Because he didn't expect the Runing Army's pacification operation to proceed so quickly, so the fast horse who went to the Runing Army to report the letter went astray with the Runing Army, and the first thing Wu Shigong waited for was the messenger sent by Yu Zilian to Ruzhou City for help.

That messenger must be Yu Zilian's confidant, so he explained the situation of the Ruzhou Army very clearly.Thousands of words are just one sentence: Let Wu Shigong hurry up to save his family's Master Yu!

So Wu Shigong immediately rushed to the camp outside the city to prepare to set off, and at the same time summoned all the officers to discuss how to rescue Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army.I learned from the messenger that the Ruzhou Army was three days away from Ruzhou City, and if they marched desperately, the Runing Army could arrive within two days.

The easiest route is of course to follow the closest route.But the road is steep, with many canyons, rivers and woods along the way.If the Runing Army didn't send out spies to investigate carefully, it was likely to fall into an ambush by the Peasant Army and cause great losses.However, if you carefully explore and move forward, the time to hurry will be delayed for a long time, and rescue may not be available in time.

The other way is to take a detour.This road is relatively flat, so there should be no danger. Even if there are peasant troops blocking the road, the Runing Army can directly rush to intercept it with powerful firepower.The only disadvantage is that the journey is relatively long, at least five days.

However, taking the second route also has an advantage: if the peasant army surrounding the Ruzhou Army does not retreat in time, the Runing Army will be able to encircle this peasant army from the south.And drive it north, towards the direction of Luoyang City.

And Luoyang City has a heavy Ming army stationed there. Even if Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army is unfortunately eaten up, the Ru Ning Army and the Ming Army in Luoyang City can also destroy this peasant army.

After all, the Runing Army did not care about the life and death of the Ruzhou Army, what they cared about was the interests and military exploits of the Runing Army.

therefore.Those officers who consulted were inclined to take the second way.Although they had never discussed it publicly, all these officers knew about Wu Shigong and Yu Zilian's personal grievances.In addition, Ruzhou was already regarded by the former governor Xuan Momo as the sphere of influence of the Runing Army, but now such a Ruzhou Army suddenly appeared, no matter what, there is no room for two tigers!Therefore, these officers all believed that it would be best to use the hands of the peasant army to destroy or attenuate this Ruzhou army.

But after this idea was put forward, Wu Shigong hesitated.Because Wu Shigong already knew that the water Yu Zilian collected in a hurry could last for three days at most.If the Runing army had gone a long way, it would not be going to rescue, but to send Yu Zilian and Ruzhou army to their deaths.

Although in the heart.Wu Shigong still felt happy about Yu Zilian's misfortune, but he still couldn't send Yu Zilian to a dead end.Anyway, Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army and Wu Shigong's Runing Army are both official troops, and their main goal is to destroy the peasant army.Compare with this.Then his own personal grievances and the conflicts between the two armies are no longer important.

Also, for whatever purpose.Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army always protects the peaceful Runing Army.And put yourself in danger.If the Runing Army didn't go to rescue them at this time, that kind of treachery would be too disgusting.And Wu Shigong would definitely not be able to do such an obscene thing.

So after thinking about it for a while, Wu Shigong gave an order: "The whole army hastened to rescue Yuzhizhou in a straight line. We will send more spies and travel more at night to avoid the ambush of the Shaanxi bandits as much as possible. Everyone! We must rescue Yuzhizhou within three days. "

"No!" Since Wu Shigong gave the order, all the officers immediately accepted the order.

Wu Shigong can only use the night march that the Runing Army is good at to avoid the peasant army's ambush as much as possible.

"Everyone! I lead you to battle and fight. Can you treat me badly? You are all good citizens of Ming Dynasty, have you ever thought about the old and young at home? I hate the traitors, who sold our robes and made us trapped here. But we really have no way out ?”

Yu Zilian stood on the roof of a large cart and delivered a speech to the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army: "I originally used myself as a bait to lure the bandit army, and waited for the Wang Shi to come to help and wipe them out. But that is short-sighted Those who accidentally surrendered to the thieves caused chaos in the army, but fortunately all the warriors put in their lives to save our lives. But there is no way out? No way! Let me tell you, the reinforcements will arrive tomorrow! They will arrive tomorrow!"

After the stream was cut off, the Ruzhou Army began to lose its morale, and some captured peasant soldiers who had gradually integrated into the Ruzhou Army were about to rebel again.That night, a total of more than 3000 soldiers, led by their respective leaders, assembled into several groups, and were about to rush out of the Ruzhou Army camp, and then descended to guard the peasant army.

It was also because the camp of the Ruzhou Army was well-defended. Upon seeing the mutiny, the Ruzhou Army immediately mobilized the entire army to suppress these re-sentenced peasant troops with all their strength.

The peasant army outside the camp did not expect such a change in the Ruzhou Army camp. They planned to besiege for a long time and wipe out the water-deficient Ming army without any effort.The Peasant Army never thought of expending its own strength to take the initiative to attack.

So by the time the Peasant Army had assembled, the Ruzhou Army's counter-insurgency had come to an end.But even so, the peasant army rushed into the already chaotic Runing army camp.

Then came the melee in the night.The soldiers of the Ruzhou Army, who have been going smoothly, are no match for the elite peasant army who have been battle-tested.But at this time, Yu Zilian's personality charm appeared again.

Although he was a civil servant and came from the south of the Yangtze River, Yu Zilian rushed to the front line wearing armor and holding a sword that could only be used as an ornament.This suddenly made the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army boil.They gathered around Yu Zilian and fought bravely, and more and more people gathered. Not only did they repel several attacks by the peasant army, but they finally gathered more than 4000 people, occupied a corner of the camp and held it.

But at dawn, it was discovered that the Ruzhou Army had suffered heavy losses, and the only few artillery pieces fell into the hands of the Peasant Army.Although part of the food was preserved, most of the water collected with great difficulty was also lost.

After the excitement, the soldiers of Ruzhou Army fell into despair again.It was under such circumstances that Yu Zilian made this speech to stabilize the morale of the soldiers.

"My lord! Can we still be saved?" At this moment, the soldiers had the courage to ask Yu Zilian.

"I'm saved!" Yu Zilian replied without hesitation, "I have an appointment with Vice General Wu of Runing, and he will definitely arrive here before tomorrow. As long as everyone sticks to it with their lives, we will definitely be able to support Vice General Wu's arrival! "

"Really?" Some soldiers were still skeptical.

"Until today, have you ever lied to me?" Yu Zilian replied confidently, with a smile on his face, as if he had a plan in mind.

This made the soldiers feel at ease immediately.They all whispered to each other, and then someone shouted: "I am willing to die for my lord!"

Yu Zilian waved his hand, smiled and told the soldiers to be quiet, and then promised: "Although the casualties were heavy this time as bait, as long as you go back, everyone will be rewarded, and the dead will also be given a generous shirt. Please rest assured. The official will never break his promise!"

This made the morale of the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army even better!The cheers sounded again.

Yu Zilian, who jumped off the roof of the carriage, felt his feet go limp, and managed to support his big tent. Several celebrities surrounded him and asked, "My lord! Will Vice General Wu really come here?"

"Must come!" Yu Zilian replied firmly again, and then emphasized, "Although Mrs. Wu is vulgar, have you heard that he ever broke his promise?"

The famous people knew about Wu Shigong's reputation of Xinnuo, but they didn't know that these words were just lies told by Yu Zilian in order to stabilize the morale of the army, so they believed Yu Zilian's words and were relieved.

When he was alone, Yu Zilian remembered everything about today.Gradually, he thought of the Runing Army who was closest to him, but Yu Zilian really had no idea about whether his love rival Wu Shigong would come to help him!

So Yu Zilian gritted his teeth unknowingly, and he said viciously: "Pif Wu! If you really don't come to save me, then I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go!" (To be continued.. )

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