The military flag is fluttering, and the horses are rustling.Lu Xiangsheng watched his Tianxiong army line up neatly, and couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction on his face.After so many years of painstaking efforts, this powerful army finally sent itself into the ranks of top civil servants.

In fact, in terms of the construction and use of the Tianxiong Army, Lu Xiangsheng is quite similar to Wu Shigong who owns the Runing Army, that is, the Anning Yunyang area is the main area, with limited attacks, and the Xunyang area is used for support.This approach can not only preserve one's own strength, but also rely on the base area to obtain greater results, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, Lu Xiangsheng also had good reasons for doing so.Yunyang is the modern city of Shiyan in Hubei Province.He is located at the northern foot of Wudang, south of the Han River, at the intersection of the four central cities of Wuhan, Chongqing, Xi'an, and Zhengzhou. It is justifiable to use one's own army to defend one's own territory.

However, it can also be seen from here that Lu Xiangsheng who did this gained a very high prestige in the court, while Wu Shigong who did the same thing became notorious. Leaving aside those "messy" reasons, it can only make people sigh This civil and military is too fucking different.

At this time, the Tianxiong Army had more than 4000 people. Except for the [-] backbones that Lu Xiangsheng brought to Yunyang, the rest were recruited locally in Yunyang.

Because of years of fighting, coupled with Lu Xiangsheng's familiarity with military affairs and good training, the combat effectiveness of the Tianxiong Army is quite strong.There are also supplies from the imperial court and local support from Yunyang, and their equipment is also very sophisticated.

There are nearly [-] war horses alone, and more than [-] other mules and horses.Every soldier has armor above cotton armor, and the most elite six thousand are still wearing leather armor and iron armor.Judging from the armor, this popularity has surpassed that of the Runing Army.However, because of the personal characteristics of the coach Lu Xiangsheng, the firearms and equipment of the Tianxiong Army are not as good as the Runing Army.

Because the weapon Lu Xiangsheng used in battle was a big knife weighing more than a hundred catties.Therefore, the Tianxiong Army prefers to fight in hand-to-hand combat.But even so, the quantity and quality of their firearms and equipment exceeded that of the general Ming army.

It can be seen here that Yunyang alone can support more than 4000 elite soldiers.Then look at Wu Shigong, who raised tens of thousands of soldiers with the land of two prefectures; and Yu Zilian, who raised 8000 troops with the land of one state. It can be seen that it is really not difficult to raise soldiers in the Ming Dynasty as long as you put your heart into it. [

In fact, the places in the Ming Dynasty were still very wealthy, and the cost of recruiting soldiers was quite cheap, but why could Lu Xiangsheng and the others do it, but other local officials couldn't?Other ears, not corrupt!

"Master, do you really want to keep these 2000 people?" Lu Xiangsheng's chief counselor, Yang Tinglin, asked.Yang Tinglin has been with Lu Xiangsheng's staff since the Tianxiong Army became an army. He is also known for his knowledge of military affairs and his good strategy. He is an important assistant of Lu Xiangsheng.

Lu Xiangsheng replied with a smile: "This governor is no longer the governor of the past, and has taken charge of the military affairs of the five provinces. And Yunyang is a heavy place. We must leave an army to guard, so it has to be."

Because it is necessary to fight the peasant army with a large number of people.Lu Xiangsheng must have as many soldiers as possible.But in order to keep Yunyang.Also in order not to leave empty airs for the new Yunyang Fuzhi and make the two of them ugly in the officialdom, Lu Xiangsheng still had to leave behind two thousand heroes.So the positions are different, and the angles of thinking about the problem are also different, and there is no way to do it.

"It's enough for Yunyang to have those soldiers!" Although he knew Lu Xiangsheng's reasoning, Yang Tinglin couldn't help complaining.

When Lu Xiangsheng was in Fuzhi Yunyang.An auxiliary army of more than 4000 men was also conscripted.Due to the frequent wars in Yunyang, the auxiliary soldiers also joined the battle in many cases, so this auxiliary army also has a certain combat effectiveness.

However, Lu Xiangsheng didn't care about Yang Tinglin's complaints.Because he also knew that Yang Tinglin had this temper.So Lu Xiangsheng said with a smile: "The Zuo and Zu towns have respected the order of the governor, and the troops are sufficient. Now the bandits are fighting fiercely with Governor Hong in Shanxi. For the governor, the most important thing for the governor is to prevent the bandits from entering Huguang and Yu. "

But Yang Tinglin knew that Lu Xiangsheng had issued orders to the four troops.In addition to Zuo Liangyu and Zu Kuan's troops, Yu Zilian's and Runing's troops, which have been in the limelight recently, have received orders from Lu Xiangsheng.

However, the two troops refused the order unceremoniously.Yu Zilian replied politely, telling Lu Xiangsheng: Because the Ruzhou Army fought too much today and the soldiers were exhausted, they couldn't send troops this time.But when the rest is over, Yu Zilian will also lead his troops to join Lu Xiangsheng.

But the Runing Army ignored Lu Xiangsheng at all, and just asked the messenger to bring back a message: The Runing Army is a local army in Henan, and it must first obey the order of Henan Governor Li Xianfeng.

But Lu Xiangsheng knew that although he could control Henan governor Li Xianfeng in name, Li Xianfeng was also responsible for the peace of Henan, so he would not let go of any Henan army.If he discusses with Li Xianfeng to mobilize the Runing Army, it is definitely seeking skin from a tiger.Therefore, the matter of mobilizing the Runing Army can only be left alone.

"Governor Hong's policy is not to suppress the thieves, but to drive the thieves out of Shaanxi. At that time, it will be the responsibility of the governor!" Yang Tinglin said bluntly in front of Lu Xiangsheng.

Because everyone around him was his own people, Lu Xiangsheng didn't stop Yang Tinglin's words.He could only smile wryly and said: "Let's each lead their own rules! I really don't know where the rebel army will go, but there are already Zuo and Zu towns in Yujing, and this governor is also the first to protect the peace of Huguang."

It is always a passive thing to stop the powerful peasant army on the long line of defense, because Lu Xiangsheng has no idea which road the peasant army will leave Shaanxi.

However, in addition to being the governor of the five provinces, Lu Xiangsheng also served as the governor of Huguang.In addition, Huguang, the granary of the world, is always more important than other regions, so Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army can only choose to defend the peasant army before entering Huguang. [

Besides, when the peasant army re-entered Henan, Yu Zilian and Wu Shigong, who did not obey the supervisor's orders, had to work hard, because Henan was also their territory.Hong Chengchou could turn suppression into driving and throw the problem to Lu Xiangsheng, so of course Lu Xiangsheng can also use this trick to throw the problem to Li Xianfeng, Yu Zilian and Wu Shigong.

But Yang Tinglin was still a little dissatisfied: "The Yu Shi's newcomer was lucky enough to win a big victory; Vice General Wu is even a wealthy dude, who can stop the thief? Why not bring his teacher to the supervisor, what a pity!"

Lu Xiangsheng burst out laughing when he heard this. On the one hand, Yang Tinglin belittled Yu Zilian and Wu Shigong, but on the other hand, he wanted to recruit the powerful army in the hands of these two people.Although Lu Xiangsheng thought the same way, it was still whimsical after all.

So Lu Xiangsheng said with a smile: "Yu Ruzhou and Wu Runing are young, but they always have great talents. After all, the governor controls the five provinces. After meeting them, it's better to appease and win them over!" (To be continued...)

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