(Thanks to Empire Sunset World and Binbin Qiqi for their valuable monthly votes, thanks to neither left nor right for choosing to take the middle route and cast their valuable evaluation votes, thanks to Binbin Qiqi for their reward, thank you.)

The frontier army stationed at Heishan City came to Yizhou and reported that there were nearly [-] Tartars and went straight to Dalinghe City. After getting this news, Zu Dashou turned pale. He had always been suspicious. The conquest went too smoothly. To win Heishan and Yizhou, almost did not consume any troops, and did not encounter too tragic fighting. After so many years in Liaodong, Zu Dashou instinctively felt that something was wrong. Needless to say, the fighting power of the Houjin Tartars Yes, strictly speaking, although the frontier army has greatly improved its combat effectiveness, its individual combat ability is still not as good as that of the later Jin Tartars.

Although he didn't know the battle situation of the army led by Chen Xinjia in the front, Zu Dashou already felt that something was wrong. The army led by Chen Xinjia was in the front and was preparing to attack Guangning. Judging from the time, the battle should have started, but there were ten people behind As long as the Wan Tartars besieged Dalinghe City, as long as they were not extremely stupid, they could understand that this was a two-prong attack strategy by the Houjin Tartars, with the purpose of completely annihilating the Ming frontier army.

The location of Yizhou is a bit remote. When Dorgon led the army to Dalinghe City, he would not pass through here at all, and Dorgon also understood that if he took down Dalinghe City or Black Mountain For the city, the Ming army in Yizhou can go, unless it goes to Mongolia and returns to Daming through Mongolia, this is impossible.

The time when Zu Dashou received the report was at Xu time on May [-]th. [

A fierce argument broke out between him and Qian Qianyi.

The [-] frontier troops stationed in Yizhou, including some wounded and sick, still had to obey Qian Qianyi's orders in the end, because the actual person in charge here was Qian Qianyi, and Zu Dashou was only assisting Qian Qianyi.When someone attacked Yizhou, or the Mongolian tribe came from the direction of Yizhou, he was responsible for commanding the soldiers to intercept and kill them. This was a special arrangement Chen Xinjia made when he left Yizhou.

According to Zu Dashou's opinion, more than 2 soldiers immediately withdrew from Yizhou.Bypassing Heishan City and Dalinghe City, and rushing to Jinzhou immediately, there must be no delay, otherwise there will be a danger of being surrounded. Zu Dashou also analyzed that the [-] troops of the Later Jin Tartars had just arrived at Dalinghe City. The main task is to attack Dalinghe City, including turning around and attacking Heishan City, and will not notice the garrison in Yizhou for the time being.If the Houjin Tartars were to free up their hands, Yizhou's army would be in danger.

Qian Qianyi firmly disagreed with Zu Dashou's opinion, because in Qian Qianyi's view, the strategy he and Chen Xinjia formulated had dawned, and what he thought of at the beginning was the main force of the Houjin Tartars, attacking Dalinghe City, including Jinzhou city.Chen Xinjia led the army and captured Guangning in one fell swoop."Coercing" Shenyang directly will cause the Houjin Tartars to "chaos", and the army led by Chen Xinjia will win the most brilliant victory.As for the [-] sergeants stationed in Yizhou, they are the defense guarantee of the army. If they evacuate at this time, what should the army do?Isn't the tactical deployment all in vain? It's hard for Qian Qianyi to say this tactical deployment, but he just doesn't agree to evacuate Yizhou.

Zu Dashou and Qian Qianyi had a fierce dispute and watched the time pass.Zu Dashou's heart was bleeding.

Zu Dashou unceremoniously warned Qian Qianyi that if the [-] troops stationed in Yizhou were really surrounded by the Houjin Tartars and all died in the end, leading to such a big defeat, he must report directly to the emperor. What Qian Qianyi is facing is not just as simple as losing his official title, but also his family.

Qian Qianyi was shocked by Zu Dashou's words. He knew very well that Zu Dashou had experienced many battles and had been stationed in Liaodong for a long time. Some battle deployments were hidden from Zu Dashou. If he failed in the end, he might really not be able to explain himself. , or be caught and executed by the Empress Jin Tartars, or beheaded directly by the emperor.

While hesitating, Qian Qianyi finally told the truth.

"Zongbing Zu, in fact, the later Jin Tartars went to attack Dalinghe City. This was expected by the commander and this official. It is a blessing for me, Daming, that such a situation happened."

Zu Dashou was shocked, looking at Qian Qianyi, he was speechless, he never expected that such a dangerous situation would appear, and Qian Qianyi could still be calm, what was expected at the beginning, this is simply farting, What do you use to deal with the [-] army of the Empress Jin Tartars? If you can't beat them, is it possible to bet on the Ningjin defense line?

Thinking of this, Zu Dashou's body trembled, and his face began to turn pale.

"Master Qian, my subordinates don't understand very well, please ask Master Qian to explain."

Seeing that Qian Qianyi was still hesitating, Zu Dashou became a little angry.

"My lord, the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers are at stake. Your lord is so hesitant. Could it be that you have to wait until a catastrophe occurs before you open your mouth?"

Zu Dashou's attitude made Qian Qianyi unable to hesitate any longer.

"Zongbing Zu, don't worry. When the commander made the battle plan, he considered that the Houjin Tartars would attack Dalinghe City, including the Guanning Jin defense line. The strength of Yizhou and Guangning will inevitably be insufficient, and the fact is also the same. After the commander-in-chief leads the army and captures Guangning, he can send elite soldiers to cross the Liao River and directly threaten Shenyang, the capital of the later Jin Tartars. It dealt a heavy blow to the Empress Jin Tartar..."

When Qian Qianyi was still saying this, Zu Dashou's complexion changed drastically, first he was pale, then livid, he never imagined that such a big battle in Liaodong, with a hundred thousand troops going out, was by no means a trivial matter It is unexpected that Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi would dare to formulate such a risky plan. Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the Houjin Tatars have already detected the combat deployment of the frontier army, carefully planned, and made a targeted plan. arrangements are deployed.

Seeing Zu Dashou's bad face, Qian Qianyi was also a little annoyed.

"Zongbing Zu, don't you think such an arrangement is not good? This is the arrangement that the commander-in-chief has thought about for a long time. I see that 10 Jin Tartars are going to attack Dalinghe City. It is a good opportunity for the handsome." [

Zu Dashou wished he could slap Qian Qianyi across the face. At this time, Qian Qianyi was still dreaming that the poor army of [-] was going to march, and Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi were in command.

"My lord, let me say bluntly, the commander-in-chief and you will be the eternal sinners of my Ming Dynasty. Liaodong is in danger."

The expression on Qian Qianyi's face also changed. As a Confucian, what he cares most about is his reputation. If he becomes a sinner of the Ming Dynasty, his previous efforts will be in vain.

"You are scaremongering. It is obvious that the deployment of the commander-in-chief has already produced results."

Zu Dashou looked at Qian Qianyi with pity in his eyes.

"My lord, I have a few things that I don't understand very well. I want to ask my lord. First, since my army wants to attract the main force of the Hou Jin Tartars to attack Daling Hecheng and Guan Ningjin's line of defense, take advantage of it. The rear of the Houjin Tatars is empty, and I will give the Houjin Tatars a fatal blow. After our army set off, we occupied Heishan Yizhou, and the next step is to occupy Guangning. According to the deployment made by the Lord, wouldn’t the Houjin Tatars be It's amazing, after waiting for such a long time, only after our army occupied Heishan and Yizhou, half a month after the start of the campaign, did we start to send an army of [-] to attack Dalinghe City, could it be that the Houjin Tartars knew How is our army arranged and deployed?"

"Secondly, once the Houjin Tatars occupy Dalinghe City, how can the [-] troops defend Heishan, Yizhou, and Guangning? Don't they need food? If the [-] troops want to retreat, Where can I retreat from?"

"Third, if our army is unable to capture Guangning, what should we do next? Should we retreat to Yizhou, Heishan, or Dalinghecheng, or take advantage of the emptiness of Shenyang after the Golden Tatars, and directly attack Shenyang."

"The last question, may I ask if your lord knows how many troops the Hou Jin Tartars have?"

Naturally, Qian Qianyi couldn't answer these four questions, but he still managed to say a few words about the military strength of the Later Jin Tartars.

"The Houjin Tartars, the Manchu Eight Banners and the Han Eight Banners are fully occupied, that is, 12 people. Besides, the Houjin is barren, how many troops can be supported."

Zu Dashou didn't expect Qian Qianyi to answer like this, he patted the table hard.

"My lord, I can tell you very clearly that the Houjin Tartars have at least 30 troops."

Seeing Qian Qianyi's mouth opened wide, Zu Dashou spoke coldly.

"Sent out a hundred thousand frontier troops, and thought that they could take Shenyang, the capital of Houjin. Isn't it whimsical, and take the lives of frontier soldiers to pave the way for yourself? How sad and abominable, if I come Arrange, attack in two ways, arrange one hundred thousand soldiers on the one side to face the army, and one hundred thousand soldiers on the other side to attack Dalinghe City. Is there a chance for them to return to Dalinghe City? Is there still a chance to reunite with their families? Up to now, my lord is still dreaming. I can tell you clearly that the situation of the commander-in-chief is extremely dangerous. There is an accident. Next, the two armies of the Houjin Tartars will join forces and directly attack the Guanningjin defense line. If Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan are lost, the commander and you still want to sit here to discuss and dream Do you still think that your family can survive?"

Qian Qianyi's face turned pale, he was not familiar with fighting and fighting at all, and he took it for granted when arranging the deployment, but it's a pity that such a joke actually happened in Daming.

Zu Dashou was no longer willing to continue talking to Qian Qianyi.

"My lord, the next step is to come down to command the army. All the sergeants, all withdraw from Yizhou, bypass Heishan City, bypass Jinzhou, and go directly to Shanhaiguan. You must reach Shanhaiguan as quickly as possible, otherwise there will be big problems. As for the commander-in-chief, please pray for your own blessings, one hundred thousand frontier troops, Mr. Qian, just wait to apologize to the emperor."

Qian Qianyi's face was a little pale, he opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak, he would never have thought that the matter would be so serious, if what Zu Dashou said was true, he would not only be dismissed from office Jue's problem. (To be continued..)

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