() After the freshmen start school, they will have military training, and it will be several days in a flash. During these few days, a piece of news spread like wildfire and spread, which makes the students' minds restless. When the instructor calls for a break, they often gather together in twos and threes talk.

"Have you heard? There is a person named Wang You in Zhentui who can cure myopia! It can be done in a few minutes!"

"I have a fellow from my hometown who is doing acupuncture. I've heard about it a long time ago, but it's hard to believe."

"Hey, let me tell you, there is my high school classmate in nursing, she has already tried it, and she really took off her glasses!"

"Wow, is it really effective?"

"That's not true. My classmate told me that she had 800 degrees of myopia. After the treatment, she went to test the eye chart, and the naked eye was 1.5!"

"Damn, what a god! Hey, how did you fix it? Do you charge money? It would be great if it was free, and it should be free between classmates."

"How can it be free? I heard that you need to use a secret prescription to wash your eyes. There is a cost, but it is not expensive. There is a price list. According to different prescriptions, the amount of eyewash is different, and the charge is different. Generally, it is a hundred yuan. It can range from a few hundred dollars."

"It's not expensive. A pair of glasses usually costs a few hundred. When I was in high school, the optical shop next to me was dark. I don't know how the optical shop here is?"

"Why don't you care about the optical shop, go directly to classmate Wang, and my myopia is completely cured. Huh, I was a slam dunk back then, but because of my high myopia, I had to wash my hands after dropping a few pairs of glasses. Now I Finally able to come back, wow ha ha ha, I want to join the school basketball team!"

Who has no classmates?Who doesn't have a fellow?One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass ten million. In just a few days, Wang You's business has boomed. Hundreds of dollars can cure myopia. The price is absolutely conscientious, and there is no one to counter the price. .

You said that the fee is so low, how much money can Wang You earn?Wrong, this price is enough. Wang You checked the relevant statistics. Although Lushui City in Qingshan Province is far inferior to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it is still a provincial capital. There are dozens of undergraduate colleges and about 40 college students!

According to relevant national statistics, the myopia rate of Chinese students is 28% for primary school students, 60% for junior high school students, 85% for high school students, and 90% for college students!

In other words, among the 40 college students in Lushui City, 36 are potential customers of Wang You!Even with the minimum of one hundred yuan, it would be 3600 million yuan!

College students are cured, but what about middle school and primary school students?What about adults who have already set foot in society?Got a billionaire?

The most important thing is that Wang You's treatment is really effective, it's really miraculous, and it can't be faked. It will definitely be sought after by myopia patients. As long as some classmates and fellow villagers try it, the change from unbelief to half-belief to conviction is very fast. .

However, when Wang You counted the money and got cramps in his hands, some people couldn't sit still.

Like other big cities, Lushui City, Qingshan Province also has a university town. It is located in the Zhushan District of Lushui City.

It is said that the most profitable money in the world is women's money and students' money. Zhushan University Town naturally contains unlimited business opportunities. As early as more than ten years ago, when Zhushan University Town was still under planning, businessmen from related industries rushed in. After more than ten years of business battles, each industry has integrated several predators, and some industries have even achieved exclusive monopoly due to their strong strength and strong relationships.

The optical shops in Zhushan University City are monopolized, and all the optical shops opened in each school are branches of Qianshi Group.

Speaking of which, there are many rare surnames in Qingshan Province, such as Huan from Huanyu, Sui from Suiyongjian, Qianxiong from Qianxiong, Cang, Shen, Liang, Cao, Ji, Shan, Zhan... The last national census According to statistics, the surnames in Qingshan Province are the most complicated.However, the surnames are all ancestral, there is no distinction between good and bad. There are many celebrities with these rare surnames in history. Take the Three Kingdoms period as an example. As for Qianzhao, Cang Ci, Liang Mao, Ji Kang, Huan Wei, Shan Tao, these are all serious celebrities.

This is a digression. I only talk about the boss of Qianshi Group, Qianxiong. The well-known brands are chasing after each other, forming a group company, monopolizing the glasses business in Zhushan University Town and even the entire Lushui City, and now they are marching towards monopolizing the entire Qingshan Province. Those well-known brands that have been kicked out can only be envied outside Jealousy and hate.

On this day, Mr. Zhang, who is in charge of the business of Zhushan University City, looked at the report on the computer, picked up the phone and scolded the store manager of the big branch of traditional Chinese medicine: "Xia Wei, what did you do? Come to Gaofeng, other stores are pretty normal this year, but look at the weekly report of your big branch of Chinese medicine, do you eat shit? If you don’t want to do it, just say it, the most important thing these days is people!”

The store manager Xia Wei called Qu and said: "Mr. Zhang, don't blame me, really don't blame me, it's not that our store doesn't work hard, it's that the enemy army is too strong!"

"Enemy? Damn, which optical shop has come to open a shop again? Stop talking nonsense!"

The relevant leaders of the various colleges and universities in the University City, the Qianshi Group has already taken care of them. Opening a store in the school is not something you can open if you want to. The group has an agreement, and other optical shops cannot enter at all.

Xia Wei said with a mournful face: "It's not a competitor, it's Chinese medicine that has become a monster! Among the new students, there is an ancestral Chinese medicine practitioner. He is so fucking amazing. He uses a secret eye wash formula, plus acupoint massage. I heard that there is also Qigong. , anyway, 3 minutes can completely cure a myopia, even if it is thousands of degrees of myopia! Mr. Zhang, we are no match for such an enemy army."

"Damn, is it true or not? Although I don't know medicine, but my life experience is not vegetarian, it sounds like a liar!"

Mr. Zhang's first reaction was that he didn't believe it. If you have thousands of degrees of myopia, just wash your eyes and massage for 3 minutes.This is not in line with science, not in line with the law.As an executive in the optical industry, although Mr. Zhang doesn't know medicine, how can he not know the principle of myopia?This all involves the deformation of the crystal, how can it be so easy to change back?

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't believe it at first. I asked Xiao Wang from our store to pretend to be a student to try it. Xiao Wang, you have seen the one with glasses and double ponytails. She was 800 degrees, and the result was that it was cured in 3 minutes. She replied When I arrived at the store, I personally took her to test her eyesight. I did it twice once, and finally did it three times. I used everything from the eye chart to the computer optometry. It was 1.5, and my eyesight really recovered.”

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Zhang was silent. Xia Wei said so, obviously it can't be a lie, how long can a lie be deceived?Since it is true, then, what should we do?

A trace of fear suddenly appeared in Mr. Zhang's heart. That's right, what Xia Wei said was right, it's really a monster. The birth of such a monster will destroy the foundation of Qian's Group.Although Mr. Zhang is only a professional manager, he has been in this line of work for more than ten years, and finally reached the top level. Will he change jobs to other industries and start from scratch in the future?

kill him!

This idea came to Mr. Zhang's mind. How could it be a purely commercial competition from a small store to a large group?It's also impossible to simply hook up with an official. Qianxiong used some shady methods more or less. As a veteran of the company, Mr. Zhang also saw it.

Must kill him!

But no matter what, more detailed information is needed, and Mr. Zhang immediately said: "I will come to the Chinese medicine branch right away and let Xiao Wang stay in the store. I want to listen to her detailed report and ask for all the details."

"Mr. Zhang, Xiao Wang has resigned and left today."


Qianxiong is cruel to his competitors, but he is pretty good to his own employees. His salary and benefits are decent, so why resign?Especially this Xiao Wang, Mr. Zhang has also met, he is very clever, and he is on the promotion list.

"Mr. Zhang, before Xiao Wang resigned, he said that once the technology is innovated, the old industry will be destroyed, just like the emergence of modern textile machines, which completely destroyed the family workshop textile industry in our country. Now that Wang You has such a magical eyewash The potion will undoubtedly subvert our eyewear industry, you can know the work by seeing the small, and you can know the autumn when a leaf falls. A gentleman can’t stand under a dangerous wall, so he must change careers as soon as possible.”

"Fuck me!" Mr. Zhang yelled angrily at the table, yay, bah, the employees are too stupid, too smart, this is a deserter, this is to shake the morale of the army, what Xiao Wang said, the staff of the big branch of Chinese medicine The other employees, even the store manager Xia Wei, might have thoughts in their hearts?

We must make a quick decision and take the boss to the capital to participate in the conference. The distant water cannot save the nearby fire, so we have to come by ourselves.

That night, Wang You, as always, treated myopia for the students, one every 3 minutes?No, he claimed that there are too many cases, and practice makes perfect, and now one in half a minute!

There is no way, there are too many people in line, Wang You can only shorten the time, if it is not for fear of scaring others, he would like to say one per second.

"Hey hey hey, who is this, line up, talk about civilization and order."

The voice of the boss Cao Dansheng came from the corridor. The roommate became a genius doctor, counting the money until his hands cramped. The three of Cao Dansheng couldn’t help being envious and jealous. Envy, and don't have any crooked thoughts.

No matter whether Wang You was a local tyrant before or not, he will definitely be a local tyrant in the future. He is both a local tyrant and a genius doctor. It is naturally good to have such a friend. The three of Cao Dansheng spontaneously took turns to help Wang You maintain the queue order .

Even if you don't talk about friendship, even if you don't have a salary, there are a lot of benefits. If you go out to have a meal every now and then, it is obviously paid by the local tyrants. Conscience" to help girls jump in line, no, only a few days later, Lao Cao hooked up with a former myopic girl who was nursing, and Cheng Cheng and Li Jian seemed to have locked their targets.

Cao Dansheng looked at the three men who came over. The middle-aged man in the lead was quite generous, obviously not an ordinary person, but so what?In this world, some people are poor, some are rich, some are ugly, some are beautiful, there are many inequalities in nature or acquired, but one thing is equal, that is sickness, no matter you are beautiful or ugly, Whether you are rich or poor, everyone gets sick.

As Wang You's reputation has grown, it's not just students who come to treat myopia. In the past few days, some adults and even the elderly have gradually appeared. The hyperopia of the elderly can also be cured.As long as you line up honestly, Wang You will also accept the treatment, but if someone does not line up because of their status and status, hehe, not only Wang You refuses the treatment, but also the classmates will attack.

Mr. Zhang nodded with a smile. He would not care about such a slight offense. This time, he came here with courtesy first and soldiers later. If Wang You is sensible, everything is easy to talk about.

An hour later, it was Mr. Zhang's turn.

Wang You glanced at it, but didn't care, motioned Mr. Zhang to sit down, took off his glasses, and didn't take his pulse. It's a treasure to see, hear and ask. Now he changed it to "look". Figure out: "Six Baidu, no discount for non-students, 300 yuan."

Mr. Zhang's eyes shrank suddenly. Even after hearing Xia Wei's report beforehand, he still had a little doubt, but at this moment, the doubt disappeared. He was indeed 600 degrees myopic.

Is Chinese medicine's ability to look, hear, and ask really so powerful?Wang You actually just looked around and reported his prescription accurately. No, it's not that Chinese medicine is good, it's this person who is good, what a miracle doctor!No, it's a monster!

After paying the money, dripping the secret potion, and massaging, after half a minute, Mr. Zhang felt clear eyesight. He should have been happy, but his heart was chilling. It really is a monster, a monster who wants to destroy the entire optical industry!

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing your parents, how can you succeed?

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