot of risks and you have to bear the price.

Zhu Youjian is still in a good mood, because of the stability of the Ming Dynasty, the opinions of the cabinet are more unified, and the previous noisy situation has basically never happened. Opinion, but the overall situation is much better, and the imperial decree can be implemented very well.

The change in the court can explain many problems, at least everything is moving in a good direction. Over the years, Zhu Youjian has also felt the benefits of unification of opinions, a lot less quarrels, and more ministers who think about problems. A good memorial was proposed, at least some of the ministers first thought of how to implement it. In fact, this change has a direct relationship with Su Tiancheng. At the beginning, Su Tiancheng suggested that the vassal kings enter the court, and now several vassal kings, They have all become officials of the third rank or above. These vassal kings can implement the imperial edict very well and require less quarrels. After all, the status of the vassal kings is special, and they can protect the imperial power to the maximum extent. Think carefully and don't show your head easily.

Although Liu Zongzhou's words made Zhu Youjian a little unhappy, many cabinet ministers agreed to attack the Houjin Tartars, and Zhu Youjian's goal was achieved.

"I'm very pleased that all my lovers agree to launch an attack on the Houjin Tartars. As for the deployment of the campaign, I think we still need to be cautious. After all, the strength of the Houjin Tartars should not be underestimated. I think within this year, Still strive to capture Heishan, Yizhou, and Guangning. If we can win these three places, we will confront the Houjin Tartars in Liaohe. Moreover, Guangning is only two hundred miles away from Shenyang, which can directly threaten Houjin. If it can be well consolidated, it will definitely make Hou Jin feel uncomfortable."

Zhu Youjian uttered these words, which basically clarified the scale of this battle. However, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and everything is possible, so Zhu Youjian will not die with his words.

"What Tang Aiqing said is also reasonable. The commander-in-chief is still responsible for the situation on the battlefield. If the situation permits, it is also feasible to expand the results of the battle appropriately. However, I still want to remind all Aiqing, thinking that relying on one attack, you can wipe out the future. Gold Tartar, that's unrealistic."

After talking about the deployment of the campaign, the next question is the candidate for the coach. Regarding the candidate for the coach, there are only two people who expressed their opinions. Tang Shiji recommended Chen Xinjia, and Liu Zongzhou recommended Su Tiancheng.

On this issue, Zhu Youjian still wants to see what Yang Sichang's opinion is. After all, Yang Sichang is the chief assistant of the cabinet. Besides, he is also aware of the game between the ministers below. When necessary, he still needs to maintain the authority of the chief assistant .

"Yang Aiqing, the leader of the army, what's your opinion?"

Yang Sichang didn't hesitate, and quickly spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think Chen Xinjia is the right one. Chen Xinjia understands the situation in Liaodong and has prepared for a long time, so he can be targeted. Besides, Dengzhou, Laizhou, Qingzhou and Tianjin cannot do without Su Tiancheng. Since The imperial court decides to launch an attack on the Houjin Tartars, so it needs to pay attention to the situation at the border, and beware of the Houjin Tartars jumping over the wall in a hurry. I think that Su Tiancheng's responsibility is also very important, and he must guard the border."

Yang Sichang's answer was much more mature, and they all proceeded from the overall situation. He didn't deny that Su Tiancheng couldn't do it, but thought that Su Tiancheng also needed to be more vigilant to ensure the safety of the border.

In fact, everyone understood what the emperor meant, that is, Chen Xinjia would be the coach, and Chen Xinjia would be the governor of Liaodong. I am afraid this is the biggest task. Besides, many intelligence analyzes were provided by Chen Xinjia.This is enough to show that Chen Xinjia understands the situation.

"Okay, I think that's the decision. The attack will start in May, and there are still three months of preparation time. I have something to say first. Many preparations need to be kept secret. I don't want to see the discussions flying all over the sky. Some people even question whether it is true or not. We should attack the Houjin Tartars. Some people in the court are used to living a stable life, so this time's decision will not be discussed in the early court. Except for the account opening department and the military department need to prepare and know the news, the rest do not need to inquire That's the matter."

After the crowd dispersed, Zhu Youjian was a little excited. He finally made such an important decision, and it was a logical one. He didn't encounter any resistance. For some reason, Su Tiancheng always thought that the time to attack the Golden Tartars It has not yet arrived, and Zhu Youjian also knows the difference here. Su Tiancheng's so-called attack on the Houjin Tartars is to directly wipe out the Houjin regime in one go, but he doesn't see it that way. After squeezing the territory occupied by Jin, wait until the time is right to launch the final attack.

However, Zhu Youjian did not notice that there were still certain problems in his words, that is, the deployment of the campaign was a bit vague and not very firm, and he had to stop the attack wherever he went. The clear answer came out, perhaps because I thought in my heart that the frontier army can create miracles. (To be continued..)

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