Ming politicians

Chapter 882 Showdown

Hong Chengchou and others were surprised by the place where Jiangning camp soldiers ambushed.

There are also three ambush locations for Liu Tiehan's reconnaissance. Everyone thinks the best location is more than fifty miles away from Xuanzhou City. The terrain here is relatively flat, which is conducive to artillery attacks, which means that artillery can play a greater role. The effect can cause greater damage to the Zhenghongqi Tartars in Daishan. The other two locations are not very ideal. From the sand table, these two places are in the valley, and the artillery is difficult to play a role. There is not enough place to set up Artillery, there is no place where the advantages of artillery can be concentrated, but the ambush location chosen by Su Tiancheng is precisely the one that everyone feels the worst.

This is a valley. The entrance of the valley is about four meters wide. There are cliffs on both sides of the entrance and exit. It is impossible for an army to ambush. The length of the valley is about three kilometers. In the valley, there is a single road without crossing The mouth, the exit is slightly wider, about six meters.

Setting up an ambush in such a place, Hong Chengchou and others felt that this was tantamount to a direct confrontation with the Tartars. They did not consider the effect of setting up an ambush at all, and the army could only set up an ambush within the valley. It might be an ambush, could it be that Su Tiancheng's idea was to start a face-to-face fight with the Hou Jin Tartars when they entered the valley.

The valley is open, and the slopes on both sides are not very big, but some ditches and ridges are not conducive to the cavalry charge. Besides, the slopes on both sides of the hills, it will take a lot of time to fix the artillery. Of course, in such a The biggest advantage of setting up an ambush in a certain place is surprise.

Su Tiancheng's explanation is also the same. The other two ambush locations, especially the places that everyone is most optimistic about, are also the places where Daishan pays the most attention and caution.Don't people have any precautions? The purpose of setting up an ambush is to catch the opponent off guard, so that the maximum effect can be exerted. As for the role of artillery, it must not be ignored.But it can't rely on artillery because of the sharp artillery. You must know that if Daishan plans to lead an army into Xuanzhou from the front line, he will take into account the sharpness of the artillery and be prepared.

The more this is the case, the more it is necessary to ambush artillery and soldiers in the place that Daishan thinks is the least likely to set up an ambush, and deal the sharpest blow to the Houjin Tartars.Su Tiancheng made a request, the place where he and Dai Shanzheng fought with the Red Banner Tartars.In this valley, the Tartars cannot be allowed to leave this valley.

Su Tiancheng especially emphasized that everyone must wear a flintlock gun, and fire all the pistols as much as possible. Don't begrudge the medicine. Once the pistols are fired, you are ready to charge.

At this time, Hong Chengchou and others finally understood.It turned out that the place Su Tiancheng chose to set up an ambush was the place where the decisive battle would take place.The fight between the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp and the Houjin Tartars was about to start here, and neither side had a way out, so it was easy to explain why Su Tiancheng chose to set up an ambush in such a place.Once Daishan's army enters the valley, the Jiangning camp soldiers ambushing in the valley will launch an attack.After the artillery bombardment, they began to shoot condescendingly, killing the Tartars to the maximum extent, and then went down from the hillsides on both sides, killing together with the Houjin Tartars.Under such circumstances, Daishan, as the coach, has no chance to escape. Either fight hard with the sergeants, or become a prisoner of the Jiangning camp. As for the entrance and exit of the valley, it will naturally be captured by the Jiangning camp soldiers Those who were blocked were waiting for Su Tiancheng's final charge order to join the fighting group. [

There are not many cannons installed on both sides of the valley, mainly tiger squatting cannons and Fran cannons. There are only a few red cannons and general cannons. In fact, when setting up the cannons, everyone saw the terrain on the sand table and most of them understood , In such a place, it is mainly to rely on small artillery, which is easy to transport, easy to move, and easier to find a place to erect.

At this time, the flintlock can play a decisive role. Whether it is against people or horses, its lethality is huge. The Houjin Tartars nest in the valley and just shoot at the bottom. .

The most important thing about fighting in the valley is that the role of the cavalry is not very great. The valley is narrow and cannot be opened, and the cavalry can't charge at all. The ability, and the horses are easily frightened, because of the rumbling sound of the artillery, they are easy to collide with each other.

With the war imminent, Su Tiancheng didn't have much time to seek advice, so he issued an order to set up an ambush.

He Renlong led [-] soldiers to set up an ambush on both sides of the valley. At this time, He Renlong understood why the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were not only required to be familiar with immediate combat, but also familiar with infantry combat methods. From the looks of the officers, it seems unlikely. After all, cavalry and infantry have different combat methods and concepts. Cavalry focuses on charging and showing an unstoppable momentum. Infantry focuses on cooperation and pays attention to the coordination of the overall battle .

The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion did it.

This time, almost all the Jiangning battalion soldiers who encircled and suppressed the Daishanzheng Red Banner Tartars came from Liaodong. Because they could not reveal their whereabouts, they took a boat from Dagukou, Tianjin directly to Changsheng Island, and never entered Fuzhou. A group of Jiangning battalion soldiers were also the most breathless, because they were not able to serve as the main force in the Liaodong campaign. I thought that they might have a similar relationship with the Houjin Tartars when guarding Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City. After a fierce battle, who knew that the Golden Tatars quickly withdrew.

They felt guilty for the failure of the Liaodong Campaign. After all, they had a lot of contact with the frontier army. The training of the frontier army was directly responsible for the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion. Seeing the disastrous defeat of the brother army, the entire army was almost wiped out. This kind of mood is incomprehensible, and the hatred of the soldiers towards the Houjin Tartars has also reached its peak.

The soldiers moved very quickly. The biggest difficulty in setting up an ambush was the installation of the artillery, which needed a suitable position. However, these problems were nothing in the eyes of the soldiers. They tried various methods and set up ten There are red cannons, ten general cannons, hundreds of tiger crouching cannons and Franco cannons.

At this time, the advantages of Su Tiancheng's chosen ambush location were revealed.

The location of the ambush was beyond the expectations of the officers and men of the Jiangning camp, and it was also beyond the expectations of Daishan.

During the march, Daishan also sent out scouts to scout along the road, but the location where the Jiangning battalion set up an ambush, in the eyes of Houjin's scouts, was not a suitable place to set up an ambush at all, so the investigation in this area was also ignored by Houjin's scouts .Conversely, Qu Qingze investigated the most suitable ambush location, and a large number of people investigated to see if there was an ambush by the Ming army.

Twenty thousand soldiers completed the ambush in one day.

Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo were the most excited.

Before the war, Su Tiancheng had a special talk with them, which also indicated that they had completely integrated into the Jiangning camp and became the fierce generals recognized by everyone. The number of soldiers in the Jiangning camp is different from that of ordinary guards. , reached more than a thousand people, and the number of soldiers commanded by a thousand households may reach more than 5000, which is much more than the sergeants under the jurisdiction of ordinary guard commanders. With thousands of households, such a promotion speed, even in the former rebel army, is not very likely, which shows the principle of meritocracy in the Jiangning battalion. [

The three of them are very clear about the importance of this confrontation with Daishan's Zhenghongqi Tartars. As the three most important officers assisting He Renlong, the three of them are also aware of their responsibilities. At that time, the three of them were the hardest. What He Renlong considered was how to set up all the [-] soldiers in place so that Houjin's scouts could not be aware of it. However, the three of them were responsible for the implementation of the details. After coming down, they can't remember how many times they walked, how many times they emphasized, even the most inconspicuous details.

For example, if you use tree branches as a cover, Liu Wenxiu discovered that the density of the branches is different. Some places have more, some places have less. As a person from the countryside, you can see strange things at a glance. Bushy, this defect was pointed out, and the soldiers quickly began to correct it.

One day later, when Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and He Renlong inspected the situation of the ambush, they couldn't even find the ambush soldiers who were close at hand. The [-] soldiers seemed to merge with the mountain.

Su Tiancheng focused on the erection of the red cannon and the general's cannon. In this battle, the role of the cannon is limited. How to maximize the role of the cannon is very critical. Daishan's army is basically cavalry. While the artillery can inflict damage on the Houjin Tartars, it also needs to completely deter the Houjin Tartars' war horses. When fighting in the valley, the horses will become a burden to the Hou Jin Tartars after being shocked by the artillery. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion have no such worries. , [-] soldiers, without horses, charged in a phalanx of infantry to encircle and suppress the Hou Jin Tartars.

The [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers led by Hong Chengchou were all elite cavalry, and they were responsible for intercepting the fleeing Houjin tartars at the entrance and exit of the valley. To encircle and suppress, the purpose of this arrangement is to wipe out Daishan's Zhenghongqi.

After everything was arranged properly, Su Tiancheng's main energy began to focus on the Tartars of the Hou Jinzheng Red Banner who were slowly approaching the ambush site. The scouts led by Liu Tiehan kept sending information about the movements of the Hou Jinzheng Tartars. , the marching route decided by Daishan was exactly the same as Su Tiancheng's prediction. The Houjin Tartars chose the route of Yixiantian, instead of taking the road of Huazhuang, and "confusing" Daishan's five hundred soldiers in Huazhuang. , also returned to the team immediately.

(There are a lot of inspections at the end of the year, and things at work are delayed, so there are some problems with the update, which may last for a few days. I implore readers to forgive me.) (To be continued...)

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