Ming politicians

Chapter 870 Su Tiancheng's Plan

The occupation of Fuzhou, Xuancheng, Xuanzhou and other places was a huge blow to Houjin. When Mao Wenlong occupied Pidao, Huang Taiji did not dare to enter the customs and plunder. The reason is very simple. Huang Taiji led the army On the expedition, Mao Wenlong could give the Houjin Tatars a direct blow from the rear, and even attack Shenyang. Huang Taiji, who led the army to the expedition, could not leave enough manpower to garrison Shenyang.

Of course Su Tiancheng understands this truth. Now that he has occupied Fuzhou and other places, he will not let Huang Taiji relax. The battalion was still somewhat insufficient. If Huang Taiji tried his best to attack, the Jiangning battalion might not be able to resist.

Su Tiancheng wrote a secret letter to the emperor, which meant that Hong Chengchou would lead the Jiangning battalion stationed in Liaodong back and return to Dengzhou. After the attack, the focus of the Golden Tartars would be transferred from Liaodong to Fuzhou, Xuancheng and Xuanzhou. Focus on attacking the Houjin Tartars from these places. On the one hand, it can weaken the strength of the Houjin Tartars, and on the other hand, it can regain lost ground. Unexpectedly, the emperor agreed soon. After learning the news, Su Tiancheng directly gave Hong Chengchou I wrote a letter, asking Hong Chengchou to lead [-] soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to come directly to Fuzhou on a warship from Dagu, Tianjin.

Qu Qingze came in with a stack of letters.

"Old Qu, how is the situation in various places?"

"My lord, the situation in various places is good. These letters refer to the situation in Lushun, Jinzhou, Tieshan, Xuanzhou, Xuancheng, Fuzhou, Yongning and other places. Most of the people here are Han Chinese. They supported the Jiangning camp, but the officials also discovered some problems, that is, there are many Houjin spies everywhere, especially those Manchus who stayed behind."

"This is a normal situation. It's nothing special. I don't read the letters you brought. You can just read them. For the relevant situation, make a comprehensive list. List the requirements and let the local governments handle them directly. "

Su Tiancheng pointed to the map spread out on the table, and spoke slowly.

"Lao Qu, Huang Taiji has withdrawn his troops from Liaodong. The next step is that the Houjin Tatars will definitely gather towards Haizhou and prepare for a decisive battle with our Jiangning camp. Huang Taiji can't wait to eat me. This time, he will definitely send at least 10 soldiers. Great army. It is impossible to keep the number of Jiangning battalion secret, and Huang Taiji must have known about it."

"My lord, the news I got from Shenyang is indeed true. The Xiangbai Banner and Xianglan Banner are gathering together. Including Daishan's Zhenghong Banner, there are more than 8 people in total. There are also [-] Han troops in Haizhou, a total of [-] people. [-] troops. It seems that Huang Taiji is determined to be cruel this time. I am a little worried. Master Hong led [-] soldiers to Fuzhou. The Jiangning Battalion has a total of [-] soldiers. There is still a shortage of troops. I think. Is it to recruit Jiangning battalion soldiers stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou?"

Su Tiancheng smiled and shook his head.

"There is no need for that. Hong Chengchou brought 3 people to Fuzhou, which is enough, but Hong Chengchou can stay in Fuzhou, he must go to Xuanzhou, and I will go to Xuanzhou. You bring [-] soldiers, Stationed in Fuzhou, no matter how the Houjin Tatars attack, don't take any initiative to fight, just defend the city."

Qu Qingze nodded. The purpose of Su Tiancheng's arrangement is very clear. Since the Jiangning Camp has started a decisive battle with the Houjin Tartars, there is no need to be polite. The main purpose is to wipe out the living forces of the Houjin Tartars. The concentration of 3 soldiers in Xuanzhou is mainly aimed at Daishan, and the division of labor of these 2 soldiers is also different. Among them, [-] soldiers are mainly responsible for destroying the [-] post-gold tartars who are in the red flag of Daishan. Later Jin Tartars who came to Xuanzhou to reinforce Daishan.

"My lord, [-] soldiers are enough to guard the city, but it is difficult to take care of the villages and towns. There are [-] Han troops stationed in Haizhou. These Han troops used to be Shang Kexi's subordinates, and they also participated in some siege battles. In terms of siege, they are much stronger than the Hou Jin Tartars, and the officials estimate that the main duty of these Han troops is probably to siege the city."

"Your analysis is not wrong. It is impossible for Duduo and Jierhalang to go to Haizhou at the same time. Among them, one will stay in Haizhou and the other will go to Xuanzhou. There are 6 Hou Jin Tartars and [-] Han troops, a total of [-] people. You are under great pressure. When you are stationed in the city, use as many artillery as possible to inflict huge damage on the Hou Jin Tartars. Your responsibility is to defend Lushun, Jinzhou and other places, and you cannot let the Houjin Tatars continue to plunder."

"My lord, I guarantee that the guards will live in Lushun, Jinzhou and Fuzhou."

"I believe you can do it. Artillery is the biggest advantage of the Jiangning battalion, and it must be fully utilized. The post-gold tartars, who have suffered a lot, dare not divide their troops easily when facing the Jiangning battalion. This is not good for them. , I believe that Huang Taiji will definitely make strict requirements, and if Fuzhou can be stabilized, I have the confidence to completely defeat the deployment of the Houjin Tartars. This time, Huang Taiji will not think about retreating so easily."

There was a lingering aura on Su Tiancheng's face. Qu Qingze hadn't seen it for a long time. He remembered that Su Tiancheng had shown such an attitude during the battle of Kuizhou, which was the key battle to wipe out the bandits. .

"My lord, I must guarantee the stability of Fuzhou."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, and walked to Qu Qingze's side.

"Lao Qu, stabilizing Fuzhou has held back the [-] Houjin troops. This is the most important thing. Judging from the current situation, what Huang Taiji is most worried about is the Jiangning battalion soldiers in Fuzhou. He will think that we It must be the soldiers leading the Jiangning Battalion, starting from Fuzhou, and directly attacking Gaizhou, Yaozhou, and Haizhou. In fact, this choice is also the most suitable, but this time he was wrong in his prediction. I will not launch an attack from Fuzhou. The focus of the attack was chosen to be Xuanzhou, and the purpose of our attack was not to occupy as many places as possible, but to wipe out Houjin's soldiers as much as possible. After Huang Taiji really understands our deployment, I'm afraid we won't have time to regret it."

"My lord, I understand that everything has been properly arranged."

"Very well. After Hong Chengchou came to Fuzhou, he delivered the letter I wrote to Lu Xiangsheng. Remember, you must send someone to send it directly to Lu Xiangsheng. The navy of Houjin was wiped out by us. Bohai Bay It is already under our control. Once we have won the victory in Xuanzhou, the next attack on Gaizhou will be divided into three directions, from the direction of Xiuyan, the direction of Yongning and the attack on the sea. You can't resist."

Su Tiancheng knew all about the battle situation in Liaodong. He had some self-blame mentality. He originally thought that the loss would not be so big. He already had a certain understanding. Without the baptism of blood and lessons, the emperor would not understand and wake up. , many adults in the imperial court are also complacent, but this kind of bloody lesson is too big and too heavy. If it wasn't for his sudden attack from Dengzhou, which caught the Houjin Tartars off guard, I am afraid that the current Liaodong is in great danger Among them.

The [-] frontier troops lost nearly [-], and only more than [-] people actually came back from the battlefield. If it wasn't for Zu Dashou's cleverness, leading the [-] frontier troops stationed in Yizhou to withdraw decisively, the loss might have been even greater , This kind of loss is unbearable for Da Ming. All the troops of Da Ming, except the Jiangning camp, even the frontier army and Yulin camp. When training these frontier troops, Su Tiancheng also spent a lot of effort because Zhu Youjian I couldn't hold back, because Chen Xinjia's great success basically ruined the frontier army.

Judging from the final losses of the battle on both sides, the overall loss of the Houjin Tatars was only about 3 people, including [-] sailors. Judging from the current situation, this battle is regarded as a defeat for Ming Dynasty .

Of course, this is a battle that is far from over. It can be said that it has just begun. The next highlight will be Fuzhou, Xuanzhou, Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Haizhou. Son, fight to the death in these places, this is a battle that no one can afford to lose.

After arranging everything, Su Tiancheng stood up and walked slowly outside.

The situation in Fuzhou City is very stable. The officials transferred from Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou have all taken up their posts. They are familiar with the people's livelihood. After they came here, they first stabilized the people. In the rest of the places, the Jiangning camp adopted a strategy of treating the people well, which stabilized the situation to the greatest extent possible.

The autumn harvest is just around the corner, and the tax policy introduced by the government is exactly the same as that of Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou. Dengzhou has shipped a large amount of grain and is always ready to help the victims.

When Su Tiancheng walked out of the courtyard, Wang Dazhi quickly followed with more than a dozen people. Although the security situation in Fuzhou City was good, who knows if there are spies who would want to assassinate Su Tiancheng. Because of this concern, Wang Dazhi He even talked back to Su Tiancheng, thinking that Su Tiancheng should not walk around casually.

Su Tiancheng is still thinking about Liaodong. Lu Xiangsheng who is stationed in Liaodong is also a general. If the Jiangning Battalion launches a full-scale attack from Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Yizhou, Liaodong must also take action. Once Houjin loses There will be great fluctuations in Gaizhou, Yaozhou, and Yizhou. The Houjin Tartars stationed in Liaodong may also face the situation of being dispatched. At that time, Lu Xiangsheng can deploy the Datong frontier army, concentrate superior forces, and launch a confrontation The attacks of Heishan, Yizhou, and Guangning took advantage of the situation to capture these places, and confronted the Houjin Tartars across the Liaohe River.

Launching an attack from both sides will make it impossible for Hou Jin to deal with it with all his strength. Neglecting either side will bring catastrophic disasters. At that time, let's see how extraordinary wisdom Huang Taiji can show.

(A few old friends got together, drank too much, almost went to the hospital, a little dizzy, a few days to recover, so the update is not stable, please forgive me, as for eunuchs and the like, that is absolutely impossible, thank you The reader is big.) (To be continued..)

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