When Li Lu called "cousin-in-law" again, Wu Shigong immediately stopped Li Lu's disgusting whine.

Now, as long as it is an individual, it can be seen that Li Lu asked Wu Shigong for something.However, Wu Shigong still wanted Li Lu to make it clear first: Did he become Li Lu's cousin-in-law at this time?

But Li Lu gave Wu Shigong the calculation with his fingers, and Wu Shigong was surprised to find that he was indeed Li Lu's cousin-in-law.That Li Lu is a relative of the Duke of England.And Wu Shigong's mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhang, is the real sister of Ying Yinggong.

So in the end, Wu Shigong's youngest wife, Xue Yufei, is Li Lu's cousin.Although this cousin is no longer counting three thousand miles, but thirty thousand miles.However, you cannot say that Xue Yufei is not Li Lu's cousin.Naturally, Wu Shigong is of course Li Lu's cousin-in-law.

Wu Shigong sighed very much: this honorable family, this kinship relationship is entangled, and he doesn't know when an inexplicable relative will pop up.

Now that he knew that he was indeed related to Li Lu, Wu Shigong had no choice.He angrily asked Li Lu what was there to bother him?

When Li Lu hesitantly stated his thoughts, Wu Shigong suddenly realized: "It turns out that in the Ming Dynasty, the heads of the robbers and rioters could be exchanged for military achievements and rewards from the court." A little regretful, he gave up the forty or so robber heads to old man Zhao Ming for nothing.

But there is no place to buy regret medicine.However, the heads in front of him cannot be let go.Therefore, Wu Shigong wanted to refuse Li Lu's request.

However, just as he was about to open his mouth, another question came to his mind: "After Wu Shigong gets his head now, his military achievements will definitely be handed over to the Ministry of War, and in the end he will definitely be handed over to Emperor Chongzhen."

"If the Emperor Chongzhen passed by carelessly, that's fine. But if the Emperor Chongzhen came to ask who Wu Shigong is? Then the question would be a big one."

"If Emperor Chongzhen knew that Wu Shigong was the son-in-law of Xue Lian, the backbone of the Wei Party; When brave and warlike. What will he do?"

"There is no doubt that Emperor Chongzhen will promote Wu Shigong, then transfer him back to the capital, put him in a vacant position and keep Wu Shigong under strict guard."

Then, if Wu Shigong wanted these heads in exchange for military merits, it would be nothing more than stealing chickens.Could it be that Wu Shigong worked so hard to get out of the capital, and worked hard for more than half a year in Guide, a thousand-household office, is he going to get such a result?

In this process, Wu Shigong sent important gifts, and the eunuchs Wang Chengen and Qin Gonggong beside Emperor Chongzhen would definitely not help Wu Shigong explain and conceal.At that time, Wu Shigong gave the two of them a heavy gift, and asked them not to mention themselves in front of Emperor Chongzhen. The purpose was to prevent this from happening.

Therefore, the current Wu Shigong must not be able to claim military merit.At least, you can't claim the main credit.However, it is not good to give these heads to Li Lu for nothing.When Wu Shigong rolled his eyes, he had an idea.

Wu Shigong said to Li Lu: "Since the two of us are relatives, it's easy to talk about something. Brothers can give you these heads, but it's very hard for brothers to raise soldiers."

When Li Lu heard Wu Shigong's words, he was overjoyed immediately.Still the same old saying: A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Li Lu quickly said: "My cousin-in-law has worked hard to raise soldiers. As a cousin, of course I want to be interested. After going back this time, how about my cousin sending 800 taels of silver over immediately?" Seeing Wu Shigong's silence, Li Lu immediately Extra: "That's 1000 taels."

"make a deal."

Hearing that an agreement was reached, Li Lu beamed.At this moment, Wu Shigong said to Li Lu again: "Li Shoubei, I have one more word of advice for you, brother."

"Say it, tell it." Li Lu replied hastily.

"After that, when you see a woman from a good family, can I bother you to fasten your belt? This has happened twice. Every time, brother, I come to wipe your ass."

Hearing Wu Shigong's words, Li Lu was embarrassed, so he nodded.

Shumo was originally a quick-witted person with an inquisitive personality.He had already found out the real reason why Li Lu fled to this county from Li Lu's soldiers.Of course, Shumo had already told his young master all this.

After knowing this, Wu Shigong and the others analyzed the reason why the Holy Spirit would attack this county.Of course Wu Shigong and the others didn't know that the Holy Spirit would attack Guide because the defense of Guide Mansion was empty.

Wu Shigong and the others thought that the most likely reason why the Holy Spirit would attack this county was that the good family Li Lu played with must be the wife of a leader of the Holy Spirit.That's why the Holy Spirit Society followed Li Lu's escape route so relentlessly to attack this county.Of course, when Wu Shigong and the others analyzed, they definitely avoided Li Lu.

That's why Wu Shigong said such unkind words to Li Lu just now.

Wu Shigong didn't know that in Li Lu's mind, the reason he analyzed was exactly the same as that of Wu Shigong and the others.

At this moment, the soldiers and strong men on the city wall suddenly let out another burst of deafening cheers.It turned out that the county magistrate of Qi had learned that after Wu Shigong and the others repelled the first attack of the rioters, he led the gentry in the county town, carrying wine and meat, to condolences to the strong men defending the city.

But Wu Shigong was a little baffled by the sudden cheers.At this moment, the magistrate of Naqi came to Wu Shigong and Li Lu.

County Magistrate Qi stroked his beard, bowed his hands happily to Wu Shigong and Li Lu, and said, "Congratulations to the two generals on their victory. My wife also came to congratulate you brave men in person."

Following the eyes of County Magistrate Qi, Wu Shigong saw a veiled woman under the city wall, with a slim figure, giving Wu Shigong and Li Lu a blessing in a graceful manner.Then, the maid beside her came to Wu Shigong and Li Lu with a tray.On the tray were two small wine glasses filled with wine.

Wu Shigong bowed his hands to return the salute to Mrs. Qi, then picked up a small wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.After putting down the small wine cup, he greeted Mrs. Qi and County Magistrate Qi with a smile.

At this moment, out of the corner of Wu Shigong's eyes, he saw Li Lu holding a small wine cup, staring blankly at Mrs. Qi.Wu Shigong was surprised to find: Li Lu's eyes are straight again! ?

Wu Shigong immediately kicked Li Lu's butt unceremoniously.Li Lu immediately reacted, blushed, and hurriedly drank the wine in one gulp.

Wu Shigong shouted to Li Lu: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and send someone to go down the city wall and cut off the head!"

Li Lu quickly arranged for the people on the city wall to hold the ropes and tie his dozen or so soldiers to go down the city wall to cut off their heads.

County magistrate Qi watched all this with great interest.He didn't care about how Wu Shigong and Li Lu assigned their heads.

At this time, the role of Wengui Wubai is reflected.As long as the county is guarded, no matter whether the county magistrate Qi plays a role in the process of guarding the county or not, in the end, the county magistrate Qi, the largest civil servant in the county, must be the first to do the work.

Magistrate Qi was still thinking in his heart: "If I have made credit for defending the county seat this time, then my promotion to magistrate will be almost certain."

Wu Shigong and Li Lu lay on the crenel of the city wall, watching the soldiers below the city beheading.Suddenly, a soldier shouted to the city wall: "My lord, there is still one alive here."

Wu Shigong and Li Lu glanced at each other, and Wu Shigong immediately ordered: "Tie the victim and pull him up with a rope." It would be good if he could learn about the situation of the rioters from the victim.

After untold hardships, he pulled the living creature up to the city wall.Unexpectedly, the living wound was seriously injured, and after all the tossing just now, after pulling up the city wall, he said "grunt" a few words, then vomited blood, straightened his legs, and died!

When he said his last words, his mouth was full of blood, so his words were slurred.He also spoke the local Henan dialect.Therefore, Wu Shigong didn't understand what he said.

After being translated by a local strong man, Wu Shigong knew what the living mouth was talking about.The general meaning of what he said was: Wu Shigong and the others used firecrackers to beat these members of the Holy Spirit Society, and that guy thought it was unfair.That living thing made Wu Shigong and the others have a fair fight with the holy spirit society.

After Wu Shigong understood it, he extremely despised these fools from the Holy Spirit Society.He thought in his heart: "How about a fair duel? A person without knowledge is without knowledge."

"When I was in modern times, no matter how few books I read, I knew that our great teacher Engels once said: 'The fundamental difference between man and animals is to make and use tools.'"

"I'm a human being, so I have to use it when I make firecrackers. How do you animals who only know fair duels understand this? Have you ever seen someone go to a slaughterhouse, take off their clothes, and fight with those birds? , Beast, is it fair to practice wrestling in the mud?"

"The most ridiculous thing is that there is a nation of fools who sublimated this theory into a kind of spirit. That is the spirit of Bushido. No wonder that country of fools is called the country of beasts, no wonder the national flag of that country of fools is like a red light."

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