Ming politicians

Chapter 819 Anger

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Su Tiancheng was so angry that he dropped the teacup in his hand.

He would never have dreamed that Chen Xinjia was so arrogant and ecstatic that he dared to have fantastic ideas. If you say you have these ideas, sitting at home and daydreaming, it has nothing to do with anyone, even when you are with him. It's harmless to brag when colleagues are chatting, but this is a bloody battle, the lives of more than [-] soldiers, the safety of the entire Liaodong, and the safety of the Ming capital, is this a trivial matter, how can it be unrealistic? idea.

What kind of person is Huang Taiji? Although he has never met him before, Su Tiancheng knows it well and dare not underestimate him. If he had been as reckless as Chen Xinjia, he would have fought countless times with the Houjin Tartars. It is impossible for Liaodong to have such a stable situation.To be honest, Chen Xinjia is by no means an opponent of Huang Taiji. The 52-year-old Huang Taiji has been conquering all his life and has extremely rich experience. He is very good at judging the situation. , monopolized the power, and established the Qing Dynasty, how could ordinary people be able to do it.

Chen Xinjia didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick, and he dared to use the Guan Ningjin defense line as a bait to hook Huang Taiji into the bait. Who knew that Chen Xinjia himself would become the biggest bait.

Su Tiancheng can be sure that this is definitely not Zhu Youjian's idea. Zhu Youjian is calmer. He didn't think about passing a single battle to completely wipe out the Houjin Tartars and destroy the Houjin regime, but Su Tiancheng can't guarantee it yes.Will Zhu Youjian's head get hot, thinking that Chen Xinjia's proposal is wonderful and feasible, and then there will be a catastrophe.

Su Tiancheng's face turned livid. Neither Qu Qingze nor Sun Chuanting had ever seen such a scene.The two of them were also a little dazed. Just now Qu Qingze personally delivered Hong Chengchou's letter, because there were three chicken feathers on the letter, which indicated that it was an urgent letter. It happened that Sun Chuanting came to report the deployment of Jiangning battalion soldiers. Get up and go to the wing.

After a while, Su Tiancheng sighed heavily and looked at Qu Qingze and Sun Chuanting.

"Letter from Hong Chengchou. Take a look too. Don't discuss the rest of the matter for the time being. Regarding the matter mentioned in Hong Chengchou's letter, we must come up with a solution today. If possible, I will go to the capital in person to see the emperor. Chen Xinjia will eat it." With the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard. With such a wonderful idea, wouldn't it mean that I will ruin my Ming Dynasty?"

Qu Qingze quickly took the letter.He and Sun Chuanting looked carefully.

Ten minutes later, both Qu Qingze and Sun Chuanting finished watching, and their expressions changed at the same time.

Su Tiancheng stopped pacing and looked at the two of them.

"What do you feel, say it and listen."

Qu Qingze looked at Sun Chuanting, and spoke first.

"My lord. This incident was too sudden. I really didn't expect that the fight in Liaodong was about to start. I didn't expect Chen Xinjia to make such an arrangement. It was incredible. I have to say that Chen Xinjia was in a daze. If you can't control such random thoughts, something big will happen in Liaodong, and if it threatens the capital, just punishing the crime won't do much."

Sun Chuanting also continued to speak.

"My lord, I can't believe that Chen Xinjia would have such an unrealistic idea. This is a fight, not a fuss. I don't know what Chen Xinjia thinks. I support your lord's opinion. When necessary , Your Excellency went to the capital to report to the Emperor Ming, and the lower officials even felt that Chen Xinjia would not be able to become the leader of the Golden Tartars after the war."

"It seems that both of you have the same opinion. Chen Xinjia's tactical deployment this time is a bit outrageous. As for whether Chen Xinjia is suitable to be the coach, let's not go into theory. The emperor made a decision to appoint Chen Xinjia as the post-conqueror." It is inappropriate for the head coach of the Golden Tatars to revise now, but Chen Xinjia's tactical deployment must never be implemented. In the lightest case, I, Daming, will completely lose the initiative in Liaodong. In the worst case, Jin can directly threaten the capital. Who, it seems that Chen Xinjia is not only overjoyed, but also a little too conceited."

Just after Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Sun Chuanting spoke again.

"My lord, I was a little optimistic about the situation in Liaodong, but after reading Master Hong's letter, I was chilled. If Chen Xinjia commanded this battle, he would definitely lose. The 18 soldiers in Liaodong, because of Chen Xinjia's I don't know how heavy the loss will be if I command indiscriminately. I think that the adults should be the coaches, deploying and directing the battle of the Golden Tartars after this attack. Only in this way can the victory be guaranteed. I also know that I can do this One point is very difficult, but I think that from the perspective of my Daming's stability and strength, my lord should strive for it."

There were only three people in the wing room, so Qu Qingze would not be polite anymore.

"Master Sun's thoughts are a bit naive. If the emperor had thought of this earlier, what would be the current situation? Chen Xinjia has been in Liaodong for more than a year, and he has won the trust of the emperor. On the eve of the war, it is not necessary to change the coach. Self-injury, how could the emperor do such a thing, the emperor has decreed that Chen Xinjia will be the commander of the Golden Tartars after this expedition, from this matter, it may be counterproductive to refute Chen Xinjia."

"But you can't just watch Liaodong fall into the flames."

"That's not necessarily the case. Your Excellency can make suggestions to the emperor. As long as Chen Xinjia's thinking is restrained and the conquest is carried out in a safe manner, the problem will not be big."

"Master Qu's thinking is also naive. If Chen Xinjia is willing to follow the deployment that is steadily advanced, there will be a letter from Master Hong. The letter is very clear. Chen Xinjia insists on the deployment of the campaign and will not make changes. Guan Ning Doesn’t Chen Xinjia understand the importance of the Jin defense line? He took out Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City as bait. Who would dare to try such a suicide-like arrangement? Doesn’t he know that Huang Taiji dispatched 20 gold tartars? , the battle situation will be fundamentally reversed. Only 10 frontier troops are guarding Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City. Dare to go to the rescue, what kind of consequences will this have? Could it be that Chen Xinjia didn't expect it, and was always thinking about some kind of surprise attack and strategy to win. I'm afraid Chen Xinjia read too many books and thought that fighting and fighting was the same as what was said in the book .”

Sun Chuanting has been fighting for a long time, and the literati temperament in his body has almost disappeared. When he suddenly saw Sun Chuanting, not many people would believe that the fierce general in front of him was also from the imperial examination. Sun Chuanting's character has also become straightforward. Fighting on the battlefield, What is needed is to go straight. When conveying an order, it must be clear and accurate. If your order requires the officers and soldiers below to ponder it, it will undoubtedly fail.

What Sun Chuanting said was very direct, and Qu Qingze felt that he had nothing to say. He has been engaged in intelligence work for a long time, and Qu Qingze has a deep understanding of many rules, but he is even more aware that it is not allowed to beat around the bush on the battlefield However, if the official tactics were brought to the battlefield, the fight would have already failed.

Both of them looked at Su Tiancheng, waiting for Su Tiancheng to speak, no matter what, they all believed in Su Tiancheng.

"What you said is all reasonable, but have you thought of a truth, that is, a lot of experience, all bloody, all obtained from blood and fire. The court is very optimistic about the situation in Liaodong. It is because of this kind of blind optimism that Chen Xinjia is so rejoicing and thinks that the Houjin Tartars are vulnerable. From the ninth year of Chongzhen to now, six years have passed, and the frontier army has basically never fought against the Houjin Tartars. Dorgon invaded Dengzhou and Laizhou, and he was also facing the army of the guards. The long-term dormancy of the Houjin Tartars made some ministers in the court forget about it, especially Huang Taiji wrote a peace letter to the emperor. The show of weakness on the Internet has confused many people."

"Recognition changes slowly, not overnight. From this, you can see that Huang Taiji's foresight and foresight. In this regard, I also have some responsibilities. When I was in Liaodong, I should not think about stability at all. There still needs to be some fights. Now that the big situation has been formed, it is not so easy for us to oppose it, and when I say it, it feels like shooting myself in the foot."

"It is impossible for us to completely prevent the changes that are about to occur in Liaodong. Perhaps through this battle, the emperor will have a new understanding. It is cruel for me to say this, but this is the fact. The only thing that cannot happen is the Guan Ningjin line of defense. If there is a problem, no matter what method is used, I will prevent it from happening, this is something that affects the overall situation, and there cannot be any mistakes, otherwise everything we have done will be in vain.”

"What we are discussing today, don't tell anyone. Don't let it leak in the slightest. I'll find a way. I'm afraid I'm going to Beijing. Time is very tight. You two should worry about the preparations for the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion. Qu Qingze, you can have a detailed discussion with Sun Chutian about the tactical deployment. When I return from the capital, all the preparations must be in place. I have already drafted a specific tactical deployment. Please take a look at it carefully. If there is anything that needs to be improved, please boldly put forward your opinions. In short, we have two goals for this campaign. The first is to wipe out the Jinshui Division, and the second is to occupy Yongning, Fuzhou and Xuanzhou And so on, these two goals must be achieved.”

Sun Chuanting looked at Su Tiancheng, dumbfounded. When Su Tiancheng mentioned Xuanzhou and Yongning, he vaguely understood the arrangement. He had never been clear about the specific combat deployment. As for the military deployment this time, he thought it was a normal deployment. , who knew that there was such a big secret hidden in it.

In an instant, Sun Chuanting felt that his blood was boiling, and he was about to fight, which was something he could only wish for. (to be continued..)

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