Conferred God's Disease Rune Star

Chapter 16 Warm Welcome

() Mr. Zhang's eyes were slightly cold, but a smile appeared on his face. He took out the business card box and handed over a gold-plated business card.

"Student Wang You, your medical skills are amazing and amazing. How can a mere 300 yuan replace my gratitude? Why don't I be the host and go to the world..."

Wang You's eyes were sharp, and he scanned the business card, and he understood it: Executive Vice President of Qianshi Group, Zhang Wenze.

Wang You didn't know Qian's Group before, but he went to a nearby optical shop in order to find out the market for glasses in Lushui City. He already knew that all the optical shops in University City belonged to Qian's Group. The vice president came here just to cure myopia?He's not that naive, he's not kind!

Wang You has worked in a mixed liquor company for three years, so of course he knows how to write the word "interest". He has seen gangsters fight many times in order to compete for profit. Now, if Wang You were to cure all myopia in Lushui City, wouldn't the Qianshi Group go bankrupt and close?

That's why Wang You had expected that if he touched other people's cheese, others would naturally call on him.

Just, am I wrong?Wang You asked himself, what did he do wrong?

It's true that he cut off other people's money. In the long run, the company will be closed and the employees will lose their jobs. Everyone from the boss to the employees should hate Wang You, but it's still the same sentence, what did he do wrong?

We help others treat diseases, and the money we charge is not high. Hundreds of dollars to cure myopia, the conscience of heaven and earth, is definitely the price of conscience. So far, nearly a thousand myopia have been treated, and no one has bargained. They all pay without saying a word. It can be seen that everyone thinks the price is reasonable. Many students even say it is too low, and we will readily pay it even if it is a few thousand yuan.

It is a good thing to help people treat diseases, and it is reasonable to charge a small amount of money. You have not done anything wrong?

Even if the glasses company in the future goes bankrupt and the employees lose their jobs, even if an employee falls into poverty, goes astray or commits suicide in despair, while Wang You feels sympathy, he does not feel that it is his responsibility.

To put it another way, the West invented the modern textile machine, which led to the bankruptcy of China's household textile industry and the misery of countless families. But should the inventor be blamed for this incident?

Of course, Wang You uses the power of God, which is different from technological innovation, but one day, human medical technology will improve, and everyone will have a pair of bright eyes and clear hearing. It will let everyone have a vibrant heart, and let every paralyzed patient stand up quickly. Then, those who are engaged in the glasses industry, hearing aids, pacemakers, and wheelchairs, right? Should all hate technological innovation in this area?This is understandable, but can't we not innovate those technologies just because of scruples?

It is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong, but the wheel of history is rolling forward. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. It is the last word to follow the change rather than stop it. Development is the last word.

Back to Wang You's case, the optical shop practitioners in Lushui City are really innocent, but the real wisdom is to change industries as soon as possible, 360 lines, which line can't you do?

Wang You has a kind heart, but he does not abuse good people. Since he is right, he has no regrets. Since he has no guilt, he dares to face anyone, any accusations, and any pressure.

Wang You didn't take the business card, and said calmly to Zhang Wenze: "I heard that there are many women who have lost their feet in the world on earth. Maybe one day in the future, I will go to the world on earth to treat the women who have lost their feet. But go there to eat, drink and have fun. Forget it, Wang Mouzhi is not here. Sir, there are still people queuing up behind you, you can go out now."

Do not care?Zhang Wen smiled instead of anger, and said: "Student Wang You, I think you are only ten or nine years old. You are still a young man. Youth is the hope of the motherland, and it is also the flower of the motherland. Flowers have not experienced wind and rain. Many people in society Things, those of you in the ivory tower still don’t understand, some things are not something you can do if you want to do it, you can’t make it if you can do it, good intentions often do bad things, I invite you out, I also want to impart some life experience to you, Let your future be able to..."

Wang You has already interrupted the other party's words: "I can decide my own future, it's useless to talk too much, please."

The other students who lined up at the back didn't see Zhang Wenze's business card, and they were a little puzzled for a while, wondering if this middle-aged man had been cured of myopia, so he insisted on dragging Wang You to the world to have a good time, really envious and jealous Ah, we want to have fun too.But we are still waiting in line, you can't drag Wang You away, and immediately started clamoring.

Not only did Zhang Wenze's eyes turn cold, but his face also turned cold. He snorted and said, "You don't have to drink a toast. This time, I invite you. Next time, if you beg me, I won't have a chance."

Originally, you should be courteous first and then soldier. Since this kid doesn't know how to flatter you, then come here to hold the position of the boss in the provincial capital. I think you can play for a few more days?


Zhang Wen turned around and left with two followers.

After Cao Dansheng and the others heard his last venomous words, they couldn't help but ask, "Wang You, what's going on?"

Wang You said calmly: "It's okay, it's from the glasses company. Alright, next one."

Wang You began to treat myopia for the next classmate, but Cheng Cheng spoke worriedly beside him. He is a native of Lushui and knows the power of Qianshi Group.

"Should I find Director Meng?"

Perhaps it was what Huang Xin said to Sui Yongjian that day that made the students mistakenly think that Director Meng and Wang You were related.

Wang You was not worried: "It's okay. Alright, the next one..."

It’s okay to say it’s okay, but it’s okay the next day, and a series of blows followed.

First of all, a director came from the student department. He was still in military training in the morning, so the director directly pulled Wang You out to give a lecture:

"You are Wang You? Unorganized and undisciplined! Do you know what you are doing? Illegal practice of medicine! I heard that you have passed down traditional Chinese medicine from your ancestors. It is understandable that you occasionally treat your classmates for minor ailments, but it is understandable for you to see a doctor on a large scale. Taking advantage of this to make money is undoubtedly a crime of illegal medical practice. You should stop immediately and write a self-criticism, and I tell you that you will be punished and even expelled from school!"

But just as Wang You thought before, he is a genius doctor, and he is the last thing to worry about. Sure enough, as soon as the director finished speaking, the freshmen in the military training started clamoring: "Student Wang You is treating us. Good thing, who did it offend? Is it possible that you have the ability to not allow it to be ruled?"

Over the past few days, Wang You has cured nearly a thousand of them, but there are still many who have not been cured. Everyone is queuing up, and some students from other schools and even adults have been squeezed in. Some of them have not yet had their turn. If Wang You stops, I will What about myopia?Hundreds of dollars and half a minute can cure myopia. Once such a good thing is missed, do we have to wait five or six years for Wang You to get both certificates before treatment?I don't have the patience!

Some want to be treated by themselves; some have told high school classmates from other schools, old classmates or even boyfriends and girlfriends are coming for treatment; some even called their parents, brothers, and sisters. I'm already a thousand degrees short-sighted, and I can make it tonight. How can I make you bad?Some of them have been cured, and they are grateful to Wang You, so it is natural to support them; there are still people who are not myopic, but everyone is clamoring for it, so we will follow along with the crowd.

The scene was chaotic for a while, and even the instructor couldn't suppress it, and didn't even want to suppress it.

China is a society ruled by law, but it also cares about human relationships. The instructors have heard that Wang You, the needle pusher, is called a little genius doctor. A certain instructor was injured and had some bone and joint problems. Two days ago, he was the doctor Xiaowang. He was cured, and now seeing someone coming to suppress Miracle Doctor Xiao Wang, I don't want to see it.

A vice-principal who was in charge of the military training rushed over, and a genius doctor appeared among the freshmen. The vice-principal was not deaf, so he had heard about it a long time ago. Normally, what the director of the student department said was right, Wang You It is indeed illegal to practice medicine, but sometimes it is impossible to tell right from wrong. You can see that the public is furious now.

Besides, Xiao Wang is a genius doctor. Even if he is an ancestral skill, after staying in our school for five years, we can loudly declare that he is a genius doctor trained by our provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This will greatly benefit the reputation of our school. ah.

What's more, Xiao Wang is a true genius doctor, and he will definitely have a pivotal position in the medical field in the future. The school should have a good relationship with Xiao Wang, this is the best choice.

You are a little director, what did you say that you will be expelled from school?Damn, who gave you this power, do you have a clear head?Boom away boom away.

Wang You remained indifferent from beginning to end, neither angry nor irritable, neither arrogant nor humble, and occasionally smiled a few times.

But Wang You was quiet for a while, and at noon, someone came again, rushed straight into the dormitory, knocked on the door and shouted: "Joint Law Enforcement with the Anti-Affront Office!"

Yo, looking at the clothes, it's really a joint law enforcement.The anti-illegal office does have this related role. When necessary, the health law enforcement personnel will cooperate with the public security, procuratorate, and even the industrial, commercial and taxation departments to conduct joint operations.

Looking at the uniforms, there are health law enforcement, police, and tax returns.

Wang You understood at a glance. It’s still the same sentence. Others are really right, and taxation should be paid. You, Wang You, have treated nearly a thousand myopia, ranging from a hundred yuan to a few hundred yuan. Come on, can you pay taxes?

But Wang You can't help it. He is not a clinic. From a rational point of view, he feels at ease when he collects money, but from a legal point of view, this is a proper illegal practice of medicine. The money collected is illegal income. Even if he wants to pay taxes, There is no reason to pay taxes.

"Huh." When Wang You saw a target, he suddenly smiled. Behind all kinds of law enforcement uniforms, there was an ununiformed man, couldn't it be Huan Yu?That's great.

"Oh, Huan Yu is here too. It's a rare visitor. Welcome, welcome, warm welcome, looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to you."

Wang You took a step forward and went to shake Huan Yu's hand. He really welcomes him.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. This is what Wang You dislikes the most. What he likes most is Qiubu Guye. You fucking called the Dafei Office to come to the school. How can you not take revenge?On the night of enrollment, he went to Qingshan Medical University to find someone, anyway, they were all in the university town, not far away.

But I couldn't find it, Huan Yu's backyard was on fire, and he was busy appeasing the beauty, but he wasn't in the school at all.

Later, Wang You wandered around the Provincial Medical University several times, but he couldn't find it, so he couldn't stay overnight, his heart couldn't be smooth, and his thoughts couldn't be clear.

Now it's all right, it's comfortable.

Accompanied by the contact, one after another sickness talisman penetrated into Huan Yu's body violently, black air lingered, and a catastrophe was imminent.

Huan Yu was stunned for a moment, we are enemies, why are you so excited to welcome me?Damn, what are you doing holding my hand all this time?Is it back to the mountain?Huan Yu felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly broke free and retreated, but suddenly fell to the ground.

What, what's the matter?I retreated too fast and twisted my feet?Huan Yu thought so, even the law enforcement officers of the Anti-Corruption Office also thought so.

What is even more strange to the law enforcement officers is that although they have received the request from the Qianshi Group this time, it is clearly Young Master Huan who is more urgent. Young Master Huan clearly wants to embarrass this Wang You. Why are Wang You and Young Master Huan very close? ?Is there an affair?Oops, the relationship thing is really confusing.

Anyway, Huan Yu is the son of Director Huan, the young master fell to the ground, let's stop arresting people and help the young master up.

The law enforcement officers helped Huan Yu up, of course they didn't call out Young Master or Young Master Huan, and said, "Xiao Huan, stand still."

Then let go, and fell down again.

Hypokalemia, flaccid paralysis!

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