Ming politicians

Chapter 883 Showdown

When Daishan learned that the scouts had fought against the scouts from the Jiangning camp, he did not ask the army to slow down the pace of the march. On the contrary, he asked the army to speed up the pace. During the previous march, no trace of the scouts from the Jiangning camp was found. Instead, Daishan I am a little worried. It can be said that this is the first time he led the army to fight against Jiangningying, that is, directly against Su Tiancheng. In the first year of Chongde, the Qing Dynasty lost [-] warriors. In Linghe City, his eldest son Yue Tuo was also defeated by Su Tiancheng and was captured alive. Dai Shan remembered all these facts clearly.

This time, Dai Shan was very cautious. Although in his heart, he had some doubts about the bravery of Jiang Ning Ying, but Jiang Ning Ying had won so many real victories, which cannot be ignored. It is manifested in the process of marching.The army decided to start from Yixiantian, but Daishan still sent scouts to investigate the road in Huazhuang, and found the ambush of Jiangning camp, and the momentum was a bit big.From this, Daishan concluded that the Jiangning Camp was mainly ambushing in Huazhuang, and the number of Jiangning Camp soldiers in Xuanzhou was limited.

During the journey, Daishan paid great attention to the observation of the terrain. Most of the roads are in the mountains. It is not the best choice to set up an ambush in such a place. The attack mainly relies on infantry. , They are basically cavalry, no matter where they are, they have an absolute advantage in facing infantry.

The Jurchens are dissatisfied with ten thousand and invincible. The creation of this myth has a certain relationship with Daishan. After so many years of fighting, the combat effectiveness of the Manchu Eight Banners cannot be underestimated. After setbacks, when fighting in the wild.It is almost invincible. Once upon a time, Daishan charged at the forefront and turned back, creating a resounding red flag. This tradition has also been passed down to the army.

Dai Shan judged that Su Tiancheng would definitely ask the Jiangning battalion soldiers to set up ambushes in some places in Yixiantian.But he wasn't afraid. The Ming army's artillery was sharp. This was a fact, but in a place like Yixiantian, the artillery's role was limited.

The small-scale confrontation between scouts on both sides aroused Daishan's pride.He asked the army to speed up their pace and rush to Xuanzhou as soon as possible. According to the scout's report and the information he received, the soldiers of the Xianglan Banner led by Jierhalang had already passed Zhenjiang and were about to arrive at Tieshan. At that time, the two armies would attack Xuanzhou, the Jiangning camp sergeants stationed in Xuanzhou, unless they abandon the city and escape, let's talk about it.The city of Xuanzhou is not high.It is not very strong, and this place has never been a battleground for military strategists.

Su Tiancheng also got the report, Hong Chengchou was a little annoyed that the scouts had fought against the Houjin Tatars, and was about to reprimand Liu Tiehan, thinking that the scouts had exposed their whereabouts, but Su Tiancheng had a different opinion.He thinks that Daishan may be more relieved. After all, the [-] troops set out from Pyongyang. It is impossible for the Jiangning Camp to not know about such a big event, and it must be arranged. If there is no obstacle along the way, it will go smoothly. Arrived in Xuanzhou.On the contrary, there are some unreasonable things, so I say.Daishan may have to speed up his schedule, and the scouts of the two armies fought first, which, to a certain extent, heralded the collision of the elites of the two armies.

Judging from the situation of this confrontation, one person in the Jiangning Camp was injured, and the remaining two were injured. One of the scouts of the Houjin Tartars was killed and two were injured.The scouts are all in groups of three, and the collision of this three-person group indicates that the upcoming battle will be very cruel.

On the surface, the Jiangning Battalion had the advantage in terms of numbers, but when it really attacked, due to the limited terrain, the initial battle was basically a one-on-one battle, which was a battle that really tested the school's individual fighting ability. [

"My lord, the Houjin Tartars are still twenty miles away. It is estimated that they will arrive at the ambush point within an hour."

Just after Hong Chengchou finished speaking, Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"Tell He Renlong to get ready immediately, Daishan will arrive in half an hour."

The fifth day of July in the 14th year of Chongzhen.

This is a date recorded in the annals of history, whether it was the entry of the Golden Tatars nine years after Chongzhen and the heavy blows of the Jiangning Camp, or the subsequent extermination of the bandits, Su Tiancheng's entry into Liaodong, the recovery of Dalinghe City, and the The attack on Lushun is not as important as this day, because this day is the real beginning of a historical battle.

At noon, according to the rules of the march, it was time to rest. After resting for an hour, the army would continue to march.

Jiala, who commanded the march, asked if he should rest for an hour, but Daishan did not agree. According to the scout's report, there was a valley not far ahead. The terrain of this valley was very dangerous. Rest in a suitable place. The main purpose of resting at noon is to avoid the harsh sunlight.The scouts had scouted the valley ahead and thought it was not suitable for an ambush. After seeing the terrain drawn by the scouts, Daishan believed that the Jiangning Camp would not ambush here.

The army came straight towards the valley.

When the scouts came to report again, Su Tiancheng looked extremely serious.

"Lord Hong, He Renlong, please remember that this battle is very important, and our purpose is very clear. During the fight, I don't want any strange voices to appear. What I want is the Red Flag Tartars." As a result of being completely annihilated, I don't want any process, no matter how much the price is, I am not allowed to retreat, and I am not allowed to retreat without authorization. Even if there is only one person left in the attacking team, I will stick to it to the end."

Before entering the valley, Daishan took a special look at the entrance. The peaks on both sides are very high, and the road in the middle of the valley has some man-made flavors, but the exposed stones in the middle of the mountain peaks indicate that this is still a natural road. It's just that after so many years, the people who come and go have probably thought of some ways to make the mountain road easier to walk.

The road of Yixiantian is really not easy to walk. Some places are very narrow, and one person and one horse must be careful when passing. This is also the reason why the army was delayed for some time. If you choose to take the road of Huazhuang, you may have already arrived in Xuanzhou. Even so Daishan does not regret it, the artillery of the Ming army is too sharp, if he chooses to go to Huazhuang, maybe the soldiers will pay a heavy price, besides, the soldiers are used to this kind of road, they are familiar with it, and they don't show any discomfort.

The road in the middle of the valley is relatively flat, and the width is not bad. There is no problem with three horses side by side. When he first entered the valley, Daishan was still a little worried. The valley in his mind was more dangerous than reality.

In the middle of the valley, it was indeed much cooler, and it was precisely because of this coolness that Daishan paid a painful price that he could never recover in his life.

In fact, Su Tiancheng's plan was not so perfect. From the moment the Houjin Tatars entered the valley, Su Tiancheng's face turned pale. He discovered a harsh reality, that is, the [-] Houjin Tartars, Most of them are cavalry. When the cavalry pass through the valley, the team will be very long. It is possible that the Tartars in front rode out of the valley, but the Tartars behind have not yet entered the valley. The Golden Tartars fought face to face with the Tartars, but the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion led by He Renlong did not ride horses. They must have a disadvantage when fighting cavalry with infantry. The more serious problem is that the role of artillery can be maximized. Weakened, the ranks of the Hou Jin Tartars were too long, and the artillery could not play much of a role. [

Holding the binoculars, Su Tiancheng's body was trembling. He seemed to have seen that this time the battle had turned into a brutal fight, and both sides would have to pay a heavy price.

Standing beside Su Tiancheng, Wang Dazhi was a little worried. There were five hundred soldiers behind him. These soldiers had followed Su Tiancheng for a long time. No matter what happened, these soldiers would protect Su Tiancheng with their lives.

"Dazhi, go and tell He Renlong, and wait for my order to inform Qin Rui that when the Houjin Tartars approach the exit, they will fire."

Wang Dazhi nodded, ready to convey the order.

At this moment, Su Tiancheng waved his hand suddenly, signaling Wang Dazhi to wait for a while.

Su Tiancheng saw an unbelievable scene.

The advance Jin Tatars stopped, and the back Jin Tartars entered the valley continuously. They slowly began to gather at a corner where there was no sunlight.

Overjoyed, Su Tiancheng couldn't help saying God bless him.

"Wang Dazhi, is it noon?"

"Yes, it is a quarter of noon."

"God bless me, Daming, it's time for Daishan to die."

Su Tiancheng still held the telescope in his hand.

"Don't act for now, it looks like the Golden Tatars will rest for a while, and wait until they all enter the valley."

Daishan gave the order to rest in the valley for an hour.

The scouts had already gone to the front to investigate, and found nothing abnormal, and there were scouts investigating the mountains on both sides, but the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion had a good ambush, and they couldn't find any abnormalities at all.This also came to the fore. Liu Wenxiu and others observed meticulously and asked the soldiers to ambush to achieve the best results.

Daishan was relieved and asked the soldiers to rest in the valley for an hour. The valley is the best place to rest without the sun.

Slowly, all the army entered the valley, and the team seemed a little bloated. The roads in the valley were crowded with sergeants, and there was no room for movement among them. Daishan in the middle of the team felt something was wrong. Consider letting the soldiers in front prepare to leave, let some soldiers leave the valley, and find a shady place in front.

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