Ming politicians

Chapter 804 Su Tiancheng's Analysis

The intelligence network built by Qu Qingze has also grown in disguise. This intelligence network is different from Jin Yiwei's dark line, and is completely controlled by Qu Qingze. Except for Su Tiancheng, the rest of the people do not know about it. This is also a top secret and cannot be leaked. Get out any news, this intelligence network provides a series of news, no matter what it is.

According to information from the intelligence network, Su Tiancheng has known about the subtle changes in Liaodong for a long time. This information is even more detailed than the letter written by Hong Chengchou. Said that Zhu Youjian couldn't wait.

Chen Xinjia's series of measures in Liaodong are not conducive to development, but they are conducive to the construction of the army. Su Tiancheng is very disapproving of this practice of drinking poison to quench thirst, and constantly exploiting the people. The final result is that a large number of people leave Liaodong, and the army is even more difficult. It is difficult to maintain, and the government must find a way. On the one hand, the common people have enough food and clothing, and on the other hand, the common people can afford to support the army, instead of cutting down on food and clothing and being forced to support the army.What Su Tiancheng did in Liaodong was to stabilize the situation in Liaodong, enrich the border, strengthen the cohesion of the common people, and constantly gather strength. Once the time is right, he can launch a general attack on Houjin.

Everyone has everyone's understanding, Su Tiancheng is also very clear about this, Chen Xinjia must have different ideas, and Chen Xinjia grew up in a different environment, and his understanding is different from that of Su Tiancheng who traveled through time, so it is normal to introduce these policies. Saying that restricting the return of Han Chinese is based on the safety of Liaodong, which is not wrong.

After analyzing a lot of information, Su Tiancheng was also pondering, the key is the timing of launching the attack.My own understanding cannot be said to be [-]% correct. For example, I think that when the opportunity is fully ripe, I will launch a general offensive. The purpose of the general offensive is to eliminate the Houjin regime, but this requires long-term preparations.It won't be possible to achieve the goal in a short period of time. Judging from the situation in Liaodong, too long a period of peace will also wear down the fighting spirit of the soldiers, and the only thing they think of is to maintain the status quo. [

Can continue to summarize, and constantly combine with the actual situation.It is Su Tiancheng's advantage to adjust his point of view. After all, he is a time traveler. Although he is familiar with history, he cannot think that he is completely correct.

After Lu Shanji's letter arrived, Su Tiancheng read it for the first time.He still felt very happy, but after a closer look, he began to worry, and it was not a normal worry.

When Qu Qingze and Yan Yingyuan entered the wing room, Su Tiancheng was still deep in thought.

Yan Yingyuan got his wish and became an experience in Dengzhou Mansion, but was transferred by Su Tiancheng to the Governor's Mansion.Assuming the role of a staff officer and assisting Qu Qingze in carrying out his work, Su Tiancheng needs to cultivate talents, and talents like Yan Yingyuan are worth cultivating.

Yan Yingyuan quickly adapted to his role, and he knew very well that Su Tiancheng trusted him very much.

"Old Qu, Yan Yingyuan, this is a letter from Lord Lu, please read it."

Su Tiancheng didn't say much.Passed Lu Shanji's letter to Qu Qingze. To save time, Qu Qingze and Yan Yingyuan read the letter together.

The two finished it quickly.

"My lord, I think that the emperor's arrangement is still feasible. Take Heishan, Yizhou and Guangning within the year, so that you can fight against the Houjin Tatars in Liaohe. The defense line that the Houjin Tatars rely on is basically not enough. It exists, and my subordinates predict that the scale of the battle is not very large, and Huang Taiji will not mobilize all his troops to fight."

After Qu Qingze finished speaking, Su Tiancheng still had no expression on his face, he looked at Yan Yingyuan.

"My lord, the lower official thinks what Mr. Qu said is reasonable, and the lower official also thinks so."

Su Tiancheng frowned.

"You didn't read this letter in detail. When I read it for the first time, I thought the same as you. It is very necessary to launch a moderate attack on the Houjin Tartars, so that the Liaodong soldiers will not slack off. Is it possible to take back Montenegro, Guangning and other places? It can inspire the fighting spirit of soldiers, can moderately control the scale of the battle, and make detailed deployments. This kind of battle is still somewhat certain, and it can be retracted freely. Take a closer look, there are very important things in it, you have overlooked, these key words are likely to have major hidden dangers."

After Su Tiancheng said this, Qu Qingze and Yan Yingyuan immediately began to look carefully.

After more than ten minutes, Qu Qingze raised his head. He already understood that Yan Yingyuan was still in the process of thinking. After all, he hadn't participated for a long time, so it was impossible to think so comprehensively.

"Old Qu, tell me your opinion."

"My lord, I understand that the court's intention is to give Chen Xinjia a certain degree of independent decision-making power. This will make it difficult to control the scale of the battle. Maybe this attack may become a full-scale decisive battle."

Yan Yingyuan finally understood at this time, and also saw the key words in the letter.

Su Tiancheng sighed slightly. [

"It's the basic requirement of the battle to be disobedient, but some adults don't understand that the scale of the battle needs to be strictly limited. My Ming and Hou Jin have been fighting for so many years. This is the first time since the Wanli period. It is a big change to take the initiative to launch an attack for the first time. It is necessary to be proud, but we must have a clear understanding. According to my opinion, the Ming Dynasty does not yet have the strength to completely wipe out the Golden Tartars. , requires sufficient preparation, so the battle with the Houjin Tartars requires special caution, strictly controlling the scale of the battle, and limiting the authority of the commander."

Qu Qingze nodded, expressing his understanding.

Yan Yingyuan's expression was different. Su Tiancheng's analysis surprised him very much. He never expected that Su Tiancheng would be able to analyze all the situations in Liaodong and make accurate judgments because it was so far away from Liaodong.

"The emperor's idea is good. No matter whether the limited attack on the Houjin Tartars can achieve the goal, it can stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers. It is also a warning to the soldiers in Liaodong and the border. Now is far from an easy time. Soldiers The most important task is to wipe out the Houjin regime and the Houjin Tartars. Only when the soldiers have such an idea can Liaodong and the frontier pass truly maintain their vitality. I think such a decision is feasible."

"But the imperial court must also consider the actual situation, that is, how large-scale the attack is to launch, and occupy Heishan, Yizhou, and Guangning within this year. It constitutes the most direct threat, how can Huang Taiji give up, I am afraid that the battle will be extremely tragic, Chen Xinjia has to face many problems, after occupying a place, the follow-up construction and stabilization problems are also problems that need to be faced , otherwise it would be directly taken back by the Houjin Tartars, forming a tug-of-war, which greatly consumed human and financial resources."

"Since the combat mission for this year has been clarified, there should be no hesitation in the slightest. Just proceed according to this tactical arrangement, and just follow up with a few words. Chen Xinjia can make his own decision depending on the battle situation, and report to the court for permission. Based on the basics, if we continue to attack, wouldn’t this require a fundamental change in the tactical arrangement? Would Chen Xinjia think that he would go to Shenyang in one go, wipe out the Houjin Tartars and destroy the Houjin regime in one go.”

"This is a very dangerous authorization. If Chen Xinjia cannot have a clear understanding, it is likely to cause a huge disaster. At the beginning of the battle, all preparations were to take Montenegro, Uiju and Guangning, and the battle continued. In the process of fighting, but thinking about continuing to expand the results of the battle, not to mention the fighting spirit of the soldiers, it is not enough in terms of preparation alone. Under such circumstances, what will happen to you when you meet a powerful opponent? Who could have predicted it."

"Let's look at Huang Taiji's preparations again. The Han Eight Banners are stationed in Heishan. The Han Eight Banners are not the former Han Army. All the officers are drawn from the Man Eight Banners. Although these people are Han, But they are absolutely loyal to Huang Taiji, and they fight bravely, no less than the Manchu Eight Banners. After the establishment of the Han Eight Banners, they have not conducted large-scale battles, or even fought. They are always thinking about making contributions and proving their abilities. From this point of view, the Eight Banners of Han stationed in Montenegro are more dangerous than the Eight Banners."

"Dorgon is stationed in Guangning, and the Zhengbai Banner under Dorgon's leadership has nearly 3 people. Dorgon's ability has been tested in actual combat. I even say bluntly. , Chen Xinjia probably doesn't have as much experience as Dorgon."

"The frontier army's attack on Heishan, Yizhou, and Guangning will inevitably arouse Huang Taiji's high attention. Huang Taiji will never take it lightly, and will definitely send reinforcements, and I have a hunch that Huang Taiji is likely to lead the army in battle. , he may think that defeating the Ming army this time will change the situation in Liaodong in one fell swoop."

"From the analysis of these situations, Chen Xinjia's task is very heavy. The best way is to follow the established tactics, step by step, don't be greedy for merit, and don't have unrealistic fantasies. In this way, the results of the battle can be consolidated and the real battle can be achieved." To achieve the goal, as for whether to launch a general attack on the Houjin Tartars next year or the year after, that is the next step."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Qu Qingze spoke quickly.

"My lord, I think that the safety of Liaodong is involved. We should write a memorial and report it to the emperor and the court to remind Chen Xinjia to pay attention so as not to suffer heavy losses."

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly.

"Let's write a letter to Hong Chengchou, tell Hong Chengchou everything, and ask Hong Chengchou to put forward these opinions and suggestions during Chen Xinjia's discussion of the battle. The emperor does not want this matter to be leaked, and he has not asked for discussion and discussion. If we put forward these opinions and suggestions , what will the emperor think, what will the cabinet think." (To be continued...)

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