(Thanks to Imperial Sunset World, aku81, and xiaoyuanmcu for their valuable monthly votes, and for those who choose to take the middle route without going left or right, thank you.)

Destiny is in one's own hands. Although the influence of the external environment is great, the ultimate decision of one's own destiny is the decision made by the individual and the things he does. From this aspect, Fan Wencheng has a good grasp of it. If it weren't for the changes in history, maybe Fan Wencheng would really be famous forever. In this world, there are always many people who judge heroes by success or failure.

Chen Xinjia also wants to control his own destiny well. A golden road has been paved in front of him. It depends on how he handles it. In fact, Fan Wencheng has many choices. If his thinking changes a little bit , Liaodong and the border still have a lot of strong generals. After the conquest of the Golden Tartars, such a big event, the role of the experienced generals cannot be underestimated, and sometimes even decisive. Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are both Needless to say, Hong Chengchou is a talent in this area, he is in Liaodong himself, and Lu Xiangsheng is in Yulin. As long as Chen Xinjia is willing, after reporting to the emperor, Lu Xiangsheng will rush to Liaodong immediately with an imperial decree.

It's a pity that Chen Xinjia doesn't know how to use these two people. People are so strange sometimes, they always want to take credit for themselves. The Jiangning camp led by Hong Chengchou is very famous. Most of the credit has been won by the Jiangning camp, and even Su Tiancheng, who is far away in Dengzhou, can be cured by it. In addition, Su Tiancheng went directly to the capital to find the emperor, which has already interfered with the affairs of Liaodong. Chen Xinjia's heart is very comfortable.Won't say it, but write it down.

Lu Xiangsheng led the Yulin camp. Although the Yulin camp was not as brave as the Jiangning camp, it was still famous, and Lu Xiangsheng's bravery was well known throughout the court.Leading Lu Xiangsheng to conquer, the ending may be similar to leading Hong Chengchou. Under such circumstances, the credit will be shared by others.

It was originally the simplest truth to go out with a fierce general, the most valiant army, but unfortunately Chen Xinjia just didn't understand it. It must be said that it was a ridiculous miracle, such a miracle.This is not the first time in the Ming Dynasty. Party struggles and brutal court struggles have pushed these things to the extreme.

Chen Xinjia took Qian Qianyi, Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi, Zu Dale and others to the expedition. He thought it was enough, and he thought that after this expedition against the Golden Tartars, he had planned for a year.It will definitely be able to make extraordinary achievements, and it will definitely be able to achieve great victories.At that time, I will be the biggest hero of the Ming Dynasty.

With this kind of belief, Chen Xinjia is full of confidence. Zu Dashou and others once suggested that they should learn more about the deployment of the Houjin Tartars and see if the Houjin Tartars are also targeted.These valuable suggestions failed to attract Chen Xinjia's attention, let alone attach importance to them.

To put it bluntly, at this time, Chen Xinjia was a little bit smug.To be the coach of the Golden Tatars after the conquest was originally the greatest trust of the emperor, who can get such an honor.

The day before the expedition, Chen Xinjia came to Dalinghe City.

As the head coach, Chen Xinjia will command all the affairs of the Golden Tatars after this expedition. His care raised the salaries of the frontier sergeants, so Chen Xinjia had a high prestige among the frontier army.

No one has noticed that Chen Xinjia is a person who cares about every detail. To be a commander, such a person is either exceptionally wise and able to predict all upcoming events, or he is exhausted and the show is not good.

Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi and Zu Dale realized this, but they thought that this was the Ming army's active attack on the Houjin Tartars for many years.As for Qian Qianyi, Tang Haitai and the others, they took it for granted. There was nothing strange about it. They had never experienced fighting or fighting, so of course they did not know what happened on the battlefield.

The last discussion before the expedition took place at the General Military Mansion in Dalinghe City, this is where Zu Dale has always been stationed. As the host, Zu Dale has made full preparations.

After Chen Xinjia entered the General Military Mansion, martial law was immediately imposed on the General Military Mansion. Dalinghe City was originally a place where sergeants were stationed, with standard militarized management. All the sergeants understood this.

All the frontier army commanders, deputy commanders, generals, etc. who participated in the expedition have arrived at the commander's mansion. This time, they have to obey the arrangement of the commander Chen Xinjia.

Chen Xinjia was always in the wing room, and Qian Qianyi, Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi, Zu Dale, Tang Haitai and others were all in the wing room. These people gathered in the wing room mainly to discuss the upcoming conquest of the post-Gold Tartars.

There was almost no discussion, and it was too late for discussion at this time, and the army was about to move out.

Everything is up to Chen Xinjia to say, and almost everything he said has been said. The deployment of the campaign will not change much. The responsibilities of the front army and the central army are very clear. It lies in road exploration and reconnaissance. After encountering the small army of the Golden Tatars, they resolutely wiped out them. When they were about to reach Montenegro, they stopped all actions and waited for the arrival of the Chinese army. They launched an attack on the city of Montenegro. The first battle is very important and must be won. .

In any case, Chen Xinjia was still cautious. After all, the battle had just begun, and everyone was cautious in the initial stage.

After deploying everything, Chen Xinjia emphasized again.

"Everyone, the emperor and the imperial court are looking at us. The significance of this battle is not trivial. We must win a complete victory. These days, the morale of our soldiers is high, but you still have to pay attention, don't underestimate yourselves, and be cautious. After three days , the army arrived in Montenegro, we must make adequate preparations, take down the city of Montenegro, occupy Montenegro, and deal a heavy blow to the Houjin Tartars, Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi, Zu Dale, you are the generals of the frontier army Soldiers, with heavy responsibilities, must strictly follow the combat deployment, and do not make decisions without authorization, so as not to affect the actions of the army..."

Chen Xinjia once again emphasized the issue of unified command, and Zu Dashou finally realized that something was wrong.

The attack on the Houjin Tartars is about to start. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the opportunity for war is fleeting. The leading general must have the power of Linji to make decisions. If he blindly follows the combat deployment, he will not have the slightest autonomy. What is the role of the officer.

Chen Xinjia repeatedly emphasized the unified command and marching in strict accordance with the combat deployment. There were even clear regulations on how much the army would walk every day. This was the first time Zu Dashou heard of this method of commanding operations.

After Chen Xinjia finished speaking, Zu Dashou couldn't help but speak.

"Commander, my subordinates believe that there are many uncertain factors on the battlefield. If we proceed completely according to the combat deployment, I am afraid that some opportunities will be lost. The officers commanding the battle should still have some discretionary power..."

Qian Qianyi interrupted Zu Dashou before he finished speaking.

"General Zu, the army is about to move out tomorrow. Everything has been decided long ago. The deployment of this battle was made by the commander-in-chief. You said that the general who commands the battle has Linji's right to make decisions. Everyone has done this, why do you still need to deploy the battle, the unified command is absolutely not allowed to be violated, if this is the case, don't continue to talk about it."

Zu Dashou's expression was a little gloomy. In fact, what he meant was not to violate the entire combat deployment, but that within the scope of the combat deployment, the officers who command the battle have a certain degree of discretionary power, but at this time, let's explain such Reason, it seems a bit late.

After Qian Qianyi said it, Chen Xinjia also spoke.

"What Lord Qian said is that General Zu's thoughts are known to me, but the battle to attack Montenegro must be under a unified command, and no department can act without authorization. On the one hand, it disrupts the entire plan. As for after taking Montenegro, What kind of situation will arise and whether the battle situation will change is another matter."

Zu Dashou nodded, feeling relieved at last. It seems that Chen Xinjia still considered the uniqueness of the battlefield, but he didn't know whether the army would be able to take it down smoothly when attacking Montenegro, and how to deal with it if any accident occurred. .

It is said that officers at all levels need to consider these matters, but judging from the current situation, everything is considered by Chen Xinjia, and the officers below only need to act according to the combat deployment, and they can even use their brains.

Zu Dashou couldn't be completely relieved. He had never seen Chen Xinjia's commanding style before. Thinking of the several expeditions and conquests he followed Su Tiancheng, the situation was different. Su Tiancheng paid attention to the opinions of the following, The decisions and deployments made are also principled, and officers at all levels are encouraged to take the initiative, which is completely different from Chen Xinjia's style.

When Chen Xinjia entered the lobby, Zu Dashou lowered his head. He didn't want everyone to see his anxiety. The army was about to start a battle. Three days later, it was the fierce battle to attack Montenegro. At this time, morale was the most important thing.

After the meeting, all the officers went to get ready.

Zu Dale followed behind Zu Dashou, and couldn't help muttering.

"Brother, I always feel that this battle is wrong. Who can completely predict the situation on the battlefield? The commander seems to have taken all the circumstances into consideration. If this is the case, isn't it a fairy? We will follow the commander-in-chief, and we can directly attack Shenyang and destroy Houjin."

"Don't talk nonsense, the war is coming, such nonsense, it's okay to talk about it in front of me, if it gets out, I can't guarantee that I can keep your head."

Zu Dale wanted to say something else, but Zu Dashou's words made him shake his head and stop talking. (To be continued..)

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