Ming politicians

Chapter 900 Effective Persuasion

As Hauge spoke, Huang Taiji's expression began to change, and his body trembled slightly.

It turned out that on the first day of Huang Taiji's "coma", Dorgon, Duoduo, Jierhalang, Azig and others all returned to Shenyang. After such a big thing happened, they must come back The first thing everyone was concerned about was Huang Taiji's body. However, on the second day, the situation did not change. Huang Taiji was still in a coma, and a delicate situation emerged. Because Daishan was captured alive by Daming, Dorgon He became the de facto leader, because Huang Taiji's health had problems, and the Qing Dynasty was at a critical time, so someone proposed that the government cannot be barren, and a decision must be made.

The so-called decision is actually related to the issue of the throne, because Huang Taiji has not yet returned to heaven, no one dares to talk about the succession of the throne, but someone raised it, at such an important juncture, whether it is possible to restore the previous four big Baylor sittings The system of facing the south means that everyone makes decisions together. As for the fact that a certain emperor Taiji really died, let's discuss the following matters.

After this suggestion was put forward, there were quite a few opinions in favor of it, but Zhenghuang Qi, Xianghuang Qi and Zhenglan Qi were firmly opposed to it, especially Tony, Aobai and others, who firmly disagreed and reprimanded those who made such a suggestion. With ulterior motives, the emperor is just feeling unwell, nothing serious.

On the third day, Shenyang began to become turbulent, and the news of Huang Taiji's critical illness spread, and everyone began to feel uneasy, and some private movements also began, and many people were looking for a way out. In case Huang Taiji died of illness.In case Dorgon becomes emperor, or takes power, he must always have an attitude about what to do in the future.

It is precisely because of these undercurrents, so I say.Most of the Manchu nobles were concentrated in the imperial palace. Rather than saying that they cared about Huang Taiji's body, it might be better to say that they came to observe the direction of the wind.

Moreover, this undercurrent has affected the harem, and the empress knows about it.

Huang Taiji's face turned pale with anger, and he faintly felt dizzy again.

Hauge was so frightened that his face turned pale and he didn't dare to stand up. [

At this time, Fan Wencheng stepped forward and knelt in front of Huang Taiji.He spoke decisively.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that these incidents are not strange. Your Majesty still needs to take care of the dragon's body."

Huang Taiji nodded.Let Hauge and Fan Wencheng stand up.

During Hauge's report.Huang Taiji has never opened his mouth. He understands that his son is really good at fighting. He fought the enemy bravely and charged forward, but he is very naive politically. As the king of a country, he can’t do it. Powerful, and unable to distinguish right from wrong.With so many things happening in the palace these days, it is very unlikely that Hauge would not be involved. As for what role Hauge played, Huang Taiji didn't want to care about it.

Huang Taiji waved his hand and let Hauge leave.

Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng were left in the room.

"Wen Cheng, let you see these things, I really feel a little chilled."

The expression on Fan Wencheng's face has never changed. In his opinion, such a thing is nothing at all. Ordinarily, Huang Taiji should be mentally prepared. The emperors of all dynasties, who claimed to be widows, were actually lonely. It means that the heights are unbearably cold, the emperor is destined to be lonely, and he is destined to encounter many struggles. Huang Taiji's body has problems, and everyone thinks about the succession of the throne and the division of power, which is nothing more than normal .

"Your Majesty, this servant is bold. This servant thinks that the Emperor should accept these matters calmly."

Huang Taiji nodded.

"I understand that the heights are extremely cold. Over the years, you have told me a lot, and I know all of them. It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

Of course, Huang Taiji knew that after so many years of struggle, he was able to ascend to the throne of the emperor. This throne was not obtained easily. Now, because of some problems in his body, some of the dregs from the past began to flood, which is normal .

Seeing that Huang Taiji could accept such a thing, Fan Wencheng continued to speak.

"Your Majesty, I have three things for my servant. If you tell me, please forgive me for my crime of disrespect."

"Just say it, it's you and me in this room, there is no crime of disrespect." [

"The first thing the slave said was to implore the emperor not to pursue what happened in the palace, and just pretend that nothing happened. The emperor's recovery is the greatest blessing of our Qing Dynasty. The emperor will continue to act as an agent of the government. Everyone will do their best. .”

Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng, but didn't speak.

"The servant said this because he felt that everyone was uneasy and uneasy in front of the emperor. The emperor was just feeling unwell, and everyone thought of the follow-up matters. If the emperor is magnanimous, everyone must have guilt in their hearts. As for coveting the imperial power, it can happen at any time, I have read a lot of history books, and there are quite a few records in this regard, the slave knows it, and the emperor also knows it."

After talking about the first thing, Fan Wencheng lowered his head. He didn't know what Huang Taiji's opinion was, but he felt that based on his own understanding of Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji would definitely adopt this suggestion.

Sure enough, Huang Taiji nodded.

"Wen Cheng, I know what's on your mind. The Qing Dynasty is in a critical period, and everyone must work together. At this moment, there must be no internal strife in the Qing Dynasty. Otherwise, without Su Tiancheng's attack, I will collapse. What do you say?" I will remember this suggestion, and I will not hold anyone accountable."

Seeing the bean-sized drops of sweat on Fan Wencheng's head, Huang Taiji smiled and took out a brocade handkerchief from inside his cuff.

"Wen Cheng, don't be so nervous in front of me, wipe off your sweat."

Huang Taiji's attitude finally calmed down Fan Wencheng.

"Your Majesty, the slave's second suggestion is to implore the Emperor to establish the crown prince as soon as possible. The establishment of the crown prince is the foundation of the stability of our Qing Dynasty."

For this suggestion, Fan Wencheng only said one sentence, without explaining, and there is no need to explain. In the past, Fan Wencheng did not dare to make such a suggestion. It is just the constraints of the system, and it is necessary to establish a crown prince and heir. However, during his tenure as emperor, he also strictly guarded against the crown prince to prevent the crown prince from seizing power. There are also such lessons in history.More importantly, the Qing Dynasty had just been established, not for a long time, and the task of conquest was heavy. Huang Taiji must be unhappy when he rashly talked about the succession of the throne.

This time the situation was different, and Fan Wencheng could speak out directly.

Huang Taiji nodded and sighed lightly.

"I understand that this matter must be considered. I always thought that there would be no problems if I was in good health. I didn't expect that this time, there would be such a big trouble. I am old and people are always going to die. It was my fault that I didn't consider the succession of the throne before, this time, I need to think carefully."

It is impossible for Huang Taiji to directly seek Fan Wencheng's opinion on the matter of the heir to the throne, so this matter can be said here, and there is no need to continue.

"My last suggestion is to implore the emperor to attribute all the failures of the conquest of Fuzhou and Xuanzhou to this servant. These days, this servant can't sleep at night, thinking of Prince Li and the warrior Zhenghongqi , I don’t like it in my heart, the slave is willing to take responsibility and accept all punishments.”

When Fan Wencheng mentioned this matter, Huang Taiji was a little surprised. In fact, he had already thought that he was responsible for the failure of the conquest of Xuanzhou and Fuzhou. It is necessary to join forces with Jierhalang and launch an attack, so there will be no such ending, and Daishan, who was captured alive, also has an inescapable responsibility, and did not realize the power of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.As for Fan Wencheng, he also has certain responsibilities, but this kind of responsibility can be ignored, because it is impossible for Fan Wencheng to get any information about Su Tiancheng from Xuanzhou or Fuzhou. The Ming court didn't even know about the attack, so how could Fan Wencheng know.

"Wen Cheng, I have agreed to the first two things you mentioned, but this one will not work. The failure of the Xuanzhou and Fuzhou conquests is indeed a heavy loss for the Qing Dynasty, but this responsibility is not yours. take primary responsibility."

After Huang Taiji finished speaking, Fan Wencheng knelt down.

"The reason why the slave begs to take responsibility is that he is afraid that the emperor will take responsibility. If it is a small failure, the slave thinks that it is entirely feasible for the emperor to take responsibility, and it will also make the people below have any comments, but this time the situation is different. Now, the emperor must not be able to take responsibility, otherwise there may be another twists and turns in the government. Some princes and nobles can say the suggestion of sitting facing the south. Responsibility, everyone will have an excuse. When the emperor decides to deploy the next step, there will be many different voices. At that time, the emperor will need to spend more thoughts to stabilize the interior."

Huang Taiji's expression became a little serious. What Fan Wencheng said was very reasonable. When Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms attacked Yuan Shu, there was not enough food and grass. Dissatisfied, he finally killed the grain officer and stabilized the situation. Sometimes this method of borrowing a knife to kill people had to be adopted.

Fan Wencheng is a Han Chinese, and in these respects, he has considered thoroughly.

"Wen Cheng, I understand what you mean, but you can't take responsibility, and you can't take this responsibility, otherwise I won't be able to keep you. I will consider this matter."

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