Ming politicians

Chapter 852 Zu Dabi’s Decision

The back and forth attacks of the Houjin Tartars caused the army to be in chaos in an instant, and the artillery began to fire recklessly. No matter whether the barrel of the gun was too hot, as long as the cannon could be fired, during this process, Bomb explosions continued to occur, and the sergeants who operated the artillery suffered heavy casualties, but the artillery played a huge role, and it can be said to have a decisive role. Because the artillery was sharp, the post-Kindu The house was blown upside down, whether it was the front attack or the rear encirclement, they were all overwhelmed by the power of the artillery, their offensive momentum was obviously weakened, and even stopped the attack for a while.

Such a short period of time is very precious to the army. Chen Xinjia's six god masters appeared, and when such a situation occurred, he muttered to himself, not knowing what to say. Zu Dabi had already taken over the command. At this time, Chen Xinjia's admiration has been thrown to the country of Java. Master Su Tiancheng has already emphasized that as the commander of the army, the more dangerous he is, the more he must keep calm and not panic. collapse.

What made Zu Dabi feel gratified was that the fighting power of the frontier army had indeed improved. Facing the attack of the Houjin Tatars, no one was afraid, no one fled or retreated. Maybe the Hou Jin Tartars didn't estimate it, and with the power of the artillery, the attack started for more than an hour, and the army only experienced a short-term chaos, but it has not yet collapsed.

Huang Taiji really did not expect that the artillery of the Ming Frontier Army was so powerful that it caused heavy losses to the soldiers who attacked and encircled them. The cannons fired by these artillery made the soldiers and war horses within a few meters around have almost no chance of surviving. , with the continuous firing of artillery, Huang Taiji's thinking has changed, after all, it is tens of thousands of Ming frontier troops.Don't think about completely defeating the opponent in a short period of time, as long as the opponent is besieged here, using the method of knocking brown sugar, this can reduce the casualties of the sergeants, and increase the combat effectiveness displayed by the Ming frontier army.It also greatly exceeded Huang Taiji's expectations.

The rhythm of the attack slowed down. Huang Taiji asked Hauge, Azig and others to pay attention to the casualties of the sergeants, and the loss should not be too large. After that, they took down Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City in one go, tried to attack Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, and achieved this step.The Qing Dynasty won a major victory. [

Haoge, Azig and the others were not as arrogant as they were at the beginning. After several hours of fighting, they realized that the frontier army of Ming Dynasty was completely different from the past, especially the artillery of Ming Dynasty, which was too powerful. Second-rate.The soldiers around Hauge, in order to protect him.He was instantly blown away by the cannon, leaving only his arms and thighs. Hauge was about to go crazy, but there was nothing he could do. The frontier army's artillery was too tricky, and it always fired towards the middle of the army.It was difficult for the attacking army to connect with the front and back, and the number of sergeants fighting with the Ming frontier army in the front was obviously not enough, so it was impossible to deal a devastating blow to the Ming army.Regardless of the front attack.Those who were encircled at the back have encountered such problems.

Huang Taiji issued an order to slow down the attack, but none of the officers refuted it. The cruel reality forced them to re-acquaint the Daming Frontier Army.

After dark, the army temporarily stopped fighting.

In the central army tent of the Ming army, the blood-stained Zu Dale stared at Chen Xinjia. This time, even a fool knew that the army had fallen into the encirclement. Zu Dale knew it very well. Big brother Zu Dashou brought it up It is suspected that the suggestion of step-by-step was a trick of the Houjin Tartars, but now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Chen Xinjia looked depressed. Fortunately, he was still wise. When everyone asked him to retreat, he didn't listen. He was determined to stay with the army. If he chose to withdraw at that time, it might lead to the collapse of the army, and he might also flee. Those who can't go out are surrounded by post-gold Tartars. They form a tight encirclement, and they can escape to nowhere.

Tang Haitai's performance has always been a little nervous, maybe he didn't expect to encounter such a situation. He originally followed him to Liaodong to make meritorious service, but now he is in a desperate situation, and he was really captured by the Houjin Tartars. Whether to surrender or not, he didn't mention the matter of retreating. Looking at the Houjin Tartars before and after, everyone knows that if they want to break through, they have no chance unless they are under the protection of the army. Two thousand soldiers , I'm afraid he doesn't have that great ability to kill a bloody road. At this time, Tang Haitai has no strength to speak.

"Marshal, brothers are waiting for your deployment."

Zu Dabi managed to hold back and didn't lose his temper. At this time, there can be no internal problems. If any disputes arise, then there is really no way out. Judging from the current situation, breaking through is the only choice, and You can only choose to break out at night, otherwise, if this continues, the army will be completely wiped out in the end, and no one should think about being able to kill it.

Chen Xinjia looked at the crowd blankly, and spoke vigorously.

"Zongbing Zu, everything is at your disposal."

Zu Dale stared at him, and when he was about to speak, Zu Dabi gave Zu Dale a hard look. Zu Dale lowered his head resentfully. Zu Dabi had already emphasized that the army was at the critical point of life and death. , Internal quarrels can only hasten the demise of the army. At this time, one must be calm. This is what Su Tiancheng has always emphasized before.

Zu Dabi was also infuriated. When the army started to conquer, everything was decided by Chen Xinjia. Officers at all levels did not need to speak, and it was useless to say it. But blame is useless, and finding a way is the only way out.

"Zu Dale, have you figured out the casualties of the army?"

"The detailed statistics haven't come out yet, but in today's battle, more than [-] soldiers were killed."

Zu Dabi nodded slightly.

"Understood, so to speak, there are still nearly [-] soldiers in the army. Everyone knows the situation we are facing. I don't want to say more. At present, our only way out is to break through. Time can't continue to drag on. In one day, our casualties will be greater, and the hope of breaking through the siege will be even slimmer. The Hou Jin Tartars also know this, and they have probably laid down a heavy line of defense to prevent us from breaking through. Tonight is the focus of the Hou Jin Tartars' defense , but we must break out tonight."

"It is impossible for a [-] army to break through completely. There must be sergeants to restrain the Golden Tatars, otherwise no one should think about breaking through. You all know what it means to stay, so I made a decision. I used to be in Liaodong. Follow my officers, stay, I will lead you, cover the soldiers to break through, Zu Dale, you lead [-] soldiers, try every means to break out, don't love to fight..."

Before Zu Dabi finished speaking, Zu Dale suddenly stood up.

"No, I just want to stay, and I'm the one who stays, you lead the big guy to break through..." [

"Zu Dale, sit down, the commander has made arrangements just now, and now I am in charge of all the actions of the army, if you disobey orders, be careful of military law."

Zu Dale's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything, and finally sat down.

"I've counted just now, eight of the cannons in red were blasted, ten of the cannons of the general were blown, the rest of the cannons were intact, and there was enough "powder". It is necessary to rely on artillery, and when the breakout begins, the artillery should not care about losses, do not save artillery, and bombard the east, blasting a path of blood."

"Brothers, the frontier army has been guarding the Guanning Jin line of defense for decades in Liaodong. We must keep the fire of the frontier army. We must not let the Houjin Tartars completely strangle them. Go in the direction of Dalinghe City, don't worry about Yizhou and Heishan, if my prediction is correct, the Houjin Tatars would have sent out a large army and set up an ambush in the direction of Dalinghe City, and the Houjin Tartars thought of besieging us , How could we not have thought of blocking our retreat route."

"Zu Dale, the soldiers who broke through the siege are under your command. Remember, don't just think about fighting, but think about leading your brothers back. Don't go directly to Daling River City, bypass Daling River City, and go straight to Ningyuan Go in the direction of Shanhaiguan."

"Zu Dale, I will leave the commander's safety to you. You must lead the commander to break through. If the commander is captured by the Houjin Tartars, it will be a disgrace to our frontier army and the court. You Remember."

After finishing the arrangement, Zu Dabi apologized to everyone.

"Please, brothers, if there is a chance, we can meet again. If there is no chance, please help me burn more papers on this day of the coming year..."

The tense deployment has begun. The breakout time is set at midnight. It is necessary to break out as soon as possible. In summer nights, the time is not very long. If the breakout time is too late, the chances of being able to break out will be much smaller after dawn. up.

Zu Dale looked at Zu Dabi, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Second brother, it's you who led the army to break through, and I will stick to it."

"It's about this time, what are you talking about so much, you hurry up and prepare, the time is coming, remember what I said, here is a letter, it is my memorial to the court, you take it, you must break out, and put this Send the letter to the imperial court and the emperor. If you have a chance, you should go to Mr. Su's command. Everything I said just now was actually told by my elder brother. These were also analyzed by Mr. Su long ago. It is a pity that the imperial court ah..."

Zu Dale couldn't bear it anymore, tears flowed out, he knew very well what would happen if Zu Dabi led more than 1 sergeants to stand firm here, these 1 sergeants had absolutely no chance of surviving, breaking through It is unclear what the ending will be, but there is always a way to break through. (To be continued..)

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