Ming politicians

Chapter 818 Provocation

Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi did not expect Hong Chengchou to leave without saying goodbye. They did not expect that Hong Chengchou would have such a fierce performance on the issue of sticking to the Guanning Jin line of defense.Qian Qianyi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, thinking that Hong Chengchou's move was too much, it was simply out of character.

Chen Xinjia's thinking is much more complicated. He is clear about Hong Chengchou's ability. I have the idea of ​​relying on Hong Chengchou to stick to the Guan Ningjin line of defense. As for Qian Qianyi, he is incomparable with Hong Chengchou in terms of combat. It's a big deal. Qian Qianyi is a civil servant. He has never been in a war. He is really in danger. He has lost his master and lost the Guan Ningjin line of defense. Don't say that he has made meritorious service. He may be defeated. After committing suicide, he will be infamous for thousands of years. , he must rely on Hong Chengchou to stick to the Guan Ningjin line of defense.

Of course, Chen Xinjia also had his own bottom line. If Hong Chengchou crossed this bottom line, Chen Xinjia would not care about it, and would directly appeal to the emperor to remove Hong Chengchou from his post, even if he offended Su Tiancheng because of it.

"Master Chen, this Hong Chengchou has gone too far. I must make a statement and impeach him."

"Lord Qian, don't worry. Things haven't reached that point yet. Let's take our time. I believe Master Hong will put the overall situation first. It is a big deal to stick to Guan Ningjin's line of defense. There is no room for mistakes. The big battle is coming. At this time What we need is to work together, we must not destroy the Great Wall by ourselves."

"Lord Chen, I also thought about it in the same way, but Master Hong didn't think like this. Looking at what he said just now, why Liaodong is able to have such a situation is due to Su Tiancheng. Su Tiancheng has been away from Liaodong for more than a year. If Master Chen hadn't worked so hard to stabilize Liaodong, such a situation wouldn't have happened."

What Qian Qianyi said was a bit outrageous. He said that the court, including the emperor, recognized the current situation in Liaodong, which came from Su Tiancheng's efforts. Chen Xinjia just picked apples. The credit is all on his own head, I am afraid that Chen Xinjia will not be able to say this.

"Master Qian, let's not talk about other matters. The Guan Ningjin line of defense is very important, and there must be no mistakes. You and I don't want to talk about other things. If Master Hong doesn't follow this idea, what should we do?"

What Chen Xinjia said is the key point. The entire layout of Liaodong must be reported to the court.If there is such a big disagreement among them, they want to unify their opinions in the court.That is a very difficult matter. The situation in Liaodong is very sensitive. I am afraid that ordinary people will not express their opinions at will.

"Master Chen, I think that under such circumstances, there should be no hesitation. To impeach Lord Hong directly, the arrow has to be launched. The attack on the Houjin Tartars will start in May. If it is a matter of defending the Guan Ningjin line It’s hard to unify the above. It’s unimaginable for each to go his own way, and besides, Master Hong’s attitude is so resolute, he will definitely not agree with this defense opinion, and it’s better to cut the mess quickly.”

Chen Xinjia didn't speak. He had been thinking about this combat deployment for a long time. If it wasn't for the debate just now, he wouldn't have revealed anything. However, although Hong Chengchou knew some clues, he ruthlessly denied it. It's unbearable, and I'm afraid it's an extraordinary moment, and decisive measures must be taken.

When Tang Haitai entered the wing room, Chen Xinjia was still hesitating. It was easy to say, but it was not so easy to actually sit up. Not to mention Hong Chengchou's prestige in Liaodong, he followed Su Tiancheng to Liaodong and recovered Dalinghe City , stabilized the situation in Liaodong, even the emperor recognized it, but he impeached Hong Chengchou and even transferred Hong Chengchou, what would the emperor think, what would the court talk about, what actions would Su Tiancheng take? If it was because of this matter, If it affects the major events of the Golden Tartars after the conquest, then the loss outweighs the gain.

In the process of thinking, Chen Xinjia quickly thought of Tan Haitao and Tang Shiji. Tang Shiji is the second assistant of the cabinet. If he can get Tang Shiji's further support, he may be able to settle Hong Chengchou safely. Even Su Tiancheng is not good. For those who clearly oppose it, don't think about future matters for the time being. After defeating the Houjin Tartars, you have made great achievements, and everything will be easy to talk about.

"Tang Haitai, there is something, I want to hear your opinion."

"Your Majesty, follow your lord's orders."

Chen Xinjia briefly talked about the things discussed just now. He would not talk about the core content. The only one who knows the deployment arrangement of Liaodong can only be the emperor. Even Hong Chengchou is not clear about this arrangement. .

After Chen Xinjia finished speaking, Tang Haitai quickly answered.

"My lord, I think what Lord Qian said makes sense. The frontier army is about to start conquest of the Houjin Tartars. This is a critical moment. Liaodong must remain stable. If anyone disobeys the arrangement, they should be reprimanded directly. The lower official thinks Lord Hong must take the overall situation into consideration. The last time I sent an official to inform Lord Hong, Lord Hong asked the official to speak in front of the Lord. He said that the Jiangning battalion must participate in the fight and must become the vanguard of the troops. It's difficult."

Chen Xinjia looked at Tang Haitai with a smile on his face, as if to encourage Tang Haitai to continue talking.

"My subordinate feels that Mr. Hong has been in Liaodong for a little longer, and he captured Dalinghe City and stabilized the situation in Liaodong. It is inevitable that he thinks that he is very familiar with the situation in Liaodong and can't listen to other opinions. Under the circumstances, the discussion with Lord Hong will not yield any results."

Chen Xinjia nodded. He felt that Tang Haitai had touched on the key point, which was the most important issue. If Hong Chengchou relied on his merits, was familiar with the situation in Liaodong, and was stubborn, I am afraid that the matter in Liaodong would be difficult to deal with.

"Tang Haitai, what you said is very reasonable, but don't talk about it to the outside world for the time being. Alas, I am also a little worried about what the court thinks. No matter what, Mr. Hong has made great contributions, and it is true. I am familiar with the situation in Liaodong, and because of the problem of sticking to the Guan Ningjin line of defense, so many things have happened, and I am very reluctant."

"My lord, I think that the imperial court must support your lord. Your lord is fully responsible for the affairs of Liaodong. He has made many preparations for the conquest of the Golden Tartars. The emperor and the cabinet are aware of all these matters. It is critical. At the moment, the consideration of the imperial court is still mainly based on the Golden Tartars after the conquest."

A smile finally appeared on Chen Xinjia's face. He had long understood that what Tang Haitai said did not represent himself, but represented Tang Haitai. Through many things that happened before, Chen Xinjia had already confirmed this point.In other words, Tang Haitai will write a letter to Tang Shiji to report today's incident, and he has already obtained Tang Shiji's support.

After Tang Haitai left the wing, he came to Qian Qianyi's office soon.

Entering the room, Qian Qianyi closed the door himself.

Before Qian Qianyi could speak, Tang Haitai took the initiative to report.

"My lord, just now Master Chen approached the lower officials for the matter of Master Hong. The lower officials told Master Chen according to what His Excellency said, and suggested that Master Chen make up his mind to impeach Master Hong."

A smile appeared on Qian Qianyi's face.

"Well, tell me the details."

Tang Haitai unhurriedly began to report what he just said. Chen Xinjia might not have imagined that some of Tang Haitai's words just now were all thought up by Qian Qianyi.

Because there was a lot of conflict with Su Tiancheng, and because they wanted to suppress Jiang Ningying, Qian Qianyi and Tang Haitai had a common goal, so they had more contact, which was a matter of course. Whether the situation in Liaodong can be stabilized, whether the Golden Tatars will be able to win a complete victory after the conquest, they are not the main person in charge, so they don't think so much. In their view, Chen Xinjia can do everything well, and the limelight will be overshadowed. Pass Su Tiancheng.

After Tang Haitai finished speaking, Qian Qianyi showed a knowing smile again.

"Tang Haitai, you still have to tell Mr. Tang about such a big event, so that Mr. Tang knows well and knows how to deal with it. Mr. Chen will report all matters in Liaodong to the emperor and the cabinet. Yes, once the court clarifies its opinion and the emperor makes a decree, this matter will be truly settled."

"My lord, I understand, I will implement it immediately."

On this day, Chen Xinjia, Hong Chengchou, and Tang Haitai were all writing letters. The difference was that what Chen Xinjia wrote was an excerpt, and he used secret scriptures to play directly to the emperor, while the letter written by Hong Chengchou was directly addressed to Su Tiancheng. It will be sent to Dengzhou as quickly as possible. Tang Haitai wrote to Tang Shiji. In the letter, he exaggerated Hong Chengchou's arrogance and Jiang Ningying's mentality of claiming to be the boss in Liaodong.

The letters of Chen Xinjia and Hong Chengchou are both seeking truth from facts. The difference is that in this secret letter, Chen Xinjia mentioned all the deployment of Liaodong and related matters related to the defense of the Guan Ningjin line.

Tang Haitai’s letter was different. Qian Qianyi told him how to write a letter, how to highlight the flaws of Jiangningying, highlighting Hong Chengchou’s conceit, and even complained that Hong Chengchou and Jiangningying ignored the overall situation of Liaodong and thought of highlighting their own importance. , the implied meaning here is vicious, and it has the same effect as the impeachment of Su Tiancheng by Shizhong and Yushi before, and the point of the spearhead all implies that Su Tiancheng may rebel.

A lot of things will inevitably happen around the matter of the Golden Tartars after the attack, but what is unexpected is that before the real battle has started, there is a direct conflict between the protagonists stationed in Liaodong. This kind of conflict, It directly affected the overall situation of Liaodong. (To be continued..)

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