Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 514 Accidental Death

"You bastards, move faster! Everyone has arrived at the bottom of the city, have you packed the medicine yet?" A general cursed at the top of the city.

Several gunners hurriedly loaded the ammunition into the cannon, and then asked the commander in a daze: "Is this aiming right? It's too dark."

Seeing that the sky had indeed turned dark, the commander became anxious, and shouted, "You can't aim! Then shoot at the shadow, just guess it."

"Boom!" A shell fell among the crowd below the city, and the gunners on the city were just about to cheer when they heard shouts from below: "It's not good! You've hit the governor!"

The gunners immediately looked at Ba Zong, who directed the shooting, in astonishment, only to see that his face was pale...

In July of the eighth year of Chongzhen, the peasant army failed to attack Xi'an for the second time, and the main force pulled out troops to go west to martial arts.However, at that time Shaanxi was destroyed by natural disasters, and there was depression everywhere.The number of the peasant army has increased significantly, so it is naturally not easy to find rations.

The large peasant army is still fighting in Shaanxi, while the small peasant army has begun to enter Henan in twos and threes.Knowing that the border was urgent, Governor Xuan Mo took eight thousand main forces of the Henan Ming army and rushed to the junction of Henan and Shaanxi at the end of July.

However, when entering a county on the border, because there was no timely notification, and the defenders in the county were nervous because of the constant peasant army passing by, on the evening of July 24, Henan Governor Xuan Mo was unfortunately arrested by the county Hit by artillery fire, he was seriously injured and his life was dying.

"Teacher! Teacher!" Zhou Junwu was crying and kept yelling to wake Xuan Mo up, while the doctor in the army tried his best to pull him to prevent Zhou Junwu from harassing Xuan Mo who was in a coma.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Li Bingbeidao, the highest civil official present, immediately signaled to a few strong soldiers outside the door, trying to "persuade" Zhou Junwu out first.

But when those soldiers just pulled Zhou Junwu and walked a few steps.Zhou Junwu suddenly shouted happily: "Men is awake! Sensei is awake!" Then he broke free from those absent-minded soldiers, rushed over a few steps, and knelt down beside Xuan Mo's bed.

Seeing Xuan Mo's mouth squirming, Zhou Junwu waved his hand back violently, telling everyone to shut up and listen to Xuan Mo's words.

"Pao... Pao..., soldiers...!" The room finally became quiet, and everyone heard Xuan Mo say these words.

Zhou Junwu suddenly understood, and yelled at the magistrate who was huddled in the corner of the room with glaring eyes: "Where are those bastards who shoot cannons?"

The county magistrate took a step forward, then shrank back.He bowed and said, "All the lower officials have been arrested, and we are waiting for the governor to punish him."

Xuan Mo suddenly had a strange brilliance on his face, and his articulate words suddenly became clear. He said, "The cannons were all shot accurately! They were all fired! When the imperial court employs people. Employers..."

While talking, Xuan Mo's voice became softer.Li Bingbei hurriedly greeted a clerk and knelt down in front of Xuan Mo's bed, wanting to record Xuan Mo's last words.Because everyone can see that the Xuan Mo just now has already returned to the light.

But Xuan Mo's voice became smaller and smaller.It seemed that the words just now had exhausted his strength.Zhou Junwu had already put his ear close to Xuan Mo's mouth, and after a while, he couldn't even feel Xuan Mo's breathing.Zhou Junwu's tears dripped down on the bed unconsciously, but he still refused to give up, and refused to raise his head, for fear of missing Xuan Mo's words.

The doctor was on the side, taking Xuan Mo's pulse.He didn't dare to persuade Zhou Junwu, but shook his head slightly to Li Bingbei.Apart from civil and military officials, there were Xuanmo's staff, servants and soldiers in the room, so they couldn't help crying loudly.

Xuan Mo, governor of Henan, passed away inexplicably.The officials in the house are still in a dream.Because at this time, they don't know what to do.

It was hard to persuade Zhou Junwu who was in grief.None of these officials had any objection to the announcement of Xuan Mo's death to the court and the sending of Xuan Mo's body to his hometown.But what should these more than 8000 horses do now?

"I can't stay here anymore. The governor is driving a crane, and all the soldiers have no fighting spirit. How can we fight against the bandits? How can we defend Yujing? It's better to return quickly and make a decision after the new governor takes office." At that time, Li Bingbeidao, the civil official with the highest position, insisted on taking his troops back to Kaifeng.

"The master's body is still cold, and his ambition has not been rewarded. Your lord will lead the troops away. Are you going to sit and watch the bandit army ravage Yujing? Then the master will not feel at ease in the underground!" Zhou Junwu strongly opposed Li Bingbei's decision.

"Then just ask these people!" Li Bingbei pointed to the civil and military officials present, "Do they still have the heart to fight? Does their son still have the heart of the army?"

Zhou Junwu looked at those civil and military men, and wanted them to stand up and support him.But these civil and military personnel have avoided Zhou Junwu's sight, and they dare not guarantee that their army still has morale.

In the Ming Dynasty, the death of the commander in battle was absolutely fatal to the army.Because it is not like modern times at all, the army has a complete command echelon, and when the head of the regiment is killed, the deputy head of the regiment will go.

So in ancient times, as long as the commander is lost, unless there is a highly prestigious deputy commander in the army, otherwise, those soldiers will lose confidence in the new commander, the entire army will be fragmented, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Li Bingbei didn't want to offend Zhou Junwu too much, so he continued to comfort him: "Brother Side, why don't you know what the governor is worried about? But brother, I don't know anything about the military. Just say it here, if Side wants to , my brother will stand behind you as a puppet, let you command the army, and my brother will never leave, and live and die with the whole army."

"But...but...!" Hearing that Li Bingbei had said so much, Zhou Junwu didn't dare to say any more.But he still couldn't let go of Xuan Mo's worries, so he wanted to justify a few words, but he didn't know what to say.

Seeing Zhou Junwu like this, Li Bing said earnestly and earnestly: "This county is too small to accommodate an army of [-] people, so it is necessary to send troops to garrison outside the city. But none of you here know the military situation. If it is lost, what about the hinterland of Henan? What about Kaifeng and Luoyang? Alas—! It’s good that Wu Junhan is here at this time!”

At the end, Li Bingbei still blurted out the last sentence.Indeed, no matter how the civil and military officials in Henan officialdom thought of Wu Shigong, they all affirmed Wu Shigong's military talent.

If Wu Shigong is here now, only he has enough prestige to command this army.But it's too late to say anything now. The opinion of abandoning the defense of the Henan border and bringing back the main force of the Henan Ming army has become the consensus of these civil and military officials! (To be continued..)

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