Ming politicians

Chapter 814 Acting as required

Qu Qingze came to Ningyuan, which surprised Hong Chengchou. This time Qu Qingze came to Ningyuan secretly. He did not directly enter Ningyuan City, but waited for Hong Chengchou outside the city. After receiving the report from the soldiers, Hong Chengchou quickly Went outside the city to meet Qu Qingze, because Qu Qingze came to Ningyuan in person, which made Hong Chengchou's restless heart a little calmer.

Today's Liaodong is completely different from before. In addition to the tight defense of Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City, Ningyuan City, and Shanhaiguan City, the surrounding areas have also begun to become calm. Those who dare not invade these places easily, after Su Tiancheng became the governor of Jiliao, he greatly strengthened the construction of the places outside the city, requiring the army to patrol at all times, and led by the powerful Jiangning battalion, the two sides once fought more than ten times outside the city of Dalinghe. There was a small-scale conflict in the area, and after seeing the bravery of the Jiangning battalion, the Houjin tartars never thought of continuing to harass them.

When Qu Qingze came to Liaodong, he found that the situation here had indeed changed. The common people didn't know that the frontier army was about to launch an attack on the Houjin Tartars, so they couldn't see anything, but the actions of the army were completely different, and the guards were heavily guarded. Most people can't see this kind of atmosphere, but Qu Qingze, a master who has been engaged in intelligence work for a long time, can spot abnormalities at a glance.

After seeing Hong Chengchou, Qu Qingze could feel that Hong Chengchou's mood was not very good, and he was a little haggard.

Because Qu Qingze came to Ningyuan, Hong Chengchou cheered up. [

"Master Qu came to Ningyuan in person, I didn't expect that."

"Lord Hong, I was ordered to come to Ningyuan, and I can't stay for a long time. After exchanging opinions with my lord on some matters, I will go back to Dengzhou."

Hong Chengchou nodded, and ordered the soldiers around him to stand guard outside the house and not allow anyone to approach.

"I'm very anxious. I don't know what your lord's request is. Jiang Ningying is so brave, but this arrangement is completely excluded. I am not convinced. If such an arrangement is really made, the name of Jiangning Ying will be destroyed." I lost it. What face do I have to go to see my lord?"

Hong Chengchou's idea is still to be able to participate in this attack on the Houjin Tartars. Qu Qingze can understand this kind of thinking. If it were his, he would have such a requirement.But he clearly knew about Su Tiancheng's arrangement.Qu Qingze knew that he had to persuade Hong Chengchou to follow Su Tiancheng's request to ensure the safety of Guan Ningjin's line of defense.

"Lord Hong, I was ordered to come here this time to tell you two things. The first is to act according to Master Chen's arrangement. Don't show any emotions, let alone think about any dissatisfaction. Since the Jiangning camp is not To be able to participate in the attack on the Houjin Tartars, then firmly defend the Guan Ningjin line of defense. The second thing is to firmly guard the Guan Ningjin line of defense. No matter what difficulties you encounter, Dalinghe City, In Tashan, Songshan, Jinzhou, Ningyuan, Gaotai, Qiantun, and Shanhaiguan, there must be no mistakes."

Hong Chengchou looked at Qu Qingze with an unbelievable expression on his face, if Qu Qingze hadn't come here in person.He would never believe that this was Su Tiancheng's request.

Qu Qingze ignored Hong Chengchou's reaction and continued talking.

"About the garrison of Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan, your lord has made a suggestion. Dalinghe City will deploy 3 Jiangning battalion soldiers, 5000 Yulin battalion sergeants, 5000 frontier troops, and a total strength of 5000. Among them, 5000 soldiers will be stationed at the outer strongholds, and the remaining 5000 will all guard Dalinghe City. Jinzhou City will deploy [-] soldiers from Jiangning Battalion and [-] soldiers from Yulin Battalion. The total force will be [-] people. In the city, Ningyuan City deployed [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers, [-] Yulin battalion sergeants, [-] frontier troops, and a total of [-] troops to guard the city. Shanhaiguan deployed [-] frontier troops. It's been a year, and I'm not as familiar with the situation in Liaodong as Sir Hong, what you're talking about is a suggestion, please consider the specific situation."

Hong Chengchou's attention quickly focused on this topic. Since Su Tiancheng said that he would not participate in the attack, Hong Chengchou knew very well that the possibility of changing this decision is not very high. This shows that Su Tiancheng will not give Hong Chengchou would not waste his efforts to do things that cannot be changed in the court memorial, but this time Qu Qingze came to Ningyuan in person to speak out this decision on behalf of Su Tiancheng, which already shows that Su Tiancheng attaches great importance to this matter Yes, she would never let Qu Qingze come to Ningyuan just to ask her to feel at ease.

Therefore, Hong Chengchou paid great attention to what Qu Qingze said later.

After a minute of silence, Hong Chengchou spoke.

"My lord, there are a few things I don't quite understand about this arrangement."

"Lord Hong, just say what you want. If the lower officials can answer, you must know whether to say it or not."

"This deployment focuses on the safety of encircling Dalinghe City and Jinzhou. Relatively speaking, Shanhaiguan's guards are the weakest. There are no Jiangning battalion soldiers. Is the purpose of doing this to prevent the later Jin Tartars from bypassing My attacking army raided the Guan Ningjin defense line."

"Indeed, that's what your lord thinks about. He has deployed heavy troops in Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, and defended these two places. They had to ignore the heavy troops in the rear, and they had to risk being surrounded by heavy troops and annihilated by the whole army. The adults believed that Huang Taiji would never dare to make such a choice. Dalinghe City is more than four hundred miles away from Shanhaiguan. Within this distance, I am under the control of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, even if they all dispatched elites, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion stationed at the Guanning Jin line of defense, how can they allow the Houjin Tartars to be arrogant."

Hong Chengchou's face became serious.

"My lord, I have a few words, I don't know if I should say them or not."

Qu Qingze looked at Hong Chengchou, wondering if it was possible, he had guessed what Hong Chengchou wanted to say, Hong Chengchou was also a fierce general, brave and resourceful, some things were naturally conceivable. [

Hong Chengchou looked at Qu Qingze and finally spoke.

"Are you not very optimistic about the battle of the Golden Tartars after this attack?"

Qu Qingze smiled, but did not answer directly.

"Lord Hong often writes letters to his lord to report the situation in Liaodong, but after such a long time, your lord has never been aware of the situation of the Houjin Tartars, including the deployment of the Houjin Tartars, whether there have been any changes, etc. It is supposed to be so big For large-scale campaigns, it is necessary to understand the situation of the Houjin Tartars. Knowing these conditions will be of great benefit to the campaign. Your Excellency mentioned this matter in a letter, but did not get any information."

"Well, after Mr. Chen arrived in Liaodong, he didn't pay much attention to the situation in this aspect. In addition, Liaodong as a whole is very stable. Huang Taiji once wrote a peace letter, so he didn't pay too much attention to the situation of the Houjin Tartars. There are quite a few The Han people have entered Liaodong, Mr. Chen has been paying attention to prevent the news of Liaodong from leaking out, but he has not noticed the situation of the Houjin Tartars."

"Lord Hong, you know your temper. No matter what kind of battle it is, no matter how big or small the battle is, you are always very cautious. At least you must get information from multiple sources, so that you can know what you are doing. Secondly, every time you go to war, your lord thinks carefully and discusses with many officers, and the plans you come up with are all perfect. After this time, after the conquest of the Golden Tartars, your lord did not see too much preparation, maybe he is stepping up now I understand the situation of the Houjin Tatars, but Liaodong, as a border gate, must keep abreast of this information at all times, instead of learning about it temporarily when it is necessary to go to war."

Hong Chengchou sighed lightly.

"Master Qu, you also know that the situation in Liaodong has undergone some changes. Those who take on important guard duties are already the frontier troops. There are many things that Jiangning Battalion cannot participate in, so naturally it is difficult to say anything."

"My lord knows about this situation. You don't have to worry too much about this situation. Don't say too many words. Your lord's request must be remembered. No matter what price you pay, you must firmly grasp the Guan Ningjin line of defense. In this way Only by coming to Liaodong will it be possible to maintain stability, if there is a problem with the Guan Ningjin defense line, the capital will be in danger, and the Ming Dynasty will be in danger."

"My lord, please tell your lord that I will definitely defend Guan Ningjin's line of defense with all my might."

"Your Excellency also said that when it comes to the guards of the Guan Ning Jin defense line, although Lord Qian Qianyi is in charge, Lord Qian is not familiar with military affairs, and it is Lord Hong who really needs to call the shots. There is no need to worry about this matter. Even if there is a dispute between Mr. Qian and Mr. Qian, you must stick to your own opinions. In case Mr. Qian impeaches you, or Mr. Chen has any opinions, you will fight for Mr. Hong in the court. In terms of deploying defense forces, you don't have to follow Mr. Qian's requirements Do."

"Your Excellency thinks so carefully, I have nothing to say. There is a great possibility of conflict with Lord Qian. Lord Qian thinks that the most important place is Shanhaiguan. He thinks that the capital is safe if the Shanhaiguan is guarded. It's a pity that this kind of understanding is too naive. If there is a problem with Ningyuan and Jinzhou, how long can Shanhaiguan hold on?"

Qu Qingze was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Su Tiancheng had been worried about these things for a long time. No wonder he asked himself to come to Ningyuan and make a request to Hong Chengchou face to face. Knowing what to do, since Su Tiancheng said so, it was actually an authorization in disguise. At the critical moment, Hong Chengchou could not follow Qian Qianyi's request.

Everything that should be said has been said, and the tasks that should be assigned have also been assigned. Qu Qingze will not stay in Ningyuan anymore. He knows very well that after returning to Dengzhou, there are still many things that need to be done. (to be continued...)

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