Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 518 Ruzhou Army Battle Situation

"How could Yu Zhizhou be so confused?" After hearing the urgent report, Wu Shigong couldn't bring himself to gloat over others' misfortunes, and his mind was only on how to deal with the bad news brought back by the messenger.

Facing the rampant Ruzhou army, the scattered peasant armies all avoided the mad dog-like Ming army far away, fearing that they would not be in a hurry.But after hiding for a while, the leaders of the peasant army finally came to their senses.

In fact, in the battle from the beginning to the end, although the Ruzhou army has been aggressive and has the upper hand, but their battles are just wherever they go, and they have no rules at all.

Although the leaders of the peasant army had never studied military books, after so many years of rebellion, they were somewhat familiar with battle formations, so after several fights, they had some understanding of the combat characteristics of the Ruzhou Army.

It is definitely not as good as the Ruzhou army when confronting the enemy head-on, but entangled far from the periphery and attracts the Ruzhou army to pursue them, making them unable to form a formation and then take the opportunity to counterattack.This is the way the leader of the Peasant Army came up with to deal with the Ruzhou Army.

So the Ruzhou army fell into the quagmire like a bull surrounded by wolves.At this time, Yu Zilian also saw the signs, and he also made a decisive decision, gathered the Ruzhou army together, and returned to Ruzhou City.

Anyway, the peasant army did not dare to confront the Ruzhou army head-on, and the Ruzhou army's results this time are also very brilliant. As long as there is a threat from the Ruzhou army in the future, the peasant army will not dare to enter the hinterland of Henan casually.It should be said that the purpose of the Ruzhou Army's attack has also been achieved.After that, as Yu Zilian expected, seeing the Ruzhou army leave, no peasant army dared to block their way home.

But at this moment, the peasant army ushered in a powerful force.Ma Shouying, who came back from the old age, entered Henan first with more than 4 horses.

Because it was difficult to eat in Shaanxi, Gao Yingxiang decided to make two-handed preparations after discussing with the leaders. The first-hand preparation was that Gao Yingxiang personally led the main force to stay in Shaanxi and fight Hong Chengchou's troops.If you win, take advantage of the situation to occupy the entire territory of Shaanxi, and use this as a basis to embark on the road of striving for world hegemony.

Another preparation is that if the battle situation is unfavorable, the peasant army will enter Henan and Huguang again, because the food supply in Shaanxi is too difficult, and there is not much to grab.So Ma Shouying, the old Huihui, entered Henan as a pioneer.

Ma Shouying, an old Hui Hui, first raised the banner of rebellion together with Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and others as frontier soldiers.In this rebellious frontier army, there are not only members of the Han nationality, but also members of the Hui and Mongolian nationality. Therefore, the team of Gao Yingxiang and Ma Shouying is a "hard armored cavalry" composed of the so-called "Yi Han Jiang Ding". The soldiers are disciplined "The Han, Hui and other ethnic groups united refugee armed forces.

Therefore, Ma Shouying is very old and has a high status in the peasant army, and the old battalion under him are also very powerful.In addition, Ma Shouying himself is also known in the peasant army for his resourcefulness and ability to recruit and fight.Therefore, as soon as the Ma Shouying tribe entered Henan, the leaders of the various peasant armies who first entered Henan immediately took him as the leader.

So Ma Shouying immediately knew that there was an extra Ming army like the Ruzhou Army in front of him.This surprised Ma Shouying.It's different from those little bosses.Ma Shouying knew how many Ming armies in the world could be called strong armies, and who led them.Where are those Ming armies distributed and active?

Originally, Ma Shouying entered Henan.He only needed to be on guard against the Xuanmo Department and Wu Shigong's Runing Army, but now suddenly an unknown and powerful army appeared out of thin air, which added quite a lot of variables.

Ma Shouying couldn't help shaking his head.The last time the peasant army entered Henan, a Runing army suddenly appeared; this time when they entered Henan again, a Ruzhou army suddenly appeared. Could it be that the officials in Henan all know magic?They have all learned how to cast beans into soldiers?Of course, Ma Shouying didn't know either.Until now, even Emperor Chongzhen and the ministers in the court did not know that the Ruzhou Army suddenly appeared in their own home.

And the most annoying thing is that the combat style of this Ruzhou army is quite a headache for the peasant army.For the peasant army, as long as the Ming army huddled around the city.Even if it has 10 horses, it will be fine, but this Runing army likes to take the initiative to attack.Don't you see, before Cao Wenzhao's active attack of thousands of troops, he could kill tens of thousands of peasant soldiers who threw away their helmets and armor?

But Ma Shouying asked about the whole battle process, and he also found out the characteristics of the Ruzhou Army.He keenly discovered that the Ruzhou Army can only be described in two words - childish.

The tactics are immature, and the command is immature, that is, the battle is very brave, but the morale is so high.If such an army wins a few more victories, it may be fully integrated and indeed become a strong army.

What needs to be considered is that because the Ruzhou army is quite immature, in other words, it is not playing cards according to common sense. In case the peasant army is fighting other Ming armies at the most critical time, such an offensive force If the Ming army suddenly appeared, it is very likely that they would beat the old master to death with random punches.

So now take advantage of this opportunity to quickly kill the seeds of this strong army in the cradle, which will also be of great benefit to the actions of the peasant army in the future.

Ma Shouying first commanded the peasant army behind the Ruzhou army to approach and entangle the Ruzhou army, and then sent a large number of scouts to investigate the movements of the Ming army in the surrounding area, and first confirmed that the Ruzhou army was a lone army.

Then, Ma Shouying gathered more than 4000 elite cavalry from each battalion to go first, and personally led more than 8000 infantry, and quickly approached the direction of the Ruzhou Army.

When the Ruzhou army realized that the peasant army behind them was approaching, they immediately stopped and made a resolute countercharge.Once again, he won a big victory, beheaded more than a thousand, and captured a thousand and five, which fully demonstrated his aura of not being afraid of tigers as a newborn calf.But with such a delay, on the evening of August [-]th, the vanguard cavalry from the Ma Shouxin Department arrived.

After the two sides met, they started fighting without saying a word.Without probing at all, the cavalry of the Peasant Army immediately launched a general attack as soon as they were in formation, hoping to completely defeat the Ming army in front of them before sunset.

At this time, the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army also worshiped Yu Zilian to the extreme.So under Yu Zilian's instigation, they broke out an astonishing fighting power, and they blocked the general attack of the peasant army's cavalry with infantry and cavalry.

In this confrontation, the Ruzhou Army suffered more than 1000 casualties, while the cavalry casualties of the Peasant Army exceeded [-].From the scene it looks like a tie.But in fact, the mentality of the two coaches is completely different.

When the Ruzhou Army set off, there were only more than 5000 people, but now even after suffering the loss of this thousand people, the strength of the Ruzhou Army still exceeded [-], so Yu Zilian was completely indifferent to this loss.

But Ma Shouying is different.Although there are more than 4000 cavalry in the Peasant Army, most of them ride rough horses to make up the number.It's okay to let them fight with the wind, but they don't have the ability to charge in formation.

Therefore, the cavalry that Ma Shouying lost were basically frontier soldiers riding on horses. This loss made Ma Shouxin extremely painful, so when he rushed to the battlefield with the main force in the evening, he immediately scolded the cavalry generals who led the team. After a meal.

Indeed, the Ruzhou Army did not go through any battle formations at all. If the cavalry of the Peasant Army were not so anxious and decided to shoot arrows in the distance to disrupt the formation of the Ruzhou Army before charging, the Ruzhou Army might not be able to maintain the formation at all. The cavalry who resisted the peasant army had already been defeated by the peasant army!

At this time, the peasant army had assembled more than 7 people, and its momentum became huge.So some generals of the Ruzhou Army proposed to retreat, for fear that the peasant army in front of them would cut off their retreat.

But Yu Zilian was full of pride. Instead, he ordered the entire army to camp on the spot, not caring about the peasant army in front of him, because Yu Zilian underestimated the combat effectiveness of the peasant army because of the example of the Ruzhou army winning more battles with less.

First of all, we can see a shortcoming of the Ruzhou Army.Their spies were very ineffective, and they didn't find out that Ma Shouying's tribe had entered Henan, let alone that the combat effectiveness of Ma Shouying's tribe was completely different from the previous peasant army.

Of course, this cannot all be blamed on Yu Zilian, because the formation of the army is in a hurry, and it is not easy for Yu Zilian to ensure that these soldiers have weapons in their hands. It is completely impossible to form a huge cavalry.

But Yu Zilian also has his own confidence.Because of the seizures along the way and the requisition of the gentry, the current Ruzhou Army has no shortage of food and grass, which can last for more than two months.

And Yu Zilian is more prepared to build a strong camp on the spot, that is, let the peasant army on the opposite side attack.You must know that the Ruzhou Army has learned from the Runing Army in an all-round way, so the use of firearms in their army is also very popular. Although the Ruzhou Army's firearms are not as sophisticated as the Runing Army, they are completely sufficient to deal with those peasant troops who do not have a stomach. up.

Moreover, Yu Zilian also has two preparations, one is to rely on the big camp to take the initiative to attack, and if he succeeds, he will defeat the peasant army in front of him again; the other is to stick to the camp, and the Ruzhou army, which has a large number of people and sufficient food, is not afraid of the peasant army's attack.

As long as you delay the peasant army in front of you, and wait until the Ming army arrives everywhere, wouldn't that be another great victory?So Yu Zilian sent out fast cavalry in the direction of Runing Army, Kaifeng City and other Ming armies overnight, with the purpose of using himself as a bait to attract the peasant army in front of him, and then a big encirclement and annihilation battle.

This battle plan is quite grand!It cannot be said that Yu Zilian was at fault. If all of Yu Zilian's ideas were followed, the success rate of this encirclement and annihilation campaign is quite high.

But at this time, Yu Zilian made another mistake. He chose the wrong place to set up camp in the dark.There are no problems in other places, except that the water intake point of the Ruzhou Army is a small stream beside Daying.

A brook is not a river, and that can be cut off easily.Sure enough, in the early morning, Yu Zilian discovered that the peasant army was starting work upstream of the creek.Yu Zilian immediately made amends, using all containers to fill up the water while there was still running water.At the same time, they dispatched fast horses to ask for help again.This time he was really in a hurry, and even wanted to use the thousand soldiers left in Ruzhou City. (To be continued..)

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