Ming politicians

Chapter 881 Showdown

After setting off from Pyongyang, Daishan became serious. He has always been cautious in the face of fighting.

The imperial decree of Huang Taiji has arrived. To be honest, Daishan has no objection to arranging Jierhalang to go to Xuanzhou to assist in the attack, but he believes that Jierharang should obey his command. How Lu Dajun cooperates, these should be arranged in advance, and he has led the army and has been stationed in Pyongyang for a long time, so he is familiar with everything around him. Although the terrain of Xuanzhou is different from the terrain near Pyongyang, But there is still something in common, at least there are many mountains, which are the same characteristics. From the climate point of view, there is not much difference between here and Liaodong.

From the analysis of the status of the two, as one of the former four Baylors, and now the Prince of Li, Daishan should also directly command the battle, it is impossible for Ji Erhalang to command, even if Dorgon participated Xuanzhou's attack was also directed by Daishan. From the perspective of the status of the Qing Dynasty, apart from Huang Taiji, it would be regarded as Daishan.

Time is short, Daishan knows that Jierhalang will launch an attack from the direction of Tieshan, compared with the map, Daishan also made some analysis, thinking that he will launch an attack from the direction of Sumeru Island, and Jierhalang will launch an attack from the direction of Tieshan , This is the most perfect two-way attack plan. Daishan also thought of it. Jierhalang can launch an attack from the direction of Phi Island, but the effect is worse. After weighing the pros and cons, Daishan did not write to Jierhalang , Leading the army to set off from Pyongyang, straight into the direction of Sumeru Island.This shows that Daishan agrees with Jierhalang's arrangement and deployment. If there is any disagreement, Daishan will definitely write to Jierhalang directly, or take a message. For the benefit of the Qing Dynasty, Daishan knows how to take care of the overall situation.

As for the task of the main attack.It must be borne by Zhenghongqi. There is no need to question this. Daishan knows that Jierhalang is calm by nature and will never take credit from himself.

However, the focus of the two armies is to cooperate.If the cooperation is not in place, the advantages cannot be truly utilized. This is also not in line with Huang Taiji's requirements. The Qing Dynasty has always paid attention to cooperation, focusing on concentrating troops, suppressing the opponent, and breaking out the greatest ability to defeat the opponent.

The army set out from Pyongyang.Sergeants are used to marching between mountain roads, and when they encounter places with high mountains and dense forests, they dismount and march. .It's just 4 Jiangning battalion sergeants stationed in Xuanzhou, and he leads 2 soldiers who are facing the red flag.Jierhalang led [-] soldiers with blue flags, a total of [-], more than enough to deal with [-].

The scouts scouted all the way, and three days later, the army entered the territory of Xuanzhou.

The army set out from Pyongyang.With a guide, Daishan is relatively familiar with the terrain in this area, but he is not very clear about entering Xuanzhou.He is faced with a choice. [

The guide found a local, who seemed to be a small trader. He has been doing business in this area for a long time and is very familiar with the road conditions. The guide of the army has been active in the area from Pyongyang to Xuanzhou for a long time. The situation is not as good as the traders who have been doing business in this area for a long time.

The peddler was a Manchurian, and he tried his best to introduce the three roads to Xuanzhou, and under the guidance of the scouts, he drew a graph and roughly marked the shape of the three roads.

It's Daishan's turn to make a choice, which path the army will choose to move forward.

There are two roads to choose from, namely Huazhuang and Yixiantian. The road close to Sumi Island is not considered. Small vendors introduced that road, and there are very few people walking on it. In the past, they were all bandits or fishermen on Sumi Island. The main consideration in choosing the road to travel is that the distance is very short and there is no established road. This is a disaster for the army. Roads must be opened along the way. Daishan doesn't have so much leisure time, and he won't spend so much strength.

It is up to Daishan to decide which path to choose.

At noon, the army rested. Daishan thought for a while alone, and called a few Jiala to come to discuss and determine which road the army would march on. Do your subordinates have any mature opinions? Do you agree with the officers below? Don’t underestimate the opinions of the officers below. This can show whether many officers agree with the commander. As a matter of fact, acting for good requires serious analysis and unification of everyone's thinking, rather than simply asking for things to be done.

Of the five Jiala, four proposed to march from Huazhuang, one suggested to march from Yixiantian, and the third suggested to march from the small road next to Sumeru Island. This made Daishan a little relieved, at least it was not a one-sided situation, at least there were still people who could recognize It is understood that the army must march from the first line to the sky.

The five Jiala didn't say the reason, this is their habit, in the army, their habit is to obey, this kind of situation of soliciting opinions is very rare, when the banner owner expresses his opinion, they will obey it, no matter what Whether it is fighting and charging, or ambush arrangement, etc., there is no need to think too much.

Daishan pondered for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"Among you, four people suggested marching from Huazhuang. Yes, this road is the main road connecting Xuanzhou City with the outside world. It is open and convenient for the army to move, and the speed can be much faster. But have you ever thought about it? Let's go, will the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Xuanzhou be moved? It's unlikely, I guess they will have made corresponding preparations, but what preparations would you make?"

The five Jiala didn't speak, they looked at Daishan, and they wouldn't say anything under such circumstances.

"Don't you guys want to set up an ambush somewhere, wait for the army to pass by, and attack suddenly?"

When Dai Shan said this, he was actually thinking about it. Huang Taiji’s letter said very clearly that he must guard against the artillery of the Ming army. Their artillery is too powerful. Dai Shan will still pay attention to this point. When he was in Shenyang, he knew that the reason why Dalinghe City was captured so quickly was because the artillery of the Jiangning Camp was so sharp that it actually blasted a hole in the wall of Dalinghe City, causing The attacking army entered the city directly from the gap, and the sergeants stationed in the city had no time to make adjustments, which shows the sharpness of the artillery.

The road of Huazhuang is indeed the best choice, but Daishan has to consider a problem, that is, if the Jiangning battalion sets up an ambush anywhere and uses artillery to attack, it will be a disaster for the army, and the opponent does not even need to dispatch an army A single soldier, relying on artillery, can cause huge casualties to the army. From Huazhuang to Xuanzhou, the road is wide and the view is good. This is the best place for field battles, and it is also the best place for artillery to exert its power. If the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion had prepared artillery somewhere, there would be no place for the army to hide, and they would be bombed before their eyes.

If you choose to march from the first line of the sky, there are not so many problems. This road is mainly dominated by mountains and mountains. It is difficult for artillery to find a suitable firing position. Even if the Ming army deployed artillery, the power is more limited. It can be properly dodged, relying on the terrain to maneuver, which may cause certain casualties, but not too large. [

The soldiers of Zhenghongqi have been stationed in Pyongyang for almost two years. They are basically familiar with the mountainous terrain. If they choose to take the road like a line of sky, they will not feel strenuous. For three consecutive days, they basically walked the mountain road. The sergeant moved freely and showed no discomfort.

Thinking of this, Daishan looked at the people who were silent, and finally made a decision, but before making a decision, he still needs to explain briefly.

"Most of you think that you should take the road of Huazhuang, which is easy to understand. I mentioned the advantages earlier, but there are still shortcomings, which I didn't mention. Huazhuang is the main road for Xuanzhou City to communicate with the outside world. There are quite a lot of pedestrians coming and going. Xuanzhou was occupied by the sergeants of the Jiangning camp for a period of time. Who can guarantee that no one is watching this area all the time. The army is marching from Huazhuang to the city of Xuanzhou. It is difficult to keep the whereabouts of the army secret. Setting up an ambush created a very good condition. If there is a cavalry duel, our warriors are afraid, but the artillery of the Ming army, have you considered that the Ming army can not move a single soldier, causing huge casualties to our army. Such a situation , this king cannot accept it."

"The army has been stationed in Pyongyang for two years. It has long been used to fighting in the mountains. The march for three consecutive days is all rushing between the mountains. There is nothing uncomfortable in choosing to walk the sky."

"The biggest benefit to our army is that we can avoid the artillery attacks to the greatest extent when we arrive at the city of Xuanzhou on the first line of the sky. Even if the Ming army sets up artillery, it is impossible to cause great casualties. The sharp artillery of the Ming army."

When Daishan said these words, the five Jiala already understood that the banner owner had made a decision, and then they would carry it out without any reason.

Daishan's words are not finished yet.

"There are only 2 soldiers in the Jiangning battalion stationed in Xuanzhou. If they set up an ambush in the middle of the road, there will be a lot fewer soldiers stationed in the city. Therefore, during the march, the army should not take into account the Ming army who set up an ambush, and do not fight with them. Start fighting, the target is Xuanzhou city, rush directly to Xuanzhou city, and start a decisive battle with the Ming army, do you remember?"

The five Jiala nodded, making it clear.

An hour later, the army began to march, heading in the direction of a line of sky.

Dai Shan did not expect that he underestimated the strength of the Jiangning battalion, and even more so the power of the artillery battalion. Even in the mountains, Su Tiancheng could think of the best way to deal with the Zhenghongqi sergeants he led. (To be continued..)

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