Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 103 Anticlimactic

In the early morning, puffs of cooking smoke rose from the camp of the rioters.Looks like they're cooking breakfast.After breakfast, these rioters will attack the county seat.

Taking advantage of this gap, County Magistrate Qi had already organized the people in the county to deliver hot meat buns and boiling water to the soldiers and strong men on the city wall.After all the people hastily swallowed a few meat buns, the strong men started warm-up exercises under the leadership of the leading soldiers.

This warm-up exercise was brought by Wu Shigong from modern times, and it is one of the very few soldier training programs that have been praised by Xue Yongli, the guards of the Xue family.Because this warm-up exercise can indeed reduce joint sprains in soldier training.

Wu Shigong and Li Lu, the two largest military officers in the county, hid side by side behind the crenels of the city wall, nervously observing every move of the camp of rioters.Half an hour later, there was finally movement in the mob camp.

In the camp of the rioters, a group of people rushed out in a chaotic manner. They stopped three or four hundred steps away from the county seat.At this time, a group of people wearing red turbans, white coats, and armed with various weapons came to the front of the rioters.

At this time, Wu Shigong saw a man in cassock and a hat like a Tang monk standing on a large cart.

This person is Master Mou.Grandmaster Mou knows that although he seems to have tens of thousands of people now.However, there are only about 5000 young and strong among them.The rest are these young relatives, old and weak, women and children, and it is impossible to go to the battlefield to fight.

Therefore, Master Mou is going to use the most important force in the Holy Spirit Society this time - the guardian team as the vanguard.There are a total of more than 500 guards.These people are all loyal believers of the Holy Spirit Society, and they are all young and strong who have undergone some training with fists, feet, guns and sticks.

Master Mou thought: under the first attack of the guardian team, together with two or three thousand carefully selected thieves, bandits and young believers of the Holy Spirit Society behind the guardian team, they will attack this place in one go. county seat.

Because Grandmaster Mou already knew that there was no army to defend this county, at most there were only some young and strong organized in the county, and their combat effectiveness was definitely not as good as his own.Not to mention, the number of young and strong people defending in the county is greatly inferior to his own.

After he captured the county seat, he threatened the people in the county seat and rushed to the city of Guide Prefecture without stopping, capturing the city of Guide Prefecture in one go.

At that time, Master Mou's troops will be strong and horses will be strong, and there will be food for the county and the prefecture.Master Namu can be called emperor.In Grand Master Mou’s car, there is the dragon robe that Grand Master Mou wore when he proclaimed himself emperor, and Grand Master Mou has already thought about the new dynasty—it’s called the "Great Song Dynasty." .

People like Master Mou also know that there was a "Song Dynasty" in the past.In order to show the difference, they added the word "big" before "Song Dynasty".Guide Mansion was the seat of the ancient Song Dynasty, so the name of Master Mou's dynasty was not random.

However, all of Master Mou's dreams must start from the present.Therefore, Grand Master Mou stood on the cart, blesses the guard team diligently, and burns a knife of talisman paper (it looks like it should be done by a Taoist priest), and pours the ashes of the talisman paper into a large wine jar.

Every member of the guardian team poured out some wine from the jar and drank it.They all firmly believe that as long as they drink the immortal wine blessed by the archmage, if they have a devout faith in the Holy Spirit, then they will be invulnerable in the next battle.

After drinking, the more than 500 members of the guard team lined up with weapons in hand and carried ladders, and walked towards the county town shouting slogans.Behind them followed two, three thousand people.

Wu Shigong was stunned when he saw these members of the Protectorate Team walking towards the county town with slogans of "invulnerability" from behind the crenel, and seeing how they were dressed.

Wu Shigong wasn't afraid, he just had a feeling of space-time disorder.He almost wondered if a group of Boxer senior brothers had also crossed over and came in front of him.

Wu Shigong couldn't help but stood up from behind the crenel and looked down the city wall.He thought to himself: "Since the big brother who practiced the boxer is here, then the big sister who practiced the red light is here?"

Needless to say, Wu Shigong's nerves are thick enough.He is still thinking about opening his eyes.I want to take a look at those elder sisters who take off their pants facing the city wall, revealing their big white buttocks, and look at Wu Shigong's red light.

Wu Shigong didn't know that in ancient Chinese history, there were only a few ways to engage in cult rebellion.Therefore, it is not surprising that Wu Shigong saw such a familiar scene.

Seeing Wu Shigong's actions, Li Lu who was at the side quickly pulled Wu Shigong down.He kept saying, "Be careful! Be careful!"

Wu Shigong was still hiding behind the crenel. At this moment, he became ruthless in his heart: "It doesn't matter if you are men practicing boxers or women practicing red light, I have foreign guns and cannons to deal with you here."

Wu Shigong turned his head and shouted to Zhou Xun who was in charge of shooting the firecrackers: "Put them here in the moat, and the firecrackers will shoot together again. The bow and arrow will not be used for now." The amount of gunpowder is not much, Wu Shigong should save some.Therefore, it is necessary to bring these rioters closer and beat them.

The distance of three or four hundred steps is not long, and the escort team only walked for half a quarter of an hour.However, everyone on the city wall felt that time seemed to be frozen, as if centuries had passed.The hands of all the people holding the weapons are full of blood sweat.

After finally waiting for those people to reach the moat, Wu Shigong nodded to Zhou Xun, and Zhou Xun immediately shouted: "Get ready——! Shoot!"

With a sound of "boom", more than fifty firecrackers, ten three-eyed firecrackers, and even a few handguns contributed by Wu Shigong all shot at the guard team below the city wall.

The gunpowder smoke brought by the shooting suddenly blocked the sight of everyone on the city wall.However, all the gunners hurriedly reloaded the guns.

However, due to nervousness, it was originally [-] breaths to load a bullet, but now it took more than [-] breaths before all the musketeers finished loading.Seeing that all the firecrackers had loaded their firecrackers, Zhou Xun then ordered: "Get ready——! Shoot!" There was another "boom".

This time, the situation under the city wall was covered by gunpowder smoke, and it was completely unclear.Although all the gunners reloaded their bullets as quickly as possible.However, it seemed that no one was approaching the city wall, so there was no further shooting.

After finally waiting for the gunpowder smoke to dissipate, the people on the city wall were surprised to find that these rioters had fled to a distance of four to fifty steps from the city wall.

Seeing this situation, Wu Shigong ordered: All firecrackers, bows and arrows should be fired at the fleeing team of rioters again.This blow made the fleeing team of the rioters even more chaotic.Some of them even dropped their ladders and weapons, and fled to Master Mou three or four hundred steps away in a panic.

In fact, Wu Shigong's three strikes only killed or wounded [-] or [-] rioters.However, these rioters saw that the invulnerable guard team had been killed, and they themselves had never heard the sound of firecrackers firing.Therefore, they were all frightened and fled back.

Seeing the rioters fleeing, there was a deafening cheer on the city wall.Grandmaster Mou looked at the high morale defenders on the city wall, his face was very ugly.

The elders and rudders of the Holy Spirit Society who escaped back, as well as the thieves and bandit leaders surrounded Grand Master Mou and asked Grand Master Mou to make an idea.But Master Mou is an expert at deceiving fools, but he really has no idea about fighting.

Seeing that the county is tightly guarded, in desperation, Master Mou ordered everyone to return to the camp, and let everyone discuss a method.

Standing on the city wall, Wu Shigong looked at the backs of these rioters returning to the camp, and wondered: "Could it be that the battle of these rioters attacking the county today ended in such an anticlimactic way?"

Li Lu next to Wu Shigong also looked excited, but when he saw the sixty or seventy corpses thrown by the rioters under the city wall, he had an idea when he turned his eyes.

This time Li Lu abandoned his defense zone and fled to this county.Although temporarily saved his life.However, Li Lu also understands that if the two counties in his defense area are attacked by rioters, he may be beheaded by the court and his life will be lost.

However, if he made another military contribution in this suppression of the rebellion, then he might escape death by atonement.And the heads of the rioters under the city wall are the key to his own life.However, these rioters were beaten to death by Wu Shigong's men.This needs to be discussed with Wu Shigong.

Li Lu suddenly changed into a flattering smile, and called out cordially to Wu Shigong: "Cousin-in-law!"

This cry made Wu Shigong's goosebumps all over his body immediately.

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