Ming politicians

Chapter 901 Decision Deployment

Chongzheng Hall.

Huang Taiji's face still looks a little pale, which is always the case after a serious illness. It is impossible to be alive and kicking in a short period of time, let alone a rosy face, but Huang Taiji can sit in the Chongzheng Hall. This is not normal, which also shows that Huang Taiji's body has basically recovered.

No one knows why. Could it be that there was a mystery in the three days of Huang Taiji's coma? Could it be that Huang Taiji had nothing to do at all, but just wanted to take a good rest. Of course, it is time to guess these things. It doesn't make much sense anymore, the Qing Dynasty has a lot of things to deal with.

The main hall was very quiet. Many Manchu nobles were here. Everyone knew that Huang Taiji came directly to the Chongde Hall before his body fully recovered. It was also because of the urgency of the situation.

In the main hall, there was also this uneasy mood. Dorgon, Duoduo and Azig all lowered their heads. The three of them had many things on their minds. Jierhalang was in a much better mood. As for Tony And Aobai and the others all held their heads up.

Everyone is waiting to see what Huang Taiji said. If he wants to deal with internal conflicts, it is completely possible. Huang Taiji has only been in a coma for three days, and some people are thinking about the succession of the throne. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to restore the abolished system of sitting facing south? No matter what your status is, it is not acceptable to say such things.

In the whole hall, Hauge and Fan Wencheng had the calmest expressions. Both of them had seen Huang Taiji, but Hauge was calm because he knew that even if Huang Taiji was to blame today, it had nothing to do with him.

Huang Taiji looked at the crowd, glanced at them one by one, and didn't speak for a long time.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed even more depressing.Everyone didn't know what Huang Taiji was thinking, what kind of decision he was going to make, and if Huang Taiji didn't speak, everyone would not speak, and they dared not speak.

Huang Taiji was very satisfied with the atmosphere in the hall, it seemed that his authority was still extraordinary.Although it was said that when he was in a coma, someone would do something secretly, but as long as he was awake, no one would dare to act recklessly. Huang Taiji had listened to Fan Wencheng's suggestion and understood more matters.

"I want to tell you about the battles between Xuanzhou and Fuzhou."

When Huang Taiji said these words, the atmosphere in the hall became better, and everyone quickly understood.What happened in the past two days, Huang Taiji will not pursue it, or even mention it. This is good, and it can quickly stabilize the Qing Dynasty.

Fan Wencheng's complexion also changed slightly. Although he suggested to Huang Taiji, he encountered such a thing, especially after seeing some people.Huang Taiji's anger would erupt very quickly, even if he was not held accountable.It is also possible to say a few words and reprimand some people. Unexpectedly, Huang Taiji didn't mention it at all, and just talked about Xuanzhou and Fuzhou. It seems that Huang Taiji really wanted to understand.Such a choice would not have been possible without extraordinary perseverance and the awareness of putting national interests first and only for the Qing Dynasty.

Hauge was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the father didn't mention what he said at all. Hauge looked at Fan Wencheng.He lowered his head and pondered on his own.

Dorgon, Duoduo, Azige and others looked relieved, and they were also prepared for the worst. They were reprimanded by Huang Taiji and even accepted punishment. Unexpectedly, Huang Taiji did not mention these two things at all. day thing.

What appeared on Jierhalang's face was admiration, Huang Taiji's arrogance was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Tony, Aobai and the others were obviously a little disappointed, they didn't think so much, they just thought that Huang Taiji should punish those who have ignorant ideas, no matter who they are.

Huang Taiji didn't care about everyone's expressions and continued talking.

"The second brother was captured by the Ming army, and Zhenghongqi was wiped out by the Jiangning battalion. Such a heavy loss has never been experienced by our Qing Dynasty. Perhaps many of you are still thinking about how to pursue responsibility. But my thinking is different. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. If my Qing Dynasty loses every time, some people will be held accountable and some ministers of civil and military affairs will be punished. Just imagine who will dare to lead the army in battle in the future. So, this time I don’t want to hold anyone accountable for this defeat. I can only remind you once again that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying are the confidantes of our Qing Dynasty. If we can’t think of a good way to deal with it, I’m afraid Su Tiancheng will be shaken The foundation of my great Qing Dynasty."

In the past, if Huang Taiji praised Su Tiancheng so much, everyone must be dissatisfied, but this time, no one said a word, including the proud Dorgon, who also shut up. Shan, this kind of military exploits is not blown out. There are less than 20 Zhenghongqi soldiers who have returned to Shenyang sporadically. The descriptions of these people are true and not false. , Even occupying a certain advantage, this is the most terrifying thing. The capital that the Qing Dynasty is proud of is personal bravery.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Huang Taiji spoke again.

"The focus now is the next step. I have thought about it carefully. I lost Xuanzhou and Fuzhou, including Zhenjiang, Fenghuang, Xiuyan and other places, and even North Korea. You are not satisfied, unconvinced, and even I wanted to take it back again. To tell you the truth, I also had the same idea, but the actual situation is that there are no less than [-] Jiangning battalion sergeants in Xuanzhou, Fuzhou and other places, and Su Tiancheng has completely controlled them. In the sea area, [-] warriors who were fighting the red flag died in Xuanzhou, do I have unrealistic ideas, abandon Shenyang and go to retake Xuanzhou and Fuzhou and other places."

Huang Taiji's voice was not loud, but it was very clear, and there was no discussion in the hall.

Huang Taiji seemed a little tired, and looked at the crowd.

"Fourteenth brother, what kind of decision do you think I should make next?"

Dorgon was stunned for a moment, looked at Huang Taiji, and spoke quickly.

"Your majesty, I think that the focus now is to stick to Yaozhou, Gaizhou and Haizhou. This is Shenyang's barrier. At the same time, in the direction of Liaodong, increase the pressure on Daming and force Su Tiancheng to take charge of Liaodong affairs."

Huang Taiji looked at the others, but no one spoke.

"What the fourteenth brother said has some truth, but I want to remind you that Lu Xiangsheng who is stationed in Liaodong is also a fierce general with outstanding abilities. Lu Xiangsheng was promoted to Liaodong and adopted a defensive strategy. From the current situation, Even if we attack Liaodong, it will be difficult to achieve results. I want to remind you that you are all the elites among our Manchus. In the past, you all thought that the Han people were weak and would only fight for power. Recognition, ten years ago, it might have made some sense, but the current situation has changed, if you still can’t realize this, then our Qing Dynasty is really in danger, I want to remind you again, Su Tian Cheng's ability is not something you can compare to, even I can hardly match it."

When Huang Taiji said these words, everyone was surprised, everyone raised their heads and looked at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji's eyes were very cold.

"It's reasonable for me to say this. The Qing Dynasty dispatched 8 soldiers to conquer Fuzhou and Xuanzhou. The remaining 3 soldiers in Su Tiancheng's hands should be on the defensive. It is impossible to take the initiative to attack, but Su Tiancheng Tiancheng was able to discover the weaknesses in our deployment, concentrate superior forces, and attack me all the way. If it were you, would you dare to leave [-] people to guard Fuzhou and resist the attack of the [-] army? If it were you, you must have personally commanded it , but Su Tiancheng did not appear in Fuzhou, but appeared in Xuanzhou. This kind of decision, ordinary people would not make it. Su Tiancheng can know that the focus of our Qing warriors' attack is Xuanzhou. Such a judgment is reasonable. A few people can see through."

Huang Taiji sighed, he didn't want to say more, he had already said enough.

Inside the main hall, it became quiet again, and everyone had various thoughts as they pondered the words of Huang Taiji.

"I have already made a decision. The most important thing now is to stabilize the defense. For so many years, I have never considered this matter of defense. When it comes to this defense, I am also very sad, but I have to do it. After making this decision, I have to face the reality. I am afraid that none of you have thought that the Qing Dynasty is already facing the danger of a two-pronged attack. Su Tiancheng's Jiangning Camp is in Xuanzhou and Fuzhou, Lu Xiangsheng is in Liaodong, and Datong's Zhang Fengyi , These have become a real threat, because Su Tiancheng showed his power in Xuanzhou, which led to the Liaodong area, the reality is so cruel, we must abandon unrealistic ideas and devote ourselves to defense."

Speaking of this, Huang Taiji tried to stand up, his body shook slightly, the guard next to him was about to help, but was pushed away by Huang Taiji.

"I have decided to redeploy the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty stationed in Heishan, Yizhou and Guangning, and all of them will be stationed in Haizhou, Yaozhou, and Gaizhou. The Han army stationed in Haizhou will leave 1 people, and the remaining 3 people will be all Transferred to Heishan, Yizhou and Guangning to garrison, Dorgon continued to garrison in Ningyuan, restraining the soldiers of Heishan and Yizhou, Duoduo was stationed in Haizhou, restraining the soldiers of Haizhou, Yaozhou and Gaizhou, Haoge was stationed in Liaoyang , Ji Erhalang stays in Shenyang, and the soldiers with red flags are under my direct control."

"Okay, I hope you can do your best to get through this most difficult time. The Qing Dynasty is our Qing Dynasty. As long as you do your best, you will be able to achieve glory again."

Huang Taiji did not mention what happened in the past two days, nor did he pursue the failure of Xuanzhou and Fuzhou conquests. This was beyond the imagination of most people. Dorgon, Duoduo and Haoge all left Shenyang , Only Jierharang stayed in Shenyang, which also made everyone a little strange. At least Hauge should stay in Shenyang. Such an arrangement can only explain one thing, the future emperor of the Qing Dynasty is not Hauge. (To be continued..)

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