Ming politicians

Chapter 887 Jierharang’s Choice

Jierhalang is also very cautious in attacking the city. He has been in Shenyang for a long time and has been by Huang Taiji's side for a long time. Jierhalang fully recognizes the combat effectiveness of the Jiangning camp. He is not as arrogant as Daishan and Dorgon. What I believe is the truth. No matter how you say Jiangning Camp, at least Jiangning Camp has really caused troubles for the warriors of the Qing Dynasty. This is something that neither the Ming Frontier Army nor the Guards Army did. Look at Jiangning camp.

In Jierhalang's attack, there was heavy thunder and little rain, and the rumble of war drums, but there were not many soldiers attacking the city, and the division of personnel was very sparse, which greatly reduced the role of the artillery. Ma Xianglin, who was stationed in the city, had angry eyes Get angry, but there is no good way, according to his temper, he rushed out with the soldiers, but the orders of Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting are very clear, no matter what the situation, they must stick to the city, Jierha If Lang doesn't retreat, he will stick to the city and deal with it.

At this time, Ma Xianglin also began to admire Jierhalang, thinking that Jierhalang knew the power of Jiangningying's artillery and would not attack abruptly.

When the soldiers began to attack the city, half of Jierhalang's mind was still on Daishan's side. He was calculating the time. According to his marching speed, Daishan should have arrived in Xuanzhou and launched an attack from the north gate of Xuanzhou. Now the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Xuanzhou have allocated a part to stop Daishan. At this time, the battle should start. No matter how the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion are arranged, the disadvantage in terms of numbers is real, and Daishan is stable. The winner is once Daishan's army breaks through the siege of Jiangning camp sergeants.When the two armies began to attack Xuanzhou, it was time to exert their strength.

So the attack at this time is not just to put on a show, to try the depth of Jiangning's battalion.

In the military tent, Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng are inside, and the sand table is placed in the middle.The conversation between the two.It's not any kind of offense, most of it involves Daishan.

"Lord Fan, do you think Prince Li's army should fight the Jiangning battalion sergeants who are blocking it?"

"My lord, this servant thinks that Prince Li should fight against the sergeants of the Jiangning camp. The servant thinks that Prince Li has an absolute advantage. The number of sergeants in the Jiangning camp is insufficient. This is the biggest flaw. If the slaves command this battle, they will definitely Requiring all the soldiers to stick to the city, such a division of troops is really a failure. The blocking force is insufficient. The defense force is also flawed. The servant concluded that the Jiangning camp must be completely defeated this time."

Jierhalang nodded, there was no smile on his face, the key was the news reported by the scouts, the direction of Sumeru Island.There was still a little movement, and the scouts did not dare to get too close to the sergeant of the Jiangning battalion who was blocking the attack.To avoid being discovered, at that time, the chance of escaping is slim. [

"Master Fan is right, but I'm a little surprised why the attack hasn't started yet. According to the news from the scouts, it's still calm over there. Could it be that Prince Li's army is still on the way?"

Fan Wencheng looked at the sand table and took a while before speaking.

"My lord, from Pyongyang to Xuanzhou, entering the direction of Sumi Island, and wanting to attack Xuanzhou, there are three roads in total. Among them, the road along the seaside of Sumi Island has no choice. The other two roads, one It is along the road of Huazhuang. This is the main road. Most merchants and common people choose to take this road. The slaves thought that Prince Li would not choose this road. The emperor once emphasized that the artillery of the Ming army was sharp. It is flat, and the artillery can exert great power. Prince Li will definitely consider the artillery of the Ming army. The other is the road of Yixiantian. This road is basically a mountain road. Among the mountains, Prince Li chose to take this road , can avoid the artillery of the Ming army very well, but the marching speed is slower, and what you gain will be lost. Prince Li chose this road, and the speed must be much slower. In addition to the hot weather, the army will be even slower. Some."

Jierhalang's brows were still frowning. He knew that these were Fan Wencheng's comforting words. In fact, the two of them had already analyzed it on the road. According to the normal marching speed, even if they chose to walk the sky, they should reach Xuanzhou Well, even if the army has not yet arrived, it is said that Daishan should arrange scouts to report the information, so that both sides can understand the speed of the other side's march, where they are, and can assist each other when launching an attack.But now, he has launched an attack on Xuanzhou, and there is still no news from Daishan's army. Could it be that the road was delayed by something.

Jierhalang couldn't figure it out. The scouts were always staring in the direction of Sumeru Island, and there was no sign of attack. If it was really a problem with the speed of the march, at this time, Daishan should also send scouts to report the delay of the march.

The siege battle was going on all the time, Jierhalang didn't intend to really attack, the soldiers charged back and forth, like acting, once the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion started to counterattack, the siege sergeants were like a tide move back.

After a long time, Ma Xianglin also said so, telling the soldiers to pay attention to rest, no matter how loud the war drums of the Houjin Tatars are, as long as the Houjin Tatars do not approach the city wall and do not really start to attack, don't worry about them, they are willing to run Those who come and go, what do you care about so much? At this time, even if the artillery is fired, I am afraid that the first cannon will hit the ground, and the golden tartars after the siege will run away clean.

An hour passed, and there were no casualties between the siege and the defenders. The two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding and neither planned to seriously attack.

Ma Xianglin gradually became a little anxious. He felt that it was too boring to keep wasting like this, so he had to do a good job. What does it mean to be wasting like this? Lang is also thinking and waiting. Ma Xianglin should be happy that the time for the general attack has not yet come. Surrounded, there is always the danger of annihilation of the entire army.

Time passed slowly, and Jierhalang simply stopped the attack and ordered the army to stand by on the spot.

The attack started at noon and lasted for nearly two hours. The two sides hardly fought each other. According to the information from the scouts, there was still no movement in the direction of Sumi Island. At this time, Jierhalang was still a little worried. He was familiar with Daishan. , to be more aware of Daishan's performance after accepting the military order. It is absolutely impossible to say that delaying the schedule, or deliberately delaying, anyway, Daishan's overall concept is very strong, even if his son Yue Tuo was captured alive by Jiang Ningying and beheaded by the Ming court. Daishan still didn't have many complaints, at least not on the surface. Huang Taiji sent Daishan to North Korea. This was obviously meant to be derogatory, and Daishan happily accepted it. The mission was so overwhelming that Huang Taiji couldn't bear it.

Unless Daishan encountered some kind of trouble, but what kind of trouble it was, Jierhalang couldn't imagine that there would be no danger along the way from Pyongyang to Xuanzhou. Be careful, Daishan has no such worries at all.

It was almost the hour of You, and Jierharang couldn't sit still anymore, walking back and forth in the Chinese military tent.

Fan Wencheng on one side frowned and didn't speak. When such a situation happened, Fan Wencheng didn't know what to say, and he couldn't make an accurate analysis.

There was a rush of hoofbeats. [

Horses were not allowed near the tent of the Chinese army. Even scouts had to dismount and run over to report when they were 500 meters away from the tent of the Chinese army. But this time, the sound of horseshoes obviously stopped outside the tent of the Chinese army.

There were shouts from the soldiers outside, and Jierhalang didn't bother to look outside. Just now when he attacked Xuanzhou, the soldiers were suffocated. They couldn't attack well, so they withdrew soon. Who knows if there are any officers? Feeling unhappy, he ran wildly in the barracks and accidentally came over.

When the soldiers came in with the scouts, Jierhalang's face changed a little.

The scout who came in was the scout of Zhenghongqi. Jierhalang had waited for a long time, and finally got the news. This kind of excitement is hard to describe, but judging from the expression of the scout who came in and the clothes on his body, The situation is very bad.

The faces of the few scouts who came in were pale, and there were bloodstains on the military uniforms of several scouts. Could it be that they got into a fight with the Jiangning battalion soldiers who were blocking the attack.

Before Jierhalang could speak, several scouts knelt down.

"My lord, save my banner owner, it will be too late..."


The teacup in Jierharang's hand fell to the ground and broke, the words were too sudden, and he was not prepared for it.

He looked at the scout kneeling on the ground, his expression became a little ferocious.

"Tell me what's going on."

"My lord, the army is marching towards the sky. In a valley more than 1000 miles away from here, it encountered an ambush by the Ming army. The army suffered heavy losses. My banner leader organized soldiers to break through the siege. The Nai Ming army's artillery was sharp. , the army was besieged in the valley, and it was difficult to advance and retreat. The banner owner of my family ordered me to risk our lives to break through, and implored the prince to rescue us. According to the banner owner's order, we were the only ones left among the more than [-] brothers who rushed out. . . ”

Fan Wencheng behind Jierhalang suddenly stood up and walked to the front quickly.

"Let me ask you, how many Ming troops attacked Prince Li? Is it the Jiangning camp?"

"It's the Jiangning camp, densely packed, no less than 2 people, my lord, please save my banner owner, it will be too late, my lord, please..."

Fan Wencheng gave a wink, and the soldiers next to him quickly set aside several scouts.

Jierhalang's face turned livid. He had been paying attention to the Jiangning battalion sergeants who were blocking the attack, and there had been no movement. Why did more than [-] Jiangning battalion sergeants suddenly appear? Where did these people come from? Come, why is it not reflected in the intelligence, if Daishan encountered so many ambushes from the Ming army, the next step, I am afraid it will be his turn.

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