On the first day of May in the 14th year of Chongzhen, the war in Liaodong officially began.

The [-] frontier troops set off from Dalinghe City and went straight to Heishan City, a hundred miles away, which was the first target of the Ming army.

For this expedition, Chen Xinjia took great pains and made a detailed deployment, and he did not ignore the role of artillery. When Su Tiancheng left Liaodong, he left enough artillery, including fifty red cannons and fifty general cannons. Men, as for the tiger squatting cannon and the Fran cannon, as the regular weapons of the Jiangning Battalion, they are equipped with a lot. Su Tiancheng left these cannons mainly for defense. Dalinghe City deployed [-] large cannons, Thirty gates in Jinzhou City, twenty gates in Ningyuan, and twenty gates in Shanhaiguan. For this expedition, Chen Xinjia mobilized a large number of artillery and formed a special Shenji Battalion. I found Hong Chengchou and proposed to transfer part of the artillery to participate in the conquest. Considering the overall situation, Hong Chengchou had to agree. With tens of thousands of flintlock guns, Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City, Ningyuan City and Shanhaiguan each left ten large artillery pieces for defense.

There are so many cannons, the marching pace of the army cannot be fast. The main generals such as Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi and Zu Dale once followed Su Tiancheng in the conquest and knew the function of cannons. During Su Tiancheng's stay in Liaodong, he also paid attention to training the border The army was familiar with the control of artillery and the use of flintlock guns. Before the conquest, they advised Chen Xinjia many times to pay attention to the role of artillery.Even pointed out that the artillery was in the battle of the siege.It has a decisive role. Chen Xinjia fully accepts such a suggestion.

One hundred miles, three days, an average of more than 30 miles a day, this kind of marching speed can be described as a snail's speed, but from a cautious point of view.It was completely correct for Chen Xinjia to make such a decision. If the war starts, if he thinks about advancing aggressively, he may pay a heavy price. [

The main role of the former army led by Zu Dashou was to scout and open the way. In fact, it could not be regarded as the former army.It can't even be regarded as a pioneer, at best it can be used as a scout.

After the army set off, Zu Dashou was still very cautious, sending out a large number of scouts along the way to search for clues within a radius of five kilometers, which is a bit strange.After a day's trip, almost nothing was found, and the scouts didn't even find the shadow of Hou Jintazi, which was a bit abnormal.

The distance between the front army and the middle is only five miles.So, all the detected intelligence.They were all in the hands of Chen Xinjia at the first time. The information has not been processed in any way, and it is actually impossible to summarize and process it. The front army is not far from the middle. In some cases, I am afraid that when Zu Dashou knew about it, Chen Xinjia also knew about it. up.

After dark, the army set up camp.

Zu Dale happily walked into the front army's central tent.

"Brother, this marching speed is too slow. Could it be that we have to wait for the Houjin Tatars of Montenegro to get ready? According to my opinion, we will rush to Montenegro in one day and launch an attack overnight. The Tartars have not been able to prepare well, it is still necessary to be surprised."

"Second brother, don't say too much. During this time, you have complained too much. Others know your nickname and your temper. Don't say a few words. The army is conquering, and the commander has his own considerations. It is also necessary to be cautious. Besides, when the army gathered in Dalinghe City, I am afraid that the Houjin Tatars have already heard the news. You think they are fools. Now we should think about it. When attacking the city of Heishan, we should How to attack."

"Brother, I'm just talking in front of you, not to mention that I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

"I know, I'm also a little worried. Those stationed in the city of Heishan are the newly established Han Eight Banners. The soldiers of these Han Eight Banners are different from the previous Han army. They are all Tartars drawn from the Manchu Eight Banners. You and I I have been in Liaodong for so many years, I don’t know how many fights I have experienced, I know that Tartars are not easy, but the commander-in-chief has a lot of confidence.”

Zu Dale pouted.

"What's the point? This kind of confidence is not earned by Mr. Su. If Mr. Su hadn't recovered Dalinghe City, attacked Heishan City, and made the Jin Tartars shrink back, how could it be possible to have the confidence we have today? Being handsome is a bargain."

Zu Dashou frowned, he knew that Zu Dale didn't like Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi very much, he was thinking about Su Tiancheng, and he always believed that Su Tiancheng should be in charge of this fight.

"Second brother, I've said it many times, don't complain, just talk about your knowledge, and say that Master Su will reprimand you if he knows about it, the army has already started, and the battle is imminent, at such a moment, you still say those frustrating words , If you accidentally say it, the commander-in-chief will definitely punish you if he finds out."

"Brother, I think you are always defending the commander-in-chief. I don't understand. The commander-in-chief has only been in Liaodong for more than a year. He has never experienced a large-scale battle. Compared with Mr. Hong, he is ashamed of himself." Not as good, not to mention the comparison with Master Su. When Master Su wiped out the bandits, the general didn't know what he was doing. After the attack, the emperor was only thinking about victory. Could it be that the court didn't You know, Master Su is more secure in commanding?"

Zu Dashou sighed softly. His younger brother is known as the second lunatic of Zu. It's okay to fight, but he doesn't understand everything in the court. In fact, what Zu Dale said, He also thought about it carefully, and soon understood the meaning of the court, but these words are not easy to say directly, but facing Zu Dale, there are some things he has to say, if he doesn't say it, Zu Dale is afraid I couldn't hold it back, I really talked nonsense outside, and it caused some trouble, and I really couldn't deal with it.

Zu Dashou called his own soldiers to stand outside the tent of the Chinese army, and no one was allowed to approach.

"Second brother, there are some things that you still need to think about carefully. Why did the court ask the general to take charge of this battle? In fact, I have also thought about it. You can't think of fighting every day, all of which are on the battlefield. How to behave in the world, you are already the deputy commander-in-chief, and you have to think about things in the court."

Zu Dale looked at Zu Dashou, but didn't say anything, this time he was honest.

"Second brother, things in the imperial court are very complicated. It's not as simple as you imagined. Master Su is indeed capable. I also think that if Master Su commands the battle this time, there must be a greater guarantee, but the court will not Doing this, the reason behind it, if you think about it for a while, you will understand that Mr. Su has already made great contributions. Do you still think that Mr. Su has more contributions? Could it be that there is no other person in the court except Mr. Su? grown-up." [

After Zu Dashou finished speaking, he looked at the door vigilantly. There was no way there was anyone at the door. The guards were guarding ten meters away, and his voice was very low.

Zu Dale scratched his scalp and finally understood.

The Chinese military account of the Chinese army.

Chen Xinjia looked carefully at the situation reported by all the scouts, with a serious expression. Qian Qianyi and Tang Haitai were in the tent of the Chinese army. As for Zu Dabi, he was inspecting the sergeants who had set up camp.

Qian Qianyi was also looking at the information.

After half an hour, Chen Xinjia spoke.

"Master Qian, Tang Haitai, today's march is very smooth, what do you think?"

Qian Qianyi looked at Chen Xinjia, then at Tang Haitai, with a smile on his face, he will not say anything for now, let's see what Tang Haitai will say, for a while, Tang Haitai's respect has been appreciated by Qian Qianyi , such an opportunity, he is still willing to let Tang Haitai speak first.

"Marshal, Lord Qian, I think that this situation reflects two signs. The first is that the Houjin Tartars are not ready yet. They don't know that our Ming soldiers are about to attack. In a hurry, I didn't have time to take any measures, and the second is the reputation of the commander-in-chief, which made the post-gold tartars terrified..."

Both Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi had smiles on their faces. Although they felt that Tang Haitai's reasons might not be valid, anyone would love to hear flattery like Tang Haitai.

After Tang Haitai finished speaking, Qian Qianyi spoke quickly.

"Commander, Tang Haitai's analysis is reasonable, but there is also a possibility that all the Hou Jin Tartars have retreated into the Heishan city, which is even better. The army marches smoothly and can directly attack the Heishan city. Give a heavy blow to the post-gold Tartars."

Chen Xinjia nodded.

"Today's marching route is not very far. I didn't see the Houjin Tartars, which is also expected. If all the Houjin Tartars are huddled in the city of Heishan, it will be more conducive to the army's attack. The army is on the way. In the process, we will not encounter any delays and preserve our strength. This commander believes that we can speed up the march tomorrow, and arrive at Montenegro as soon as possible the next day, make good offensive arrangements, and strive to take down the city of Montenegro in the shortest possible time."

Qian Qianyi nodded.

"The commander-in-chief's consideration is appropriate. Setting up a camp every day is also a rather complicated matter. If the city of Heishan is captured as soon as possible, the army can temporarily station in Heishan and let the soldiers make some adjustments. The first battle is very important. , there can be no mistakes."

Chen Xinjia thought for a while.

"Well, let's make such a decision, Tang Haitai, tell the messengers to speed up the march tomorrow, and march at least fifty miles. In particular, you must inform the former army and Zu Dashou that you need to investigate the surrounding situation more carefully. What's the situation? , report at any time."

After Tang Haitai went out, Chen Xinjia, who was in a relaxed mood, spoke to Qian Qianyi.

"Master Qian, I think this Tang Haitai is very good. After this battle, you and I will be Tang Haitai's bedroom."

Qian Qianyi nodded, and both of them laughed. (to be continued...)

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