Ming politicians

Chapter 853 Zu Dabi’s Decision

Huang Taiji was full of ambition, and the army surrounded the Ming army. After two to three days of fighting at most, the Ming army could be completely wiped out. As for the Ming army guarding Heishan and Yizhou, it was even more impossible to escape. Well, the [-] troops led by Dorgon are besieging Dalinghe City. Once Dalinghe City is captured, the development of the battle will be beyond his imagination. The battle has been going on until now, and Su Tiancheng has not heard anything News, it seems that the biggest worry is gone.

Huang Taiji asked all the soldiers to be on guard, not even a fly is allowed to fly out, many things will happen in the dark night, but fortunately, this is a place controlled by the Qing soldiers for a long time, even if there is any disturbance, they can be known quickly of.

The possibility of the Daming Frontier Army breaking through was within Huang Taiji's expectation, but he still didn't quite believe it. After all, the commander of the Daming Frontier Army was Chen Xinjia, and it was impossible for Chen Xinjia to be the Lord of the Six Gods when he suffered such a sudden blow. What decision has been made, under such circumstances, the Ming army is considered the leader of the group.

What made Huang Taiji most envious was the artillery of the Ming army. Once upon a time, he wanted to buy these artillery in Fort Anning and Jingbian, but he was unable to do so. Now the opportunity has come. As long as these artillery can be captured, the Qing Dynasty The combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly enhanced, especially in the battle of attacking the city, the artillery will play a huge role. Huang Taiji remembers very clearly the losses caused by the artillery of the Ming army to the army.

In terms of troop deployment, Huang Taiji deployed a large number of sergeants to the east, but there were not many troops in the direction of Guangning.He wished that the Ming army would attack in the direction of Guangning, which would be more conducive to destroying the Ming army. [

Late at night.But the surrounding area is not very quiet. With 10,000+ troops gathered here, it is impossible to be quiet.

At midnight, the sound of rumbling cannons suddenly appeared, directed at the east.

Huang Taiji was so startled that he stood up abruptly from his sleeping bed. At this time, Fan Wencheng also hurried in.

"Your Majesty, the Ming army has broken through."

"I know. Order Haoge and Azig to stop them. The Ming army is not allowed to break through. Order the army to quickly gather in the east direction. The Ming army must be blocked here..."

The power of the artillery was fully displayed at this moment.The tents of the Hou Jin Tartars were blown up, many horses began to neigh, some soldiers ran around, avoiding the artillery, many soldiers.It was directly blasted into the air by the cannon, and raging flames also appeared.

Nearly fifty cannons were fired at the same time, such a huge power caught the Houjin Tartars off guard.

What they didn't expect was that the artillery was still firing.The Ming army rushed over, and the dark Ming army rushed towards the Houjin Tartars.

Hauge and Azig gritted their teeth.Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately summoned the army and began to intercept it.

In the rumble of artillery fire, the sergeants on both sides fought together. The guns had no eyes, and even the Ming army was blown away by the artillery. More and more Jin Tartars surrounded them. Gradually, the Ming army was surrounded. up. . .

There were tears in Zu Dale's eyes. When Zu Dabi led the soldiers to rush up, he almost couldn't hold back, but Zu Dabi had already made the deployment, and it was no longer the time to argue.

After half an hour passed, a large number of Hou Jin tartars rushed over and surrounded the soldiers led by Zu Dabi, and the time was right.

Zu Dabi pulled out the steel knife and swung it forward, the real breakout began.

The army began to move forward quickly. Their task was not to participate in the fight, but to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible and retreat towards Dalinghe City.

At this time, another round of artillery fire started, and the sound of huge cannons and bombing made the place extremely lively.

Hauge has been paying attention to the situation. The Ming army that broke through was surrounded, and the casualties on both sides continued to increase. However, the tenacity of the Ming army gave him an ominous premonition. Why these Ming troops were surrounded and still desperately In the face of several times the opponents, they should not persist, at least they should withdraw. In the dark night, the sergeants led by themselves would not dare to chase after them. Loss, that is too undeserved.

When Zu Dale rushed over with the army, Hauge suddenly understood, but unfortunately he understood a little too late.

Why did the surrounded Ming army fight desperately to attract the attention of the army so that more Ming troops could take advantage of the situation to break through? Hauge did not expect that the Ming army would arrange such a tactic, and there was a Ming army who was not afraid of death , Willing to cover the retreat of the rest of the Ming army.

Thinking of mobilizing troops to stop it, Hauge discovered with some pain that a large number of sergeants were fighting with the rushing Ming army, and the artillery of the Ming army became more fierce, and many sergeants were directly blown into the air. . [

When Huang Taiji personally led the army over, Hauge pointed forward with a pale face, and simply reported the situation. A large number of Ming troops had already broken through this gap.

Huang Taiji's face was ashen, and he ordered Azig to lead the army to pursue them. No matter what, these Ming troops could not be allowed to escape.

Thousands of personal guards surrounded Huang Taiji, and the cannons kept falling all around. They couldn't let Huang Taiji get hurt, so they didn't have to think about surviving.

Seeing the explosion that didn't count as a cannon, Huang Taiji suddenly remembered something, and ordered Oboi beside him to immediately lead the sergeants to destroy the cannons of the Ming army. These cannons were too powerful and caused too many casualties to the army.

It was slightly brighter.

There were not many frontier soldiers standing beside Zu Dabi. In the direction of Shenji Battalion, when the sky was about to dawn, there was a huge explosion sound. Zu Dabi knew very well that this was the sergeant of Shenji Battalion. After bombing, they would never leave the artillery to the Houjin Tatars. Before breaking through, he arranged for [-] soldiers to guard the artillery, and he rushed to the Houjin Tartars with [-] soldiers. Since there was an explosion sound from the direction of the Shenji Battalion, it meant that all the five thousand guards were killed.

Around the battlefield, there were corpses everywhere, and the ground had already been soaked in a thick layer of blood, turning it into a dark black color. The losses of the Houjin Tartars and the frontier troops were heavy.

On Zu Dabi's face, there was a mixture of relief and sadness. Overnight, almost all of the [-] frontier troops were killed. In addition to the previous day's fight, the [-] troops lost more than half. In Zu Dabi's view, at least [-] people were killed in the battle of the Later Jin Tartars. With such a result, it was worth it.

The fight was still going on, Zu Dabi chopped down a golden tartar with a single knife, and rushed towards the battle group with a roar, his voice had long been hoarse, and his body was covered with scars, he had never thought of it at this point Or get out of here.

The cold arrow suddenly pierced Zu Dabi's body, Zu Dabi trembled slightly, and tried his best not to fall off the horse.

"Don't lean in, don't worry about me, you go and kill the enemy..."

Big mouthfuls of blood spurted out, Zu Dabi finally couldn't hold on, and fell on his back.

Zu Dabi fell down, the soldiers around him had red eyes, someone jumped off the horse and hugged Zu Dabi, most of the soldiers rushed towards Houjin Tartar like crazy. . .

Zu Dale led [-] soldiers and rushed out of the encirclement relatively smoothly, but this was just the beginning.

Azig led the army, chasing after him. This is already a competition of endurance. The army led by Zu Dale did not carry any artillery, in order to be able to break through quickly. The sergeant also didn't carry many weapons, and he also wanted to catch up as soon as possible.

However, Zu Dale still has an advantage. Most of the soldiers in the Ming army he led carried flintlock guns, which are much stronger than bows and arrows. Therefore, during the desperate retreat, Zu Dale organized Several times of fighting, using flintlock guns, beheaded many post-gold tartars.

Azig never thought that as long as he caught up with the Ming army, it would be a one-sided massacre. Unexpectedly, the Ming army's flintlock guns were so powerful that the sergeants he led were not counted as casualties, so that some sergeants , Hearing the sound of the flintlock guns, I trembled unconsciously. I have been chasing for two days, and sometimes I was about to catch up, but a burst of flintlock guns knocked down the soldiers who were charging in front.

Azig's eyes were also red. Judging by his judgment, he felt that the retreating Ming army was about to approach Dalinghe City. If he let this group of Ming army escape, he would be seriously dereliction of duty. up.

Zu Dale knew bitterly that the retreating army had reached its limit of physical strength, and the casualties were not small. The rain of arrows from the Hou Jin Tartars was too powerful.

At this time, Zu Dale also thought that someone must stay and start a fight with the Hou Jin Tartars, delaying the pace of the Hou Jin Tartars' pursuit, otherwise the army will be in great danger, and it is very likely that they will be caught up. The fate of the annihilation of the army, the 5000 soldiers led by him broke through and lost more than [-] people. It is impossible to think that everyone can withdraw to Ningyuan or Shanhaiguan.

At this time, a Qianhu stepped forward. This Qianhu used to be Zu Dabi's subordinate. He was willing to lead 5000 people to delay the pursuit of the Golden Tartars.

Zu Dale didn't say anything, but patted Qianhu on the shoulder vigorously. [

When bypassing Dalinghe City, there were only more than 1 sergeants around Zu Dale, and they launched two consecutive attacks, but the Houjin Tartars led by Azig were not stupid, they stayed behind The next group of sergeants fought with the Ming army, and the rest tried their best to get rid of the blocking Ming army and continued to pursue.

The casualties were huge, and Zu Dale's heart was bleeding, but he could only retreat quickly without even a chance to hesitate.

Five days later, the retreating army bypassed Jinzhou, and the Houjin Tatars who were chasing from behind finally stopped. Azig didn't dare to continue the pursuit. If he fell into the encirclement of the Ming army, he might not be able to retreat. up. (To be continued. If you like this work, () vote, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.

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