Ming politicians

Chapter 886 Jierharang’s Choice

Jierhalang has arrived at the outskirts of Xuanzhou City, which is only twenty miles away from Xuanzhou City. He paid great attention to it along the way, especially when he entered Iron Mountain. Fan Wencheng also had the same understanding, thinking that the warriors of the Qing Dynasty and the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion might have had a big battle in Tieshan, which was the barrier of Xuanzhou. The army was stationed, and the army passed through Iron Mountain smoothly.

When such a situation happened, Ji Erhalang didn't understand it, and Fan Wencheng didn't understand it very well. After analyzing and analyzing, the two thought that there was only one possibility, and that was that Daishan led the Zhenghongqi soldiers to launch an attack on Xuanzhou City. , or somewhere in Xuanzhou, there was a fierce fight with the Jiangning battalion soldiers, which led to the Jiangning battalion sergeant Fa launching an ambush in Tieshan.

At this time, Jierhalang can no longer be cautious. If Daishan and the Jiangning camp soldiers stationed in Xuanzhou have already started to fight, he has to speed up, whether it is attacking the Jiangning camp from the front or supporting him. Launch the attack as soon as possible, or wait until Zhenghongqi loses too much, and I can't bear such a responsibility.

The scouts went all the way to investigate and reported that the area around Xuanzhou City was very quiet. According to the news from some people, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were still stationed in Xuanzhou City, and there was no fighting.The occurrence of such a situation made Jierharang fall into hard thinking. He really didn't understand. Could it be that there were some traps arranged ahead?

Jierhalang was actually a little annoyed. According to the normal situation, he had already prepared to launch an attack on Xuanzhou. Huang Taiji asked him to attack Xuanzhou. His original intention was to wipe out the Jiangning camp in Xuanzhou. The blue flag used so much force, and asked Duoduo to lead the soldiers inlaid with the white flag to hold back the Jiangning battalion sergeant in Fuzhou.It can be seen that Huang Taiji has made up his mind.Jierhalang knew that Huang Taiji was very angry. He had achieved such a great victory in Liaodong, just when he broke through the Shanhaiguan Pass, completely changed the situation in Liaodong, and even attacked the capital of Ming Dynasty and entered the Central Plains. The opportunity is at hand.But at this time, Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion, captured Xuanzhou and Fuzhou, and threatened the capital of the Qing Dynasty. If they could not return to the division, the Ming army desperately defended the Guanningjin line of defense.Here, Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion to attack Shenyang directly, and the Qing Dynasty would be in danger. Under such circumstances, Huang Taiji had to return to Shenyang to end the attack on Liaodong.

According to Huang Taiji's thinking, Jierharang discussed with Fan Wencheng.I think that taking Xuanzhou with the fastest speed, no matter whether it is possible to wipe out the Jiangning camp sergeants stationed in Xuanzhou, at least they can return to the division and join Duoduo immediately. The enemy, [-] sergeants, is absolutely impossible to compete with an army of [-].

Jierhalang even prepared to write a letter to Daishan, suggesting that the soldiers with the red flag and the blue flag should join up.Together to attack Xuanzhou, there are only [-] Jiangning battalion sergeants stationed in Xuanzhou. No matter how strong the combat effectiveness is, it is impossible to compete with the soldiers of the two banners.

If such a plan is realized, then the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty will have an absolute advantage, even the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp in Xuanzhou have given up Xuanzhou Tieshan and other places.It is still an absolute disadvantage to unite with the Jiangning battalion sergeants in Fuzhou, but only 5 people.

It's a pity that Jierhalang's plan came true because of Daishan's stubbornness.In terms of military exploits, it is impossible for Jierhalang to compare with Jierhalang. After all, Jierhalang is old and has participated in many key battles. Sometimes, he even commanded the battle on behalf of the former emperor Nurhachi, not to mention Jierhalang , even Dorgon, Duduo, Azige and others cannot compare with Daishan, it is also because of this qualification relationship, Jierhalang is very careful, this time only according to Daishan's He thought about it, but along the way, he and Fan Wencheng also discussed in detail, as long as Daishan's Zhenghong Banner sergeant launched an attack, no matter what the situation was, the Xianglan Banner's soldiers would participate in the battle. [

The scouts frequently reported news, and some of the news were fragmentary, so we couldn't be sure. Some scouts reported that some of the Jiangning battalion soldiers stationed in Xuanzhou had withdrawn from Xuanzhou City and guarded the direction of Sumeru Island. Both Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng believed that the news was accurate. After all, Daishan's Zhenghongqi soldiers attacked Xuanzhou from the direction of Sumeru Island.

After hearing the news, Fan Wencheng made a suggestion. On the one hand, he asked the scouts to confirm the news. On the other hand, he suggested that Jierhalang could attack Xuanzhou City at this time. It is suspected that the division of troops is a big taboo for military strategists, and the strength of the troops appears to be seriously insufficient. At least 1 soldiers of Zhenghongqi are needed to block Daishan, so there are only 1 soldiers stationed in Xuanzhou. Such an opportunity, do not If you miss it, even if you launch an attack in advance, there is no big problem. At that time, Daishan will fight with the Jiangning battalion sergeant who is blocking the attack, and the attacks of both sides can echo each other.

Jierhalang thought this opinion was very correct, and asked the army to speed up its pace, and no matter what happened along the way, they pointed directly at Xuanzhou and ignored the small army that harassed along the way.

The army suddenly accelerated the marching pace, and a murderous opinion was fully revealed.

Sun Chuanting, who was stationed in Xuanzhou City, made all preparations.

More than a thousand officers from the Jiangning Battalion gathered in Sun Chuanting's temporary residence.

"Brothers, the scouts are here to report that the Tartars with the Inlaid Blue Banner led by Jierhalang are only [-] miles away from Xuanzhou City. Master Su has ordered that no matter how much the price is paid, they will entangle Jierha tightly. Lang, he is not allowed to take a step forward, and he is not allowed to rescue Daishan. I can tell you that Master Su led his brothers today to encircle and wipe out Daishan and the Tartars of Zhenghongqi. Therefore, our focus is not to garrison Xuanzhou City. It doesn't help much to defend the city, but we must also defend the city. Our focus is to fight Jierharang face to face and prevent him from going to the rescue. Desperately hold them back, there are only ten thousand of our brothers in the city, Ma Xianglin, you are in charge of commanding here, unless it is absolutely necessary, we cannot lose the city, this is also Master Su's request, we cannot disappoint the people in Xuanzhou City, I command The other [-] brothers stop Jierhalang from reinforcing Daishan."

Ma Xianglin was a little reluctant. In fact, he had always had some opinions on Sun Chuanting's arrangement, because Sun Chuanting was in charge of commanding the [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers. He should lead the team to complete such a blocking mission. The blocking mission was dangerous. There are many, but unfortunately the tradition of the Jiangning camp is like this, the more dangerous the task, the more the commander will go into battle. For example, Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou both went to the task of exterminating the Dai Shanzheng Red Banner Tartars.

At this time, it was impossible for Ma Xianglin to raise any opinions. Everything had been decided, and the best course of action was to follow the requirements. There is still too much danger inside, Ma Xianglin thinks that he still needs to remind him.

"My lord, I feel that Daishan's Zhenghong Banner soldiers are under siege. Ji Erhalang will soon know the news. Daishan who is attacked will probably think of notifying Jierhalang to rescue him. Lord Su's The order requires us to hold back Jierhalang and prevent Jierhalang from sending reinforcements. If Jierhalang doesn't know about Daishan's encirclement and annihilation, he must directly attack Xuanzhou City. That situation is a good thing , [-] soldiers are more than enough to defend Xuanzhou City. If Jierhalang suddenly stops attacking Xuanzhou City and turns his head towards Sumi Island, it means that Jierhalang has received the news. , the lower officials should lead the soldiers defending the city to reinforce your lord, and block Jierhalang with all your strength."

Sun Chuanting nodded.

"Yes, this suggestion is very good. If Jierhalang attacks Xuanzhou, it must be a good thing. This shows that Jierhalang does not know the news that Daishan was besieged. I have also considered it. Once Jierhalang Hearing the news that Daishan was besieged, he must have gone to the rescue with all his might. At that time, [-] soldiers stopped Jierhalang, and it might really be too much. Very good, General Ma's suggestion is good, you take the soldiers to defend For the city, if Jierhalang blindly attacks the city, you just hold on to it. If Jierhalang's army suddenly withdraws, you leave a small number of soldiers to guard the city, and lead the rest of the soldiers to follow Jierhalang. Attack Jierhalang back and forth, so that Jierhalang's army cannot move."

Everything fits so well.

On July [-]th, at Si time, Jierhalang led an army to the outside of Xuanzhou City.

Ma Xianglin was very happy when he looked at the dark post-gold tartars. Although he said that Jierhalang was about to attack the city, it was a good thing. He had to lead his brothers to resist desperately. With the shock of artillery , There is no big problem in defending the city. [

Jierhalang didn't launch the attack right away, he was still waiting for news from the scouts, to see if some of the Jiangning battalion sergeants had left the city and guarded the direction of Sumeru Island, if the news was confirmed, he would not hesitate, The attack is imminent.

As time passed by, Ma Xianglin on the city wall felt a little strange. He didn't know what the Houjin Tartars were doing and why they hadn't launched an attack. Could it be that Jierhalang had noticed something.

Ma Xianglin's worries are unnecessary.

Jierhalang learned the exact information reported by the scouts, and the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Xuanzhou city did indeed separate some of the sergeants and headed towards Xumi Island.

Jierharan gave the order to attack.

The brutal siege battle began. . . (to be continued...)

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