Ming politicians

Chapter 871-Ambition

Hong Chengchou led an army of [-]. When he came to Fuzhou, his face was a little ugly. The Jiangning battalion soldiers stationed in Liaodong for a long time were not familiar with water warfare. At the beginning, almost every soldier had a physical reaction. Fortunately, time passed, and the soldiers were gradually able to overcome it with their outstanding physical fitness.

It's a pity that Hong Chengchou has no time to rest and adjust, and the actions of the Houjin soldiers have been fully rolled out.

Qu Qingze brought a lot of information every day, all about Gaizhou, Yaozhou, Haizhou, and Xuanzhou. These intelligences indicated that the Hou Jin Tartars were preparing to launch a large-scale attack on the Jiangning camp. .

Fuzhou, the mansion where Su Tiancheng lived.

All the officers above the commander of the Jiangning battalion and guard are gathered here.

Many years have passed, and the Jiangning Battalion rarely concentrated at the same time. In the current Jiangning Battalion, apart from Anning Fort and Jingbian, there are still 2000 soldiers, and the remaining 11 soldiers are all directly controlled by Su Tiancheng. Ten thousand soldiers waited in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, and [-] soldiers came to Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places.

Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, and Li Dingguo were promoted to Qianhu because of their outstanding performance in the battle. They were fortunate to participate in this meeting. Yan Yingyuan has become Su Tiancheng's most effective staff. Su Tiancheng felt a little relieved that the Jiangning camp must develop, and it cannot always be without rising stars.

Thinking of the gradually growing Jiangning Camp, Su Tiancheng also felt a lot of emotion. The original Jiangning Camp had only 3000 people, and gradually expanded as the battle to wipe out the bandits began.In more than ten years, it has become the first army of the Ming Dynasty. There is no army that can rival the Jiangning Camp. During this process, the Jiangning Camp has also experienced some twists and turns.Maturing step by step, of course, Su Tiancheng's philosophy of governing the army and the guarantee of sufficient military expenditure are the reasons why the Jiangning Battalion can really grow.

The development of the Jiangning camp fully demonstrated Su Tiancheng's thinking, first of all, self-protection, at the beginning of time travel, it can be said to be a troubled time.The Ming Dynasty was on the verge of collapse due to internal and external troubles. It was harassed by Houjin Tartars and rebelled by rogues. The life and death of ordinary people.Many people were forced to embark on the path of rebellion.

Su Tiancheng at this time.The imperial examination became the second place in the imperial examination, requested to be released, and became the county magistrate of Jiangning County. It was from this time that the Jiangning Camp began to develop step by step, and gradually became the main force to suppress the rogues.Su Tiancheng, who is familiar with history, is also aware of the shortcomings of the rogues themselves, and adopted a series of targeted measures to gradually weaken the power of the rogues. After several years of conquest.In the end, in Kuizhou, Sichuan, the rogue bandits were wiped out, which fundamentally changed history.

This is Su Tiancheng's first step, to wipe out the bandits.

Next is the Houjin Tartars. To maintain the rule of the Ming Dynasty, it is impossible to make peace with the Houjin Tartars, let alone condone the Houjin Tartars. When the time is right and the power allows, they must be completely wiped out. Later Golden Tartars.

Su Tiancheng always had a misunderstanding in the past, that is, when all the conditions are mature, he can start to do things, but the development of the situation is completely beyond his expectations. In this era, it is impossible to wait for the opportunity to do things Maturity is like building a house. It is impossible to wait until the materials are complete and the money is ready. If you want to wait until that time, I am afraid that the place to build the house will already be occupied by others.

Su Tiancheng was not fully prepared for the extermination of the bandits. As for dealing with the Houjin Tartars, he even rushed into battle. It was nothing more than Zhu Youjian's impatience and wanted to show it in Liaodong. Regarding the battle of the Houjin Tartars, Su Tiancheng's understanding remained unchanged. As long as the Ming Dynasty was strong enough, it would be able to wipe out the Houjin in one fell swoop.

At this point, Su Tiancheng can no longer wait, nor can he wait anymore.

The room was very quiet. On the front wall hung a huge map. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were used to such maps, including the sand table used in combat.

The meeting has been going on for a while.

Su Tiancheng held a special bamboo strip in his hand, looked at the crowd, and slowly spoke.

"Everyone, the offensive that started in mid-May has continued until now. One month has passed. The Jiangning Battalion has achieved fruitful results. It wiped out the Houjin navy, wiped out 7 Houjin tartars, and occupied Lushun. , Jinzhou, Fuzhou, Xuancheng, Xuanzhou, Tieshan and other places, it can be said that we have directly threatened the lair of the Houjin Tartars, but you must also be clear that the victory we won was also tragic. The [-] frontier troops launched a large-scale attack on the Houjin Tartars and lost nearly [-] frontier troops. If we hadn't launched an attack from Dengzhou, Liaodong would be in great danger."

"Master Hong Chengchou came from Liaodong. He just told about many things that happened in Liaodong. I won't repeat it. I hope you don't comment on the battle of Liaodong. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. What we need to consider now is how to cooperate with the later Jin Dynasty. The Tartars started fighting, how to wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars."

"Qu Qingze just said the situation. Huang Taiji really took great pains. He even sent a hundred thousand troops to encircle and suppress our Jiangning camp. Huang Taiji may not be clear about the changes in Fuzhou. That is Hong Chengchou leading 10 soldiers. Yes, our garrisons in Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places have reached more than [-] people. In the next step, I plan to deploy another [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers from Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. Lianyun Island and Gaizhou took Gaizhou in one fell swoop, and at that time, our Jiangning battalion had [-] soldiers."

"What I need to remind you is that every next battle will be a fierce battle, and it will be based on strength. Don't think about opportunism. What we need to do is to do our best to wipe out the Golden Tartars. We need We may have to pay a lot of sacrifices to wipe out the vital forces of the Golden Tartars, but such sacrifices are worth it."

"Since the establishment of the Jiangning Battalion, we have experienced battles of all sizes, and we have won the final victory. I hope you will keep this history in mind. Wiping out the bandits is only the first step for us to do a good job. The next most important thing is to In the fight with the Houjin Tartars, we must completely wipe out the Houjin Tartars."

"The current situation is clear to all of you. Huang Taiji sent heavy troops to attack in two ways. One way started from Haizhou, the target was Fuzhou, and the other way started from Liaoyang, passed through Xiuyan, and went straight to Xuanzhou. Judging from the latest information , Fuzhou was attacked by sergeants with white banners led by Duduo and 3 Han troops stationed in Haizhou. Those who attacked Xuanzhou were sergeants with blue banners led by Jierhalang and sergeants with red banners led by Daishan. According to the information obtained, the Jiangning Battalion has 2 soldiers stationed in Fuzhou, [-] soldiers in Xuanzhou, and [-] troops sent by Huang Taiji, the purpose is to let us go back to Dengzhou."

"Of course we will not agree to such a request. Since we have come to Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, we are planning to take root here. This is the territory of our Ming Dynasty, and the people here are our people."

"We don't want to leave. Huang Taiji sent heavy troops to drive us away. You all know the outcome. Either we beat the Houjin Tartars to shame, wipe out their vitality, and let them retreat steadily, or Even if we go back to Dengzhou in despair, I have made up my mind that I must defeat the Empress Jintazi, and then it depends on what you will choose. You must also have absolute strength, so that the Houjin Tartars will tremble in front of our Jiangning Camp."

"There are two places on the battlefield, Fuzhou and Xuanzhou. In the battle of Fuzhou, Qu Qingze is in charge of commanding. The main task is to defend Fuzhou and take care of Jinzhou, Lushun and other places. You are like nails, give me death Nailed in Fuzhou, holding back the 3 army led by Duduo, you only have [-] people, facing twice as many post-gold tartars, you must show a fearless attitude, you must dare to fight, and you will not be defeated. To skillfully preserve your own strength, you must persist for at least a month, so that Duoduo can't get out and can only stay in Fuzhou."

"Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting followed me to Xuanzhou. There were 5 soldiers stationed in Xuanzhou. Sun Chuanting commanded 2 of them to block the inlaid blue flag of Jierhalang. Hong Chengchou and I took [-] brothers, Facing the positive red flag of Daishan."

Having said this, Su Tiancheng's face became serious, and his voice became louder.

"The focus of this battle is to fight against Daishan. Our goal is to make Zhenghongqi, one of the Eight Banners of Hou Jinman, completely disappear."

After Su Tiancheng uttered these words, the room was unusually quiet. Everyone knew what it meant to wipe out one banner of the Houjin Tartars, and it was the Zhenghong Banner of Daishan. The status of Zhenghong Qi is second only to Zhenghuang Qi and Xianghuang Qi. If Zhenghong Qi can be wiped out, it will be a huge blow to the Houjin Tartars and Huang Taiji, even unbearable.

"The deployment of the battle is clear to everyone. We must achieve our goal. We must achieve our goal. Once we wipe out the Zhenghong Banner of Daishan, and turn around and besiege the Houjin Tartars of the Xianglan Banner led by Jierhalang, of course, Zhenghongqi has been wiped out, and all the deployments of the Houjin Tartars have come to nothing. At that time, they will definitely retreat in an all-round way, and we will start a full-scale offensive, which will be divided into three routes and directed at Gaizhou."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he slowly put down the bamboo pole.

"Every step of the deployment of the campaign is very critical. You must stick to your posts. There must be no problems in any link, otherwise we will be in deep danger." (To be continued. .)

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