() "Xiaohuan, Xiaohuan, what's wrong with you?"

The health law enforcement officers were in a hurry, did they let go of Huan Yu just now?Oops, will Huan Yu blame him for that?Hastily stepped forward to help again.

"Come on, come on, stand still."

It's time to stand firm now, the health law enforcement officer carefully let go of his hand, oh my god, Huan Yu is crooked again!

"Hold on, hold on."

A few people clamored to support him, and someone thought, this is not right, it is health law enforcement anyway, and it has something to do with medical affairs, medical knowledge is more than ordinary people, I see Huan Yu's appearance, this is obviously not right, it is not standing firm at all The question of standing still, this, is this...paralysis?

Several health law enforcement officers felt a chill, something big happened!

Whether we can capture Wang You back in this operation is actually not important. If we can’t capture it today, we can capture it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Eat and hang up?

Well, illness is a person's own business, but will Director Huan be angry?Oh, my son was fine at first, but he became paralyzed after running with you. Damn you, you guys are bastards!

For a while, no one cared about Wang You, and the health law enforcement quickly helped Huan Yu to sit on the bed next to him. Wang You blinked, this is his bed, can you sit on it?Forget it, we still have some guts.

What does this low potassium flaccidity look like?You see, Huan Yu was supported to sit on the bed, and he no longer needed to stand on the ground with his legs, but he had to sit still, and he couldn't stand without his legs. One even supported Huan Yu's head with his chest.

However, the police and the taxation team came together when they were free. Of course they know that Huan Yu is the son of Huan Ting, but what does it matter to us?Huan Ting has no control over our police, taxation, and watching the excitement, uh, they also looked at Wang You who was standing aside, should they be arrested or not?

They don't need to think about it, someone has already given them the answer.

When they entered the door just now, they yelled something about "fighting non-compliance and joint law enforcement". Not to mention the left and right dormitories, the entire floor was alarmed.

What law do you say that the anti-illegal office will enforce in our dormitory of the University of Chinese Medicine?Oops, I must be looking for trouble with Wang You from dormitory 411! Nainai, you guys are endless, my myopia is still waiting to be cured!Brothers, cao guys, go up and support!

Dormitory 411 suddenly flooded with more than a dozen students, and the corridor was full of voices. The police and the tax department were dumbfounded. This, this is here to catch a liar who is practicing medicine illegally?Why don't you understand?

"Lie to your mother! Classmate Wang You is a miracle doctor!"

There seem to be more and more people outside, how can we catch them?You can't squeeze out even if you catch someone. Could it be that you jumped out of the window?This is the fourth floor!

What to do?Salad!

Besides, the joint law enforcement of the anti-illegal office is still led by the health law enforcement personnel after all. Didn't those health law enforcement personnel not pay attention to Wang You at all?Then what do we care about?

The health law enforcement officers were very anxious, Huan Yu was paralyzed, and there was a lot of people around, which made people upset, and couldn't help shouting: "Noisy, noisy, noisy! The patients need to be quiet. Fortunately, you are still medical students. Give it to me." I shut up!"

"Hehe, you came to our school to cause trouble, and you still think we are noisy?"

"This is a dormitory, not a hospital!"

"Be quiet and send it to the morgue!"

The sanitation law enforcement officers are so angry that their noses are crooked. Who are they? They even came out of the morgue. It is quiet there, but even if we go to the morgue by ourselves, we dare not send Young Master Huan there.

Amidst all the clamor, Wang You raised his hand, and with a simple movement, the results were immediate, and all the students stopped talking.

This is prestige!Don't look at the fact that Wang You has treated nearly a thousand myopia within less than ten days after entering the school, and has established an unshakable prestige among freshmen and even old students.

The police and the taxation department looked at each other, and they would not have come if they knew it earlier. Do we dare to arrest such a prestigious student?Students are the most troublesome!

Wang You clasped his fists, looked around, and said, "Students, thank you for your support to me, although the person who fights illegals is here to mess around..."

The faces of the police officers are all black, are we messing around?You are obviously practicing medicine illegally, but we are loyal to our duties, we must abide by the law, enforce the law strictly, and punish the lawbreakers!Even if there is the entrustment of Qian's Group and Huan Yu's personal anger, it does not affect the legitimacy of the law enforcement action itself.

Well, the situation is like this, we don't care about it with you.

Wang You continued: "The person sitting here is the chairman of the Student Union of the Provincial Medical University Graduate School, Huan Yu, the son of the Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Huan."

It's been so many days, and Wang You has already found out the details of Huan Yu. Huan Hao is the banner figure of the school of abolishing medicine and testing medicine in this province, and has always been hostile to Chinese medicine.

"It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong to enforce the law, but this Huan Yu is not a law enforcement officer, but a student. Why did he come here? Let's just say, it's a personal enmity, what kind of enmity is that? I On the way to school, someone on the train suddenly became ill, Huan Yu and I rushed to get treatment, and I was the one who got cured, but Huan Yu somehow called me a liar."

The students immediately spoke:

"Student Wang You inherited traditional Chinese medicine from his ancestors, and his medical skills are mysterious. How could he be a liar?"

"It's clear that Huan Yu himself has no ability, and he can't see that others are capable, so he is jealous of the virtuous and capable!"

"I heard that Huan Hao has always advocated the abolition of medicine and testing of medicines."

"Wow, isn't this harming our Chinese medicine practitioners? No wonder Huan Yu is so inexplicable. He is clearly extremely hostile to our Chinese medicine practitioners, and even more hostile to capable Chinese medicine practitioners!"

"The anti-illegal office was ordered by him. This is a private use of public power, villain!"

Huan Yu was so angry that his face turned blue. He felt that he was wronged. First of all, on the train at that time, he thought from the bottom of his heart that Wang You was a liar, and his standpoint was definitely not hostile to Chinese medicine; , It caused a fire in his backyard, which has not been appeased yet.

If you expose me, isn't it right for me to retaliate?But he didn't want to think that he was the first to slander Wang You for fraud, no matter what he thought in his heart, slander is slander.

Wang You raised his hand again, stopped the condemnation of the students, and said: "This Huanyu is not a good thing, but we are all medical students, and medical students have the principles of medical students. It is our bounden duty to cure diseases and save lives, no matter what the patient is. People. After reading and asking, I see that Huan Yu is indeed sick and has already been paralyzed. Since he is really sick, as a medical student, we have rules that must be followed. Students, in order to provide a suitable environment for the patient, everyone Let's go first. As for beating non-law enforcement officers..."

Wang You glanced over, and several health law enforcement officers were nervous about Huan Yu. The policeman met Wang You's gaze, and quickly waved his hands and said, "There is probably something that I haven't figured out yet. I'll go back first. Let it go."

There were two police officers, they turned around and left.

Taxation hurriedly shouted: "Let's go together." Surrounded by so many students, it would be more at ease to follow the police.As for collecting taxes?Hmph, the Qian's Group itself often evades taxes, we have recorded it in our notebooks, and we will clean it up together sooner or later.

The police were gone, and the students felt more at ease. Thinking about what Wang You said was right, a doctor doesn't care about the identity of the patient, and the patient is the patient, sighing: "Student Wang has medical ethics." , and said, "If there is still something to do, just call us and we will be there."

In dormitory 411, there were only four Wang You, three sanitation law enforcement officers, and one Huan Yu.

Wang You smiled and said, "Student Huan Yu, my ancestral Chinese medicine, can I take a pulse?"

Huan Yu's face was pale, his breathing was rapid, and he yelled, "Get out!"

The old Cao beside him couldn't help but said: "A dog bites Lu Dongbin, he doesn't know a good heart. This dormitory is our dormitory, if you want to get out, you have to get out."

The three health law enforcement officers are also in a hurry. They are here to make things difficult for Wang You, but they have also heard that Wang You is called a "little genius doctor". Haven't they seen so many students accepting him? Obviously, he is a real genius doctor, not a liar. ah.Huan Yu, you are paralyzed, it is a good thing to ask Doctor Xiao Wang for a diagnosis and treatment, ah, young man, why bother to be stubborn, don't suffer from immediate losses.

Wang You was still smiling, and said: "Looking and asking, although you can't feel the pulse, just by looking at the word, I guess, you are the same as Dian Lao on the train last time, with hyperthyroidism and hypokalemia leading to flaccid paralysis."

The old man last time, surnamed Dian Jun, had a good chat with Wang You, and they both left their contact information.

Huan Yu's heart moved, and he howled suddenly: "Did you hurt me by cutting the acupuncture points?"

"Tsk tsk tsk." Wang You shook his head and said, "Student Huan Yu, you must be confused? Acupuncture to cut off the pulse, what about this martial arts novel?"

I don't believe the three health law enforcement. How can there be acupuncture and pulse cutting in real life? Even if you sue the court, the judge will ignore you.Why don't you just talk about supernatural powers and magical magic!

Wang You continued: "I think it must be hyperthyroidism. You are stepping on two boats, and both are pregnant. The incident happened in the east window, the backyard caught fire, there were endless fights, upset, stagnant qi stasis, great pressure, and low psychological endurance. Maybe There are also tossing and turning, worry and insomnia, uneven diet, and excessive indulgence, so hyperthyroidism. I have experience in diagnosis and treatment in this area, so let me take a look."

Damn it, Huan Yu smiled angrily, you are not a roundworm in my stomach, you know what?I've been lonely for a long time even if I want to be too much, I can only masturbate!Chinese medicine is really all nonsense.

"A man who is mighty cannot be subdued. I am a dignified doctor of Western medicine, and I don't eat Zhou Su."

But he couldn't laugh soon, his heartbeat became faster and faster, his hands couldn't use his strength, his breathing was a little rough, his head was a little dizzy, and he was a little hot. Damn it, is it really severe hyperthyroidism and severe hypokalemia? , Hyperthyroid heart disease?Why is it getting hotter and hotter?Nausea, want to vomit, not good, will it trigger a hyperthyroid crisis?

Although he is hostile to Chinese medicine, he has a solid foundation in Western medicine and is a truly outstanding graduate student. Hyperthyroidism is a common disease, but hyperthyroid crisis?There was a trace of fear in Huan Yu's heart, and he said tremblingly: "Thyroid, hyperthyroid crisis, hurry up, send it to the Provincial People's Hospital immediately, and let Director Zhao from the Department of Endocrinology personally see him." That is the authority on hyperthyroid crisis.

Two health law enforcement officers set up Huan Yu, and the other health law enforcement officer took out his mobile phone to call Director Zhao.

Watching them leave in a hurry, the sneer on Wang You's face was fleeting. The illnesses he gave included hyperthyroidism, hyperthyroid heart disease, hypokalemia, colds, fever, stomach problems, enteritis, athlete's foot, bad breath, Dermatitis, onychomycosis, gallstones, kidney stones, urethral stones... more than 200 sheets, some of which are repeated, counting [-] or [-] kinds of diseases, some are curable, some are difficult to treat, at least it can torture Huan Yu for two years .

But the hyperthyroid crisis was not given, Wang You was happy to punish and torture the enemy, but killing?After all, he is an ordinary person in modern society, and the education he has received since he was a child will not make up his mind to kill easily. He didn't even kill Qiang Zi and others back then, so he naturally wouldn't kill Huan Yu.There is hatred, but it is not a deep hatred. The fatality rate of hyperthyroid crisis is not low, and Wang You will not use it.

Wang You once again lamented the power of the sickness talisman. Healing the disease and saving people is a long-cherished wish in his heart;

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