Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 587 New Formation of Runing Army

Yang Sichang is undoubtedly a very capable person, and his debut is quite amazing.In his response to Emperor Chongzhen, Yang Sichang had a strategy, a plan, a soldier's salary, and a commander in his conversation.We can also compare, compared to Yuan Chonghuan's summoning on the platform at that time, the performance of the two is really different!

The only question now is whether Yang Sichang's countermeasures can solve practical problems.What I am most afraid of is that, like Zhao Kuo, come to talk on paper.But in any case, Emperor Chongzhen still felt like a treasure, so he immediately let Yang Sichang do a big job.

Not to mention that Yang Sichang was busy preparing his "Ten Faces Zhangwang", first mention Wu Shigong in Runing!

During this period of time, Wu Shigong first formed the new Runing Army.

First of all, another cavalry regiment was formed, and the two cavalry regiments were merged to form a cavalry town named Pegasus Town.Li Sanhe became the commander of Pegasus Town in one fell swoop, and Liang Hui and Chu Ge served as the commanders of the two cavalry regiments.However, in Wu Shigong's plan, in the future, Feima Town will form three cavalry regiments, a mobile group with a total of [-] cavalry.

The Guide Army moved west to the headquarters and was renamed the Runing Army.The Supplies Corps was reorganized into the Main Battle Corps and renamed Rubei Corps.Yu Ji served as the head of the Rubei Army, and Yuan Shizhong was the deputy head of the army.

The Runing Army formed another heavy artillery regiment directly under it. Together with the artillery regiment directly under it, they formed an artillery regiment, and the commander of the regiment was still Xiong Zhengen.

In addition, the directly subordinate engineering regiment was separated.The leader is Yao Liang, and the deputy leader is Fu Sheng.

The above troops, together with the teaching corps and rotation training corps, formed the new Huhou Town.Huhou Town has 7000 soldiers, and He Fei is the leader.

And Qian Qi's Runing Legion will be renamed Runan Legion this time, and the future garrison will be in Runan.An independent regiment and an independent cavalry battalion were newly formed in Guide.A new Guide Army was formed, and Shumo was the head of the army.In order to strengthen the strength of the Guide Army, Wu Shigong also dispatched two militia groups to Guide, under the command of Shumo.

As for the Nanyang Legion and Tuanlian Town, there are not many changes this time, and they are still under the command of Zhou Xun.But now Tuanlian Town has grown to more than 3000 people, including more than 1000 cavalry, and its strength is getting bigger and bigger.

In Xinyang, a new marine regiment will be formed.The two Marine regiments will merge into the Marine Corps.The head of the regiment is temporarily vacant, and Gonzales will serve as the deputy head of the army and head of the new Marine Corps.

In particular, except for cavalry.This time, the Rubei Army and Guide Army are composed of [-]% officers and soldiers plus [-]% conscripts.The conscripts only get living expenses equivalent to [-]% of the military pay, and their service period is not the eight years of soldiers, but only three years.It's just that after retiring from the army, each person can be allocated ten acres of land or enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Workshop and other Runing military institutions.

Wu Shigong formed such an army to prepare for future violence.If the effect can be.Wu Shigong will gradually reorganize the five militia groups and Tuanlian towns into such an army.

Because the military commander's combat bureau was empty, Wu Shigong called in three more outstanding commanders.The personnel changes below are not listed in detail.A fair number of well-behaved officers got promoted anyway.

Yang Goudan's workshop director is working overtime again, but this time there are some military and civilian items that can be produced by private workshops such as Bian's Ironware Workshop, so it is not a big problem to equip them on time.

The only thing that is a little troublesome is the war horse.Runing Army's own horse farm has formed a scale, which can provide more than 800 horses every year.However, Henan is not a ranch after all, so the number of these horses that can be used as war horses is at most a hundred.

Therefore, this time the Runing Army is newly created.Wu Shigong will purchase 50 war horses.But now because the world is in constant war and the Qing Dynasty is rampant outside the customs, the price of war horses is very high, and the price of a common one is more than [-] taels.

Although the two great victories seized a huge amount of property.The finances of the Runing Army suddenly became tense again.Moreover, the large investment of the Runing Army is not limited to this item. Because Li Lu became the general soldier of Nanyang, Zhou Xun followed Wu Shigong's order to clear up the bandits between Ye County and Nanyang, and began to restore part of the original Nanyang iron mine. production.

A large sum of money is required to restore the mining area, build new iron materials, and iron workshops.Fortunately, due to Ye Zhong's concealment, the imperial court did not know that the peace of this area had been restored. Otherwise, if Nanyang Iron Mine was taken back to the inner court again, Wu Shigong's investment would be in vain.

But even if he had money, he couldn't buy so many war horses all of a sudden. Wu Shigong could only equip the nasty horses first, and then asked Wu Shili to contact his eldest brother Wu Shixun, and slowly bought them through his relationship with Taipusi.

Another thing Wu Shigong was concerned about was of course going to the Liu Guoneng Ministry in the Dabie Mountains.

Due to the connivance and secret support of the Runing Army, the strength of Liu Guoneng's Ministry has expanded rapidly, and they have also entered an area with weak defenses.So when he arrived at the Dabie Mountains, Liu Guoneng's peasant army had expanded to more than 6 people.

Such a large force of course attracted the remnants of the peasant army hiding in the Dabie Mountains to vote one after another, so Liu Guoneng's department expanded to nearly 8 people.

But Wu Shigong is worried about one thing now. He doesn't want Liu Guoneng to rely on the Dabie Mountains as a base to go to the nearby areas to make small troubles, but wants Liu Guoneng to drive to Nanjing and stir up the areas near Nanjing into a mess.

But Liu Guoneng already has such great strength, will he still obey Wu Shigong's command?To be honest, Wu Shigong himself had no idea.Moreover, Wu Shigong was afraid that Liu Guoneng would bite back and invade Runan in turn, or invade Guide through Fengyang Mansion.

So now the main force of the Runing Army is still leaning south, just to guard against Liu Guoneng's backlash.Moreover, if Liu Guoneng didn't obey the command, Wu Shigong would send troops again to completely wipe out Liu Guoneng's department.Otherwise, the Runing Army will face the dilemma of fighting on two fronts.

Therefore, Wu Shigong secretly recruited Liu Guoneng this time, taking a dangerous move.Recently, Wu Shigong himself was a little uneasy.Sometimes he also thinks with self-deprecation: Is he a little self-inflicted?

Fortunately, Liu Guoneng has not disobeyed orders so far.However, Wu Shigong never dared to take it lightly, he still kept an eye on Liu Guoneng's situation.

And under such circumstances, in February of the tenth year of Chongzhen, the imperial envoy who passed the decree came to Runing Mansion, and he read to Wu Shigong: Wu Shigong was promoted to the imperial decree of Runing Commander-in-Chief, and asked Wu Shigong to rush to the capital to face the Holy Spirit on a certain day. Debriefing. (To be continued..)

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