Ming politicians

Chapter 815 Arrangement of Dengzhou

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Through Lu Shanji's letter, Su Tiancheng clearly grasped that Liaodong's offensive was launched in May. At this time, spring plowing and production were completely over, and there were still more than two months before the autumn harvest. The offensive was indeed launched. The best time, and at this time, is the time when the crops are not available. The preparation of food and grass is very important. Chen Xinjia has a certain advantage in this regard. Behind him is the Ming Dynasty, and Huang Taiji does not have the advantage. It must be difficult. According to the information obtained from the mutual market, Su Tiancheng knew that the merchants of Houjin bought a large amount of grain, but the price was still very high, which showed that the grain and grass of Houjin were not sufficient.

From the analysis of this situation, Chen Xinjia is full of confidence. Huang Taiji is probably unwilling to fight a war of attrition. He hopes that the battle can be resolved quickly and the battle should not be dragged on for too long. On this point, Chen Xinjia and Huang Taiji have the same idea. Chen Xinjia is eager to make meritorious service. Eager to show their abilities.

Although Su Tiancheng believes that there is a great danger in this battle, if Chen Xinjia strictly follows the emperor's requirements and makes a comprehensive deployment, the problem will not be very big. The [-] frontier troops have Guan Ningjin behind them. With the strong support of the defense line, after encountering any difficulties, he can advance or retreat. Even if he loses temporarily, he can get a respite when he returns to Dalinghe City, but if Chen Xinjia rushes forward impetuously, there will be too many uncertain factors The most uncertain factor is that Huang Taiji dared to make up his mind, boldly interspersed, and arranged a part of his troops to stand in front of Dalinghe City, preventing the soldiers from Dalinghe City from rushing to help, and blocking the way for the frontier army to retreat.Don't be afraid of making great sacrifices, and don't be afraid of being flanked by the frontier army and Jiangning battalion soldiers. If you persevere desperately, great danger is likely to come.

Su Tiancheng believed that Huang Taiji would probably make such an arrangement, because if he were to arrange the battle himself.It will also make such a deployment. It was also the measure taken when the Jiangning battalion fought against the bandits in Fengyang, the central capital.

If Huang Taiji wanted to do this, he would have to mobilize a large number of troops. With fewer troops, such a combat deployment would be impossible. Therefore, from this premise.It is entirely feasible for Su Tiancheng to lead the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to launch an attack on Lushun, annihilate Houjin's navy, and then occupy the Fuzhou, Yongning, and Xuanzhou areas.

It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to control the battle in Liaodong, but he can completely deploy the battle that will start in Lushun.Totally under control.

This is an excellent opportunity to get all of Huang Taiji's attention.I'm afraid they all concentrated in Liaodong, because it is very close to Shenyang, and a slight mistake would threaten the capital of Houjin. Also because Liaodong is close to the capital, the court also paid great attention to it.Therefore, everyone's attention will be focused on Liaodong when the fight begins.

Such an excellent opportunity, Su Tiancheng would definitely not miss it.Otherwise, I am sorry for my hard work.

After the extermination of the bandits, the biggest opponent of the Ming Dynasty was Hou Jin. Because of Hou Jin's restraint, Su Tiancheng was unable to expand overseas, to develop new sources of income, and to plunder. To say that in this era, it is a lie not to seek hegemony Yes, when you don't have the ability, you definitely can't dominate. Once you have strong strength, expansion is inevitable.

Su Tiancheng didn’t pay much attention to the reference of history. He changed the history many years ago, probably six years after Chongzhen, so it was basically difficult to refer to the history before he changed it. Remember, this involves his deployment and overall arrangements.In August of the 14th year of Chongzhen, that is, in August of the eighth year of Chongde, Huang Taiji died suddenly in the harem of Shengjing. It was rumored that he died of cerebral hemorrhage. Will he pass away suddenly, so that there will be huge disputes in the succession of the throne after Jin.

This point, Su Tiancheng is not sure, because history has changed, it seems that according to the current situation, in the 17th year of Chongzhen, Zhu Youjian will never go to Meishan to hang himself, such a situation will never happen It may have happened.

But no matter how the situation develops, he must grasp the opportunity.

Attacking Lushun and occupying Fuzhou, Yongning, and Xuanzhou will deal a fatal blow to Houjin and Huang Taiji, making Huang Taiji in a dilemma. Facing the reality, they don't have the ability to fly, so they can only accept it bitterly.

In his heart, Su Tiancheng was very hesitant. If Huang Taiji died of a sudden illness, Hou Jin's strength would suffer a heavy blow. This would be very beneficial to the Ming Dynasty, and it was something Su Tiancheng was willing to see, but Su Tiancheng's opponents did not Many, especially an opponent like Huang Taiji, I am afraid it will be difficult to meet again. It is very lucky to meet an opponent when you meet a good talent. surrender before.

The layout of Penglai City is top-secret and cannot be leaked. It is absolutely impossible to attack Lushun and then occupy Fuzhou and other places. , crossed the strait, wiped out the Houjin Navy, occupied many places, took root in those places, and squeezed Houjin's living space step by step.

Here, it involves the issue of mobilizing troops. The 5 soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion are stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. Stick to Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. In fact, as long as Fuzhou and other places are occupied, there is no need to station so many troops in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. Mountains, Xuanzhou and other places are the real front.

To win the city, rely on force, but to defend the city and build the city, you must not rely entirely on force. Such an occupation is not firm, especially during the battle between the two armies. Jin has been occupied for many years. Su Tiancheng doesn't know what the people there think, but he is confident that with his own ability, the people in these places will support the Ming Dynasty. These places were originally the territory of the Ming Dynasty. .

When Qu Qingze rushed back to Dengzhou, Su Tiancheng had already started to move.

The Governor's Mansion issued an order for deployment and training. Most of the Jiangning battalion soldiers stationed in Qingzhou, Dengzhou, and Laizhou wanted to gradually concentrate in the direction of Dengzhou. Among them, 1 people were left in Qingzhou City and 5000 people in Laizhou Fucheng. A total of 5000 soldiers were left in Yantai, Weihaiwei, and Dengzhou Fucheng in Dengzhou, and the rest of the soldiers were all concentrated in the military camp outside Dengzhou City.

The imperial decree required that within one month, [-] soldiers should be concentrated in the military barracks and navy barracks in Dengzhou. At the same time, the Yantai base began to manufacture artillery shells on a large scale. As for the shipyard, the production of large-scale After recovering Zheng Zhilong's navy, Su Tiancheng acquired a large number of warships through continuous deployment. The current task of the shipyard is to manufacture large-scale merchant ships. Craftsmen had no time to rest, and the profits of large merchant ships also made Su Tiancheng feel happy and surprised.

After the edict was issued, there were no disturbances. Large-scale transfers of the Jiangning battalion happened frequently. Besides, all of these were arranged by the Governor's Office. The name was training. It may also be that the Governor's Office decided to launch a large-scale army After the martial arts competition, besides the mobilization time, it is also longer, and it is not like preparing for a battle at all.

It was already the end of March when Qu Qingze returned to Dengzhou.

The next day, he rushed to the Governor's Mansion.

Su Tiancheng is waiting in the wing room.

"My lord, my subordinates have met Lord Hong, and Lord Hong has accepted the order."

"Well, did you emphasize that Hong Chengchou should not obey Qian Qianyi's orders at this critical moment, but must make his own decisions. Qian Qianyi doesn't understand military deployment, and may lead to disorderly command."

"The lower official said it, and the lower official also reminded Lord Hong that there are some conflicts between Qian Qianyi and the Lord. It is very likely that at the critical moment, they are not considering the overall situation, and may vent their personal anger, or even the battle situation. "

"Very good. In fact, the deployment of Liaodong has already exposed this problem. Chen Xinjia doesn't use Jiangning battalion soldiers, but he just wants to rely on the frontier army and make great achievements. In this way, he can also be proud of it. Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi We are together all the time. During this process, Qian Qianyi will naturally reject the Jiangning Camp. Most importantly, Chen Xinjia has never been able to actually grasp the Jiangning Camp. army."

"My lord, when I went to Liaodong this time, I also learned about a situation, that is, Tang Haitai, the governor of the governor's office, is very beautiful. This Tang Haitai, I am very impressed."

Su Tiancheng narrowed his eyes.

"I said why the situation in Liaodong is a bit strange. It turns out that I underestimated Tang Haitai. Think about it. Tang Haitai is the nephew of Tang Shiji, the second assistant to the cabinet. After arriving in Liaodong, Chen Xinjia will not underestimate him. During this process, Tang Haitai is sure. Became the liaison between Chen Xinjia and Tang Shiji, which made Tang Haitai's position very important, it seems that Tang Haitai played a lot of role in the many changes in Liaodong."

"My lord, the lower officials have made special arrangements, and someone is closely watching Tang Haitai's every move."

"Understood, don't pay attention to this Tang Haitai for the time being. The jumping clown will not be of much use. If Chen Xinjia really trusts this Tang Haitai, I am afraid that he will suffer a loss. Your main energy is to assist Sun Chuanting and do a good job for the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion. Recruitment, at the same time, keep it strictly confidential, and I will rely on you to do some specific things. During this time, I will focus on thinking about the deployment of the campaign, and will not care about these specific things." (To be continued...)

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