Dorgon's mission was not only to attack Dalinghe City, but also to take back Montenegro, but this mission was considered completed when the army arrived at Dalinghe City, and the army surrounded Dalinghe City , It also blocked the retreat of the Ming army in Heishan City. He originally wanted to wait until the Huangtaiji army came to clean up the Ming army in Heishan and Yizhou, but Dorgon, who suffered a heavy loss, couldn't help it. Can do nothing to the Jiangning camp, can't they defeat the frontier army in the city of Montenegro?

Dorgon left behind [-] soldiers and besieged Dalinghe City. He led [-] soldiers and headed towards Montenegro.

The actions of the Hou Jin Tartars were detected by the soldiers on the city wall.

The Houjin Tartars withdrew five miles away and firmly surrounded Dalinghe City. Hong Chengchou understood that the Houjin Tartars would not attack anymore. After one day's attack, the Houjin Tartars suffered heavy losses. , almost negligible, under such circumstances, no matter how many sergeants the Houjin Tartars have, they should not even think about taking down Daling River City. Therefore, his attention has begun to shift to sticking to the top, stationed in Daling There are only 3 sergeants in Hecheng, and all the sergeants in the strongholds and forts around Dalinghe City have withdrawn to Dalinghe City. That is to say, Hong Chengchou abandoned the outlying strongholds and forts.

There are also [-] frontier troops stationed in Dalinghe City. The main duty of these frontier troops is to guard the surrounding city gates to prevent the Houjin Tatars from attacking the city gates and rushing in through the city gates. It is impossible to compare with the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion in terms of combat effectiveness.

The officers of the Jiangning Battalion quickly rushed to the General Military Mansion and reported the news.

It goes without saying what the Houjin Tazi's army is heading towards Montenegro.

Hong Chengchou's face was stern, and the frontier soldiers beside him looked at Hong Chengchou.Suddenly knelt down.

"My lord, you save the brothers in the frontier army. The brothers who were stationed in the city of Heishan after the Jin Tartars attacked Heishan have no way out."

Hong Chengchou supported Qianhu, a frontier soldier, and shook his head.

"It's not that I don't want to save it. It's impossible to save it. There are only [-] soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City, and the entire Guan Ningjin defense line only has [-] soldiers. We absolutely cannot abandon Dalinghe City. Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City cannot have the slightest accident. Under such circumstances, the post-Gold Tatars will not dare to act rashly. They will never dare to attack Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan. They don't know our deployment. Only in this situation can we take the initiative.”

"My lord, one hundred thousand brothers, how many family members are behind them, if Master Su is still here, such a thing will never happen, woo woo woo..."

Hong Chengchou's body trembled.Indeed, one hundred thousand frontier troops is not a small number. If one hundred thousand frontier troops were annihilated by the Houjin Tatars, it would cause a huge shock, and the consequences would be unimaginable.At this time, only Su Tiancheng could solve this problem. If Su Tiancheng brought the Dengzhou Jiangning battalion soldiers to kill him, there was still hope for the [-] frontier troops to be rescued.But this possibility is almost zero. Hong Chengchou knows very well what the emperor thinks and what the adults in the court think. Besides, at this time, even if the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion set off from Dengzhou, it will be too late.

"Come on, Zu Dashou has experienced many battles and can still deal with it. If danger arises, I believe Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi and Zu Dale can still think of a way. Losses are inevitable. I hope the losses will not be too huge. "

The frontier soldier Qianhu stood up, wiped away his tears, and spoke through gritted teeth.

"My lord, my subordinates finally understand that the frontier army fell into Master Chen's hands this time. At the beginning, my subordinates didn't understand why Master Su didn't launch an attack. Now my subordinates understand, but it's a pity that they understand too well." late."

The two thousand households of the frontier army are in charge of guarding the city of Heishan.

When the Houjin Tartars were heading towards Dalinghe City, the two of them trembled in fear, feeling that something was wrong. Why did there appear so many Houjin Tartars? The number of them was no less than [-]. Fortunately, the Houjin Tartars did not attack Montenegro , but the two of them understood that the reason why the Houjin Tatars did not attack Heishan was because they were going to attack Dalinghe City. If the Houjin Tatars took down Dalinghe City, the frontier troops stationed in Heishan would have no way out. .

Whether to wait for Heishan, or abandon Heishan, or move towards Yizhou, or bypass Dalinghe City, move towards Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, or go directly to Jinzhou, two thousand households had a heated argument, sticking to Heishan , it was Chen Xinjia's order to give up here without authorization, and he would be beheaded. Besides, there are still a large number of frontier troops ahead, attacking Guangning, and the situation is unknown. If they withdraw at this time, the frontier troops in front Back, Montenegro has been occupied by the Houjin Tatars, so what should I do, but there are only [-] soldiers stationed in the city of Montenegro, it is impossible to compete with the large number of Houjin Tartars.

The dispute between the two thousand households lasted for a long time, but they still did not forget it. They quickly dispatched sergeants and informed the frontier army stationed in Yizhou that there were [-] post-gold tartars besieging Dalinghe City.

The officers of the frontier army have always been a little greedy for life and afraid of death. This is known for comparing prices. When Su Tiancheng arrived in Liaodong, it was too late to replace many frontier officers, which also left a fatal hidden danger for the frontier army.

If encountering such a situation, any officer of the Jiangning battalion will make an accurate analysis. The city of Heishan must not be able to bear it. The power of the Houjin Tartars is too strong. Withdraw quickly, the city is dead, and the people are alive. The first thing that needs to be preserved is the combat power, that is, the lives of soldiers, because this is what Su Tiancheng has repeatedly emphasized. Unless it is a critical moment, sacrifices must be made, even if the Against enemies who are several times stronger than themselves.

This cannot be completely blamed on these two thousand households, because there are tens of thousands of frontier troops in front of them, who are attacking. They don't know the specific situation very well. This kind of stupidity in predicting the situation made Montenegro become the frontier army of Ming Dynasty. There is a sad place.

Before dawn, the frontier troops stationed in Montenegro found that they were surrounded on three sides, densely packed with Tartars everywhere, and the cliffs behind the city of Montenegro. up.

At this time, all complaints are useless, and there is only one way, which is to resist desperately.

The two thousand households could no longer complain, and their indecision could be regarded as ruining the livelihood of the ten thousand frontier troops.

The brutal siege battle began.

There are no heavy artillery in Heishan city, only some tiger squat guns and Fran machine guns, but these artillery also played a major role in the defensive battle, but the golden tartar's arrow rain was too powerful.

At noon, the frontier army suffered heavy casualties, and some corpses that were too late to restrain themselves were on the city wall.

The power of resistance mainly comes from hope. If there is news of rescue at this time, the combat effectiveness of the frontier army will be greatly enhanced. If there is no hope, there is only one dead end. At this time, the resistance will be greatly weakened. All kinds of ideas will come up.

At the end of the time, the Houjin Tartars who were besieging the city shot a letter, which meant to ask the Ming army to surrender, otherwise, when the city was broken, they would all be beheaded.

Fierce arguments began to appear among the officers, and the opinions of the two Qianhu began to diverge. This was a very terrible situation. In the end, Qianhu, who was in charge of all things in the defense of Montenegro, insisted on resisting. At this time, he might surrender. There is not much way out. If he surrenders and is sent to attack Dalinghe City, how will he face his brothers stationed in Dalinghe City at that time.

Qian Hu's words silenced everyone. This kind of situation is very likely to happen. If they attack Dalinghe City, they will have no hope of surviving, and they will be nailed to the shameful tombstone forever .

The opinion of sticking to it quickly gained the upper hand. The big deal is death. Maybe there will be some miracles if you stick to the city of Montenegro. In comparison, the cost of surrender is too high.

Inside the Black Mountain city, there is an atmosphere of despair. Whether you stick to it or not, everyone knows that there is no chance of survival.

At Shen Shi, the attack started again.

A brutal fight took place on the city wall. Some post-gold tartars who succeeded in climbing the city wall and the guarded frontier soldiers rolled down the city wall with their arms, and both fell to their deaths.

Focusing on Dorgon who was attacking the city, his heart began to feel cold. He never thought that when he passed by the Heishan city a day ago, he saw these frontier soldiers with fear, but one day later, such a situation would appear. Surrendered, desperately resisted, without even thinking about being able to survive.The fighting spirit of the frontier army cannot be attributed to Chen Xinjia. Only Su Tiancheng can do this. Thinking of the heavy losses suffered by the army in attacking Dalinghe City, Dorgon couldn't help but shudder. Could it be that Su Tiancheng Is it really the nemesis of the Qing Dynasty?

It was getting dark, and after a whole day of attacks, the city of Montenegro was still in the hands of the frontier army.

Dorgon began to feel irritated. The frontier troops stationed in Montenegro could not compare in combat effectiveness with the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion, and they did not have artillery. Under such circumstances, they did not attack in one day. There are more than two thousand people.

The frontier troops stationed in Montenegro persisted for a day, which was a precious day.

After dawn, the siege battle began, and the Houjin Tartars began an all-out attack.

After dark, there were not many frontier troops standing in Heishan City. Most of the soldiers were killed. The rest of the soldiers knew that the next day would be the time for the city to break down. They no longer had any fear. The fight made them unable to think of other things. What they are proud of is that the Houjin Tartars also suffered heavy casualties. Several times, they had to stop the attack on their own initiative.

May 22.

At dawn, when the fiery red sun rose, the shouts of killing reappeared, and finally, at the time of Shen, a large number of post-gold tartars went up to the city wall. . .

The setting sun was like blood, witnessing this tragic scene. (to be continued..)

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