"Long respect! The weather is good this year, and the income from the fields is quite good, which is very gratifying!" Deng Qifan said with a smile.

"It's better to store them all. If there is any surplus money, buy it from the outside world. Don't buy it on our land. Also, control the outflow of grain, limit wine making, strictly control the rationing of grain, and beware of waste." Wu Shigong immediately confessed.

"And why?" Deng Qifan was a little surprised.Although people in the Ming Dynasty were used to storing grain at this time, it was rare for Wu Shigong to stockpile in such a pathological manner.You must know that grain cannot be stored for too long, the taste of old grain will deteriorate, and because of the large evaporation loss of water, and there is no modern constant temperature granary, the situation of grain mold and being stolen by rats is also very high. Seriously, so Deng Qifan originally wanted to sell a batch of grain and leave more cash for the Runing Army.

"Far away! You listen to me on this point. Years of disasters come and go, it's better to have food in hand!" Wu Shigong only knew that natural disasters occurred frequently in the late Ming Dynasty, resulting in poor harvests, which led to the rebellion of the peasant army all over the world.

Although the harvest has been bumper for two consecutive years, Wu Shigong absolutely does not dare to take it lightly, and is still preparing to store more grain.However, it was difficult for Wu Shigong to explain to Deng Qifan that he had traveled through time, because he knew something about it from later generations, so he still used his authority to suppress the order to reserve food.

Although Deng Qifan also disapproved of Wu Shigong's order, he also felt that it was a small problem, so there was no need to persuade Wu Shigong, so Deng Qifan changed the topic and said: "This time more than 800 soldiers will be discharged, and Chang Jing really wants to release them." Are they going home?".

The service period of the soldiers of the Runing Army is eight years, but because the combat time can be doubled, so now a group of soldiers have completed their service period.

These full-service soldiers can choose to continue to serve, or they can choose to retire.However, there are relatively few people who want to go to the battlefield to work their lives, so most of the soldiers who have completed their service this time chose to retire.

And what Deng Qifan meant was that it was now a war.Wu Shigong can use the name of general mobilization to keep these veterans in the Runing Army.In this troubled world, the more soldiers the better! [

If it was the original, maybe Wu Shigong would agree with Deng Qifan's approach, but now, with the form of conscripts such as guards from reclamation companies, the number of professional soldiers like the Runing Army must be controlled, and the maximum should not exceed 4.

Therefore, Wu Shigong said with a smile: "It's better to keep the promise! The situation of the war has not yet reached this point. Our Runing Army should raise our troops to the people. The good times have just passed, so we should save energy."

"But Chang Jing also needs to understand! This year's retired soldiers have a lot of worries. Next year, more than 300 soldiers will retire. Our Runing Army can also solve this problem. But from the next year onwards, there will be no less than [-] retired soldiers every year. They You have to consider the acres of land."

Although in these years, the Runing Army has obtained more than 100 million mu of land through various means such as seizure and purchase.In cooperation with officials and gentry, another 300 to [-] million mu were farmed, but with the assignment of retired soldiers, domestic slaves whose working hours had expired, and civil and military officials of the Runing Army, etc.I don't have much land left.So Deng Qifan will remind Wu Shigong here.

Wu Shigong thought about it, and it was indeed the case. Although there are still a few years left in the future, it is still necessary to plan ahead.So he said to Deng Qifan: "There are two ways: we can allow retired soldiers to ask for money and food in exchange for land; or we can distribute more land to those who are allocated in dangerous marginal areas. And encourage them to enter wasteland reclamation companies and go out to grab land. This time Yizhou has already cooperated with Zheng Guerrilla After negotiation, if there are volunteers, they can also be sent to Yizhou."

"Also, in the future, the soldiers of the Runing Army will try not to take on dangerous battles half a year before they retire, so that they can go home and reunite. Alas! How many wives and children are scattered in this world's war!"

"No matter what! The Runing Army can finally take a breather. In three more years, the long-term respect will be worrying!" Deng Qifan was still very optimistic at this time.In the past, Deng Qifan's hair was graying because of money and food, but this year he finally had a surplus, and Deng Qifan was still very happy.

"Ai——!" Wu Shigong did not accompany Deng Qifan to be happy, he said with a long sigh, "The future is unclear, and there will be many battles in the future, so we still need to worry about it!"

"Why?" Deng Qifan was a little strange, "Although the Shaanxi thieves are powerful, the imperial court has deployed more troops. Even if they fight to lose both sides, we will still be behind. Can you worry too much, my lord?"

"Yuanjin! Look at it! If the officers and soldiers are united, it may be as you said, but I see that this decree has many branches, and it is far inferior to the Shaanxi bandits under the mutual conspiracy. In my opinion, if we are not counted As far as the Runing army is concerned, the Shaanxi bandits have already gained the upper hand. And don’t forget, there are also the Tartars in Liaodong.”

"These barbarians can just come to my land of China to plunder money, and they will never rob my land. People who are outsiders, what farming do they know? transport."

After listening to Deng Qifan's words, Wu Shigong smiled and shook his head.These words were actually common thoughts among the officials and gentry at that time, no wonder Deng Qifan was like this.But Wu Shigong clearly knew that the Hou Jin of Liaodong would enter Shanhaiguan and establish the Qing Dynasty that lasted for more than 200 years.

But at this time, there is no need to say too much to Deng Qifan, so Wu Shigong said: "People who worry about the future must have near-term worries!"

After finishing the conversation, it was still early in the sky, so Wu Shigong wanted to see his son Wu Chengying's reading.But as soon as I walked to Wu Chengying's reading place, I saw my husband asking Wu Chengying to endorse.

Wu Chengying stuttered from the recitation, and obviously made a few mistakes. Seeing the expression on his husband's face, he obediently spread out his small palm, waiting for his punishment.The gentleman was also polite, and picked up the ruler on the desk. [

Wu Shigong's entrance obviously attracted the attention of the two of them.Wu Chengying looked at her father with tears in her eyes, and wanted to jump over and hide in her father's arms.But the remaining prestige of the husband is still there, and Wu Chengying didn't dare to move, just waiting for his father to speak to rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering.

But that gentleman seemed to turn a blind eye to Wu Shigong, still holding up the ruler to punish him.But he didn't rush down, he was also waiting for Wu Shigong to speak.

Wu Shigong hesitated for a moment, then quietly hid behind the door.Seeing the savior leave, Wu Chengying burst into tears, "Wow!", and the husband's ruler fell into his hands mercilessly.

It hit his son and hurt Wu Shigong's heart, but he still held back and stood outside the house waiting for the end of the study.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Wu Shigong finally waited until the teacher finished his homework.At this time, he appeared from behind the door and entered the study room again.

Wu Chengying didn't hold any grudges, so he immediately leaned on Wu Shigong's body and acted like a baby. After being intimate for a while, Wu Shigong ordered his mother-in-law to take Wu Chengying back to the inner house.

The gentleman who taught was Zhang Zhiheng, from Runing, who resigned and returned home when Wei Zhongxian was in power.After that, he taught in his hometown, and did not come to Beijing again after Emperor Chongzhen ascended the throne.

This time, Li Xin entrusted someone to invite Zhang Zhiheng to enlighten Wu Chengying. To everyone's surprise, this celebrity in Runing actually agreed.You must know that Wu Shigong's status is too humble, and people with a reputation like Zhang Zhiheng generally would not enter the Martial Arts Mansion to teach apprentices at the expense of their worth.

In fact, Zhang Zhiheng is also a sensible person. He has carefully observed Wu Shigong for a long time, and found that although his actions are somewhat shocking, they are also quite effective. With the rise of the Runing Army, Zhang Zhiheng also wants to join this thriving group.

But without hesitation, Zhang Zhiheng couldn't afford to lose face, so when he heard that the Wu Mansion invited him to be the second son's Kaimeng, he readily agreed and wanted to become Wu Shigong's confidant.

But after waiting so many days for Wu Shigong to appear, Zhang Zhiheng must of course perform well and judge whether Wu Shigong is a lord who can rely on him.

So seeing Wu Shigong take the initiative to salute first at this time, Zhang Zhiheng quickly stood up and returned the salute: "My lord, you are welcome. It is really rude not to be distracted and salute to your lord when you are disciplined just now. But your lord stood outside the door for a long time, respecting the teacher It can be seen that the heavy road is comparable to Chengmen Lixue, and the future is really limitless!"

So after the politeness, the two happily chatted about Wu Chengying's studies.But before he knew it, the topic led to the general trend of the world.

Zhang Zhiheng immediately became eloquent, pouring out all the opinions he had prepared for a long time.When Wu Shigong heard it, he really had extraordinary insights.There is no way to be ordinary. Almost none of the literati here in Wu Shigong have any experience in officialdom. Isn't Zhang Zhiheng standing out from the crowd when he appears?

Of course Wu Shigong invited Zhang Zhiheng to assist him, and it was not polite, so Zhang Zhiheng readily agreed.This is what the two of them wished for.

After saying goodbye, Wu Shigong suddenly saw Li Xin with a veil and a big belly going to the living room outside the door.Seeing Wu Shigong, Li Xin immediately gave a blessing and bowed to Wu Shigong with a smile on her face.

Wu Shigong hurriedly stepped forward to support Li Xin, and blamed him: "I'm an old man and wife, and you're heavy, so you can get rid of it after saluting. Where are you going?"

"My third brother is here! I wanted to see my husband, but my husband is busy, so I went to see him myself."

"Oh!" Wu Shigong understood. He heard Li Xin say a few days ago that his younger brothers wanted to join him after they knew that his brother-in-law had gained power.

So Wu Shigong said: "Don't work too hard. Keep him for dinner, no matter what, it will give him a good place to go."

For the addition of literati, Wu Shigong is of course the more the better, but officials like Zhang Zhiheng and Li Xin's younger brother who have already been labeled as Wu Chengying can easily cause the Runing Army to split in the future.So Wu Shigong is also very cautious, and can only control the use. (to be continued...)

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