Ming politicians

Chapter 865 The Strange Situation in Liaodong

(Thanks to Lao Ma's Sky, Only Love You V Wei, Fat Eagle, and Baby Panda Bear for their valuable monthly votes, and thank you for those who choose to take the middle route without going left or right. Thank you.)

Overnight, the Houjin Tatars withdrew completely. This situation caught Hong Chengchou stationed in Liaodong off guard. Hong Chengchou of Dalinghe City, Chen Xinjia and Zu Dale of Ningyuan, Qin Liangyu and Qian Qianyi of Shanhaiguan Zu Dashou and Zu Dashou were all dumbfounded, not knowing why this happened.

It should be said that when Huang Taiji divided his forces and began to attack Shanhaiguan, news could be transmitted between Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, especially the news of Dalinghe City and Jinzhou, which could reach Shanhaiguan. In fact, it was a special arrangement made by Huang Taiji. Huang Taiji's idea is that the Ming army in Liaodong can go to reinforce Shanhaiguan. If these cities do not know each other's situation, it is impossible to talk about reinforcements.

Zu Dashou knew the news of Zu Dabi's death, so he locked himself in the room. For a whole day, Liaodong experienced such a huge defeat. He knew that he was also responsible. He also supported Chen Xinjia unconditionally. With the support he took the lead, how could so many things happen later? In fact, Zu Dashou thought too much. Even if he didn't support Chen Xinjia, what should happen will still happen.It's just that Zu Dabi sacrificed his life, and Zu Dashou felt pain in his heart, so he couldn't avoid blaming himself.

The defense of Liaodong is the general responsibility of Hong Chengchou. After Chen Xinjia, Qian Qianyi and others returned to Ningyuan City, they no longer interfered in the defense of Liaodong, and they will not continue to intervene. Such a major defeat almost ruined the entire Liaodong Even Shanhaiguan is in great danger.Chen Xinjia and Qian Qianyi knew that they were not qualified to continue making irresponsible remarks. Although the imperial court had not decreed to remove them from their posts, it would be a matter of time.

When the scouts were able to leave Dalinghe City and go to Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan to deliver the news.Hong Chengchou sent scouts without hesitation, and rushed to Shanhaiguan at the risk of great danger. Regardless of whether this was a plan set by Huang Taiji or not, Hong Chengchou must also know the situation. All the news gathered in Dalinghe City, and Hong Chengchou had not seen it for a long time. react to.

Of the [-] troops, only [-] returned to Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan.If it weren't for Zu Dashou's quick response, the [-] frontier troops guarding Yizhou would also be doomed. It can be said that this time the conquest has a strong stamina, and Daming suffered the most disastrous defeat. Such a failure will have a huge impact on Liaodong. .

Hong Chengchou knew.There are only 13 soldiers stationed in Liaodong, of which 13 are soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion.With [-] soldiers from the Yulin battalion, [-] soldiers from the Beijing battalion, and the remaining [-] frontier troops, it is not a big problem to garrison Liaodong, but now is an urgent time.The Houjin Tatars carried a huge victory and an indomitable momentum. This is not something that [-] soldiers can compete with. Moreover, Huang Taiji decided to attack Shanhaiguan for far-sightedness.Seizing the lifeline of Liaodong, the Ming army officers and soldiers stationed in other places had to go to reinforce Shanhaiguan.

The Beijing camp stationed in the capital sent [-] sergeants to Shanhaiguan. One can imagine what the inside of the capital looks like.

When Huang Taiji led the army to Shanhaiguan, it was the most difficult time for Hong Chengchou. He had to make a decision whether to stick to Dalinghe City or decide to guard Shanhaiguan, and the Ming army in Liaodong was also waiting for his order.

After all the Hou Jin Tatars withdrew from Liaodong, Hong Chengchou was very strange. He didn't know what happened. It took a day for the Hou Jin Tatars to withdraw, but the army was still sticking to the city, not daring to relax in the slightest. Hong Chengchou sent scouts, Go to reconnaissance intelligence, and at the same time send multiple scouts to Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan to see what's going on.

After dark, the scouts came to report that the Houjin Tatars had indeed withdrawn. Twenty miles away from Dalinghe City, there was no trace of the scouts. It is estimated that the Houjin Tatars returned to Montenegro and stationed there.

Hong Chengchou almost thought he had heard wrong.

Two days later, Zu Dale came to Daling River City.

Seeing Hong Chengchou, Zu Dale's eyes turned red. After meeting Hong Chengchou, Zu Dale described the situation of this campaign in detail, including the attack on Heishan and Yizhou, and the subsequent ambushes in Ningyuan.

Hong Chengchou's face turned black when he heard this, he really didn't understand that the strategy of the Later Jin Tartars was not so sophisticated, judging from the process of conquest, there were many problems in it, Chen Xinjia should have discovered it, and Zu Dashou had already brought it up Well, the early conquest went smoothly, did Chen Xinjia have some kind of strategy? Isn't the child so weak?

After Zu Dale finished speaking, Hong Chengchou asked a few questions unceremoniously, including the situation of each negotiation, the deployment of the army and so on. Unable to bear it, Hong Chengchou even directly reprimanded Zu Dale, he I also know that these things have little to do with Zu Dale, everything was determined by Chen Xinjia.

Hong Chengchou was very moved by Zu Dabi's sacrifice. Did Zu Dabi let the frontier army go on an expedition, so that they would not be completely annihilated, and the commander of the army, Chen Xinjia, would not fall into the hands of the Houjin Tartars? The embarrassment of the emperor and the court, from this aspect, Zu Dabi contributed a lot.

Zu Dale also raised a question, why the Houjin Tartars suddenly withdrew, and what problems existed in the entanglement.

Hong Chengchou didn't know either, but he felt that such a situation must have a direct relationship with Su Tiancheng, and Su Tiancheng was probably the only one who could make the Houjin Tatars withdraw.

The tragic scene in Liaodong reflected by Zu Dale and the scouts made Hong Chengchou believe even more that there must be some problems encountered by the Houjin tartars. If Huang Taiji led the army to conquer in person, he would not have such a crazy move unless It was a major loss, but this kind of loss is impossible in Liaodong.

The situation in Liaodong should be reported to the imperial court immediately. Hong Chengchou was very cautious and asked Zu Dale to be in charge of coordinating and commanding the defense of Dalinghe City. Ningyuan City.

Dalinghe City is more than two hundred miles away from Ningyuan, and it took Hong Chengchou a day and a night to get there.

The tragic scenes along the way were shocking. All the crops in the fields were destroyed, and the houses of the common people were burnt to pitch black, making it impossible to live in them. The corpse had become swollen and began to rot, and an unpleasant stench permeated the surroundings. Groups of wild dogs wandered around, their eyes were red, and they could tell at a glance that they had eaten the corpse.

There were no people or living people along the road. Hong Chengchou had seen many such scenes, but these years, Liaodong was quite peaceful, and he hadn’t experienced such a cruel massacre for a long time. It was still very uncomfortable to see it suddenly. These ordinary people should be protected by the army, but because of the failure of this conquest, the ordinary people have suffered. It is foreseeable that the ordinary people will not come to Liaodong for a long time.

After arriving in Ningyuan City, Hong Chengchou quickly went to the governor's office.

Seeing Hong Chengchou again, Chen Xinjia's spirit became even more decadent. His original thoughts now seem to have destroyed Liaodong and the Ming Dynasty. If Hong Chengchou hadn't led the Jiangning Camp to defend Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, I still don't know what it is like now. If Liaodong and Shanhaiguan were lost, I am afraid that Chen Xinjia would not have to apologize to the court, but would commit suicide directly.

Hong Chengchou didn't care about these things. Anyway, Chen Xinjia was still the governor of Liaodong, and the imperial court did not remove Chen Xinjia from the post of governor. He had to discuss many things directly with Chen Xinjia. Of course, the position is a little different now. The so-called negotiation is actually That is to say, Chen Xinjia would definitely not object to Hong Chengchou's relevant suggestions.

"My lord, my subordinate came all the way from Daling River City, and all the later golden tartars have withdrawn. This subordinate is very strange. I don't know what happened. I came here to discuss with my lord and see how to report to the court. .”

"Lord Hong, I am embarrassed to continue talking about the matter in Liaodong. This fiasco has led to such a big crisis in Liaodong. The crisis is still not resolved. I have written a memorial to the emperor and wait for the court's disposition. When the situation in Liaodong is temporarily stable, I will go directly to the capital."

"Your Excellency, you don't need to say that. People don't want this kind of situation in Liaodong. There is still a huge danger in Liaodong. Your Excellency should cheer up and think about how to do a good job of defense."

Chen Xinjia shook his head.

"Thank you, Master Hong for your comfort. I will ask Master Hong to decide on the defense of Liaodong."

Hong Chengchou was a little helpless. With Chen Xinjia's current state, the possibility of continuing to decide on Liaodong's affairs is not very high, but it is unfair to decide all Liaodong's affairs by himself, but at this time, there is no need to shirk Yes, no matter how the imperial court pursues responsibility, it is necessary to ensure that there will be no mistakes in Liaodong. Hong Chengchou looks down on Chen Xinjia's attitude. Take responsibility and try your best to maintain the situation in Liaodong.

A day later, the Jiangning battalion officer in charge of intelligence contact sent a letter, which was directly addressed to Hong Chengchou. Hong Chengchou took the letter and immediately found that it was a letter from Su Tiancheng. He opened the letter impatiently. .

Looking at it, Hong Chengchou blushed with excitement, and couldn't help standing up. No wonder all the Tatars who attacked Liaodong withdrew, and it was no wonder that the Houjin Tartars slaughtered the people. It turned out that all the reasons were because of Jiangning, which is far away in Dengzhou. In the camp, Su Tianguo had indeed arranged it, and hit the sore spot of the Hou Jin Tartars, so the Hou Jin Tartars had to pay attention to it. (To be continued..)

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