Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 513 Make Another Arrangement

There is an old saying that goes well, that is, speed is the most important thing.So when Wu Shigong and Yu Zilian had been arguing in Ruzhou for two or three days, the Henan rebels who got the news were already prepared and started running around.

Therefore, when the Runing Army and the Ruzhou Army started to move, the bandits who had been squeezed together by Xuanmo's main force of the Henan Ming Army and Xue Yongli's army began to flee in all directions.And when the Runing Army galloped to attack, defeated and dispersed a group of tens of thousands of bandits, the bandits could no longer gather together, and completely collapsed.

But such a collapse caused the bandits to scatter like headless chickens to the place that had been pacified by Xuan Mo and Xue Yongli's troops.This caused the two armies to stop first, and began to eliminate those panic-stricken bandits on the spot.

"Why are these bandits like this? They fled to Director Xue as if they were looking for a dead end, and they just surrendered to us. Our Runing Army will not kill them." The fiery temper of Xiong Zhengen, the current commander of the artillery regiment The difference is that the former commander of artillery now teaches the commander of the regiment, Liang Hui, who has always spoken slowly.

"The problem is that they are afraid that we will kill them!" Wu Shigong laughed.

Wu Shigong knew that his subordinates were pretending not to know.Back then when the Runing Army wiped out the Leopard Head rebels, they killed too hard, so now the local rebels in Henan, as long as they see the flag of the Runing Army, they will flee as far as they can.

"It's been more than half a month, and only a few stray hairs have been caught. My lord! Let's follow the old method, and we will have a good time!" Li Sanhe was a little impatient, he was thinking purely from a military point of view, This pacification operation should be ended as soon as possible.

But Wu Shigong couldn't think that way, he still had to consider the political consequences.So Wu Shigong said with a smile: "Under the noses of the governor and fool Yu, it is too difficult to hide this kind of thing. Besides, this place will be our territory sooner or later, and we will catch those gangsters to do hard work. If we kill a chicken and a dog, we will have no peace in the future." It will be a little troublesome to occupy here."

"Then what should we do? It's so hot these days! Our war horses will lose weight and get sick if we use them like this." Li Sanhe was worried about those precious lumps of his cavalry regiment.

Wu Shigong let out a long sigh, shook his head and said, "It seems impossible to make a final decision. Those gangsters are not fools after all, they will gather together and wait for us to catch them. We should calm down and follow the steps."

Wu Shigong pointed to the map and said, "Sanhe! Separate your three regiments and advance along these three roads, here, here, and here, and bring back all the scattered bandits. Liang Hui! Take the teaching army to block this opening. Try to eat a piece of the bandits first. As for the bandits who escaped, let’s talk about it in the next step.”

"My lord, you want to eat up the bandits!" Looking at the map, Liang Hui and Li Sanhe both understood Wu Shigong's meaning.

But Li Sanhe continued to ask: "My lord! We have driven so many bandits here, and there are only so many people in the Teaching Legion. Can they stop them? My lord, don't be in danger here?"

"A group of local chickens and dogs! What's so scary?" Wu Shigong didn't care at all, "Besides, it's not about killing all the gangsters. It's really okay to miss a little bit. Anyway, they will fall into our hands sooner or later. So it won't Block all the openings. Go and force the gangsters to jump over the wall."

In fact, Wu Shigong has always been afraid of death, he basically never goes to dangerous places.The reason for saying this is because Wu Shigong still has great confidence in teaching the army.

This teaches that the lowest-ranking soldiers in the army are all veterans with military skills, and Liang Hui is in command of them.You must know that the only thing that those bandits could pose a threat to the Runing Army was the crazy charge, and Liang Hui happened to be a firearms expert with an artillery background.Arranging powerful and layered firepower is Liang Hui's forte, so it is really a professional counterpart to deal with the crazy charge!

Coupled with the protection of the personal army, why is Wu Shigong worried?Just take this opportunity to show off your general style!

After narrowing the target, the peace operation went smoothly.On the third day of July.Li Sanhe's cavalry corps successfully drove more than 3 bandits to the teaching corps.With the cooperation of the main force of Xuanmo's Ming army and Yu Zilian's Ruzhou army, more than 1000 people were killed, wounded and captured.

At this time, there were estimated to be [-] to [-] bandits surrounded in Henan.Xue Yongli's troops were stationed in Guide and the south of Kaifeng to prevent the rebels from fleeing and invading again, while the three armies of Xuanmo, Ruzhou Army and Runing Army joined together after winning the first battle on the fifth day of July.

"Yu Zhizhou can be said to be a role model for the underachievers, I am so relieved to have your help!" At the banquet after the meeting, Xuan Mo even slightly snubbed Wu Shigong, and kept praising Yu Zilian.

Yu Zilian hurriedly left the table and bowed in salute: "Your Excellency, the Governor, is too famous! The only official to follow is Your Excellency!" But no matter what, the joy on Yu Zilian's face could not be concealed.

At this moment, Xuan Mo didn't intend to snub Wu Shigong.But when he learned that Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army suddenly appeared in the territory, he couldn't help being overjoyed.Because in his heart, Xuan Mo still believes that civilian officials lead the army, and there is always some estrangement from military officials like Wu Shigong.

He also felt that he had left Wu Shigong in the cold, so Xuan Mo smiled and asked Wu Shigong, "Long respect! How long do you think it will take to settle down?"

Wu Shigong also hurriedly saluted and said: "Returning to my lord, I promise to basically wipe out the Qing Dynasty within a month. After that, I will take a rest. The Runing Army will gather 6000 troops out of Henan and into Shaanxi in late August to help Governor Hong wipe out the Shaanxi bandits." .”

If possible, Wu Shigong was unwilling to break the promise. He still remembered the six-month agreement between himself and Hong Chengchou.Moreover, Li Zicheng in the peasant army was always Wu Shigong's heart disease. If he had the opportunity to completely wipe out the Shan bandits, especially Li Zicheng, even if he lost some of the strength of the Runing army, Wu Shigong would not hesitate.

After hearing Wu Shigong's answer, Xuan Mo felt very satisfied, he stroked his long beard with a smile, and said, "That's exactly what it should be, but at that time Chang Jing should be given the rank of commander-in-chief."

Xuan Mo had already promised at this time: as long as Wu Shigong solved the bandits in Henan, Xuan Mo would definitely protect the court and reward Wu Shigong for his meritorious service.

But Wu Shigong is also a greedy person, so he cupped his hands again and said: "Then I will thank the governor here first. But there is one thing I want to tell my lord: this time, the Yu Zhizhou Department has played a very important role, and it is its consumption." Money and food should have been provided to the last general's Runing Army, although it should be used for his troops, but the last general's son is short of food and grass! I hope the governor will allocate one or two, so that the last general can pass this hurdle first."

"This matter is very easy!" Xuan Mo readily agreed to Wu Shigong's small request, "Li Shen is also here, Chang Jing! After the banquet, you will order what you need. Li Shen! You must not hold back, Send more Changjing five tiger squatting cannons!"

Xuan Mo also knew that Wu Shigong's Runing Army was the main force in pacifying Henan this time, so he still tried to win over Wu Shigong, so he let Wu Shigong receive food and grass at will.And Xuan Mo knew that Wu Shigong liked firearms, so he gave him five more cannons.

However, Li Bingbeidao, who was in charge of military supplies, could only say: "The next official takes orders!" Then he glanced at Wu Shigong intentionally or unintentionally.And Wu Shigong felt that his status was high now, and he was no longer willing to argue with Li Bingbei, so after a "hum!", he turned his face away and stopped paying attention to Li Bingbei.

Just when Li Bingbei cursed inwardly: "Arrogance!", a messenger suddenly came in from outside the tent of the Chinese army.Xuan Mo took a look at the letter from the courier, immediately suppressed his smile, and said with a frown: "Cao Wenzhao Cao Zongbing is dead."

"Ah!" There was a sound of surprise in the tent of the Chinese army at the same time.In the hearts of Cao Wenzhao's Ming Dynasty officials, there was an image of an undefeated God of War, but now hearing the news of his death, everyone suddenly felt unreal.

"Withdraw!" Xuanmo was the first to react.The most important thing now is to analyze the situation in Shaanxi clearly, and Henan should quickly come up with corresponding plans.

When the Chinese army's tent was cleaned up, Xuan Mo asked Wu Shigong, "Jiang Jing! What do you think?" At this time, Xuan Mo trusted Wu Shigong who knew military affairs the most.

But what can Wu Shigong now answer?He didn't know anything about the situation in Shaanxi, he didn't know much about the number and deployment of the enemy and our troops, and he even only knew the map of Shaanxi roughly, so Wu Shigong could only consider from the safest place.

So Wu Shigong said: "Governor! My lords! There are ever-changing changes in Shaanxi, and we don't need to think about it. What we are guarding against is the re-entry of Shaanxi bandits into Henan. Now there are few Shaanxi bandits in Huguang, so most of them are in Shaanxi. As long as the few passes on the border of Henan are guarded, we will have no major problems in Henan!"

After hearing this, Xuan Mo felt that Wu Shigong's words were reasonable, so he continued to ask: "Then according to Chang Jing, how should we deal with it?"

At this time, Wu Shigong was not polite.He cupped his hands and said: "The last general recommended himself, and used the last general's Runing Army to wipe out the besieged bandits. Yu Zhizhou quickly took your troops back to Ruzhou, guarding the passage of the Shan bandits into the hinterland of Henan, and the rest of the troops The border passes and cities should be reinforced as soon as possible. When peace will be completed within a month, we should go to the border to join the governor as soon as possible."

After thinking about it, Xuan Mo felt that Wu Shigong's arrangement was very thorough, so he ordered: "Then thank you very much. General Chen and Jiang Dusi! You two stay here to help Ping Jing, and it must be completed within one month. Yu Zhizhou, you should return to Ruzhou as soon as possible to improve the defense and wait for the big battle. Deputy General Chen (Chen Yongfu), you return to Kaifeng with your troops and keep the line along the Yellow River.

Xuan Mo's consideration was quite thoughtful, he kept Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng, who were familiar with Wu Shigong, and asked them to assist Wu Shigong to complete the suppression of bandits throughout Henan as soon as possible. (To be continued..)

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