Ming politicians

Chapter 864 Be able to calm down

In the capital, it is impossible to be stable. Ordinary people have long been in a mess. Ordinarily, it is impossible for the people to be so clear about the affairs of Liaodong. Unfortunately, the martial law in the capital made the people feel it very quickly. The next time they entered the customs, the capital was under martial law. The most severe time was in the second year of Chongzhen, when the Houjin Tartars almost entered the capital. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, the capital was also under martial law. After so many years of peace, it suddenly began Martial law has been imposed, and the government's demands are getting higher and higher, which also makes the people panic.

The gentry and rich households have already made preparations. They say that the gold and silver are soft and put away. Anyone who has a mansion in the capital has a secret room or a cellar. Commodities such as food that cannot be collected, they should find a way to sell them. They know very well that at such times, some ordinary people must buy a large amount of food and put it at home, so as not to have no food to eat when the war is chaotic. The plan is very stupid. If the Houjin Tartars invade the capital, can the food be kept?

Ordinary people can't leave the capital. If they leave the capital, they can only be refugees. So what they need to do is to buy food to the best of their ability and store it at home to avoid disasters and no food.

In fact, ordinary people, compared with those gentry and wealthy households, are generally more stable. The common people believe that the emperor and the court must be able to find a way, and the capital must be able to keep it. The Ming Dynasty is so big that any army can be transferred from anywhere. To keep the capital, if the Hou Jin Tartars can break into the capital, wouldn't that mean the Ming Dynasty perished?

Yang Sichang has long made demands on the court officials, and this level of people cannot be messed up.If the court officials are all making their own plans, how can you ask the rest to stabilize.

Regarding the matter of fundraising, Yang Sichang only mentioned it in the early court, and soon many officials objected, saying that his family's conditions were not good or something, and he didn't even have enough to eat.Looking at these fat officials, Yang Sichang felt annoyed for no reason. If the court really relied on these officials, there might be no hope when the catastrophe came.

Zhu Shenxin already knew the news.

Chen Yuanyuan was always in the mansion. After Su Tiancheng went to Dengzhou, because of many things, it was too late to take Chen Yuanyuan to the governor's mansion in Dengzhou, so Chen Yuanyuan stayed with Zhu Shenxin in the capital.In such a huge mansion, the two women's families are the masters.

Even so, no one dared to underestimate this mansion. Everyone knew that Su Tiancheng had great power and had gained the trust of the emperor. He was the governor of Ji Liao at a young age.

The glory on the surface cannot calm the loneliness in the heart.Zhu Shenxin couldn't stand this kind of life anymore, and always stayed in the capital.One year, the time to see Su Tiancheng is limited, look at those ordinary people, the love between husband and wife, even though they live in a poor life, this kind of relationship is enviable.

With Chen Yuanyuan's company.Zhu Shenxin got a little better. After a long time, Zhu Shenxin found that Chen Yuanyuan has a good talent. It seems that Chen Yuanyuan is famous.It didn't come by chance, gradually, Zhu Shenxin's attitude towards Chen Yuanyuan became better and better, the two even often discussed some poems and read some books together.

Su Mingjie is six years old, and a teacher was invited to the mansion to teach Su Mingjie how to read. Although Su Mingxin is only two years old, sometimes she listens to Mr. Xixi reading the article aloud. The requirements are very strict. In this family, Su Mingjie is the eldest son, and must be a role model for many younger siblings.

Sometimes, Chen Yuanyuan also helps tutor Su Mingjie. Chen Yuanyuan mainly tells stories to Su Mingjie and Su Mingxin. Su Mingjie and Su Mingxin love this little aunt very much. When they are free, they often ask Chen Yuanyuan to tell them stories.

Zhu Shenxin can also see that Chen Yuanyuan likes children very much, and I'm afraid she also hopes to have a child. Women are like this. Once married, their biggest wish is to have children early, so that their position in the family will be consolidated, and they will have children. For sustenance, if there is no child, it is like floating duckweed, and there is always no place in my heart.

But if Chen Yuanyuan wanted to conceive a child, he needed Su Tiancheng to be in the mansion.

When the news came that the Houjin Tartars attacked Shanhaiguan, Lu Shanji specially sent his family to Su Tiancheng's mansion to report the news, and also to remind Zhu Shenxin to pay attention, but unexpectedly Zhu Shenxin looked at it indifferently.

In this regard, even Chen Yuanyuan was surprised. She didn't know why Su Tiancheng was so indifferent. Zhu Shenxin quickly told Chen Yuanyuan the answer, which was her absolute trust in her husband. You must know that she and Chen Yuanyuan were in Beijing. Inside, no matter what kind of situation happens, Su Tiancheng will not ignore it. If the capital is really in danger, I am afraid that Husband will have made relevant preparations. By now, Husband has no news, so don't worry , nothing happens.

When Chen Yuanyuan heard Zhu Shenxin say this, she was very shocked. She had not been married to Su Tiancheng for a long time, and she had only known him for a short time. It was impossible to fully understand Su Tiancheng. In addition, Su Tiancheng had not been in the capital for a long time. He went to Dengzhou soon, probably because he had a lot of things to do in Dengzhou, so he didn't have time to pick him up, so he stayed in the capital. Now, after hearing what Zhu Shenxin said, Chen Yuanyuan really understood what it means to rely on, marry With Su Tiancheng, women really have something to rely on.

What really excited Zhu Shenxin and Chen Yuanyuan was Su Tiancheng's letter, specifically talking about the matter in Liaodong, and entrusting them to rest assured. It's a fox pretending to be a tiger, and he will evacuate after a little tossing at most.

Zhu Shenxin is very clear that women mainly manage the affairs of the family and the affairs of the court. Don't worry about it. If you really want to worry about it, it is also against the rules, but Su Tiancheng never cares about these things, things that can be said After returning home, she would never hide it, and it was precisely because of this that Zhu Shenxin relied on Su Tiancheng from the bottom of her heart.

Su Tiancheng's greatest advantage is that he always takes the safety of his family at heart. There are not many men who can do this. In this era, there are still some men who regard their wives and concubines as clothes, and they don't necessarily care much about them.

After receiving Su Tiancheng's letter, Zhu Shenxin and Chen Yuanyuan felt more relieved. As long as it was what Su Tiancheng mentioned, there would be no problem, and they could rest assured.

The calmness of the Su Mansion still attracted the attention of Yang Sichang, Lu Shanji and others. These days, they have been paying close attention to the fluctuations in the capital. Jin Yiwei has also collected news and intelligence from various sources to see if it is true. To cause fluctuations, let's see if the civil and military ministers of the imperial court are really doing things according to the requirements of the emperor and the cabinet, whether they are secretly transferring family members, or preparing to leave the capital.

Of course, Jin Yiwei will also pay attention to the situation of the Su residence.

It should be said that the Su Mansion is the place that Jin Yiwei focuses on, and the reasons for this are needless to say.

Yang Sichang, Lu Shanji and the others fell into contemplation when they learned that the Su Mansion had not taken any action. It should be said that Su Tiancheng did things with a certain degree of foresight, which was fully displayed in the battle against the bandits. Yes, Yang Sichang and Lu Shanji both admitted this point, even the emperor recognized it. As such a big thing happened in Liaodong, it was impossible for Su Tiancheng, as the governor of Jiliao, not to care. That is to say, Su Tiancheng There should be a solution.

When Li Zicheng attacked Fengyang, the central capital, Su Tiancheng made an accurate judgment. In the decisive battle in Kuizhou Mansion, Sichuan, Su Tiancheng was able to have very accurate calculations, and finally made a decision to wipe out the bandits in one fell swoop. These are all Su Tiancheng Based on the judgment made by his own wisdom, it is impossible for Su Tiancheng to be indifferent to such a big event in Liaodong.

Yang Sichang knew that there was a special reason for this, and that was the attitude of the emperor. The emperor did not want Su Tiancheng to interfere in the affairs of Liaodong, which also made it impossible for Su Tiancheng to care about the affairs of Liaodong. Even if he had any ideas, he could not implement them Well, Su Tiancheng came to the capital specifically to go directly to the emperor for the defense of Liaodong, which was a violation of the taboo, but from this point of view, it is impossible for Su Tiancheng not to care about Liaodong's affairs.

Both Yang Sichang and Lu Shanji felt that Su Tiancheng would definitely do something. As for the specific action, it was impossible for the two of them to know. They really wanted to get some news from Zhu Shenxin, but they were all female relatives. , must pay attention to etiquette, so Yang Sichang also asked his wife to go to the Su Mansion specially to chat with Zhu Shenxin.

It's not that Yang Sichang didn't get any news at all. From his wife's words, Yang Sichang knew that Zhu Shenxin was not worried at all, and when he talked about Su Tiancheng, he was always in high spirits. The implication was that Su Tiancheng must It will protect the family.

Madam can only say these things, but after Yang Sichang analyzed these words, he was very shocked.

It is impossible for Zhu Shenxin to rest assured for no reason. Since he has such an attitude, it means that Su Tiancheng must have said something to Zhu Shenxin, or wrote a letter, asking Zhu Shenxin not to worry, and nothing will happen in the capital. , and only under such circumstances, can Zhu Shenxin rest assured.

Yang Sichang and Lu Shanji specifically analyzed such a possibility. From the perspective of the court, both of them supported Su Tiancheng, and it was harmless to make such an analysis.

After some analysis, Yang Sichang felt a lot more relieved. He faintly felt that some news would come soon, and it must be news that would be beneficial to the court. (To be continued..)

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