Ming politicians

Chapter 884 Showdown

By the time Daishan felt something was wrong, it was already too late.

The army is concentrated in the valley, and the density is too high. If the Ming army used artillery to attack, the losses must be very heavy. However, the scouts have already carried out investigations and found nothing abnormal. In addition, the cool breeze in the valley is not only the soldiers. Comfortable, even the war horses are a little reluctant to continue walking, that is, under such circumstances, Daishan ordered the army to rest in the valley for an hour. Later historians analyzed that it can only be said that Daishan was extremely stupid at this time , is tantamount to suicidal.

Before Daishan's order could be carried out, the muffled thunder sounded.

In the valley, there was a loud echo, and Daishan looked at the blue sky with a pale face. There was no possibility of thunder under the scorching sun.

As the cannon fell to the ground, in an instant, some soldiers were blown up, including some horses, were thrown into the air, and the huge team began to panic in an instant. The horses were frightened and began to rush left and right. Surrounded by people and war horses, they couldn't charge at all. Such a collision would only lead to more chaos in the team.

One after another, the cannonballs landed in the middle of the crowd, very accurately, and with the sound of explosions, more people were blown into the air, blood was splashed everywhere, stumps and broken arms fell from the air, causing even greater chaos 』At this point, Daishan didn't need anyone to remind him, he knew very well that the army had entered the ambush circle of the Ming army.

Holding a binoculars, Su Tiancheng looked at all of this, feeling remorse in his heart. If he had known that Daishan would make such a decision, he should have prepared more red-clothed cannons and general cannons, so as to inflict greater damage on Zhenghongqi Tartars. And it can destroy the will of the Golden Tartars to the greatest extent.

However, the tiger crouching cannon and the Fran cannon can also play a role. The main reason is that the post-gold tartars in the valley are too dense. When the cannon falls, it can always kill some post-gold tartars and war horses.

Such bombardment only lasts for less than half an hour.It will be able to completely destroy the will of the post-Gold Tartars. [

Daishan quickly calmed down. After all, he has experienced many battles. He has experienced too many dangers. He once led three thousand soldiers to face tens of thousands of opponents, and he also won the victory.

After the initial annoyance and panic passed, the army also began to move. Many soldiers dismounted and turned the horses to the side of the mountain, so as to minimize casualties as much as possible.However, there were also quite a few soldiers who couldn't get to the side of the mountain. The terrain in the valley restricted them, and more soldiers began to gallop on horseback.Go in the direction of the exit. At this time, the most important task is to leave the valley and go outside, so that you can avoid the casualties caused by the artillery.

The casualties caused by this impact were very large.The road ahead was completely blocked by the artillery, and the frightened horses were not even willing to charge forward. Some of the horses that rushed forward were blown away.But the Tartars behind did not stop.They knew very well that they had to rush out, and they had to rush out a bloody path, so that there was hope.

Wang Dazhi next to Su Tiancheng raised the red flag, which was a signal to the artillery battalion to blow up the horses and block the roads.After ordering the Golden Tatars to rush out of the valley.

at this time.All the artillery began to roar, aiming at the horses, on the road where the Houjin Tartars charged.A dense artillery network was formed. With such a density, it is impossible for any war horse to rush out.

However, in a few minutes, on the way forward, densely packed war horses and corpses of sergeants had appeared, blocking the road, and the possibility of rushing out from the exit was very small.

Daishan's face turned pale again. He knew very well that if he nestled in the valley, his final fate would be to be wiped out. Facing the sharp artillery of the Ming army, it would be useless for the soldiers to be brave in every possible way. They could only stand by the bombs At this time, the Ming army has not yet started to attack. If they are bombed by artillery and lose their combat effectiveness, when the Ming army attacks, it will be time for destruction.Of course, Daishan has another judgment, that is, the Jiangning Battalion will not arrange many sergeants here, because there are only 2 sergeants in the Jiangning Battalion stationed in Xuanzhou. Maybe at this time, Jierhalang has already begun to attack Xuanzhou It is impossible for the Jiangning battalion to have too many sergeants here due to the state's attack. This is where he comforts himself.

At the critical moment, Daishan's prancing horse began to charge, and the soldiers around him were in a hurry. If Daishan was hit by artillery, the army would be in danger. But Daishan, It was stopped by the soldiers, but Jiala under his command began to charge with the soldiers. They moved the dead horses away under the artillery fire. During this process, the smart sergeant proposed to use the dead horses as cover. This proposal , was implemented immediately.

In fact, Daishan could ask the army to retreat and withdraw from the valley, but he did not do so. At this time, what Daishan thought was that Xuanzhou might encounter a fierce attack from Jierhalang, and the Jiangning battalion stationed in Xuanzhou was insufficient. , the purpose is to slow down the pace of your attack and buy time. Under such circumstances, you can't stop your progress when you go. This place is not far from Xuanzhou. As long as you rush out of this valley, the dawn of victory is ahead.

Half an hour later, the sergeant paid a heavy price, but the artillery fire also began to weaken, the road ahead was finally opened, and Dai Shan was ready to lead the army out of the valley.

He didn't have time to punish the scouts, because the scouts' mistakes in the investigation caused heavy losses to the army, especially the loss of the horses. The horses are huge, and they don't know how to dodge the cannons, and they often fall down with one shot. There are always war horses screaming and falling down. Well, these horses are the darlings of the soldiers. Seeing the loss of the horses, it is conceivable that the hearts of the soldiers will be severely damaged.

When the army was about to rush out of the valley, the rumbling drums sounded.

Daishan is very familiar with this kind of drum sound. The Ming army's attack was commanded by the sound of the drum. He led the soldiers to charge, and he also relied on the sound of the drum. The sound of the drum was the order to attack.

The army that was being adjusted hesitated for a while, and many soldiers looked to both sides of the valley. The attack could not come from the front and back of the valley, only from both sides of the valley.

When the Ming army appeared all over the mountains and plains, despair appeared in Daishan's eyes. [

At this moment, he thought that the Jiangning Battalion had abandoned Xuanzhou and gathered all the soldiers to attack Zhenghongqi. If so, the loss of Zhenghongqi would be extremely heavy. If Su Tiancheng made such a choice, for Zhenghongqi The blow was devastating, and all my previous judgments had major deviations.

It was too late to regret, Daishan commanded the soldiers to prepare to fight.

What greeted him was a flintlock pistol.

The sergeants of the Jiangning battalion rushed over, all holding flintlock guns in their hands. When the crackling gunshots sounded, some soldiers kept screaming and fell down. Sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion rushed down from both sides of the valley.

As more soldiers fell, Daishan's eyes began to turn red. The soldiers charging in front were obviously blocked and couldn't move. The soldiers behind were still advancing, trying to get out of the valley. It is about six miles away. Normally, it would take less than a quarter of an hour for the army to pass quickly. But today it is almost an hour, and the army is still compressed in the valley, and the casualties are increasing. Dai Shan knows, Continuing to charge forward may cause more soldiers to set foot on the road of no return. He finally gave the order to retreat in pain and retreated out of the valley.

Unfortunately, this decision is too late.

Li Dingguo rushed to the front.

He held a flintlock gun in his left hand and a steel knife in his right hand. With his eyes wide open, he rushed down towards the valley desperately. tartar.

After a round of arrow rain passed, Li Dingguo felt a sharp pain in his left arm. A bow and arrow hit his left arm. The soldiers around him rushed to help him. Li Dingguo gritted his teeth and cut off the arrow feather with a steel knife. , yelling for everyone to continue charging.

Finally, after firing the pistol in the late flintlock gun, Li Dingguo rushed down the valley. He threw away the flintlock gun in his hand, and rushed towards the Hou Jin tartar screaming.

More Jiangning battalion soldiers rushed down, threw away their flintlock guns one after another, and began to fight with the Houjin Tartars with spears and steel knives.

Su Tiancheng, who was holding a binoculars, frowned. His original intention was to ask the soldiers to use their flintlock guns as much as possible. Unexpectedly, these soldiers are still used to fighting face to face. However, Su Tiancheng did not consider that during the charge, It is impossible for the soldiers to stop and pretend, they can only rely on inertia to rush down and fight face-to-face with the Houjin Tartars.

The brutal fighting began.

This was a fight between Jiangning battalion soldiers with obvious advantages. The post-gold tartars who were bombarded had never thought of a face-to-face fight. Coupled with Daishan's misjudgment, he thought it was impossible for many Ming troops to lie in ambush. Valley, you can avoid all this and go to Xuanzhou quickly.

Most of the post-gold tartars dismounted, and immediately killed the exceptionally brave Zhenghong Banner soldiers. After dismounting, their abilities were obviously worse. possibility".

The fight started at this moment.

The fighting in the valley relied on personal ability. In this regard, the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp once again had the advantage, including the advantage in numbers and psychological advantage.

Daishan already felt that something was wrong, and the soldiers around him protected him, rushing desperately towards the entrance of the valley.

The soldiers around Daishan were truly extraordinary in fighting power. Some Jiangning battalion soldiers who blocked them were cut down. Seeing this situation, He Renlong roared and rushed towards Daishan. Liu Tiehan beside him, The soldiers with the scout battalion also rushed towards Daishan.

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