And Wu Shigong's life during this time was quite leisurely.In fact, for the superiors, as long as they are on the right track, all affairs will be handled by the subordinates according to their responsibilities, but the person himself does not need to bother, as long as he gives orders and checks.

And Runing Army once again took advantage of this free time to set off a wave of marriage climax.Wu Shigong himself also participated in several games, such as Quan Dashan, the vice-captain of his personal army, who finally got his wish and got married with the prostitute daughter of a large local family.

However, for the competition for the diamond king and the fifth, the scene was tragic, and Mrs. Quan and Quan Dashan, who were born in poverty, were completely dazzled by those women from good families, and they were dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.

In the end, Mrs. Quan and Quan Dashan could only turn to Wu Shigong for help.So Wu Shigong also set a principle: not to marry the daughters of high-ranking civil and military officials in the Runing Army;

At this time, Wu Shigong began to consider issues more and more from a political point of view.He will not let another powerful group appear in the Runing Army, so for a confidant like Quan Dashan, his marriage problem is not just his own problem.

But Wu Shigong is sensible about the marriage of his subordinates, but his own private life is messed up.After holding back for quite a while, Wu Shigong finally found an opportunity to avoid the guards like Tao Xin, and came to the other side of the Runing army camp, the house where Li's mother was placed.

Seeing Wu Shigong, Li's mother cried bitterly and acted like a baby, showing eighteen martial arts.It was not until the two of them were lying naked in the bed that Li's mother told Wu Shigong about her heart disease.

Like many brothel women when they were young, Li's mother also used drugs to cause infertility.But with the prosperity of Li's mother's entertainment industry, she has accumulated a lot of wealth in her hands.

She also wanted to have something to support her old age, to have a sustenance, and even more to have an heir, so Mother Li turned her idea on Wu Shigong.So she brought a lot of women to Wu Shigong to try out, and she wanted to keep the son and mother to adopt a descendant for herself. [

Unexpectedly, such behavior led to the old mother's house arrest.But Li's mother had little knowledge, she didn't know that this was the decision of Deng Qifan and other Runing Army officials to protect Wu Shigong's safety, and thought it was just a jealous turmoil.So she begged Wu Shigong: at least let her bring the women from outside to enter the camp again.

Wu Shigong was immediately dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, his act of stealing food was suddenly exalted to the point of saving a young woman who had stumbled.But in his heart, Wu Shigong still sympathized with Li's mother.Due to his status, Wu Shigong would definitely not take Li's mother into the inner house, but her idea is difficult to realize now.If you can casually bring women from outside into the camp, then why is there any need to put Mama Li under house arrest?

So Wu Shigong could only coax and lie, and gave Li's mother a very vague answer.But that's the answer.It also made Li's mother full of joy.Maybe Li's mother, who has social experience, already knows that Wu Shigong is lying, but as long as there is hope, she is still willing to choose to believe, even if she deceives herself and others, she will not hesitate.

After the Runing Army became rich and powerful, it successively issued several large orders for the purchase of ordnance.The acquisition of this order adopted the form of bidding from more than two workshops.

unexpected.As expected, most of the orders this time were obtained by private workshops that were not run by the Runing Army, such as Yima's Weaving Workshop and Bian's Ironwork Workshop. Be superior.

The situation was even worse, it was almost one-sided, if it wasn't for Deng Qifan and the others to mediate behind the scenes.Coupled with the fact that the private workshop that received the order promised to subcontract part of the workshop of Runing Army, Runing Army's own workshop was almost on the verge of shutting down.

For this reason, Yang Goudan, the director of the workshop department, came to Wu Shigong to plead guilty.Wu Shigong didn't say anything, because coming from modern society, she always knows that the production efficiency of state-owned enterprises is far inferior to that of private enterprises.

Of course, Wu Shigong cannot let this kind of free competition go.After all, the workshop of the Runing Army is also responsible for the manufacture of core weapons; the support of important industries with large investment and slow returns; and the basic life of refugees.

Therefore, after discussing with the senior civil and military officers of the Runing Army.The Runing Army will gradually cash out the highly profitable industries through the stock exchange, and reinvest in a number of industries such as papermaking, shipbuilding, brick kilns, etc., completely transforming the financial revenue of the Runing Army into one, mainly relying on industrial taxation within the jurisdiction Mainly, supplemented by other income.

With Li Xianfeng's appointment, the officialdom in Henan has undergone a major reshuffle.What is related to the Runing Army is that Guan Kesong, the prefect of Runing, was promoted to Henan Chief Envoy Si You to participate in politics this time.

Guan Kesong made a big leap this time.He suddenly became the third in command of Henan civil servants.But Guan Kesong is well aware that his promotion is completely dependent on the political achievements brought to him by the Runing Army.So even though he has been promoted, in order to secure his position in the future, Guan Kesong still needs to have a closer relationship with Wu Shigong.

So before parting.Guan Kesong personally invited Wu Shigong to the banquet, and the two had a cordial conversation.For Wu Shigong, Guan Kesong, the magistrate, was pretty good. Although there were some minor conflicts between the two of them, Guan Kesong still chose to support Wu Shigong in matters such as the three decrees.

So with the foundation of cooperation, the two of them talked a lot easier.Wu Shigong also hopes to have a spokesperson in Henan official circles, since Guan Kesong is willing, let him be the spokesperson.

So finally an agreement was reached: Guan Kesong knew that he could not order Wu Shigong; Wu Shigong also knew that Guan Kesong could not influence him; but the court thought that Guan Kesong could order Wu Shigong; and Wu Shigong also made the court think that Guan Kesong could order himself.

Although this agreement looks like a tongue twister, it is also the real situation of the two people's agreement. [

After reaching an agreement, Wu Shigong would of course have to express something.In addition to sending a very heavy Cheng Yi, the Runing Army also sent [-] soldiers to send Guan Kesong and his family to Kaifeng to take office.This is not only to ensure the safety of Guan Kesong, but also to show outsiders the "close" relationship between the two.

Unlike Wu Shigong's leisurely attitude, Zhou Xun devoted himself to busy preparations as soon as he took office.Now Zhou Xun has the two armies of the Runing Army, Li Lu's 1 miscellaneous brands, and the Tuanlian Township of the Land Reclamation Firm with more than [-] people.

If combat power is not counted, Zhou Xun has already mastered more than [-] troops.However, the defense area of ​​this army has also expanded a lot. At least in the agreement with Yan Jing, the new prefect of Ruzhou, the southern area of ​​Ruzhou City is now protected by the Runing Army.

Moreover, what Zhou Xun lacked the most was cavalry. The Runing Army only had more than 1000 cavalry, and Li Lu's cavalry was only nearly [-], so both reconnaissance and maneuvering were in a very difficult situation.

But Zhou Xun is still very excited, after all, it is the first time to lead the army alone.For Wu Shigong's trust, Zhou Xun also thought it was repayment, and only hoped to get a big victory, so as to hand in a satisfactory answer.

However, Yu Zilian did not leave Ruzhou immediately after taking over his new post. He wanted to squeeze Ruzhou as much as possible to equip his Ruzhou army.And Yan Jing didn't dare to go too far, so she could only be a coward and let Yu Zilian drink the last mouthful of soup.

So Yu Zilian expanded the Ruzhou Army to 1 people, and even gathered more than 800 cavalry.With the remaining [-] Ruzhou Army soldiers as the core, he stepped up his training and prepared for the upcoming battle at any time.

But the most surprising thing is that among all the Ming troops except the Runing Army, Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army has the worst combat effectiveness, the worst equipment, and the least combat experience, but their cohesion is the strongest and their morale is the highest. High, but also the most aggressive.This... This can only be found in Yu Zilian, the coach, for the reason!

After Li Xianfeng took office, of course, he also discovered Li Bingbeidao's recklessness and withdrew, resulting in the undefended border of Henan.But at this time, it is impossible for Li Xianfeng to return to the teacher again, not to mention whether there is too little time, it will take a certain amount of time for him to get familiar with the generals under his command.

So Li Xianfeng decided to keep the same in response to all changes, and ordered the Runing Army to be responsible for the defense of southern Henan.Luoyang General Soldier Wang Shaoyu led his troops to defend Luoyang City and the Yellow River in Henan Province. He personally integrated the official army in Henan and formed a mobile corps to rescue everywhere.

Under the integration of Li Xianfeng, an army of 3000 people was finally formed. Because it has the equipment of the Henan arsenal in Kaifeng City, and Li Xianfeng, the governor, can call the Henan official warehouse, so the equipment of this army is quite excellent. After being detained by officials, soldiers can still get part of it.

The main force among them was Chen Yongfu, the Kaifeng commander personally promoted by Li Xianfeng. His more than 6000 troops had rich combat experience, and Chen Yongfu had always been a low-key person, so he immediately became Li Xianfeng's right-hand man.

In October of the eighth year of Chongzhen.

Due to natural and man-made disasters in Shaanxi, depression is everywhere.The number of the peasant army has also increased significantly, and it is naturally not easy to find rations.In addition, the fierce battle with Hong Chengchou lost nearly the average peasant army. Therefore, except for a few peasant armies such as Li Zicheng who remained in Shaanxi, Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang, Lao Huihui Ma Shouying, Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong, Yizi Wang, and Chong Tens of thousands of people from Tianwang and other ministries left Tongguan and entered Henan.

And the old man who escaped with his elite last time returned to Ma Shouying. He asked his subordinates to dress up as the Ming army, went to Shanzhou to pretend to change horses, took the opportunity to break into the customs chamber, and captured this important town in northwestern Henan in one fell swoop.It opened the way for the peasant army to enter Henan.

Facing the dusty peasant army, the team was forty miles wide and hundreds of miles long, with the old and the weak in the middle, and the elite riders outside.The two armies of Zuo Liangyu and Zu Kuan, the commander in chief, were separated by seventy li, "Looking at the top of the mountain, I dare not invite an attack."

The all-out battle between the peasant army and the Ming army in Henan started like this! (to be continued...)

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